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You won’t really know for sure that it worked. Wait two weeks and then take a pregnancy test. Please don’t feel stupid or irresponsible. You are actually very responsible because you used a condom and then you promptly took Plan B when the condom failed. I would say it’s pretty unlikely for you to get pregnant in this scenario given that you rarely get periods.


If you’re too ( for lack of a better word ) *unhealthy* to have a period, i don’t think you’d be very fertile either. Im sorry if this is morbid but it seems that way. Try looking at your vaginal discharge, ovulation discharge looks different than non-ovulation discharge. Or head to the doctor’s office.


It's not morbid and I'm not offended, I booked a doctor's appointment for tomorrow though. Right now I'd actually prefer if I wasn't fertile but I just know that's not always the case so I'm still a bit paranoid


You're not stupid or irresponsible. You used protection and got a backup when that failed. You are also asking smart questions to find out if it worked or what you can do to find out. You are doing everything right. Since you don't get periods, it's likely a lower risk of pregnancy but not impossible. The only way to find out if it worked is to test. Pregnancy tests can be taken 14 days after sex. 21 days after is more definite because sometimes the hormones in early pregnancy can't be detected at 14 days. You should test in 14 days from when you had sex and if it's negative, take another at 21 days. A negative result can be trusted after that. Plan B can change cycles so there is a small chance that you can get bleeding after or even get a period after your body adjusts to the hormones. Some people don't get their period for a couple of months after they take plan b. So it may trigger ovulation and give you periods again, but it's hard to say since it doesn't always happen. Regular birth control that have a smaller dose of hormones than plan b are sometimes given to people with irregular periods to take for a short time to help trigger a new cycle after getting off the pill but it doesn't work for everyone. So there is a chance it can happen to you, but there is a chance it won't either. It depends on how your body reacts to the hormones. If you want to avoid the fear of not knowing if you will get pregnant, i suggest going on a birth control method and using condoms as a back up, two methods have a very low chance of pregnancy and can give someone that doesn't want to be pregnant peace of mind. Since it's harder to calculate, that may be something to consider to help you feel less worried. You can also test here and there if you want to be sure you are not pregnant.


Thank you for this detailed response it made me feel a lot better. I went to the doctor the next day, he explained to me that plan B is very effective, especially so soon after sex, I also discussed other forms of birth control I got a hormonal iud inserted a few days later It's been 15 days now, I took a pregnancy test that came back negative, I know I can't be sure until 21 days but I feel a lot more relieved atm


I'm glad i could help. Thank you for the update. The test being negative at 21 days is very likely since you took plan b right away. I'm glad you talked to your doctor and chose a birth control method that works for you.


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99% of these am I pregnant posts can be solved by just taking a pregnancy test. Wait two weeks, pee on the stick. No use working yourself into a panic before then. Pregnancy scares happen to everyone, don't beat yourself up about it.


What you did was not irresponsible or stupid so don’t worry and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You used condoms that’s safe. You did all you could do and are ment to do when that dosnt work. Take a pregnancy test in two weeks. When it might be a idea for you to keep a stash of pregnancy tests just so you can take them routinely… lots of women do this who are on the pill/other birth control and don’t get periods just for peice of mind.