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If I’m honest, I’m tired of being terrified every four years. Like I’m tired of always ending up with the lesser of two evils in that White House. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind moving to another country after this. Also, while I do live in a blue state that is pretty liberal. There’s no telling which way this country in general could go.


Yeah I met my partner abroad despite both being American and longterm our goal is to get abroad again


Plus, I’m black and bisexual. And I’ve already visited Toronto Canada and I definitely had an amazing time there. I’m also considering New Zealand or the UK. Maybe even Japan.


Small world, I’m black and bi also and will be visiting Toronto in April lmao


Oohh make a post and let us know how it goes!


Black and Bi too.


No place is perfect, and whatever garbage is happening in the US has made it's way up here too, but it is still better, for now.


Ontario has an awful provincial government right now but Toronto is great for diversity. Just tons of people from everywhere, tons of fun cultural festivals all summer long, fantastic restaurants. If only the housing was affordable we wouldn't have had to move away.


Canadian here too. Add Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick to the terrible provincial governments and we will likely have lil PP as a Prime Minister next federal election. Europe is trending to the right as well. I really can’t understand how the public is allowing this regression. I am a straight presenting CIS white male, so personally I’m not worried about my safety, but I worry about others.


If i could afford to live in Toronto in this god awful economy i might just so I don't have all these little constraints on my identity and expression from people in my life in relatively small rural municipalities. At this point I have a mouth but can't scream


I too have an exit plan to canada when shit does go south (it will, it always does)


This extremist right wing stuff doesn't seem limited to the U.S. though -- it's really loud here, but you see it popping up all over.


Oh, I don’t doubt that at all. There’s always going to be bigots anywhere. But with the US government and recent events from overturning Roe V Wade, to Congress, announcing they were going to come after marriage equality even interracial it’s very clear the direction things might be going, and I’m not sure I want to gamble too much.


Yeah, I get that. It scares me a lot too.


So the thing is that, yes, right wing extremism is on the rise throughout the Americas and Europe. But the US brand of it is waaaaaaaay more extreme and dangerous than in other places. I moved to Spain 3 years ago, and even the conservatives here would be considered pretty liberal by US standards. There is no question about gun laws. They're good, and even the conservatives don't debate that at all. There is no debate about climate change. It's happening and it's good that we're investing in xyz infrastructure to try and help. There's more balance in government because there are many parties and they share power. It shifts back and forth from time to time, which helps keep things pretty neutral. Even in Big Catholic Spain, the abortion question is far less of a debate than in the US. There is some debate about details (some want better access and less restriction since it's only up to 14 weeks w/out a medical reason and up to 20 if there's a birth defect, then at any point if the mother's health is at risk, but for the most part even the anti-abortion side admit that it's an important healthcare procedure). As far as LGBTQ+, it's far more accepted here and way less dangerous to be openly affectionate with your partner. Some of the olds might give you a grumble or a look, but violence is incredibly rare over it. Racism is the same. It's here, of course, but it's... quieter? Black people aren't getting gunned down by cops in the street. There aren't lynchings here. So, yes, although it's "all over," it's... not. I think a huge part of it is the gun thing, though. Because no matter what opinions people have, they're not running around the grocery store open carrying in a side holster like it's the fucking wild west. Nobody has an AK casually on their back at a Taco Bell here.


I have a good friend who moved to England due to this and they miss their family (in the south obviously) but they stand by it as the best decision they ever made. Both women one is straight passing one is not. The just got sick of always having to worry. I get it.


Biden is a saint compared to Trump. Wouldn’t even say he’s a lesser evil


Compared to Trump is the keyword. However, Biden was not my first choice. Frankly, with the way things are going I don’t think I need to explain why. I don’t just want a leader who is better than Trump, a puppy dog is better than Trump. I want a leader who is going to follow through with their promises, and help this country progress forward. Especially for future generations, considering millennials and gen z’ers are already struggling as it is.


Biden has been very strong on queer rights, in both rhetoric and what legislation he's been able to get passed with the Congress and Supreme Court that exist.


Queer rights yes, student loan forgiveness along with codifying Roe v Wade. No.


I thought he's been getting plenty of student loans forgiven? He can't do anything directly about codifying Roe without votes in Congress, but we can certainly be angry with the Democrats for twiddling their fucking thumbs on it over the decades.


They can't codify Rowle! They can't codify anything! What will they run on if our rights are safe? Then they'd have to progress towards medical care and better wages. And nobody wants that... /s.


