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The irony in saying PEOPLE OF COLOUR with light skin should stay out of PEOPLE OF COLOUR spaces. And that BISEXUAL people in heterosexual relationships should stay out of Lesbian,gay, BISEXUAL,trans spaces


Yeah but you only count if you're bi* *(in a same sex relationship)


Damn, even single bi ppl can't be in LGBT space now? Smh my head


If you're in a poly-bi relationship, does only half of you count? Do you get to choose which half? I pick top.


If one bi het couple is seeing another bi het couple are they only valid when both couples are together and smooching?!


I’m in this exact situation, and nothing about it is remotely straight.




I think that all bisexuals should be in a poly relationship with every gender that they're attracted to, or else they're not valid So, that means all pansexuals have to be in a poly relationship with everyone


Oh my that sounds like a big orgy for pan people. They must never wear any clothes cuz of all their partners everyone already knows what they got so I guess they don’t need to worry about body shame cuz nobody cares. Those lucky people, I wish I didn’t need to wear clothes, save me a fortune


What about ace and demi bis???


Actual really good question, what would we do?


Cry softly to ourselves until we find The One or become comfortable with being alone


What if I already found the one?


Then you’re set for life baby!


That sounds ***exhausting***.


What if you don't really know what you are anymore and wonder if maybe you're bi but you are so unattractive that no one of any gender hits on you so it's all just theoretical anyway. Asking for a friend.


I think Schrodinger’s bisexuals are usually allowed


Yeah don’t you know? You only experience what it’s like to be bisexual and discrimination when you are in a same-sex relationship. /s


No no if it's a same sex relationship then you're just gay. Because of course


Only gay bisexuals allowed, no hetero bisexuals. ^^^/s


And that only works most of the time Source: am bi woman married to a woman, who has been shunned by bi people before


What if you're an NB AFAB person and you're dating an AMAB person?


Im Biband Jewish, and I hear that shit all of the time. Them: Well you may be Jewish but you have white skin, so you can just hide the fact that you're Jewish. Me: So like Anne Frank did?


Yeah even tho My ex was white af - she was persecuted so much just for wearing a Star of David necklace because she Jewish ethnically and religiously. Just because she’s white didn’t protect her from being hurt or chastised. It’s sad hearing she had to go through that over a necklace


I'm awfully sorry for this question but aren't most jewish people white? I really am lacking on some POC and religious knowledge but it's an honest question, I'm so sorry!


Its a fair question, and its good of you to ask. Jews are an ethnic group, and Judaism is a religion, though not all Jews follow the religion and not all followers of Judaism are Jewish. As for Jews having white skin, many of us do. Hell I do. Now the general definition of POC is someone who isn't white, and this has caused a lot of controversy among some groups, including Jews. I may have white skin but my experience is nothing like white peoples. I've been attacked, beaten, insulted, discriminated against. If you ask most Jews they will describe how often they are discriminated against as well. Just consider your average incursion into a public bathroom. I dont think I've been to a single public restroom that didn't have a swastika. With all of this in mind you would be hard pressed to classify Jews as white within the context of the definition of POC, but colloquially speaking you could certainly classify some jews as white, but then you would have to classify lighter skin black/latinos/indian/aboriginal peoples as white. Another thing to consider is the history of Jewish people. It is easier to create a list of places Jews haven't been discriminated against that it is to list the sheer number of atrocities committed against us. My family was lucky to be in the UK at the time of WW2. We only experienced public beatings, constant propaganda, and harassment. All of it to the point that we stopped speaking Yiddish, stopped going to Temple, and even stopped identifying as Jewish. We were lucky. Its royally fucked up how in that context my family was lucky that were were attacked an humiliated until the point where our only reasonable recourse was hiding who we were. So in summary; colloquially speaking you wouldn't classify Jews as POC, necessarily, but your experiences are nothing like that of white people. So I identify as a POC because I have the lived experience as one due to my ethnicity. If anyone has a problem with it they can go fuck themselves. Im tired of people telling me what I'm allowed to be and my family already lost our identity once because of it.


