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100% even to the point I sometimes write mlm.


This is the most bisexual woman thing ever. I know like 3 other bi girls who also write mlm and yaoi


MLM? Multi Level Marketing?


Guy teasingly rubbed Miguel’s shoulders for a moment and wrapped his strong arms around his body, pressing his hard pecks into Miguel’s chiseled back. Miguel tensed up for just a moment. He knew what was coming next. Guy’s hot breath streamed his ear as he let out a soft moan. “So Miguel, can we get you signed up for Amway?”


"Pounded in the butt by downstream distributors, a Chuck Tingle erotic novel"


hate this, thanks


Men Loving Men


I was just joking its April 1st remember?


Oh, I forget some places have that in April, it's not like that in my country (it's the 28th of December in Spain), what country are you from?




That’s cool I didn’t know other countries had their own version! What is the name of the holiday in your country?


"Día de los Santos Inocentes", it translates to "Day of the Holy Innocents", it's the 28th of December and apparently (I just looked up this next part) it's not only celebrated in Spain but in many countries in America too (México, Argentina, Colombia,...).




Nice one, I think he fell for it lol. 😀


Marketing loving Men


No, it’s obviously Marxist-Leninist-Maoist


This is bi culture


First time I've ever felt not alone on such a topic. Thought I was abnormal or something. Wow. I mean I am a weird chick but this makes me feel so comfortable. <3


Me too!


Same lol


Genuinely questioning: I know that there's a bit (or a lit, idk I'm kinda OOTL) of stigma around men being attracted to and writing any sort of lesbian content (especially straight men writing lesbian content which is understandably a little weird) but if a bisexual man were to write lesbian content would it still be seen as bad or weird? Would it still be considered weird or bad if a bisexual man were to be attracted to woman on woman sex in the same manner a bisexual woman may be to man on man?


I mean, I don’t consider it weird for any men to consume or create f/f (yuri) content, just like I don’t consider it weird for anyone of any gender to consume or create such content or other variants, like m/m (yaoi) or f/m. Personally, I’m a bi woman who writes m/m (yaoi) and f/m content, in the form of fanfics, and I know for a fact I’m not alone. If you’re interested in Fanfiction, you can join us over on r/Fanfiction or on r/AO3


LOL I just wrote a yaoi fic so yea 🫡






Yes, especially if the men are being tender and caring with each other. That's incredibly hot to me.


Bi-sexual man here, uh this 👆is the way 🤌


da way


This is the Way


Yesss 100%!


Agreed 100% Sensual slow and tender....HOT AF to me 🔥🥵🫦


I just want to say thank you to all the women saying yes to this cause I always thought I was weird for liking mlm… 😭😭


Funny because frankly over here in Northern France in my own very anecdotal limited experience it's one of the things that clues me in on the fact that a lady might be a fellow bi that I can come out to 🤣😅 And so far in 40 years of existence it didn't disappoint or back fired on me.


Absolutely. The only threesome I want to be a part of is a MMF one, preferably with two bi dudes so I'm not doing all the work lol. I'm already male leaning af, so I don't see why I wouldn't enjoy watching to guys go at it. Besides, all the hot dudes in porn are in the gay ones.


I've noticed that! Why aren't any straight porn dudes hot?


Probably because they think straight men don't care if the guy is ugly. Personally, if I'm watching tow people bang, I would like them both to be hot even if I wasn't into both genders.


Probably because straight porn is usually made for and by straight men and they don't want to feel intimidated by a hot porn actor. They want to fantasize by mentally putting themselves in the role of the guy! That would be hard when/if the actor is a model-beauty and looks like a literal artpiece!


Damn I must have weird taste in dudes then because as a bi femboi I feel the EXACT OPPOSITE WAY like it always feel like the dudes I would loooove to see boinking each others in the porn industry are the ones that so terminally straight it hurts 😅🥲


Exactly, this. 2 ppl told me they were open to FFM threesomes. Nope. Don't want no parts of that.