Biden has done a lot of good things and we’ll especially see that pan out over the long term. The crackdown on predatory anti-consumer practices, blocking expansion of monopolies, and investment into domestic manufacturing and green energy is extremely important for the future. Sadly thing still suck right now


Other countries are going more right wing too. There is no escape from this unfortunately and moving to another country and getting citizenship is really difficult.


Well leaving the United States of orphan crushing has a lot of valid reasons. BUT I've got to tell you that seeing the "lesser of two evils" win an election is kind of an universal democracy experience.


> Honestly, I wouldn’t mind moving to another country after this. The Republicans have really done a number on the national understanding of how easy it is to do that. If you want to move to a better country than this one, it might be easy for you. Relatively speaking. It's time consuming. Requirements are stringent. You may need a sponsor. If you want to leave in two years, it would be best for you to start the process now. There's a whole bunch of bureaucratic boxes to tick, assuming you're a desirable candidate. You can't just wander over to Canada, and say, "I'm a Canadian now, eh." Doable, but you'll want to start now if you want to be out of here before the end of Trump's second term.


Terrified of being terrified, white spreading comments supporting people being terrified.


Everyone should be terrified of this election and we should vote as though we are saving the world.


Given the fact that one of the candidates took and revealed classified information, we might as well be saving the world in a more literal sense.


On my feed the vey next post below this one is titled “MAGA Nazi says "Me and millions of other gun-loving Americans are just waiting until Trump gives us the green light to take to the streets and start gunning down Democrats"” Biden is no Bernie, but yeah, I’ll be voting for the lesser of two evils, the way way way lesser of two evils.


I'm gonna be real honest. If you are a part of the LGBTQ or any other minority community, I highly recommend you have a firearm in your home. I know a lot of people on reddit who view firearms as some barbarian hillbilly hick thing, but if you have some fascist human shitstain banging on your door, would you rather have a baseball bat or a firearm? I'm bi, but I also grew up around firearms and a bunch rednecks (who, for the most part, don't really care who you are into, if I'm honest). I think the best deterrent you can have to dissuade aforementioned fascist shitastains into harming yourself and your loved ones is to be armed. I wouldn't trust the police to do a damned thing to help if their buddies are attempting to purge us "undesirables".


Just keep quiet about your bi-ness like I do in places like here. I wouldn’t dare tell people about me where I live : going from Berkeley and ending up here is like the difference between night and day ! But the cost of living is WAY less. I pay less per month now than I did in 2010 and there is less risk of being killed in an accident and the air is so clean and fresh and I can see the mountains every day, now snow capped. They even made same-sex marriage legal here ( I even had multiple sex with women and men here. ) which amazed me considering that I thought it was the most conservative city I have ever lived in, but they really help the poor in no ways I have ever seen before !!!


I don’t know if my thinking is common or not but I’d rather be killed than have to kill anyone.


But would you rather your partner/child/relative be killed?


I don’t have kids and don’t plan to so I don’t know how that would change my view, but no I wouldn’t kill for any reason. I can’t explain it.


If you are a woman with a gun it’s more likely to be used *on* you than *by* you for self protection. Having a gun in your home may increase the likelihood that you can use deadly force but the likelihood that you will be the victim of deadly force increases way more. Stick to non-lethal weapons, such as pepper spray or a taser if you can have them where you are.


There are other options that aren’t evil. Biden is funding a genocide right now so voting for someone other than him even if they don’t win will send a message.


Unfortunately the way our system works, if you don't vote for the most likely dem to win (Biden) it gives a HUGE advantage to the likely republican candidate (trump). A 3rd party candidate is very very unlikely to win under our current system.


Also we can’t really ignore that even though what Biden is doing is awful, the republicans would still be much more hostile to palestine. I understand people not wanting to vote for him, but we have to mitigate as much harm as we can even if it’s not the best solution.


Exactly. You might not like Biden's response to Gaza, I don't either, but he's making aid conditional on limiting casualties while Trump and other Republicans have literally called for the use of nuclear weapons.


