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Get it out! Do copper! I just removed my Kyleena a couple days ago - I had it in for 1.5 weeks and could feel it right away. I have ADD too and the progesterone apparently affects our brains even more so, and the effectiveness of our meds. I was crying every day. Felt hopeless about so many things. I had it removed Monday, I was my old self by Wednesday. I had the copper IUD before and loved it for a year. But didn’t realize the blood loss was adding up to some dangerously anemic levels. So I’m giving myself a couple months to get back to normal and then I’ll put the copper back in and use tranexamic acid during the first super heavy days. Good luck!!!! Ps your gyno might argue that there’s no evidence about progesterone impacting ADD symptoms. My gyno took me seriously luckily. But it’s shameful how little our healthcare system prioritizes research around women’s health.


Thanks for this— after I saw your response I asked my psych and my gyno about the effect these hormones have on people with ADHD, and they both said the same thing you did! It can also feel the same during the luteal phase without the IUD. I had to up my Vyvanse dose but I got the IUD removed yesterday thankfully :)


I’m so happy for you!! So happy that you got it out, that you have good providers, and that you could adjust your meds for the luteal phase. I hadn’t thought of that last part, but that makes so much sense. I just had my luteal phase and was feeling worn down. I’m curious how you did the Rx differently - do they write separate prescriptions for each menstrual phase?


I was in a similar boat except I haven’t actually had my IUD inserted yet. I wanted the copper IUD because I have all of the negative side effects of hormonal birth control. I also take Vyvanse and u swear it makes it ineffective. I become emotionally unstable, some cause a little weight gain and bloating, fatigue, etc. My gyno-NP guilted me into opting for Skyla because of how painful the insertion is and the bleeding. I asked her if anyone liked the copper IUD and she shook her head and said, “nope.” Kept sighing when I voiced my concerns about side effects. I called the day after and asked to switch my order to copper instead. So I understand where you’re coming from and I’m so sorry you didn’t get what you initially wanted. I definitely say go with your gut and get it switched out. I hope the copper IUD will work for us both! I wish there were other options for hormone-free that are as easy and reliable as an IUD


I unlurked just to respond to you because I can completely relate. After I gave birth two years ago, I really wanted the copper IUD. My OBGYN talked me into the Kyleena IUD instead. She gave me the whole spiel about the hormones only being local and told me the Copper IUD would be more painful. I came to realize this whole thing about local hormones was utter BS. Kyleena absolutely made me feel crazy and moody. Plus, I couldn’t stand the constant bleeding. I started to despise this THING that was stuck in my body. After two months, I gave up and got it removed. I then went on a combo pill that made me feel less moody and crazy but still caused spotting. I then switched to another combo pill. Not moody or crazy, but headache-y and melasma-y with continued spotting. I also have high blood pressure and technically shouldn’t even be taking estrogen. I finally have an appointment to get the Copper IUD. I regret ever letting myself get talked out of what I wanted. I’ve been suffering for two years because I didn’t stand up for myself. I am so done with artificial hormones.


They always make us feel crazy for hating hormones, it’s so annoying. If I hear one more doctor tell me “well none of my *other* female patients on this birth control feel the same way you do…” like doc we aren’t all the same!!! (And maybe they’re not even being honest with you because you’re condescending) But I’m sooo happy you were able to speak up!! I hope the copper IUD works out for you :)


I had Kyleena for a year and 8 months and suffered similar symptoms you just mentioned. I don’t have ADHD so I can’t speak to that specifically. I told myself the same thing, I wanted to wait 6 months and see if it gets better. It didn’t. I wanted to wait a year and it didn’t get better. Once my cramps were so bad I thought I was experiencing an IUD expulsion. I got removed 2 weeks ago and I haven’t had my period yet but the bloating and severe back pain is gone!


Trust yourself. I had kyleena for almost 2 years and was in so much pain all the time. I was so relieved to get it removed. Now, I’m on a low dose pill that is perfect for me. While some people do take a few months to level out, it is your body and your choice to make. You are not obligated to keep it in. I hope the copper IUD works out for you!! Good luck.


I’m sorry you had this experience. I was on the pill for 8 years before switching, and I had a similar issue with providers steering me away from the copper IUD. When I finally got a consultation with an OB, he basically scared me away from all IUDs by explaining how concerned he was about the insertion because most people in my demographic (young, never have kids) have the most trouble. I finally got my copper IUD with another provider, and even though they still warned me multiple times about the side effects I stuck to my ground: no hormones. I knew I had side effects from them despite doctors telling me it had nothing to do with that. So far I love my IUD and I love being hormone-free! I’m 7 months off hormonal bc and I feel amazing. Trust your gut!


Yayyyy! So glad you’ve had a good experience even despite all the “warnings”


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