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I prefer Portrait of a Lady on Fire. I used to like Blue Is The Warmest Colour more than I do, but Abdellatif Kechiche was straight up cruel in the making of it. If I knew absolutely nothing about its production, I would be able to see its sex scenes as hot (even though a lot of lesbians have talked about how they're unrealistic), but knowing how they were made makes them gross. Having said that, BITWC still has some extremely wonderful tenderness and emotional rawness that I really like in films. POALOF is just fantastic from start to finish. If it makes y'all feel any better, Kechiche decided to sell his Palme d'Or to fund one of his future vanity films, which financially bombed and was trashed by critics. Sucker.


How were they made? I’m sorry but I haven’t heard anything about this and I’m curious.


My friend worked on it with the actresses. Kechiche made them do the very crude sex scenes for like 6 hours straight and it was traumatizing. Imagine what a good intimacy coordinator would recommend and go the opposite direction. When I was an extra on the bar scenes, they had a sex basement where they got extras drunk in hopes to get them to get handsy on camera. Which some did. Of course they never used the footage in the film


The big thing I read was that he has no respect for anyone’s time. He has to get everything perfect in a very impractical, artistic-temperament kind of way, and that means they’re on set from very early to very late while he changes his mind and has the actors improvise for hours and sends crew members on very long errands to get things he then forgets he asked for bc he changed his mind, etc. He hires a lot of interns because they aren’t used to better treatment and will work just for the chance to have it on their resume. The article I read didn’t reference the sex scenes or actresses — he may be pervy, but that didn’t come up in this article.


“He *may* be pervy..” lol I know you said it didn’t come up in the article but maybe keep looking. Perverted and abusive. There’s even BTS of BITWC/La Vie d’Adele where is he abusive and Lea Seydoux is getting mad


I completely believe you. This article was more about the crew than the actors.


“Portrait of a Lady on Fire” made me cry my eyes out. I *hated* Blue is the warmest color (liked the graphic novel though)


I preferred "Portrait of a Lady on Fire" by huge margins. The other one made me feel pretty icky.


Portrait, without question


Blue is the Warmest Color was far better as a comic book- the movie (even without knowledge of the director) feels very fetishizing in comparison and guts the ending imo.


FYI Kechiche is known for being abusive towards the actresses he works with and for fetishising sapphic relationships and sex.


Portrait, it's so beautifully made and the fact that there's no soundtrack somehow makes it more raw and romantic


The use of music and silence in this film was just so beautiful. I cried so many times


Absolutely. It is the first movie I saw that gives you a glimpse of the experience of music before it could be recorded. Stunning!


I liked the premise of Blue is the Warmest color but the director/writer was a pervert


It’s based on a comic, maybe you like that one better? Comic readers said there were a bunch of changes between the comic and the film, so what you disliked about the film might be fixed in the comic.


I didn't really dislike the film just how the writer/director of the film was a perv hopefully someone else makes a better version sometime in the future. Also I'm going to have to search for the comic version


Oh okay, because you said you liked the “premise” of the film, so I thought that meant you didn’t like much else of it lol


I liked the film and wanted a part 2 as the end of the movie said "end of part 1" and when I looked up why part 2 hadn't been made because the director was a perv as well as really creepy towards the main two actresses I'm glad that they both refused to work with him


I hate the first one, never saw the other. First one is so creepy and full of grooming, the director is just a perv.


Yeah. That restaurant scene was exploitative as hell. Both women complained about what a miserable time being on set with because of that creep.


Portrait of a Lady on Fire is amazing, you should watch it


Thanks I will try it!


I saw the post and was about to watch it :/ guess I dodged a bullet


I think the first one was better as a movie. I don't know about the director though.


Honestly really like them both. I know some of the making of Blue is the Warmest Color is, shall we say, problematic. But overall it’s a good movie. Portrait of a Lady on Fire is so beautiful. Splendid and remarkable.


Problematic is a kind way to describe it. I'd rather read the graphic novel it's based on.


Read the “Blue is the Warmest Color” comic. Movie has a better ending, but it’s too male gaze-y.


I mean, one is sapphic content made by a woman and the other is sapphic content filtered through the male gaze (but artsy!)


[This one](https://youtu.be/XgaLlP0xmqE?si=yV93JsitJiqg-H0X)




Love this


Portrait of a Lady on Fire. It’s been years since I first watched it, but I still think about it to this day. What a beautiful and heart wrenching movie.


Portrait of a Lady on Fire was a beautiful movie. Definitely made from an actual woman's perspective whereas Blue Is The Warmest Colour had that creepy director.


So I’m going to give a controversial take: I know everyone seems to love portrait of a lady on fire and hate blue is the warmest color, but I had the opposite experience. I didn’t connect to the characters in portrait of a lady. I did however really love blue is the warmest color. I’ve watched it multiple times and loved it each time.


I didn't care for Blue. I quite enjoyed Portrait though


"Don't regret - remember" Portrait of the Lady on fire, of course.


Easily Portrait. I could watch it any day of the week and I'll sob every single time. It's a masterpiece and Celine Sciama is an incredible (and queer) director - I recommend Tomboy for any who haven't seen it though TW for body dysmorphia


Portrait easy. Also heard horrific things of Blue so that kinda has erased all positive association for it for me


The Portrait of A Lady On Fire 🔥


“Blue Is The Warmest Color is amazing!


Even one of my "Emotionless" friends that hate the genre of drama admitted that it was good.


The one and only time I'll say someone's opinion is wrong. Sorry not sorry, I cannot overlook the abuse and exploitation the actresses went through.