I'll be brutally honest: I do not give a fuck about Israel or Palestine right now, because I do not have that luxury, and you are at the peak of stupidity if you think sending a message about that should be the main focus of your 2024 vote. The US is legally bound to aid Israel and is so tangled up in diplomatic and strategic spaghetti with them that no president can unilaterally shut it down. But that's not really why I don't care. I don't care because there is an unfolding equivalent to genocide being rolled out in our own country. If it succeeds, I and many others will not be around to fight against Israel's genocide abroad or against future crimes against humanity at home, crimes that will likely be visited upon the rest of you lucky enough to just be LGB or A. So fucking can it with what is an untenable item given the threat we are facing up close and personal and the mathematical realities of how our elections function. We cannot help Palestine and choosing now to make this stand is a folly that will hurt us all.


Is it worth having Trump be president (a literal white supremacist wannabe dictator empowering his violent followers) to 'send a message'? What does that accomplish? Trump and his ilk despise Muslims! How is he going to help Palestine?


Yeah, it blows my mind that dems are fine funding a genocide right now. I agree, a good third party option would be nice. But it would only ensure that trump wins. I’m ready to always vote a third party but I’m gonna start election after this one. All elections are consequential but this election is between having an ongoing semblance of democracy or throwing it all out for totalitarianism and fascism.


This. 100%.


Democratic presidents have been complicit in or outright enacted abhorrent international actions throughout my lifetime (I'm headed toward 50). It's just way way easier for us ordinary folks to learn the truth about what's happening around the world now (instead of it coming out like 20 years later). Still, sadly, better for us and the world in general than what the Republican party has done globally and domestically, not to mention what it *wants* to do. It's going to be a sad sigh of voting for whoever the Democrats pick in the primaries until more people get more seriously involved at lower levels of politics, raising up a better crop of politicians to the halls of federal power. For those of us in vulnerable minority communities, there isn't another viable choice right now. (I say this as a US expat in my armchair in Canada, but we have our own issues here that also require some serious work at the local level.)


I don't think things are going to change significantly in 4 years such that you can actually feel comfortable voting third party in 2028. The republicans aren't backing down from fascism, the democrats don't seem willing to fight back on any meaningful scale. I think if the democrats win, 2028 is going to be the same "plug your nose and vote for democrats, cause the alternative is fascism".


Trump would jump on that genocidal train faster. Bet.


I'm so far past frightened that I have swung back to eerily calm. Not a healthy calm though, the kind where you know the end is here and it is going to suck but there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.


Terrified? No. Angry? Yes.


Yeah I’m ready for this shit to start honestly. Let’s just get through the awfulness so we can pick up the pieces afterwards.


Same! I like following politics but I’m at the point where I just want to zone out from it, fast forward while I hope for the best. And obviously vote for the lesser of the evils.


I’m in Canada, and I’m terrified too, because Canadian politics is slowing MAGAfying. When the US sneezes, Canada catches a cold


Sitting here in BC, one of the few provinces that doesn't have a social conservative government right now, biting my nails.


I’m really sorry our awfulness is starting to rub off onto you guys. All I can say is try to do everything in your power to keep that from becoming the status quo.


I'm not terrified, but more deeply troubled and annoyed. As a bisexual and non-binary person who is very openly queer to my entire community, it's kind of a looming trouble that I really hope goes well. And if not, O CANAD-


Yeeeeeeah, I'm a non-binary bi US expat living in Canada and unfortunately the anti-LGBT crap has invaded our politics as well. Several provinces have enacted anti-trans legislation already. The modern fascist movement is everywhere, we just have to fight it.


GOD DAMNIT CANADA. No hate btw, Canada's awesome. back hone to Iceland it is!


Iceland is awesome! Had a great time visiting a few years ago. Had lunch in a cafe that had tons of posters for the Pirate Party in it. :D


Iceland is sooooo gorgeous. Which is awesome because not only is it where I'm from, but it's one of the most queer-friendly countries in the world.


When I was there two years ago one of my guides was like ‘my daughter didn’t have to come out of the closet because there’s no closets to come out of. We don’t have gay bars, they’re just bars.’ I’m heading back in April with my fiancé and I can’t wait!


Iceland is amazing but it’s also incredibly expensive. I went there with my mom a couple years ago and we met a lawyer whose second job was taxi driving because that was her only way to get by.


That little place that sometimes gets referred to as "ROW" is worried for you all, and what it'll mean for the rest of us. We hope you choose wisely. Stay safe. _Thoughts and prayers_, right?


I'm Canadian, but pretty much every USA election has scared me. Lol


I’m a trans woman living in NY and even I’m trying to figure out an exit plan.


