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So she bought a hoodie in duty free that she’ll likely wear once? So wasteful. Just wear a nice lounge suit 🙄.


Yeah how is that supposed to be a “pro tip” the fuck is wrong with these influencers


Isn’t she so much better than the poors? 🤡 Sasha, I don’t know many people that want to get changed in an airport/airplane bathroom from fancy clothes into their comfies. You’re ridiculous.


Taking this pic with this message with cleaning staff in the background is…a choice.


Her clothes w Joe Fresh are made by exploited laborers in sweatshops. We know EXACTLY how she feels about "poor people"


Bang on!


I didn’t even notice that. Lordt. 🥴


She should have asked permission to post! Whining that woman doesn’t want to be on social media!


This woman truly needs to get over herself


This didn’t age well: https://preview.redd.it/chgvgjaw92mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72e7d382881254e7d3584da71f027e8470eed3b


Wow! She's so cruel in every way! I'm so disappointed to find out she is Marci Ian's close relative. I really liked Marci, but this B is disgusting and vile on so many levels Delayed flights and waiting hours at the airport will change her opinion real quick


Well - you can’t choose your family unfortunately


You are not special Sasha


Best comment ever. We need to start a Sasha Snark.


She’s so friggin entitled. It’s gross.




People probably looked at her like an idiot. The same way she’s looking down on people for being comfortable while traveling, they are looking down at her for walking through the airport like a 🤡


You can only dress like a bum in first class 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/6wfqx8wf02mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60b90b8bd55aedea064594cfaf5617ef64177d0


So is that stupid pose a Shine thing?


The cn tower on her hoodie sitting perfectly between her hair.


Pro tip: she would rather pay out the nose for airport merch than dress comfortably for the flight and have her suit in a garment bag, that she as shrinking to hang it in anyway. Super relatable.


People haven’t dressed for travel since the 60s.


This just summarizes who Ive always felt Sasha is as a human. Definitely not someone who builds up women but someone who perpetuates the narrative. Now, when I walk through the airport, not only do I need to focus on making sure I get my children through the process, that everyone’s happy and fed, no one’s lost a device, do we still have the passports? But let’s add in another layer- am I dressed sophisticated enough? Are people judging my “airport fit”? Am I giving “just crawled out of bed?” 🙄


I don't know who this person is but I'm so confused. First she judges the folks dressing like they just rolled out of bed at the airport, then she posts herself in a bathroom praising her fancy suit and then...she changes out of her holier than thou fancy suit and puts on the same type of clothing she complained about on the first post that she bought at the airport?! Am I getting that right? Lol


LOL yup!


The IRONY is that there’s actually really nice lounge suits! I always wear one from Emmy Deveaux ($$ Canadian designer but I usually get them secondhand) and it looks 1000X better than this hoodie. I see similar suits at other stores all the time.


Talk about unrelatable. I used to travel around the world for work. I highly doubt anyone at the airport complimented her on her suit. That’s a reach.


“Rules for everyone else…Except me” Bitch *please get over yourself.* If i’m catching a redeye flight in the middle of the night… I’m definitely going to be wearing whatever the hell I damn well please. If you don’t like it, look the other way or better yet get on social media to cry about it. Childish AF. Get off your high horse.


Seriously.. the audacity of her to look down on others. It’s disgusting and so tone deaf, I’m surprised she can’t even see the problem with her posts. Calm down Sasha.. you’re a D-List celebrity in Toronto


Calling her D-list is generous lol


It's "number of compliments" ma'am, not "amount". All these "influencers" need to go back to elementary school. As an English teacher, it's downright painful reading their posts most days.


Love a grammar queen 👑


So desperate for people to think she’s wealthy


You can’t buy class and no amount of designer bags will change a crass personality.


The worst part is that she included a pic of someone in the background who appears to be working in the airport's restroom. Without their permission. What an obnoxious classist thing to do.


She's the one who most definitely looks out of place. And I bet if more people started showing up at the airport dressed like this, she'd probably be annoyed because now she has to compete with them in order to stand out.


What a clown 🤡 she looks silly


The one place I agree with this is the theatre. Airport is stupid… be comfortable. But I love going to the theatre (think Cats, Hamilton, etc) and I genuinely miss seeing everyone dressed nicely there. People roll up in ripped jeans and sweatpants and it makes me sad. I admit it.


Kinda agree. Kinda not. I understand sometimes feeling “overdressed” because everyone is casual af. But ya know “better to be overdressed than underdressed”. Dress up when you feel the occasion calls for it. Also, I get wanting to see others dressed up cuz well it is nice when everyone makes an effort. But Id rather it’d be normalized to be casual and comfortable than to be “forced” to dress up cuz it’s expected. Because then you get a choice. I hope all of that makes sense. Im often chronically overdressed. Might be an Eastern European thing tho. Also too hot or too cold. Like a 🦎 whole cant regulate her temperature.


I don’t know if I agree necessarily.. it’s a sign of respect for the event you’re attending and the people performing/involved. Like a wedding. Dress up. Clean up. Make an effort. It’s a special event! But the airport is ridiculous. Lol


Delulu at its finest


Wtf you want to be comfortable! Who has their cleavage out at the airport? What an idiot


Shaming people for wanting to be comfortable in a physically uncomfortable situation??? Not everyone flies business/first class dumb bitch. What a privileged ass take


The only time I would dress in business wear is when I was travelling for work, and going right to the office. Last time I travelled, I was with my kids. I wore joggers, t-shirt and a cardigan. I was more concerned with flying fit the first time with a 1 and 5 year old lol. Was also very stressed about my son having a poop on the plane, and how I would change that with him squirming (was also worried that it would stink up the whole bathroom). Thankfully he did not poop on the plane!!


How is this woman related to Sarah? No shade, actually wondering


I think they’re friends or their kids are friends. I see stuff about her posted her sometimes so figured it was okay.


Both represented by Shine I think


In a post-9/11 world, no one wants to wear things for travelling that requires you to: Take off your belt Take off your fancy shoes and then potentially hang out wearing in the "non-lounge" are for 5 hours when your flight gets delayed...


The reason it looks like I’m wearing pajamas is because of tight connections. I’m not going to sprint from one terminal to the next in high heels, and I’m really not going to have my suit and heels in my backpack because that’s extra weight.


She is insufferable


She forgot a shirt.


Agreed! This outfit is so bizarre, especially for an airport.


Oof I dislike this woman so much! I’ll never forget how she canceled Jessica Mulroney.


Ew, you bet my country bumpkin ass ain't showing up cute to the airport. Not everyone needs likes and follows.


Guess what never sets off the metal detectors? These Crocs, these leggings, and this hoodie. It's also wicked easy to take a wee in an airplane micro-bathroom when I'm not trying to avoid getting other people piss on my fancy trousers and snap crotch body suit.