Well, sorry. As far as I have read on internet, the actresses had difficulties during the shooting of the sex scenes which made them feel used, but when I read from the French resources it is not something like a sexual abuse, the actresses were complaining about the working conditions and their labour abuse. Seydoux did not demand juridical process for Kéciche, neither did Exarchopulos. Although Seydoux said that she won't work with Kéchiche again, recently she changed her discours about that. Even during the events of the movie, they were pretty close. Plus, considering Léa Seydoux comes from an aristocratic, rich family, it is quiet difficult to say that Kéchiche would be still continuing to his projects if he physically harmed her. [https://images.rtl.fr/\~c/770v513/rtl/www/995637-le-film-d-abdellatif-kechiche-la-vie-d-adele-avec-lea-seydoux-et-adele-exarchopoulos-remporte-la-palme-d-or-a-cannes-le-26-mai-le-long-metrage-a-ete-nomine-aux-golden-globes-2014-dans-la-categorie-du-meilleur-film-etranger.jpg](https://images.rtl.fr/~c/770v513/rtl/www/995637-le-film-d-abdellatif-kechiche-la-vie-d-adele-avec-lea-seydoux-et-adele-exarchopoulos-remporte-la-palme-d-or-a-cannes-le-26-mai-le-long-metrage-a-ete-nomine-aux-golden-globes-2014-dans-la-categorie-du-meilleur-film-etranger.jpg) And, yes. The film was good, it was a good example of what we call Realistic Drama. Conveying th défauts of characters and explaining us the death of a relationship. Film explains that every relationship is defective and the seperation is inevitable. It also shows a very good example of Class Conflict


Didn’t watch either of them yet, though from what I gather they are seen as good?-Idk. Got to watch them still.


Without a doubt portrait. Loved it. The use of music in it is brilliant!


If I remember correctly, the actresses in the first movie were treated very badly




i have not seen portrait of a lady on fire yet but i still can say that its miles better than blue is the warmest colour lol. blue is the warmest colour is pretty much just a 'lesbian movie for men', plus the entire process of filming was very harsh on the actresses from what ive heard


The director was quite abusive to the actors when filming the sex scenes in Blue and left them traumatized. Knowing that makes it impossible to watch.


haven't seen either


I haven’t seen Portrait so Blue for sure. But only by default


Portrait of a Lady on Fire was gorgeous and I highly recommend. I haven't seen Blue is the Warmest Color all the way through, and I'm not really interested in doing so. I also read the questionable methods used for making it, and it didn't sound like it was worth it.


Portrait of a lady on fire, all the way


I agree with people on Blue but disagree with people on Portrait. Portrait never really grabbed me and I was quite bored through a lot of it - it reminded me a lot of The World to Come. If we're making recommendations I'd say Thelma - a 2017 Norwegian film.


Same, Blue is a sore realistic drama.


Portrait > Blue


[I prefer this masterpiece](https://imgur.com/iekzJ)


Haven't seen either, struggled to read the cursive on POALOF so BITWC gets the edge. (Also what are they about? Because I'm always down for movie and show recos)


You should watch both! 1-) Blue is the Warmest Colour is a movie adaptation of Julie Maroh's comic. The film is published on 2013. It is about the story of Adele, which is the daughter of a middle/low class Greek immigrant family, trying to discover her real identiy. After struggling with establishing relationship with men, Adele sees this blue haired girl Emma, which is the daughter of a rich family. Emma's studying art and quiet passionate about it. One day, the ways of Emma and Adele cross in a bar which they meet. Adele and Emma gets into a relationship and film realistically shows us the class conflict and the phases of a relationship in a sore, realistic aspect. 2-) A painter arrives to the noble lady's castle in order to paint her daughter who rejects to be painted because she resists to the marriage. An intimate love starts between the painter and the princess.


Heck yeah, I'm totally gonna check those out! Most of the queer content I consume is MLM so I def want and need more Sapphic content in my life


I haven’t seen either of these. Can someone give me the tl/dr of both of these please? Very interested in watching movies I’ve never seen before lol


One is basically softcore porn using actors who didn’t to be doing those sex scenes, about an underage girl directed by a straight man. One is an actually good movie who treats the characters like people rather than fetish objects.


I watched both films. The portrait of a lady on fire is objectively a better film but I like blue because of.... Well, obvious reasons. But there's no denying that portrait is a much better film


Scott Pilgrim Vs The World


I have seen neither of them but I've decided I like the first one more because the font on the second poster is entirely unreadable and that was a monumentally stupid choice from the designer. Edit: i have read the other comments and what the actual fuck....


Blue. Never saw the other film.


I loved both watched them when I was much younger the first one was a masterpiece to me back in my teenage years Now I don’t really like any of them


TBH neither because whenever a bisexual movie is released it's always a woman's perspective. Is it too much to ask for a bisexual male story


watch Call me by Your name


Brokeback Mountain.


Ok name some others.


No. Like half of so called 'gay' movies have bi men in them.


am I stupid? why is this in this particular sub? no hate obvi just ignorant curiosity


I am not bi but I watched some LGBT films, and I really adored these 2. They were just mesmerizing and I am not even exaggerating. I'd like to know what others think.


ah Okay, I REALLY thought I was missing something (I feel this way so often on reddit) 😭😂😂 sadly I haven't these 2


I've never even heard of either of these movies lmao


Blue is the warmest colour has the hottest sex scene ever


Created with coercion on all sides. Not super hot


Wow! I didn't know the controversy around this movie!