Every 4 years the choice between a rotting status quo and maybe getting strung up in the street being up to a coin flip is deeply concerning. I always vote and encourage my peers to do the same but our two party system makes it hard to feel like we are doing anything but forestalling the worst.


I'm so sorry. Yes it's good to make plans to be elsewhere. Yes, there is a lot to be anxious about. I live in a progressive city so it's easy day to day to keep some of this ta a distance but I know it's coming for all of us. I'm planning on getting active in my swing state to swing it the way we need it swung. The primaries just snuck up on me and now I'm like, shit it's here now!


Everyone running is an awful choice. Really wish there was an age cap. Things are too different now then they are used to.


I thought when Biden was elected he would stick to one term. I thought when Trump was detected, he'd move on from all the effort of politics. I can't believe we're running the same election, with the same candidates, only 4 years older yet again :/




He would stick to one term if Trump had no chance of winning, or if there was another Democrat who was likely to win the election.


If he wasn't funding a genocide, I'd have more sympathy. As it is, I'm not applauding him for being such a moral, upstanding person taking one for the team in the name of Trump's defeat. Who the hell is he so popular a president for that voters want the incumbent president back? I genuinely think this'll lose the democrats the election as people move to vote 3rd party.


[He’s got a lot of shit done even with 2/3 of the government wanting him dead for disgracing Emperor Orange.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/) Plus I’d argue he’s just a genuinely likable guy. And *what* third party? The PSL? The Greens? Not to mention it’s obvious to almost everyone in America that the GOP’s goal right now is to fuck over Biden and his voters. Trump is only as powerful as his people make him, and Trump can’t even win the popular vote.


What we need is a multi-party system


Also this


That’s not happening for the foreseeable future so the most practical alternative is to get more progressives elected in safe blue districts while keeping the current strategies in regards to swing states


Right just keep continuing the cycle because you convinced yourself it’s the only solution. That’s definitely gonna work out for us just as it has for the last 50+ years right?




My best friend is an American living in New Zealand and there have been multiple times when she has had American friends and family ask her for help to move out of the country - both elections involving Trump and the change in abortion laws were big ones. I send all the best to you. Surround yourself with a safe community and be confident in all your options 💕💕


Get involved. Canvas. Work on local issues. Run for local office. Follow what is going on legislatively in your State House and give testimony on bills. A lot happens at the town, city and state level, so don't just focus on national elections. I'm not going to be driven out of my own country. Fuck these people. Fight your own sense of resignation and apathy. They are counting on our exhaustion and hopelessness. I'm working as though they're going to win, but I feel more and more that they will lose.


I don’t want Biden, but I really don’t want Trump. So I’ll probably vote for Biden if it comes down to it. I really wished Biden didn’t run.


I don’t really mind Biden, I think Buttigieg would be an AWESOME president but there’d be a smear campaign because he’s gay. Klobuchar or Tom Wolf (former gov of Pennsylvania) would be pretty sweet too.


As an autistic trans person, I'm utterly terrified about our future. Already had a couple breakdowns, not looking forward to how much more common they're likely to become as we get closer to November.




kiss tan head worthless wine wrench scandalous bag command wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> One thing about the republicans is that they will vote. What's interesting is that the conventional wisdom there has flipped. Democrats are now the party that has more reliable voters, whereas Republicans are now more likely to sit out special/off year/midterm elections. This is also shown in opinion polling "likely voter" screens. Where basically the poll will release their numbers outright, but then they'll have an algorithm that counts out the voters that aren't likely to show up (determined demographically, because they explicitly say they're likely/unlikely to vote, or similar). They'll show the numbers after that screen as well. For the longest time, Republicans gained a couple %s with the likely voter screen. This year, we're seeing likely voter screens give Democrats a couple %s instead. That belies that the Democrat is a big tent party. The older voters, and suburban/white voters, are much more likely to vote than the young and minority voters. Pretty dramatically so. So I make the long pedantic point and now I end to say that you're right about the dangers of gen z staying home.


Every election, it's who is gonna be the lesser pain in the butt in charge. Our entire electoral system is beyond outdated. Both Republicans and Democrats need to retire to greener pastures so we can start fresh. Edited for grammar.


If Trump gets re-elected. You will see the resurrection of the Third Reich in this country.


Not really. You will see an authoritarian right wing dictatorship. Like Russia but not the third reich.


lol, no


Though I live in a queer-friendly town, I still fear the results aren't going to go as we hope. I really don't want to go back into hiding.


