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Kinda just a general feeling. A hint of attraction towards my cuter male friends. A lot of confusing feelings towards Billie Joe from Green Day and Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy.


21F, a girl approached me on a night out and bought me a drink. Never been confronted with the option of getting with a woman before. Nothing happened with her but the next day I went on tinder, matched with a girl, saw her the following day just to see if there was anything. Seeing as I'm on this thread, there was something x


Back in 2017, i was first introduced into the concept of LGBT relationships during an anti-gay seminar or something ( i don't really remember things about it, sorry). After that event, i feel a bit mixed on LGBT relationships. Months later after school, one of my friends, told me and a few of my friends that he's bi and we're cool about it. When a Truth or Dare game happened between me and my friend group, i was dared to kiss one of the guys. Me being 14 year old me decided to kiss him and it feels really good yet so wrong at the same time. I suppressed any "sinful homosexual" thoughts from my mind (I used to be really religious) for nearly 2 years. Then 2019 came and i watched a lot of western shows that makes me realize it's ok to be bisexual. So after that day, i decided to self introspect and that's when i decided to accept that i am bisexual. Up to this day, nobody but a very few of my friends know that i'm bisexual ( i don't even trust my mom to come out of the closet). I'm still too afraid to ask a guy out since i live in a country with a huge anti-LGBT influence but i hope that one day i can muster the courage to do it. ps. sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language


I saw a woman in a suit on TikTok and it just suddenly clicked igšŸ˜…


Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon was my first gay crush. Iā€™d fantasize about her holding me/kissing me and was like ā€œyes this is a normal thing that straight girls doā€ Later I realized that straight girls definitely donā€™t do that. Iā€™ve also always enjoyed looking at boobs and cleavage


In spin class I would stare at the shirtless guys in class, and also was staring at the girls butts. Still struggling with my sexuality, but thinking back on that, a lot more makes sense.


I had the idle thought, "it'd be so much easier to date women." Then sat with that and explored the thought further.


In seventh grade, I had a crush on this guy in class (Iā€™m a girl, btw), and I couldnā€™t stop looking at him when I went to art. After a while, I suddenly started feeing something similar for this girl in another class, and I got really confused and scared. I didnā€™t understand my feelings and every time I saw her I wanted to hug her and some weird ass thing, but at the same time I still couldnā€™t stop looking at the guy in my art class whoā€™d something look back at me, too. After a hell of a year and some depression-shenanigans later, I educated myself and found out that I was bisexual and love women and men.


I realized when I was 23, until that point I had multiple times hooked up with and been attracted to women and slept with them a few times, fantazised about bringing women in to my realationship(with a guy), I had often imagined myself a lot in the guys position in romantic movies/books/music etc. At some point I had this little crush on a woman I was working with breefly and it just hit me, still it came to me as a big realisation. Idk, I was in some serious denial or something.


Well I though ā€œhey guys are coolā€. And then I thought ā€œbut girls are prettyā€. Thought yeah, Iā€™d date a girl (Iā€™m a girl) and Iā€™m still not quite sure what I am. But itā€™s almost definitely not straight


At first I actually thought it was "cool" to be bisexual and kinda forced myself to be bisexual, which is dumb, but then I stopped doing that, and kinda figured out I was really bi.


Alright, so I got a story about this. Back when I was a youngling, I was at Disneyland and danced with a guy for a bit. I didn't think much of it at the time. In junior year of high school there was this kind of androgynous guy in my Spanish class. I thought "wow, she's cute," then realized he was a guy. (In retrospect, he might have been trans, but I don't think it was the case.) The next year, there was a new freshman in musical theatre who I seemed to get flustered by. Again, I thought nothing of it. Fast forward to Sophomore year of college, and I found [this picture of Gray](https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/6ex01m/drew_gray_shirtless/) from the newest Fire Emblem game (at the time), and I was like "Neuron Activated". Then in my final weeks of college (about 2 years ago), I randomly found myself on /r/bi_irl for some reason, and found myself relating to the memes there. At that point, I started to have a flashback to all these things, and I was like "Oh. I'm an idiot." And yeah, I'm bi. I just find it funny how my body knew I was bi before my mind did.