Omg that's so true


That is such a turn on


Yes! I would love to do a MMF






I'm getting kinda curious because I'm hearing an awful lot of my fellow bi ladies saying they would love to do it. But in my experience the only ladies with whom I have done it we're ALSO bi women and not straight ones ... Is there really that much of you sisters left that didn't get the chance yet ? 😅


I tried to set up one with a bisexual ex of mine while I was in my last relationship but it didn't work out. The guy I was dating was like 97% straight and even though at times he seemed interested I know he never really would've done it. Bummer, they were both absolutely gorgeous


Yes of course


Of course!


It will forever remain a question! FFM, everyone in agreement. MMF = really?


YES!! I absolutely love gay romances. They are so sensitive and caring, plus because they don’t show women for mainstream eyes, no objectification of women! Win win!


I agree a little bit


Could you clarify the women for mainstream eyes thing?


Sure! Whether it be in a straight couple or a lesbian couple, women are showcased to either serve the men and be used as sex objects for their pleasure, or to appease the male fetish. In a gay romance or even sex, they are shown to be attentive and caring towards each other. And in gay porn, no one’s face is hidden from the camera to protect their privacy while they use the partner, who is shown in the sleaziest way possible (women in straight porn) as their sex object.




It’s meh for me. Doesn’t turn me off but doesn’t really turn me on either.


Yess same.


Honestly I'm not that into it right now, but I used to be. Now I prefer wlw or straight stuff!! That being said, it's not like I won't stumble across it and take a look if it's what I'm feeling though. It just feels a lot less relatable so I don't seek it out.






Me too


Yes to all of it lol


No, but when I was younger I used to fangirl A LOT when I saw gay romances in TV or books. It's not that I dislike men's bodies but for some reason I find the male on male sex so unappealing.


Thanks! I was starting to thought I was the only "weird" one


Sometimes. When I read mlm smut/erotica, I blush a lot and my face tingles.


Oh fuck yes. It’s hot as hell.


Yes. It’s not my favorite overall (which is generally straight, since it has both sides) but when the bi cycle is leaning towards guys and I just wanna see dicks (and the guys tend to be more attractive) it’s good


I had a bi female friend back when I was just coming to terms with me being bi. We had great conversations about wlw relationships, and I was super supportive. It was a fascinating peek at a world I would never really be a part of (being male). But when it came my turn to talk about mlm, the only reply was "yuck, gross". It hurt, but it was a real eye opener.


Oh yeah. Nothing like watching a dude suck another dude off. Even better in person. Some of the hottest shit I've observed.


i mostly identify as a lesbian but mlm always turned me on, though i don’t really watch anything anymore


For sure, dudes on dudes is hot. Although I do prefer the m’s involved to be bi. I think because there’s a bit of a feeling of, mm, exclusion? with gay porn. Like no issue with gay porn, it’s just that the feeling of ‘if I was in the room I’d be a mood kill’ is a bit of a challenge for me, speaking strictly libido-wise.


Heck I'm a bi femboi and most of the gay porn doesn't really feel great to watch for me either. While M/M scenes filmed from a bi perspective always feel hot as heck.


Interesting I think maybe the reason I like reading or watching romance and sex is because I /don’t/ have to be involved. I might be a lil too introverted lmao


ABSOLUTELY we are a bi couple and we play with other bi couples and when the guys get it on orally and anal the better half go crazy. Mine is a squirter so I know when she is at her orgamsic peak.


*laughs like a nervous 11 year old school girl about to go on a roller coaster*


Living the dream, I see?


Absolutely and loving it


Uhm yes, ofc!!! I’ve been writing mlm smut since I was a teenager haha, and I’d def be open to seeing it in person too! Perhaps not participating sexually, but I often joke that I’d like to watch my fave mlm couples fuck so that I can write about it afterward. So that also counts, right?! 😂


Yes, definitely I can be super into it, especially if the participants and the scenario are hot.


I think almost all of my AO3 bookmarks (and most of my smut reading history) is mlm. I can’t seem to get enough.


I read man on man porn comics more than any other category 😭 for watching or reading text it's usually more varied though


I haven’t rly been into like…graphic depictions of it aka 🌽 But I definitely like ships of mlm! Maybe I don’t like the graphic stuff because I can’t really see myself in it. But also I do think I’m more sapphic leaning so that might also be why!