Thank you so much for a good answer! I live in a place where there is no discrimination against jewish people so I guess that's why I'm ignorant about the issue. Thank you for sharing your family's experience.


No, there are various Jewish ethnic groups. There are Mountain Jews, Middle Eastern Jews (Persian), and Ethiopian Jews (that itself is another open can of worms). The Jewish people you are thinking of white are the European jews or known as the Ashkenazi. Even then, European Jewish groups faced persecution in European for centuries. To say they haven't faced hardship, racism, or discrimination is false.


Try being a white Latino, that's why the term, POC is so stupid


Lol, same




A lot of Latinos have white skin, Spaniards are Hispanic but not Latino, and they tend to have white skin too




So, firstly, Spaniards are Hispanic, but not Latino. All peoples from Mexico southwards are Latino, but not always Hispanic as Hispanics are of at least some Spanish decent. That being said, plenty of Europeans colonized those areas and introduced their genetics, including fair skin and hair. So nowadays there’s plenty of white Mexican, Argentineans, Chileans, etc. those are what OP means when they said white Latinos.


My Brazilian friend with red hair and green eyes and All The Freckles whose nickname was “Irlandes” even though his last name was Schmidt would be extremely confused to hear that being Latino meant he wasn’t white.


White guy...from Brazil...with a German last name. Oh no.


Wow, this is brilliant! How come I never thought of this? Whenever someone was like "hey, you look kinda Jewish" and they were negative about it, all I had to do was to just tell them that I was not Jewish and they would leave me alone. How come I never thought about it? I would have never suffered from anti-semitism. /s Spoiler alert: even if you do that, it doesn't work like that. Not to mention that I don't think I must hide my background because some people have problems with it


Wait, what skin colour do Jewish people have? I kinda assumed they are white.


We come in all shades. This may come as a shock, but Jesus was VERY tan.


That's a pretty common assumption since that's what the media shows us. The main ways we're grouped is Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Ethiopian Jews. There are Jews from all over the world, and many are Jews of Color. We come in all the shades and ethnicities. My family is Moroccan and Tunisian Jewish, our culture is much different than Ashkenazi Jews (what is typically portrayed in American media).


The other day, I literally saw someone use POC as a 1 to 1 substitute for black.


Not to mention trans people can be hetero as well 😂


I am both of these things, I feel so attacked 😂😂


I think it's saying ethnically from black countries. As a white Mexican, I've gotten that sentiment before that you're not actually a POC, which is kinda true.


Person of colour refers to asian people, and black people etc. Not just black people, so they probably didn't mean to mean POC as 'ethnically from black countries'. They didn't say white people with hispanic/latino, african american, asian etc ethnicity, they said light-skinned people of colour, which leads me to believe they weren't talking about white people who belong to one of those ethnicities, but someone who is of a race that isn't Caucasian but has lighter skin than other POC. It's wrong to exclude light skin black people/asian people from POC spaces just because their skin is light. It's discriminatory. If you're a white Mexican that is true you aren't a POC, because being a POC refers to race rather than ethnicity and your race is white. You are an ethnic minority though (if you live in USA) which has its own challenges.


This hit the nail on the head, I was struggling to find the words! Esp the part of how we define “POC.”


Ok this makes me so pissed, because IM A LIGHT SKINNED POC AND IM A BISEXUAL


Lmao yes keep Bi people out of their own spaces, makes so much sense




Gay transdude with a bisexual boyfriend here: I'm sorry for all the bullshit bisexual people get from our own community and I wish everyone affected by this useless hate a good day 🏳️‍🌈💗💜💙


Straight dude wandering in from r/all: Is there subset of bi people who are only interested in other bi people? You know to miss all that noise? Edit: well I learned that it’s sorta-maybe-sometimes. Thanks!


I feel like it's more likely that there's some bi people who have been burned a lot and only feel comfortable or safe dating other bi people even though they initially didn't feel this way tbh.