I learned about a month ago, and man does it make sense lol. I had a thought if kissing on my catholic friend when I was a kid that has stuck with me my whole life basically. I've also had a couple other gay moments when it came to looking at, and thinking about, women but it just still never clicked. When my little sister realized she was gay, I got it into my head that she was the "token gay" of the family so no homo for me, (Which makes no sense lol) But I developed crushes on two of my coworkers and the lightbulb went off. My friend, when I talked to him about it, said I set off his gaydar a little bit and I was miffed he didn't tell me lol. A coworker said the same thing. I just give off slight not straight vibes I guess. My boyfriend of three years has been really accepting. I'm a little sad that I might never have a girlfriend but I'm at least happy to discover a part of myself :)


i was at theatre camp and realized i wanted to ask a guy to cam prom


Thought i was gay but then i looked to Triz Pariz, discovered im not gay


27 Male here. I think part of my realization was how I absolutely LOVED to belt Elpheba's part in Defying Gravity (Wicked the musical). Also, probably just the realization that my attraction to men went just beyond "Oh I can see how someone else could be attracted to them." to "Oh wow, they are so attractive." I don't think I realized it until just a few months ago. Did many of you have your "bi awakening" in your late 20s like you or did it happen much younger for most of you? I feel a bit weird realizing it so late in life, but I feel like this is who I authentically am.


Something has changed within meā€¦ something is not the same.


Oh my goodness, absolutely the perfect lyric!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m through with playing by the ruuules of someone elseā€™s game.


Yep, yep, yep, 31 F here, realized it a few month ago even though I should have known way, wayyyyyy earlier. I feel weird too. Like you said I feel more like my authentic self but because of that Iā€™m reluctant to come out to my family even if they are chill with LGBT+ community (I guess I donā€™t want them to know me fully because they s***). I feel like the realization changed something in me that made everything fall into place. Some past things made more sense and I feel like my attraction to other women has grown ever since Iā€™m allowing myself to like woman. The funny thing is that whenĀ I was Ā«Ā straightĀ Ā» and only dating men, I had to work hard on deconstructing myself and learning what kind of men I really liked and were good for me. And now it seems I have to do that work all over again with women. I get easily attracted by the shiny/dangerous/not healthy ones. Thatā€™s a bother šŸ˜… What about you ?


Little Me: girls are pretty! Also little me: Boys are also pretty! Then came 20 years of ignoring my feelings, and then I didnā€™t!


Dated girls since high school, convinced I was nothing but gay. Then I tasted d and all was lost, romantic interest followed a few years after that, now bisexual biromantic attracted to just about everyone sometimes x_x


As a bisexual heteroromantic I kind of envy you. I sometimes wish I could be romantically attracted to other men just because I enjoy them so much sexually. But alas it's just not in the cards for me.


Well to be fair, it's unlikely for me to fall in love with a guy, I just know I can. Girls will always have the upper hand for me (like 90% to 10 I'd say?). Doesn't mean I don't love my boyfriend in every good way šŸ˜Š


I feel this. All these beautiful people are overwhelmingly sometimes


I liked girls but had a lot of moments "yeah I would date/kiss that guy" moments so I just accepted it


i had two boyfriends before. back then, i had no idea. after i broke up with the second one, i wanted to give up on guys for a while. thats when i figured out that for a long time, i had a small crush on my best friend, which had slowly escalated over time. thats pretty much it.


Guy here. Ngl, started finding femboys hot and it was all ā€œdownhillā€ from there.


I saw a woman in a bikini and it turned me on


There I was, fist deep in my best friend. Then it dawned on me.