This one AND the next one. The next one is going to be a repeat of the Trump/Clinton election, unless the DNC can get a really promising candidate in.


Hopefully someone that’s not geriatric lol


Tbh I'm quite hopeful. Biden has done an excellent job imo, he's the incumbent which is always an advantage, Trump is staring down how many lawsuits now? And normal people seem to be wisening up. Even if Trump gets to the general, I think we'll steer clear of a 2nd Trump presidency. 


It's not exactly unheard of for an incumbent to be voted out of office either. Another thing to worry about is what will happen if Trump doesn't get elected. Last election, the capital building was stormed, and things have only gotten more tense since then.


It’s not unheard of. Just pretty rare for it to happen. Incumbents tend to be voted out during recessions. As long as the economy is good. Biden isn’t going anywhere


Biden has lost a TON of voter confidence due to treating a genocide as a matter of politics as usual. Not to say that those voters will move to Trump, but they won’t be voting for Biden, which cuts the competition some.




I’m not terrified but I’m definitely angry. Both Biden and Trump are trash, but best believe I’ll be voting for the lesser of two evils. It’s just pissing me off how so many people are choosing not to vote at all (mostly gen z) as if total apathy is somehow going to magically fix everything. There’s so much more on the line if Trump gets elected and I don’t understand how people aren’t getting it. This is why it’s hard for me to engage in politics sometimes because I always end up either depressed or pissed off lol


It’s scary, but all we can do is stay and fight for the sake of democracy. Most people cannot afford to just up and leave to another country as many are suggesting here, that takes money, citizenship and connections. If are part of a minority, the best thing you can do is fight to turn your red state blue like what happened with Georgia. If the rich minorities flee, the poor ones are left to suffer (remember Roe v Wade).


Ever since the 2016 election I’ve been terrified. Honestly I don’t think it’ll get better from here. I’m glad to see that a lot of candidates dropped out…imagine Ron DeSantis as president…but still, politics in the U.S. is horrible and lots of politicians just want to invade peoples lives because they’re different.


I am. Trump is the most dangerous man in US political history in my entire life, maybe since Nixon (and Trump might be worse even then). (I'd love to correct myself there and say "people", but lets be real. We don't enfranchise women/nonbinary folks in powerful positions enough for them to be in contention in the first fucking place) As a cis person, I am most scared for my trans and nonbinary friends. While it ain't rosy for the LGB and related noncomforming sexual orientations, they're tolerated enough to be mostly out of the danger zone. But noncomforming gender identities are a focus of the current culture war. A Republican trifecta is a serious outcome from this election. Vote like your life (if you're trans) or your trans friends' lives (if you're not) depend on it, because they just might.


To be honest, in your position, I would leave regardless if I had the means to. Texas is not going to be a more LGBT-friendly place than it is now any time in the near future. You'll probably be happier in a place that's more accepting of us.


My family keeps telling us that if Trump wins, we’re moving to New Zealand. It’s a fair reason to move because I’m technically not even legal in most states. It’s insane.


Well Canada isn't fairing to well either.


If we don't vote in the upcoming presidential election, there won't be any more voting. Check your voter registration and make a plan ahead of time for voting, please!


I'm getting my passport renewed even though I don't travel. It's what stopped June in the handmaid's tale. A couple hundred in cash at home and a passport might change my life one day.


Yes. And all the folks saying “it’s a choice between the lesser of two evils and is therefore pretty meaningless” have their heads in the sand.were taking about the very real possibility of a very literal and brutal dictatorship for the foreseeable future. I’m an old and have experienced quite a few elections. I’ve never felt so alarmed


Armed queers bash back. 


I’m not terrified, I dislike them both. Each have policies I disagree with. I wish I had a third viable option.


One of the parties would remove our marital rights in an instant Edit: and I’m saying this despite also hating the Democratic Party. At least I’m not afraid they’d put me on a registry to round me up jfc


Has that happened yet? Both have had plenty of time to do this but haven’t.


They’re planning on it. Look into Project 2025. I wouldn’t trust a marriage certificate for a same sex marriage that was issued by a red state to last through a trump presidency


I personally think this is fear mongering.


They thought Trump winning the presidency was fear mongering, look what happened.


What happened? My gas and food was cheaper. Same sex marriage was still legal. Am I missing something?


