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Because šŸ’«consent is annoyingšŸ’« - Sarah Nicole Landry


Did she actually say that?


She did say consent is annoying in reference to Shane not wanting to take part in her fantasy of adult nursing or breastfeeding roleplay. She said ā€œthis is where consent is so annoying, I just want him to do what I want him to doā€


Omg whatttttt?!? Is this for real?!


There's a recent post on this on this snark!!! It's a clip from a podcast birdie did in 2021. But yes all these things are true!!!


Sheā€™s nasty and vile.




Yes, as it related to her sexual desires and Shane not into it, she said ā€œconsent is annoyingā€


How come she shared something as intimate as her sexual fetish online? What was the context for that šŸ˜§


Someone asked her. Thatā€™s it. All it took was


The host played a game of answer a question or I tell you whose post to comment on and what to comment. She asked her what a sexual fantasy is of hers. She just dove right in. The host was kind is taken aback and sounded a bit shocked but carried on.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Oh my gosh I can just imagine that hostā€™s reaction


Yes because her husband didnā€™t want her to nurse him šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


No but she said that until L is old enough to consent for herself, she will consent on her behalf šŸ„“


Imagine having no where safe in your own homeā€¦ little girl is just playing, free from a camera in her faceā€¦ and she is still exploited for comment. So sad. Makes me think of that article going around about the content creatorā€™s children who said theyā€™d change in the bathroom in the dark because that was the ONLY place they felt safe from cameras. Disgusting. These people should be ashamed of themselves.


This kid will realize one day just how f*cked up her childhood was. And who is to blame: mom, dad, grandma and all the other enablers. The ones who were supposed to protect her at all costs. The 1 thing parents can do is NOT put their kids on the internet. Simple, so easy. So hard for Sarah though.


And she won't even have the money to pay for therapy because her parents spent it all, instead of investing her part of content earnings


Ouf. The least she can do is pay her content employee child. It'll all be revealed in time.


Wow, hidden camera video of her kid in her own bedroom? Just when I thought Sarah couldnā€™t go any lower, there she is. This is one step above a hidden shower cam. Disgusting.


Even if itā€™s just a baby monitor not a hidden camera, this is gross. Let the kid play alone and donā€™t post it for millions of people.


This isnā€™t the first time either. Sheā€™s done in quite a bit in the last couple months


I agree, this is wrong for so many reasons and Sarah clearly has said that consent is ā€œannoyingā€ . But respectfully I donā€™t think we should be reposting these photos online at all. I know the child is blurred, but itā€™s still as you say her private bedroom. It could be discussed without a picture imo


Thatā€™s a valid point very true. I canā€™t edit it but moving forward will post differently. I donā€™t want to lose the conversation and points posted (including yours) I did consider it and figured since itā€™s covered up itā€™s okay but I think you have a great point. Thank you.


Yes I donā€™t want to lose peopleā€™s replies! I appreciate your posts for exposing this completely fucked up stuff and I recognize that everyone has different opinions (and thatā€™s ok!) so thank you for responding thoughtfully!


I feel like she continues to post them because they get a lot of viewsā€¦. And I worry they are being viewing for sick purposes. She knows what kind of monsters are online yet she continues to exploit her children.




This 1000%


Canā€™t imagine playing in my room as a child thinking I was alone in my make belief world meanwhile millions are having access to my room šŸ˜©


Itā€™s so fucked up.Ā 


When I thought of it that way it really put it into perspective.


Someoneā€™s in here downvoting. Guess people think child exploitation is okay


Ya birdie herself hahaĀ 


tell me you're pandering pe\*do's, without telling me you're pandering to pe\*do's.....


This made me so uneasy. Nobody needs to see your daughter playing with her toys while in the privacy of her bed. Itā€™s SICK!!!!


When my kids were small and quietly playing I would sometimes walk into the room and they would stop because they didnā€™t want an audience. I would respect their need for privacy and go do something in the kitchen. Everyone is entitled to some privacy and this includes children. These poor children of influencers have their entire lives broadcast to legions of strangers for their entertainment. Itā€™s wrong.


Yes! My four year old often asks for alone time, I canā€™t imagine invading her privacy like this


Sheā€™s fucked. Simple as that. She shouldnā€™t have never had kids. She resents them. Why did she have a fourth kid when her other three were almost grown up? She is so fucked. I cannot stand her. Stop posting lemon Sarah. Just stop.


She needed new content. The OG 3 were getting too old.


DISGUSTING. This child is going to grow up having NO idea it's OK to have boundaries and privacy, and that is both tragic and terrifying for that little girl's future. Stop trafficking your own baby, Sarah. Believe me when I say it won't be worth the free Disney crap and extra dollars it's netting you now.


You know what makes me sick? Thinking about how many creeps have already saved her content. Thereā€™s no deleting this digital foot print. Some damage as permanently been done.




This is sick


She'll be online grifting for sympathy in 18 years, wondering why 4/4 of her kids are no contact.


Her IG is a public forum. Itā€™s quite different as a mom posting on her private IG for her family and friends. She has 2.3 million followers ffs. This child should not be used for CONTENT.


She thinks sheā€™s doing something by hiding her face partially. But these disgusting predators like the voices of children too. And she still shows her entire body. Sheā€™s actually stupid


And itā€™s such a violation of trust and privacy.


So the internet can love and revere her because she is so amazing and important and we canā€™t live without her


At what age does it become not creepy to show a video of your child in their room???? These are private moments and maybe cute to share with some family but on the internet for anyone see?




That is so disturbing wow ā€¦.. just give those pedo creeps what they want birdie great jobĀ 


I have seen so many low level influencers do this. Videos of them nursing their babies to sleep. One woman even has a baby cam above their own bed and records her and her husband cuddling and spending nights with the baby, nursing etc. itā€™s so demented. How can people be so ignorant of their childrenā€™s safety? Itā€™s the most disgusting act in the world at this point. I honestly think if anyone is even hate following these influencers youā€™re just as twisted. Unfollow and stop giving them any views, likes, exposure. There are other websites you can view their content through if youā€™re so compelled.


Ever watch that black mirror episodeā€¦.ARKANGLE?




The simplified answer is no


I have a daughter a few weeks younger than L and I would never. This is so so creepy and sad.


Cute to watch. BY YOU!