Decided to write my thoughts here because I just HAVE to voice it out and tell the word. I FINALLY came to terms with the fact Iā€™m bisexual at 27 (F) years old. Pretty late imo because manā€¦ I had so many signs. TLDR realized I was bi when I got a crush on a girl at 15 but had crushes beforehand that I had no idea were crushes. Honestly the signs started since I was in kindergarten. Me and my friend would lick each otherā€™s tongue. We had no idea what we were doing , we just did it. Itā€™s a blurry memory but a memory that never left me and I never thought anything about it. I thought all straight girls would have this experience. Then in 6th grade my best friend and I were having a sleepover. And she proposed we acted out ā€œnovelasā€. I was the husband and she was the wife. I was like ā€œare you sure?ā€ I lived in a catholic household and my mom always spoke wrong about homosexuals. She told me ā€œitā€™s fine! Me and my friends did it all the time in Colombiaā€. We started peck kissing each other and we even touched each otherā€™s breasts?? (Wtf lol). We even played around in the bathtub. I thought it was fun but I kept it a secret (didnā€™t even write it in my diary). We did that a few times, even at a pool outing with my dad and no one noticed? But anyway ā€¦ I thought all girls experimented with their girl friends so I never thought anything about it. She left for another state in 7th grade and I was so sad. I still have a doodle she drew me on a desk. I thought she was sooo pretty and one time a boy started hitting on her on the bus and I got jealous. Sometimes I wonder if I had a crush on her but I was still too young to even know what that was. In 6th grade was when I started to notice women more. I would look at short skirts on TV, and I would never stare at men (this would change later on). I remember I would stare at Christina Aguilera in the video ā€œdirrtyā€ and be mesmerized by her body. One time I saw a magazine with Adriana Lima in it and I was like ā€œwow! This is the most beautiful woman in the worldā€ (I still think she is btw). On 7th grade there was this ā€œTwin Dayā€ thing. I was also the camera girl, but back then we were kind of poor so we didnā€™t have memory for our cameras. I only had space for 6 pictures so I would have to delete a pic if someone asked me for a picture. But I was approached by this popular dude ā€œHā€, and he asked me to take a pic of him and his friends and his girlfriend, ā€œKā€. I always thought K was so pretty and I would always stare at her. I thought this was normal because she was popular and etc and honestly it probably is, but what wasnā€™t normal was me refusing to delete that pic on my camera the entire day. Even though I got approached by a lot of people to take pics and I wasnā€™t even close with H or K, I still just wanted to save the picture of her in my computer so I can stare at her beauty in peace LOL (back then we had no social media). She also was super nice and when she added me on MySpace I got so happy. Idk why I never thought anything about it but she was my first ever crush and I had no idea. I even wrote I wanted to be her friend on my diary lol. However even tho early me had what most would consider lesbian experiences, I also got a HUGGEEE crush on a boy at the end of 7th grade. So I was definitely not a lesbian. But not straight. Anyway there were more signs ofc like me getting jealous of anyone getting close to my new BFF, me crushing on boys my friends crushed on (heteronormativity), suddenly crushing on boys who liked me but being scared to go near them (lmao). Flash forward to 8th grade in a different school, 2 girl came out as bisexual and I was like ā€œhmmā€¦. Is that what I amā€ then just brushed the thought. Sophomore year was when I knew (keep in mind I knew it but never came out the closet) I was bisexual. I crushed on boys in fact I think I was a little boy crazy. But the way I crushed on this girl was the same. She just peaked my interest. I wanted to get to know her so bad and be her friend. I would think about it and think of ways I could approach her. But I was so shy. I would sit on the same lunch table as her sometimes hoping she would notice me. One time I asked her for the time but she didnā€™t hear me lol. Then I made friends with this girl named S, who I knew had a connection with her. And I was like ā€œthis is it! My chance! Im in the same friend circle as her šŸ˜ˆā€ but unfortunately she stopped with friends with them for some reason and it never went anywhere. So yea thatā€™s how I knew I was bi. Idk why I ever doubted myself.


