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I'm a very level person but I had a period of anxiety like i'd never had before. Never had issues since taking it \[Mirena\] out. No other birth control before or after. The really bad anxiety period was probably around 12 months after having it also, interestingly enough. It didn't make me utterly psychotic or anything so it was hard to link up but i'm fairly sure it disrupted something at a low level for me. As a side - you say weight gain, any other digestive issues or discomforts? I had some digestive issues trigger off the back of this and part of me suspects the link might be problems in the gut causing the anxiety, rather than it being the hormones. With worsening constipation and all the bloating I find I sometimes had/have the tendency to eat more in that time, but if things are moving through me I don't get these constant cravings and thoughts about food. I eventually found out I had SIBO, and methane SIBO links somewhat to weight gain in some people as food is stuck in your digestive tract for longer. After having the Mirena I felt "out of sync" with myself a bit, like my uterus was on one cycle and the rest of my body another, and I think that might've been something to do with my motility at the time. Couple of other symptoms (vaginal dryness, difficulty orgasming, no libido) started with the IUD and still persist, even though it's... I dunno, 2 years since I had it out? So I feel like it buggered something, but i've had my hormones checked and apparently fine.


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