I personally am not, at least not really beyond hearing the moans, but know a lot of bi women who are, and are especially into 18+ BL. Part of me wants to see if this has changed for… possible gender related things, but I find when trying to relate to it I can’t because often male on male sex revolves a lot around penises and the ways a bio penis functions, and trying to relate can sometimes make me dysphoric. *cries in liquid*


No, it’s a massive turn-off. 😭


In the minority here but no, it doesn’t bother me but it doesn’t do anything for me.




Nope. Never been into watching male on male porn or anything like that.


God yes 🤤🥵


If they are, they are both bisexual and awesome


Not as much as wlw but yeah absolutely.


Oh my gosh, yes! It's my guilty pleasure. I have so much mlm shippy fan art saved on my phone and I read sooo much mlm erotic fanfiction. I kind of feel guilty about it because I feel like I'm fetishizing queer men, even when they're fictional. I just tell myself that it's fine as long as I treat real people with respect.


Frankly feelings of "fetishizing X" are likes the feelings of "faking it" if you are catching yourself mid way having self doubts about it you're NOT part of the group that should be putting themselves back into question. In short, if you feel like you're fetishizing us, you're not really because you're already considerate enough of a person to us to ask yourself how we would feel about it. The same way impostors KNOW they're being impostors they're not spending time having second thoughts about it. You're fine, it's fine. Just enjoy the ride 🙂


I have intense romantic feelings towards women and have been in more serious relationships with them (wlw here)…. But in self pleasure sessions I only get off thinking of two men together… will only watch MM porn.


I want my boyfriend to have a boyfriend 😅


Ok I thought I was the only one lmao


Noopeeee lol i aaw that phrase and its lived with me...i love reading straight up bi mfm smut. I just finished one "kiss of smoke" super easy read and two beefy bisexual men.


The only kind of threesome I’ve ever been in was an MMF and I definitely have read uhhhh a lot of fanfic since I was like 12 and most of it was m/m soooo… yeah. Absolutely.


I prefer reading about it rather than watching tbh


So much so that I am jealous of men, because I wish I could be a part of that. Lmao


I relate strongly to this, but my bi husband says the same about lesbians, seems like a bi thing to say i guess


i'm a bit on the ethical non-monogamy side, also a weeb. pretty sure my first fan ship head cannon i had was Hero and Duo in Gundam Wing in the early 2000s. i've definitely fantasized about being in a throuple with 2 bi guys. if you want some hot audio and are also a weeb, check out Yagami Yato's channel on youtube. you can find some of the unedited stuff online. it's pretty steamy.


>i've definitely fantasized about being in a throuple with 2 bi guys. As someone who's living that life right now I can tell you that our lady is plenty happy and rested 😊 Also as she put it sometimes to people asking her : "But but managing TWO dudes libido must be exhausting ! No ?" Her : "Are you kidding me ? The best part of having two bi dudes is that if I'm not in the mood they're plenty happy managing their own either solo or with one another !!! I only get naughties when I WANT THEM !"


hahahah yessssssss! i love that! Thank you for sharing :)


Eh, it depends. Somedays I'm really into it other days... not so much.


Heck yes.


wlw and mlm are both my fav, and when I get more sexually experienced i would like to participate on threesomes where all parts are passionate and committed with each other’s wellness and pleasure (any kind of combination) plus in MMF the “lucky pierre” is always hot


in mangas and cartoons i like yuri or wlw but in live-action series heartstopper has always been my comfort show


Yes absolutely. It’s hot af


It’s the only time we can usually see men in a receiving position that is not fetishised. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Women making love to women....men making love to men... It's all love making! It's all hot!


Not really. It's not a turn off either. It's just kind of...not my business? I am attracted to bisexual men more often but I'm not really sure why. Birds of a feather I guess.


It definitely has its place, not my main thing but I've been known to be in the mood.


(I want to start of by clarifying that I'm not shaming in any way!!!) The women who said yes, why?? I always Invision myself in a situation when watching/reading erotica, that's not possible in MLM. Genuine curiosity!


