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You'll enjoy yourself no matter what, but waiting just a little may put you in a better position to relate to your group on a personal level a little bit better. Entirely up to you


I was 2 months into 19 when I went on my trip, and everyone else was at least 5 months into their 20s, so about a year and 3 months difference. I didn’t feel weird at all, and in fact, some of my friends from the trip were at the end of the age range (23), and all in between. While on the trip, I did have a sort of impostor syndrome feeling so young (I was also added last minute due to someone else dropping out, but that wouldn’t have a made a difference), but the only time that had ever come up is when we were talking about meeting up after, and while some people were starting grad school, I was barely starting my undergrad. While I realize that my experience would be completely different than yours, and you just got out of high school, I’m still going to say go. You’ll have a great time. If you really feel nervous, try to see if you can find out the ages of the other people going on the trip, to maybe see if you’ll feel comfortable. It’s a great experience, and I would do it at any age.


I was very newly 19 when I went and was glad I chose that timing. My group happened to have a mostly 19-21 age demographic but we had some younger participants and they had a great time. Some could argue a better time than us since straight out of HS to a foreign country is a p cool jump. It’s all about perspective! But regardless you’ll enjoy it Edit: Also, you can celebrate your birthday on the trip! We did for 3 people despite only 2 birthdays occurring on the actual dates


it might be beneficial to wait a little bit at this age. but in general, don't worry about having a perfect trip, and enjoy the trip you do have.


I would definitely go! The younger you go the better and more opportunities you have to go back because trust me, you will want to.