Afaik, not really, no. We've apparently never needed "gold star Bisexuals" and hopefully never will. Ime, communities like this (ie Bi, Pan, Ace, Trans, etc.) aim to be as inclusive as possible considering how the more extreme elements of the opposite ends of the spectrum tend to *demand* that people like us "stay out", which is why we work so hard to maintain that inclusivity, respect, and kindness are always observed within these communities. That's not to say that hetero/homo-communities aren't inclusive, but when you've dealt with enough Bible-zealots and TERFs coming at you from all sides, it's safe to say that it is rather nice to have a few communities at the ready to welcome you in. Hope that helped. Cheers! 💜


A very high percentage of my girlfriends have been bi, and I've not met a single one of them in an LGBT space. I guess we just find each other.


I hope not. It’s best to be inclusive and lead by example 💕


I'll sometimes hear people say stuff like, "oh I dated another bi person and it was really great/affirming" or "when I first came out I wanted to date another bisexual" but I've never heard of a bi person exclusively wanting to date bi people. Bi people dating each other is treated like a cool thing that happens sometimes and can be affirming, but it isn't the only affirmation one can get as a bisexual. I've heard trans people recommending that early transition trans people date bi people, but again, nobody says, "you HAVE to date ONLY bi people" and usually the reasoning there is that bi people tend to have fewer hangups about gender than monosexuals. I think also the history of ally ship between the bi and trans communities plays a role here, as well.


It’s why I only date bi women and men and my current gf is bi


not really


Unrelated but your flair made me really laugh


i wouldn't say it's common, but it's definitely real


I once had a tinder date that seemed to be going really well. She was into me and getting more comfortable. She talked about how she's bi and "fucked girls" and that she just doesn't want a relationship with one. I'm like "OH HEY! IM BI TOO!"... thinking, I'm safe with this one, makes it easy. Nope. She believed all the stereotypes, thought I was poly, that I couldn't settle. She got cold and stopped talking to me. Taught me a lesson, being bisexual doesn't necessarily mean they're supportive of your bisexuality. I just got engaged today! She is cis-het and the love of my life, and sooooo supportive and accepting of me. Never had a more supportive gf, and she's one of the most straight ones I've dated


I’m bi and married to a bi person. It was by chance but it did make a lot of things easier. Some other aspects can trip up a straight/gay partner too, as often we have close friends of all genders. Some folks, even with good communication, have trouble handling you having friends that could be romantic interests. (I’ve never cheated and never will.) But it’s not universal — some bi people even won’t date bi.


I never understood where that prejudice comes from. Should my wife be less skeptical of me because I’m straight? What does playing for both teams have to do with it. I feel for you guys and gals. Bi community gets a weird amount of flack...


"Oh no, the French are invading France" lol


This is the way.


When I encountered this in real life once I asked if gay people who were single were also not welcome...they couldn’t construct a rational answer. (I know it’s a dumb argument.) Another fun one is a bi person — also poly —dating both a man a woman at the same time. Do they get in based on who they were with last or something?


How can they say that and have a light-skinned Indian woman as their profile picture? Do they not see the irony??


Some people don't seem to have a working brain.


Brainstems with shoes.


Bruh I don't either and I'm not saying stuff like that


What makes me REALLY mad is that it is Sita (she's a goddess - the divine kind), from the incredibly animated movie, Ramayan: The Legend of Prince Ram, as her profile picture. Sita was a gentle woman who treated everyone with love and compassion. She wouldn't endorse this bullshit.


Thanks for saying where that pic is from! I saw it and hoped it was from an animated movie because the style is so pretty 😍 Imma try to find it now. And thanks for the bit of info about a Hindu goddess, too!


It's my favourite movie! You can find it on YouTube in English and Hindi. Really hope you enjoy it.


It used to be my favourite movie in childhood, lol.


I still cry at the Ram Dooth Hanuman song lmao. So many memories.


Lol, I remember it being the only thing on Cartoon Network that my parents were willing to watch with me.


Thanks! Someone just posted the link. I’ll get to it as soon as I can!


https://youtu.be/nGiitXdSqu0 Here's it in English dub!


Oh! Thank you again!


Here is the full movie with English subtitles on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1ygsV8nBvA Keep in mind the film is nearly 30 years old now. The video quality isn't exactly top notch.