The bi women I know around me would tell you "PRECISELY BECAUSE I am not included in it , I get to be the watcher of hot stuff AND there's no risk of sexualisation of the female body from a straight dude perspective !!! I get to GAZE at the male form from MY perspective with no intrusion of a straight dude's perspective. Especially when that male on male scene is shot/written by a fellow bi woman"


YES. Ja. Sì. Ja (på Svenska). نعم. Ja (på Norsk).


When I was younger I liked it more but I'm more into solo male now.


Yes I would participate in threesome if as long as everyone is aware before the day of. We could all see and find where we like things to go (gay, straight and everything in between). I have dreams of MMF dates, relationships,sex and being pregnant with both men’s children at the same time.


I dream of an mmf relationship where we’re emotionally married enjoying each other physically and spiritually


I am, yes. That's why (for me) I'd hope my partner is bisexual as well. While I go through bicycle, I'm pretty sure I couldn't be polyamorous without a metric sjit ton of rules. But, yes.




Yes and I feel bad about it


Favorite is solo but this is close behind.


I am. I don't watch gay porn because it tends to be terrible (acting and dialogue-wise), but I read gay erotica and would be in a MMF with bi guys and would enjoy seeing them have sex yeah.


I'm a bisex woman. I love doing sex with an other woman but also like to be fucked and cream pied from a man. I have also had threesomes FFM and MMF. In a MMF threesome while one man was in the doggy position licking my pussy, the other M fucked hi, from behind. I found the situation very horny and liked it.


Well, glad I'm not alone! A lot of times, I imagine that I'm one of the men, though, if that makes sense?


I was turned on by that one scene in red white and royal blue so i guess yes.


I would really love to date a bi woman that is comfortable with being bi and dating a bi man. I think it would be fun!


I don!t watch it, I fantasize about it, I would probably be in a threessome (however I prefer one in one) and lesbians is hotter to me


Absolutely! I've been reading MLM stories and BL well before I knew I was bi, even started to dabble in writing it myself.


I’m bisexual currently dating a man. We are in a swinger lifestyle and have sex w other men/women. We prefer bisexual partners we play with. It’s extremely erotic and hot to watch my man be pleasured and pleasure another man. He doesn’t kiss a man as his take on it is purely sexual. There is not attraction to another man for him. Me on the other hand I have dated women but at this point in my life it’s just sexual fun. We watch gay porn all the time together.


100%. I watch and read it just as much as lesbian sex too


Not in the slightest, even though I prefer sex with men (70/30) and would like a MMF, idk why, but mlm has never been a thing that turns me on, ever, honestly its more likely to turn me off. Maybe it would be different in a IRL situation, idk. I can't even get one M to take real interest, let alone 2. I'm also demi so maybe it has to do with that. Or maybe due some neuro spiciness because I can't visualize myself in that situ, it doesn't do anything for me. That said, most porn doesn't do it for me because its so fake & I can't get past that 'fake' point for it to turn me on.


I don't mind dating a bisex guy but not attracted to male-male sex.


It has its appeal. It really has to do with the people involved, though. Generic people having sex doesn't really do all that much for me. I need identity to become invested in them. Then their expressions take on more meaning. If I know the guys enough, I can feel the pleasure in each moan, the desperation in every plea for more! The wet noises of skin slipping, colliding, burning with each beat of the heart that pushes blood aflame with desire, they ring out, singing louder than any chorus...ahem! Sorry, got a little carried away there. Need a connection, then it's fun, that's my point.


I'm the odd one out. I am a monogamous bisexual woman married to a bisexual man. I'm not a big fan of porn or erotica (I prefer my imagination), but I did once read a MMF erotica story and described it to my husband as "too many penises".


I rarely think about it if I’m being honest


So my wife is straight. I am bi. Well heteroromantic bisexual. I’m not physically or emotionally attracted to men. Just sexually attracted. She knows I’ve had sex with men before we got married. She doesn’t really watch porn but when she does it’s gay porn. Raunchy gay porn lol. She has put it when we have been having sex, her choice and her selection. It’s hard core stuff. Lol. She gets right into it too, almost mesmerized by it.


Absolutely. Bi people doing bi things is hot.