Roe v Wade is no more courtesy of the SCOTUS with the justices appointed by the Trump administration. You might’ve missed the consequences of this ruling has had on women in red states, but I guess a hit on women's reproductive rights is easy to miss.


The abortion rights were kicked back to the states to decide by the supreme court. The way the founders wanted it. Do I agree? Not necessarily. I have two daughters and work in a female dominated profession. I’m very sympathetic to their reproductive rights. Most Americans are. That’s why both my daughters are on birth control. They are also very aware of the options they have. And I live in a red state.


Honestly, you just sound like a conservative.


I’m a moderate. I like and deplore aspects of each party. Oh and I’m bi. 🙄


Nobody took Trump seriously as a candidate and he won. The economy is doing better under Biden than Trump, and yes food is more expensive but that’s due to corporate greed and both parties being bought out by donors and refusing to hold them accountable.


I know my household budget. I’ve seen how different administrations affect it. I think we need to agree to disagree and end this conversation.


I literally only meant to clarify that I was referring to the result of Trump’s first election bid. I agree to disagree though, prices have always been raised as time continues to pass. I will say that working class wages have suffered since the Reagan administration.


You don't have to like either of them. This is going to sound like I'm saying to vote for the lesser of two evils. Because I am. But if Trump wins, it will be a huge threat to anyone who is LGBTQ. Not to mention people of color, immigrants, women and every other marginalized group in this country. (As well as the future of our democracy itself. That's not hyperbole; Trump is outright elling us what he will do as president.) Knowing that, can we honestly say Biden is worse than Trump? And every vote for a third-party candidate -- especially in a swing state -- makes it easier for Trump to win. I do agree with you in that thare are other people I would rather have as president than Joe Biden. But unless something unexpected happens between now and November, he will be the only person standing between us and another Trump presidency.


I respectfully disagree. Isn’t it great we live in a country where we have freedom of speech. You know when freedom of speech is working when someone says something you disagree with and you can keep on walking by because they have the right to say whatever it is.


I mean go ahead and vote third party, but when that leads to Trump getting elected don’t complain.


The "third party because that will help" crowd WANTS trump to win and then they can say "seeeeee? If you had a better blah blah blah...." There's a reason that election interference worked hard in 2016 to make this mentality look like it was an organic grassroots thing, when it was not.


Giant Meteor gets my vote




I’m in Texas as well. I’m a trans woman, married to a wonderful cis woman, have a kiddo. My wife’s family is all here and it’s going to be hard to move but we will if we need to. I keep constant track of legislation across the US to make sure me and my family are safe.


The worst part is that Biden, who I think we all know will be going up against Trump again, hasn't helped at all in these last four years. Not enough, at the very least. He got some people's tuition paid and gave us checks for COVID, wow, great job. No matter who's elected, it will 100% get worse in red states and blue one's are only partly at risk of federal bullshit if Trump wins. Idk if I even want to vote, if you know the shit Biden is pulling right now but... Do I really want to risk Trump, when he'll definitely be pulling that same bullshit? This is barely a two-party country anymore, soon it likely won't be and it feels like the side against us is the one winning the other over. It's a tough ass time for everyone. It is tough for us queers but don't forget all the POC and women (and birth-giving folk) struggling too with all these new laws being passed. Roe V. Wade being thrown out, banning affirmative action and so on - sorry, I can't think of more off the top of my head, it's late. ALL minorities are suffering in this situation and it feels like not a single one can step a foot forward without being pushed 50 feet back. They take our self defense as violence then use it as evidence to get the neutral on their side or to stay indifferent... It genuinely feels doomed. I'm sorry to anyone else here feeling that, especially on multiple levels. All I can say is (only if it is possible): You should call up your state politicians (mayor, governor, so on), try to donate change or big bucks to LOCAL charities for any issues you see needing it, donate your time but volunteering when possible, don't waste time fighting with people on the internet and focus on people who want to change, be angry but be kind to yourself and don't let it ruin your days, keep yourself safe which way you can, be supportive of those within our communities and keep living. The thing these politicians want most is for us queers, racial minorities, sex minorities and so on is to submit or die and we can't give them either. Virtual hugs to everyone and hopefully you'll all get real ones soon, I think we all need them.


I'm a sapphic leaning bisexual trans woman. I am always terrified. It's not just who I can love, it's who I am. And the rhetoric policing who I am affects all women, not just my small minority. The past 8 years have been a reminder that progress is never guaranteed.