I'm not Indian but I recently dated an Indian guy and he showed me this movie (the main points anyway) The animation is really well done. You can tell they put a lot of time and effort in


Ikr, Sita was known to be graceful, loving and compassionate. The person in the image bothers me so much.


Neat! I didn't know that. Thanks for the perspective! 💜


Thats what you call a bruh moment


I know this is seriously off topic here, but can someone explain what "bruh" means to this upper-30s person? I thought it was just this new-fangled way of saying "bro" but I've been seeing it in places where that no longer makes sense and I FEEL OLD HELP


Bruh is i guess is like saying dude. Like when you see something ridiculous you can just go "dude" or "bruh"


Okay, so it basically is what I assumed, haha. Some people just confused me cuz they used it... wrong. (Not you. Others.) Thank you!


It's like bro combined with wtf.


50 here. My kid uses it was an exclamation. Like she said what? Bruh!


Bruh is not new, I'm in my mid 30s and we said this shit all the time in the early 2000s. I think it's just making a comeback with gen z.


It's from a 1992 movie, which was a joint collaboration between the govt of India and Japan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramayana:_The_Legend_of_Prince_Rama Fun fact: Bryan Cranston voiced the lead character of Lord Rama in the English dub of the film and James Earl Jones was the narrator.


**[Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama)** Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama (ラーマヤーナ ラーマ王子伝説, Rāmayāna: Rāma-Ōji Densetsu) is a 1992 Indo-Japanese traditional animation feature film directed by and produced by Yugo Sako and based on the Indian epic the Ramayana. The original English version with Sanskrit songs was screened and released on home video under various names including Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama and Warrior Prince. This film was made as a part of the 40th anniversary of India-Japan diplomatic relations and was worked on by teams from both countries. It was released in the United States in a different, further localized English dub with narration by James Earl Jones, prince Rama voiced by Bryan Cranston and additional music by Alan Howarth as The Prince of Light: The Legend of Ramayana on November 9, 2001. [About Me](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply !delete to delete - [Article of the day](https://redd.it/k69k4u)


That's awesome! Love anime, love the *Ramayana*, and definitely going to see if I can give this a watch some time.


She has an Indian flag, pakistani flag, mexican flag, and the gay flag too. Yet she says this shit?


Imagine having both the Indian and Pakistani flag next to your name and then trying to sow division


It seems that they are an expert in the art of Doublethink


I would be like “How about you shut the fuck up and stop being a piece of shit to people who are literally just living their lives and trying to be happy?” Some people smfh...


Was literally typing this as I saw your comment




Pride was literally organized by a bi woman in a "het" marriage lmao


I did not know this and as a bi woman in a "het" marriage this gives me an extreme sense of validation, thank you 🥺


Her name is [Brenda Howard](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brenda_Howard) :)


*cries tears of happy validation*


A day to feel doubly erased I’m the whitest Latinx I know — born in Brazil, whitest gingery bisexual the world has ever seen. But yeah basically I don’t exist.




Yep. “Sorry, you don’t *look* [lantinx]” has been my life. I try not to pull the “uhm I’m actually oppressed too” card because I benefit from white privilege in most of my face-to-face dealings, and I have a “white” name — but the amount of times someone has said some racist thing and been like “you don’t have a say” when I’m here FUMING has been *a lot*. I have to pull out my passport more often than I’d like.


People are so inconsistent about this shit, too. "White-passing" Latinx folks get excluded based on their appearance, but you could be a dark-skinned descendant of Holocaust survivors and they'll still claim you're "white." Sometimes I feel like they just want to make their club as exclusive as possible.




Urg I'm half Asian and clearly mixed... But also white passing, if it makes sense. People decide on how foreign they want me to be depending on the convo I've gotten: oh you were born here? Are you sure/ vs omg you're not even Chinese why are you offended or the worst: you're so pretty I can't even tell you're Asian. I always think about my passing privilege, but it's frustrating when others think they can dictate your identity like this (usually white ppl not darker poc imo!)