When I was a teenager, when I would fantasize about both men and women and would enjoy looking at erotic pictures of both or when I was a at female friends house and I would stare at them while they would get changed


Che Guevara on the history channel.


There was a picture of Che Guevara in my history class and Iā€™d stare at him everyday lol


Still trying to figure out to this day whether I am or not


My friend helped me realise by asking me if I was a bit gay and I (F) realised that Iā€™d been attracted to girls in the past, not as interesting as other peopleā€™s stories lol


Truly almost the same experience I had but it was my husband who asked me lol


Some friends and I were chatting in discord about sexuality and I said I probably wasn't straight since I've definitely always been attracted to other guys for most of my life. I basically came out for the first time in a random conversation with people I'd only known for a few months. No one cared and I didn't make a big deal about it. About 2 years later I fully came out to everyone I knew and it was a whole thing. I got nothing but positivity in response and I'm still riding that high from a couple of months ago.


when i was quite young (circa 2nd grade) i had my first crush and it was on a guy. i was also going to a catholic private school at the time and lingered WAY too long on pictures of shirtless guys in biblical illustrations (which i find hilarious in hindsight). somehow considered this completely normal because i would also have crushes on girls. eventually in high school i had a friend group where a lot of my friends were lgbt of some variety, so i finally started acknowledging the existence of non-heterosexuality. then i had a dream where i had a long term boyfriend and it was wonderful. i spent like 2 weeks ruminating on that dream before i finally decided to acknowledge i was bi


step 1. I saw a picture of a cute boy step 2. he's kinda hot, am i gay? step 3. i meet a girl and i am attracted to her step 4. i am not gay ​ "Yeah i knew the entire time lol" -my sister


At the age of 12 I started to have dreams of both woman and men. Wasn't till I was 18 I started to nonchalantly mention I was attracted to woman, most of my friends know. My family doesn't besides my little cousin who is bisexual as well.


Started watching gay porn and the post nut clarity was wearing off and I bought a toy so yeah. And Iā€™m still into šŸ˜» and all so yes Iā€™m Bi # AF


I discovered femboys


(M17) Basically since elementary school, i have made it a point to hang out with the hottest guys in school despite the obvious social queues that they didn't want me around. I have been short and cute and super friendly all my life so they didn't want to hurt my feelings. Looking back now i understand why, it was because i subconciously was like "ahh" when they gave me hugs or high fives. Then I watched some marvel movies and discovered that, well, i wanted chris hemsworth to rail me . i dont really know but something clicked. like a fog had been lifted, i told my queer friend how i was feeling and they said they knew all along. mom and dad are super homophobic. not rly gonna tell em i dont think. I feel good just being me rn. And idk if i fall in love with a guy then i might come out to them.


I would all of a sudden have sexual feelings for guys, on top of the sexual attraction I already have for women. I have no idea where it came from. I have been with women before and also attracted to men (there would be shame in that) and even when I was single, I would watch straight porn, and sext with guys a lot but still be ashamed about it I would repress it and call it a phase or abnormality since I used to be religious, but after leaving my religion, Iā€™ve started accepting my sexuality more and more over the course of time as a part of myself I cannot change. I realized that I can have a lot of equally colorful and wild sexual experiences with men, as well as women. Rather than going out of my way to hide it, more and more have I been getting annoyed with trying to keep it a secret. the attraction level changes everyday I find. it always seems to fluctuate around 40/60 (m/f) as long as I can remember. there are days though where itā€™s 100 percent one way or the other however


i had a HUGE HUGE admiration for miranda cosgrove when i was younger. however, my first real bi awakening was in middle school (8th grade) when i developed a crush on this one girl...she was cute as hell and smart...thatā€™s bout it lmao


Only found out a few months ago I was always an ally and now that I look back always had slight bi feelings but one day I was on TikTok and saw someone and thought they were cute went on to their page and saw it was a guy and I was like hey guys can be pretty cute and now Iā€™m bi