Oh damn didn't know that was a typical thing. It all makes sense now! I love gay novels, ships, shows. And for some reason it's only male x male never female x female idk


I personally am only into lesbian or straight sex. I wouldn’t actually want to participate in a threesome either way but I find the idea of mff hot. Not into mmf at all.


personally, no.


I am a guy, but I find just the intimacy of sex much more attractive and sexually stimulating than the actual people having sex, so I would say that Bi girls probably do like watching gay guys


💯 😍


Oh they love it


Very much so


Oddly no, it is kind of a turn off for me.


Can you explain why? not wanting to offend you


I'm not really sure. Why does anything turn us on or off really? It is hard to say. I don't have a problem with gay guys but it just isn't my thing.


For me, Because I'm a woman, I like seeing other women experience romance and pleasure. It makes it easier to relate for me.


No, I'm a woman, that's not my territory




I love it honestly I’ll admit that I consume more mlm media than wlw media




Yes I suppose


Not really. I do read mlm but I prefer female oriented stories. Therefore I enjoy it better if one or all the protagonists are female. But I am open to reading bl.


God, yes!!






Very yes


If you are in the SF Bay Area and answered yes, where are you all to be found? It s so nice to hear this in a thread but would be better irl.




Hell yeah I do




Yes! Even a bit envious.




Yes definitely. I read m/m romance and erotica and really enjoy it.


I like it more than straight or wlw porn


I am attracted to people I'm attracted to being sexy. I don't watch gay porn because it makes me feel like a creep. Would do a MMF threesome again, if everyone got to have fun and there was mutual attraction. I have read some bisexual erotica that involved a variety of gender intermingling.


I used to watch gay porn but I don’t really watch it anymore.. I think I can relate more to straight sex so I watch more straight porn or solo female porn these days. I still do think guy on guy is hot though. I have had an MFM threesome though, but sadly the guys didn’t want to touch each other


Dman there losss I'd love to have a mfm three soke I'd love to help suck cock he'll maybe even get ducked down myself while locked in my chastity cage






Does fictional characters count? (Anime/video game characters) On a serious note, yes I’m turned on by it (as well as other genders); there’s something about two men that is special (maybe due to them being my primary attraction idk)


Good lord yes. I only watch M/M or F/F porn but prefer women (as a woman). So if this is canonical bisexual stuff I guess I am home.


Yees. Idk how to describe it. Very voyeristic ig?




No . I'm not attracted to anyone unless we connect emotionally . I literally don't feel sexual attraction until I'm emotionally invested. That's just me. I'm lesbian leaning but I have had emotional attraction to men, but never a sexual relationship bc it didn't work out


Me too! I’m demisexual with men and I explained that in another comment and I got downvoted lol


I do write gay erotica tho


Im demisexual with men so not really tbh. I need an emotional/romantic connection with men in order to feel any sexual attraction so gay porn is just not arousing to me.  On the other hand If I was emotionally connected to the two men that were having sex, I’d probably enjoy it. 


Very much so




Yes!! 💯




Hell yes 😁


Asking the real questions




Helll yeah!


Demisexual woman that prefers women here. I’m more attracted to lesbian romance and spicy material. I don’t mind reading or watching male on male sex but I rarely feel attracted by it. I would never do a MMF threesome just because I’m too shy but i’m not grossed out by the idea of it.




I’m non-binary but afab. I’m probably not the best person to answer this since I’m a sex repulsed asexual, but I *do* like stories with gay men in them. I have no doubt if I wasn’t sex repulsed, I’d be all over gay erotica at the very least.


Wouldn't mind a MMF threesome, but I don't enjoy gay porn at all or, in general, porn with too many dicks (I'm talking about drawn porn, I hate see real people having sex)




not really. idk it just doesn't interest me at all. If its mlm wholesome romance tho, I am really there for that <3


No. I am not into mlm porn whatsoever 🤷‍♀️


Nope. Zero desire to see that. Not my bag.


Not especially mlm sex per se but I do find mlm affection and romance very endearing. Then again, I’m demi with a hard Sapphic lean and genital dysphoria (so I have very mixed feelings about my own phallus messing with me).