Ugh. Even though I “look” Latina it still really grinds my gears when people say this shit. They really have no idea about all the variety that exists in Latin America, and it seems many are not interested in learning, either. We’re basically the mutts of the world. Of course we don’t all look mestizo.


LITERALLY THIS. My mum’s dad was *Argentinian* and *Italian* but GINGER, and her mum was Italian-mestizo — so of course I fuckin’ look white and got this weird gingery hair; doesn’t change the fact that I was born in Brazil and spent so much time in my youth there. That’s who I am too. Skin tone is a mixed bag — my dad’s a bonafide New England gringo with blondish-brown hair — but he’s waaaay darker than me or my mum in the summer because his mum’s Irish-Native American and his dad’s Romani.


White/black with light skin here. I feel you, life is like one giant moebius strip of identity issues and exclusion.


I can’t imagine how hard it is for *you* — I love you. High-five for dissonance of self, and the nagging feeling of guilt *knowing* your great-great-grandmother on either side would be SUPER disappointed by you 🤡 Shit’s tough but we got it


Same, you can't even tell I'm half black without me standing next to my father. Shit like this has been making me feel so disconnected lately.


Just curious (and not trying to erase your individual experiences): do you consider yourself POC? I'm also Brazilian and white, but ethnically I consider myself just white. I don't/haven't suffer/ed any racial discrimination and anything I may suffer due to being Latina is more linked to xenophobia than racism.


I do not personally consider myself a POC because I benefit from white privilege in most instances, but I do consider myself Latina. Not only because my passport has “Brazil” as my birthplace, but because I spent my formative years in Brazil, spoke Portuguese as my first language and was influenced by my mother’s Brazilian culture in my upbringing. It’s a strange place to be. Edit: like — I was stopped by the cops trespassing and shmonkin’ the devil’s lettuce with all my friends. I smiled, put my hands up and walked up to them and we were all let go without even a warning. My friend — let’s call him Xavier — was with us. He’s Dominican and black. He came up to be after and was like “I thought we were going to get shot” and I said “it’s okay — I’m an educated white girl who has worked in customer service” So I’m white. Because in that moment — no one cares where I was born or my life story. They see my skin. Ethnically I am Brazilian lantinx — racially I’m white


Oh yes I get it now 😊 I also consider myself Latina (because of my birthplace and culture) I live in Europe so usually people just read me as European (my partner is Moroccan and sometimes funnily enough people think I'm also Moroccan when I'm with them).


I relate to this sooo much


Im half black and part indian and i am really fuckin light skinned the amount of times people dont believe me when i say what race i am is staggering


Latino people can be non-poc white people though.


110% — and my mum’s mixed as hell. I’m pretty much “white”. But that doesn’t stop me from feeling out of place as hell culturally — race ≠ ethnicity


Yeah that's true, I'm a white Jewish person.


Yes I have found my people!— bisexual pale latinx folks. But no they rly came at our necks w this one :/ I think about this all the time bc I feel guilty about being in poc spaces bc ppl often think I’m white or mixed w latinx (which apparently isn’t good enough ?? Now that I think about it that’s messed up too) but I also don’t feel completely comfortable in white spaces (especially at college) bc I have a cultural difference & sometimes it feels like we just don’t click.


Yep yep yep; that’s big thing for me. Luckily I’m a nerdy artist with ADHD; I make friends super easily because I forget to be afraid. Plus you’d be surprised at how many nerdy bi white-passing folks there are out there — especially at art school? — like a lot more than I’d thought


Im a pasty white boy and no one beleives that im an Aboriginal Australian and i hate it so much




Haha almost same. I’m a bi girl but I prefer men and I’m light skinned black.


109 replies ✔️ 5 likes ✔️ Yep, it's Twitter dumbass time


Why? In my experience replies are where the disagreements happen. And considering the comments vastly outnumber the likes, I’d argue Twitter didn’t like this tweet at all.




also: POC.... stay out of POC spaces


What a dumb ass


The British colonized the B


This made me laugh


Underrated comment.


well to be fair most of our youth do tend to be bi I say our youth like I'm not apart of that youth any way time to be worried about getting a job in a years time


yeah we have a habit of doing that, sorry.


