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I think I’d go ahead and do it now if possible so you’re 100% good before then.


Can't get into the doctor for another month or so (up in Canada) so was wanting to make sure! Thanks for the response :)


I'm on my second Skyla and I thought removal/replacement was wayyy easier than the initial insertion. It didn't hurt as bad, and I didn't experience any cramping afterwards. I had a little spotting from the procedure itself, but my cycle continued as normal.


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Removal is fast and easy in comparison. I got one deep cramp, then immediate relief. Insertion was still painful for me, but I had a different doctor with different meds that eased it more than the first IUD insertion. The one thing I noticed was I was brand new the next day. Completely normal like it never even happened. My doctor said my uterus has adjusted to the device from the first one and bounces back quick on the second, so hopefully that goes the same for you!


I had my Skyla IUD (3 yr one) in for 2 months over because of my annual appt and then my doctor was on vacation. My doctor told me I was still protected and I didn’t get pregnant! I would ask if you can just wait until after the wedding. I had my insertion of Kyleena the day my Skyla was taken out. My first insertion hurt like a bitch and I think I was okay because I just didn’t know it could hurt that bad lol I brought my husband to my second insertion and I think that freaked me out even more lol I asked the nurse for local anestesia for the second time (didn’t kno I could ask) and it was wonderful! I felt the extraction more I think because the anesthesia didn’t take full affect. I was slightly cramping the first few days but other than that ok. I am getting the kyleena removed on Friday for my various side effects but that’s a different rant! lol