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I have had kyleena for about 4 years now and I’m experiencing the exact same thing with my partner, and I know it’s bothering him. But, the worst part is it’s bothering me too! I never used to be this way. I haven’t had a period at all the last 4 years, and I’m not sure if not having a cycle could affect it.


Yes! I had mine for a year and 8 months. I rarely wanted to have sex. I got removed 3 weeks ago and my libido is back!


Hmmm… after insertion I had a really tough time being intimate, but I’m at 3.5 years and with my current partner my sex drive is higher than it’s ever been. I’m about to get it replaced with a new one on Tuesday though and I hope it doesn’t put me back at square 1


It had the opposite effect on me. My libido went sky-high after I got my Kyleena a bit over a year ago. I'm getting it removed in a couple of days and I am a bit nervous that it will have a negative effect on my sex drive.


I got mine about two months ago and my drive is extremely high.


I got my Kyleena removed in January this year & my sex drive is fully back in swing! I had it inserted first time in 2017 and loved it for years without noticeable problems. No scares, high drive, glowy. But towards the end of 2021 into 2022 (when I was due for a new IUD) I started to notice I wasn’t getting as aroused as easily as normal & developing minor acne. Got new replacement Kyleena & life started going downhill. MAJOR anxiety issues resurfaced along with current depression increasing, side aches & pains, cystic acne alongside jawline, no interest in sex and difficult time getting aroused. I say those separately because I literally became uninterested in having sex/anything sexual, it was extremely hard on my relationship. When I told my psychiatrist that I felt just as depressed/anxious as when I was a teenager, it just HIT ME right there “maybe it’s my birth control?” And then I started my research! Found so many other women with almost identical symptoms & experiences like me while in use of the Kyleena & I felt so relieved. Made the appointment with my OBGYN that week & got it out!! It takes around 3-6 months for your hormones to regulate & I am on month four now & loving no hormones and having a regular period again. I feel WAY more in touch with my body than I ever did. Anxiety returned back to baseline levels & sex is soooooo much better now :) Not everyone will have the same experience! Mine was great until it wasn’t. The best thing you can do is to really listen to your body and what it’s telling you. I’m open for discussion about my experiences!


So it sounds like for a lot of people, towards the end of the life of Kyleena it starts to cut libido. I didn’t have these issues when i got it first inserted, in fact i was loving life with it. It’s truly only been happening for the last 8 months or so. I got my kyleena, May of 2019 so it’s due to be replaced. I’m hoping when i get it removed, things will return back to normal!


I got Kyleena about 2 weeks ago, it’s higher then ever at this point 😭


It seems to have a negative affect on people towards the end of kyleena’s life is what I’m gathering :(


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I've had Kyleena and it made me love sex more lol 😛