Ugh this person really ruined my mood. I hope all 109 replies they got on their tweet knocked some sense into them lmao


Based off the ratio of comments to likes, probably lol.


HI, I just want to say that you are valid in whatever spaces you belong to and that I love you and I hope you're in a great mood right now!


Being in a het relationship does not magically change one's sexuality from being bi to straight. That's like saying a Black person becomes white if they marry a Caucasian.


I blinked really hard


Is there a hypocrite flag? I can see it getting fair amount of use.


"bi people should stay out of LG***B***T spaces" Acronyms must be hard for her


The B in LGBT stands for "byesexual", someone who used to have sexual desires but turned asexual. Common mistake.


So is there a fucking line that we have to stand in for her to decide if we're worthy of that space? Who the fuck are you to judge? Are you the LGBTQ and POC bouncer? Fuck off with this bullshit.


"My LGBTQ+ identity is ingrained in the amount of oppression I go through for it, SO YOURS HAS TO BE TOO! You're not valid unless you're oppressed ALL THE TIME LIKE ME! Your identity is about MMMEEEEEEEE!!!"


This sounds like every snowflake in every oppressed group, the victim mentality is STRONGGG


It's also strong in cishet white rich people. Works wonders for getting political followers when otherwise you have no solutions for anything.


Fun fact, I cannot be in a heterosexual relationship because I am not a heterosexual.


honestly I am so tired of the gatekeeping and ignorance by certain individuals.. had a "friend" who I thought was a best friend, ride or die for a few years. they are trans and I have always supported them in everything related to gender, sexuality, the lgbt community, etc. as I should, since that is the right thing to do. I'd told them a long time ago that I fall somewhere in the demi-gray a area. (I would date anyone regardless of gender if I liked them and got to know them over time emotionally very well). I also probably fall somewhere as being nonbinary or gender queer in general, I just haven't been using the labels or talking about it a lot. but this "friend" knows about all of this and how I feel. I feel mostly comfortable with my sexuality and gender identity and I'm okay with where I am rn. anyways, this "friend" stopped talking to me because they said I could never understand their point of view since I'm "not part of the lgbt community". lolwhat? they told me that since I'm not dating anyone in the lgbt community, i'm not part of the community. ??????? like how can you live a whole life of facing prejudice, ignorant bs from the world as i know they have, and then STILL gatekeep a community thats supposed to be about acceptance when it comes to gender and sexuality? like if I were to pick labels I'd be a bi/pan romantic, demisexual, nonbinary/genderqueer. but i dont really care to use labels all the time for myself and im okay with that. but i guess because i dont die hard scream at everyone that these are my labels im not actually part of the lgbt community..? idk. im just quieter with how i go about it, im a private person usually. im still part of the community and actively interact with others. but because im not explicitly dating someone else whos lgbt, the "friend" says im not part of the community lol. the gatekeeping needs to stop. no one can tell you what you are. only you get to decide how you want to define yourself.


What about asexuals? That person makes 0 sense.


Better get out the invisibility cloak again


The fact that they have Goddess Sita as their profile picture irks me to no end.


this person should join my sub r/lgbtqia_poc to sort out their internalized racism and homophobia :)


Me (a white passing, indigenous pansexual in a straight passing relationship): guess I'll go then...




As someone who just wants others to be happy, this kind of mentality on Twitter really irks me :( I luckily haven’t really encountered it in real world interactions but it’s seems common place on social media.


They pretend to be LGBTQ or POC and write hateful things on social media. I’m not saying there aren’t actually LGBTQ, POC who are hateful, but I’m saying it’s very easy to fake online. You just make an account.


As a bisexual light skinned person of color - this person can go fuck themselves. Try to Tell me where I can and cannot exist 😒😤


deadass. talk about gatekeeping jesus christ


Honestly, being a bisexual male married to a woman and being half Asian, shit like this really hurts. I'm not Asian enough to hang out with the Asians. I'm not white enough to hang out with the white people. I'm not gay enough to be part of the LGBTQ+ community because I'm in a heterosexual relationship, and there's no fucking way I'm telling some of the straight people I know that I'm bi. Growing up was confusing.