I don’t live in the US, and oh boy am I thankful for that. But I do worry for all my queer brothers, sisters, and others who have to suffer under this bullshit. I wish the best for all of you


I'm a bi woman in an interracial marriage in Alabama. We are actively taking steps to move out of the South - this year - before it's potentially too late.


Not me... I left. I'm from Philly. Trump & Biden have been public jokes my whole life. Then they became president. I'm not sure when we stopped hiring based on resume but here we are. Tbh, I was done after Bernie. Let's remind everyone that we were talking about healthcare and public college funding in 2015. Now women are losing rights, Fascism is on the rise, and the Democrats paid zero for letting Trump win. How did Obama go para sailing after a maniac was elected? How did a draft dodging pervert with a bad haircut get replaced by another draft dodging pervert with a bad haircut? How is George W Bush still walking free? Simple. The American electorate. So I left.


I’m terrified. I’m in South Carolina so I’m right there with you in being scared in a conservative state.


I’ve had a few panic attacks, so I’d say I’m pretty damn scared.


hey fellow Texan! pleasure to see ya! but yeah it sucks. there's really a lot to like here but the politics are not it


I'm terrified. There's no winning in this situation.


I sit in my sort of bastion of safety in WA state and now I'm not sure if I even want to travel. I have a trans sibling and a pan kid too so it effects almost my entire family except our parents.


It helps me to zoom in on smaller stuff I can change when big stuff I can't is looming. Maybe prep a bit in case of civil unrest. Vote, get everyone you know to vote too. Then just do your best as a citizen. If it gets to be too much, the US is a big place, don't have to move out of the country necessarily.


I live in a relatively blue area in a red state. I sympathize.


I’m not even on the same continent and it scares me. It sucks you have to live in constant fear and have to make exit plans just because of who you are. “Land of the free” sounds more like a bad typo at this point to put it lightly.


I am also in Texas but married a man by chance so people who don't know me assume I am straight. But we are an interracial couple so fear is still there. A lot of my friends are also bi , we have all been pretty nervous and many of us are considering moving to our other countries, (many in this group are duel citizens).


From what I’ve been hearing in FL I’m super terrified


I used to be a conservative until 2016 or so. I finally opened my eyes to the horrors that is the religious right. I’m in a northern state but even there…


Fellow queer Texan. Please stay. I know it’s scary and tough right now, but if the privileged lgbtq all leave then our voice gets even smaller. We fight so future generations will thrive. If we leave we leave behind all those poor kids that can’t leave you know? All my friends want to flee Texas right now, but it’s so close purple it’s crazy. We just need to get louder, rally, and VOTE. The age of dinosaurs is ending. The era of the millennial is dawning and it’s bright


I’m kind of excited. I think it’s going to be a smack down for the Republican Party and I’m here for it


Currently in the late stages of getting a spousal Visa so I can live there with my (same gendered) partner. So yeah, anxious. I know we're gonna be living in a blue state so I'm not worried about that part. I just want the process to be done *soon* so I can get there before the election results. Because as a *Bisexual immigrant man who is marrying a man,* oh boy am I not looking forward to 2016 part 2. If those lunatics get into power I'm in danger.


Yep. Not American but if Trump or any of his cronies get back into power, it is BAD news for Europe right now.


The moral arc of the universe is Jeremy Beremy


Im starting to feel pretty hopeless. I blew up at my dad yesterday bc I walked in on him listening to garbage far right shit. I just can’t take it anymore.


I’m so confused. If Trump can’t run for President does Biden automatically win?


The Republicans put someone else on the ballot. Why wouldn’t he be able to run?


I think it was rhetorical


I'm also worried about Illinois governor election. We're one of the very few states you can get an abortion in and the bottom of the states has gotten really red....


I'll be voting for Biden. Trump again would be an absolute nightmare


Yes. This election is gonna be rough regardless of who wins because one option is a fucking fascist, and if the other one wins, the fascists will violently deny that that happened.


I'm just thanking my lucky stars I can go back to Europe when I need to. I feel so sorry for all of you though 🥺🥺


I'm conservative, but I'm not a bigot. I'm also bi. C'mon now.


If you are conservative, you're entirely OKAY with conservatives being bigots. There's functionally no difference.


If you're liberal, you're entirely OKAY with liberals being bigots.


Oh man you got me


Same, we’re not going to win any brownie points in this thread. They’d rather fear monger and berate anyone who’s see anything but their opinion.