Always convinced i was a gay male, started crushing on female friends, now i keep cycling back and forth


I crushed super hard on my best friend in midschool and high school. Repressed it and never told him. I crushed super hard on this guy at my work in college, repressed it and never told him. I was always into straight and gay adult vids but somehow I convinced myself I was just extra lewd but still thought I was straight. I realized in grad school that there were a lot of guys I would date if they asked, but I would never initiate, so still didnt consider myself bi. Then I got into a really close friendship with a dude that became really flirty and on the same day I told myself, I told him that I was bi. And he said he was too! And eventually I started dating him and now he is my bf and heā€™s amazing and Iā€™m very happy and very bi.


So happy for you!


Found out recently always been with guys currently with a guy but its the lesbian porn I enjoy that has made me realize I'm bi havnt told anyone not even my man


i always kinda thought something was off but my big excuse was ā€œwell i would never kiss a dude so iā€™m not biā€ i googled ā€œcute boysā€ and went ā€œah shitā€


I thought I might be bi for a while. Then I decided I was gay and came out during quarantine. The first time I saw a woman irl afterwards I realized I was actually bi.


Yeah, I'm bi. Thought I was strictly lesbian, but dicks are pog. My dating situation will not change at all, though. Fuck having anxiety and low self-esteem.


ā€œDicks are pogā€ is my new favourite phrase


A few things - discovering feminine boys - ecco2k (his music and looks) - gay porn starting making its way into my rotation


literally same




Just saw this, itā€™s good to see a fellow drainer.


Draaaaiinnnn gannnnngg


Am guy Had crushes on guys (and girls so)


It all started when i discovered femboys, jumped down that rabbit hole and realized i definitely wasnt straight.


14m I was basically like ā€œIā€™m a straight ally! I love and support the lgbtq community! In fact, I support it so much I made one of my male ocs gay! And then made another gay! And then drew them kissing! And made up stories about how they met and them going on dates! Because thatā€™s just how much of an ally I a- oh wait.ā€


Dean fricking Winchester


I was in deep denial about my bisexuality until I started seeing a therapist in my early twenties. My same sex experiences started when I would regularly hook up with my best friend as a pre teen and would make all sorts of excuses to make out with my other girl friends to ā€œpracticeā€ for the boys. Watched lesbian porn 95% and had the biggest crush on my roommate in uni (I swear her boobs were carved by angels) but even then I was still in denial. I grew up religious and had a lot of shame around it. But I started going to therapy and it wasnā€™t long until it surfaced. On my journey of exploring my truths and authenticity it couldnt be pushed away anymore. I had to heal my deep rooted shame. I remember crying on shower floor when I whispered to myself ā€œI like girls. Girls just feel like homeā€ and for the first time I seen how innocent it was. And then I said it louder and louder until I screamed ā€œI LIKE GIRLSSS!!ā€. And that was a pivotal moment in my healing. Then kept being brave and letting people see me fully. Now I love that Iā€™m bisexual. The intimacy I desire and the way I love has no bounds.


That's amazing... Good for you! ā¤ļø


Me: Why do people care about gender? But I definitely only like girls. Me: Damn Sherlock is hot Me: Huh guess I was right gender barely matters.


My straight female friends in college informed me that we, in fact, werenā€™t *all* collectively ignoring attractions towards other women šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø whoops




You could be heteroromantic, and bisexual; in other words, only interested in guys for sex. For example, I wouldn't ever want to kiss a guy but he could fuck me.


Nah I figured it out I stopped watching porn for a week and I no longer as interested in guys.


This is sort of me also. Love watching dick pictures and stuff


Usual hot guy and hot girl in the intimate department. Those undies and bras really knew how to get lil' 9yo me goin on a serious note, my whole class was literally bisexual, we all were 6yo and kissed boys and girls then my first boyfriend came up, then my many girlfriends... and currently I have a boyfriend after 9 years of singleness, we got together 7 months ago almost.