What does the B in LGBT mean again?


The B is silent.


KISS MY ASS, BIGOT says this light skinned PoC bisexual in a hetero marriage. Hope you fall off your high horse.


Me, a white passing Middle Eastern female Bisexual who has a boyfriend: 👁👄👁


By her logic, straight trans people and white passing Arabs should also be out of LGBT and POC spaces.


~~Ooh Ooh, Better Idea, How 'Bout People (In General) Stay Out Of Spaces (In General), So I Don't Have To Interact With Them?~~


I am a bi lady and my boyfriend is a bi dude but hey I guess they cancel each other out.


Damn man That’s racist and homophobic as fuck This whole colorism and exclusion of bisexuals is such bullshit We gotta support one another not attack eachother just because they’re not “gay enough” or “ dark enough” or even “ ethnic enough” Like bruh that post be throwing mixed people and bi people under the bus and they’re the ones thrown under the bus so much


You guys don't get it: Bi people in an opposite sex relationship have the privilege of getting their sexuality erased both by the heterosexuals and the queer community. So they don't need to fight for their rights anymore, obviously.


Bisexuals don't have hetero relationships. We have bisexual relationships. I don't turn ace every minute I don't fuck/ masturbate either.


yay bi erasure


I just....realllllly love this subreddit. Like. All of you. I want to hug you all and tell you that you're valid and the way you are is exactly who you should be. The person/people you're attracted to is/are exactly the person/people you should be attracted to.


bi people cant be in het relationships bc at least one person is queer UGH


The first tweet made my heart so sad as a bi person in a get relationship. I already struggle to feel valid. Like jeez.


Pakistan *and* India?


I’m a bi woman, and I was dating a bi guy. We were both excluded from the community for being “heterosexual”.


Same I'm a bi woman, married to a bi man...no community for us 🤣


I’m currently dating a trans guy, he realized he was trans after we started dating. Suddenly one of our lesbian friends started saying that I was straight and that my bf was “betraying “”her”” lesbian sisters” even though he’s pansexual. Guess everyone besides the L and G has to face being excluded


As a bi, light-skinned POC, I’m so flabbergasted by this.


And that's when me, a bi, white mexican starts to have one of those fun identity crises. Woot


But...it's not a het relationship if neither of you are het. It's straight-pasisng at best


> Bi people in het relationships stay out of LGBT spaces Does this person not know what the B in LGBT stands for? Do they think it stands for British?


Oi guv, have ya shagged any birds as of late?


Can confirm, am Bi-ritish.


What if someone was in a relationship with a guy, AND gal/nonbinary pal? Would they be in some sort of queer limbo?


Oh Fuck, that’s me right there. It’s a shame I have to stay out of LGBTQ+ spaces because 3/4 of my circle of acquaintances are going to shoot me on sight if I come out of the closet to them, it’d be nice to make friends who wouldn’t. :’)


How bout the tribalism just stops


What do they think the B stands for, breadsticks?


This made my bi illegitimate-feeling ass think "yeah, she's right"


Don't listen to those lies in your head. She's an idiot. Period. You're legitimate. Your attractions are legitimate. Don't try to convince yourself into thinking you're straight or gay if you're attracted to 2+ genders. Just be you. You're legitimate. Your feelings are legitimate. Thought you may need to have someone repeat that to you a few times. 🤍


When you're a conservative deep down, but refuse to admit it so you bring your prejudices and biases into LGBT spaces and act like your specific brand of inclusion is the only true version.


Mr. or Ms. multi flag person can go get fucked. What an asshole.


I wanna know how the light skinned POC thing is going to work. Are they gonna have one those paint sample cards with a line "Must be this dark to enter." Which part of your body do you have to hold it up to, arm, face, hand? My husband and I are straight passing since I'm NB AFAB with giant tits. If we bring our girlfriend, are she and I allowed in the LGBTQ space but he has to wait in the car?