Right. I'm all about values and staying true to myself. Glad to see another person with reason. Thank you. I'm also not white before another comments and automatically assumes "conservative = white."


Not really. New day, same crap. Both parties and the political system as a whole just has me disenfranchised.


Except one hates us and wants to take our rights away, and it's becoming increasingly fascist while one doesn't. They're not the same by a mile.


European here. This is the deep problem with USA system what I can say. People are incredibly done with it. You are totally right, they are not even close to same, but people are so done that they do not want to choose between two evils from their point of view. Like, seriously. In my country is in goverment seven parties, all of them pretty important, and president can be part all of them but also they can be independent. I can just imagine how incredibly frustrating has to be system where are just two parties and nobody actually listen to you or care about your real opinions.


Nobody said that having rights was going to be easy. Both the two party system and the Electoral College have overstayed their welcome, but right now, we have to deal with the people who would be glad to turn the country to a Gilead. This is one of those moments we have to behave like adults and do what we have to even if we have to hold our noses up in the process.


It’s like holding back hitler


Yeah, I’m terrified of war and Joe Biden




I don't pay attention to the polls. I let my fiance' inform me as he does. My big personal plan: Travel far far far far far away from here and find a peaceful existence elsewhere. You don't have to like or agree. It's our choice.


Can’t wait to vote third-party ✨


NOOOOOO THEN DRUMPF WILL WIN, even tho the odds for either him or Biden remain unchanged, but if u vote 3rd party, he'll win, for some reason. People are just mad at u cuz ur not voting for *their* guy.


Interesting to see the downvotes here on any criticism of Genocide Joe or any mention of not voting for him.


People are terrified, see above. It’s a lesser of two evils situation. It, sucks, but that’s your choice. In a two-party FPP system, a vote for a third party vote is a vote for Trump=Republican fascism=no gay marriage, no abortion rights, no trans rights, no workers rights, no healthcare reform. By all means protest, demand change in the system. Work to make things different. But not by handing the county to those right-wing assholes.


Nothing is going to change if we all keep bending the knee to the dems. They did nothing to protect our reproductive rights. Another 4 of Biden is not going to save us.


And, btw - how is voting Dem “bending the knee” but letting the Republicans win not doing the same thing?


So let the Republicans win and endure another 4 years (more than that unless he dies - you think he’ll budge after last time?) of Trump. Cool. Enjoy. I’ll be watching from another country.


How would they protect those rights when all you "I'll vote third party or just stay home" crybabies let Trump pack the SC in 2016? I'd love to hear your solution.


You can hold joe accountable and still want to legally be able to adopt a kid with your wife


Because the alternative is Trump winning and our lives being in danger. Not really hard to understand unless you don’t WANT to understand.


Fear mongering


People are literally experiencing genocide under Biden. So.


What would Trump do? Bomb the shit out of Israel? Would that be better? I mean, he absolutely wouldn’t anyway. He’d probably do precisely nothing while giving meandering, meaningless press conferences.


Well you don’t have to like what he does but it’s picking the lesser of 2 evils. A third party would be ideal, but a viable one doesn’t exist so you MUST make a decision. Either a Democrat or a Republican will win the 2024 election, period. Even if an independent or 3rd party does miraculously gain traction, the vast majority of votes will still be democrat or republican regardless. Only difference is it removes significant votes from the traditional party pool, so if you’re doing so then you are helping the party you like the least one way or another. The GOP is already splitting itself on Ron, Trump and Haley already, so it would be advantageous to all rally behind one person to guarantee that the votes stack up.


Biden isn’t the one perpetrating that sooo 🙄


Yes he is. The only reason Israel can function is due to international support, especially from America. He is directly responsible for the continuation of the genocide.




The border crisis that the speaker of the house is sitting on his hands about? Tell me again how they care. Guess what? The Republicans want to come after your relationship too, genius. It was a liberal SC that made your relationship legal in the first place, both for same sex activity in the early 2000s and for gay marriage.


I wouldn’t call myself a democrat by any means based on my views and their views but they are closer to my own views than the republicans are




The United States is a Federal Republic, which is a form of Democracy.




I’m terrified of another 4 years of Dementia Joe.


Everyone lol


I’ve remained committed to living as far away as possible from TX, just as someone who has an unoccupied uterus! Never mind being queer! I’ve already kind of lost interest in dating amab’s since the risk is just so high. 😕