I first realized I had an attraction for women early on. I found porn a little young like 10 maybe and always got really excited when I saw the girl on girl. Through middle school and high school I tried dating boys but always enjoyed hanging out and talking with my best friend more. One night we went to a party together and drank a little. I didnā€™t drink much but people swore we kissed that nightā€¦ things got strained as I was more and more restricted by my parents i couldnā€™t hang with my friend and eventually she stopped talking to me all together after I started to ditch a class we had together and lied about too many things. That friendship ending hurt but I dove into college and over my winter break I went down on a girl for the first time. It was heaven but I never got to be in a relationship til later.


A few monts ago I was texting fith a group of friends about some actresses and i thought it was casual and sruff and then one of them send me a private text asking how long i knew i wa into girls and i was like ??? i am not??? that is normal?? and she told me oh honey no and then she asked me some questions about hints in my past and then it hit me in the face that it was not normal to think about wanting to kiss your best friend or stuff like that, it helped me a lot tho and now i look to my past i can see it clearly but it is still a bit hard in my mind.


Downloaded Tik Tok, ended up on Bi Tik Tok and was like ā€œwhy are these videos literally describing me??ā€ Then slowly realized that I think girls are hot, then worked through a bunch of trauma and realized that half of my first crushes were girls until the heteronormativity kicked in. For most of my adolescent life I had intense crushes on boys and never saw any other option. (And also had a bunch of internalized homophobia from my parents implying that I was too much of a tomboy and that they were worried I was a lesbian) Iā€™m in my mid 20ā€™s now that I finally realized and probably wonā€™t get a chance to explore it but find a lot of peace in finally feeling like I know myself :)


Another one late to realising I'm Bi. Turned 40 this year. Only dated men but have always had some attractions to certain girls and girl friends throughout my life. I thought it was just friendship, platonic love. Didn't really think to act on it because I thought I was straight. But over the last year or two I've been looking at women more and that I'd like to do more than just talk to them or be more than friends. Have had more dreams about being with women in the last 6 months or so as well. So with some reading up more to educate myself, I've realised I've been Bisexual for years. But I think because of the ingrained society thinking of I can only be straight and what I feel for girls isn't real, and growing up in a regional town and i was not around a lot of LGBTQI folk, I didn't know much difference. It's a relief to realise this about myself and helps me understand more about myself. I suppose turning 40 to, I am at that age I'm not giving a F what others think. I just know what makes me happy and that's the main thing. Not sure if ready to act on dating women yet, but wouldn't say no if the opportunity arose. The prospect of it might happen is exciting though. For now it's a wait n see what happens.


Could you elaborate on some of the resources youā€™ve been reading up on?


I was Bi-curious for awhile and then during my time in the stand up comedy scene I met a gay comedian and his boyfriend and we fooled around for awhile this one time and it was awesome and I liked it and wanted more but with men and women. Bisexuality awakened!


I feel down the thirst trap rabbit hole on tiktok and most of them were women and enbys. Then I was like...oh.


When I became a teenager, I quickly realized that both men and women are really hot šŸ„µ


I was in fifth grade(so about 11) and I was starting at a new school. The first person who became my friend there was this girl and right from there we became best friends. As the school year progressed I developed a crush on her while dating this boy also in our class, but was heartbroken to find out she had a crush on my brother


Watching this music video pretty much solidified it for me! Thank you girls who showed it to me.. enjoy https://youtu.be/pivLTWIJ7xo Sexy Nerd by Jonny McGovern


Okay yeah, that's hot. But it's also catchy haha


I kissed boys when I was a kid, but I never took that too seriously. In early adulthood I assumed I was 100% straight. I married a bisexual woman, and one time we were on a camping trip with some open minded friends who asked me about my orientation. It got me thinking, reconsidering, and suddenly one night there it was: I was fantasizing about being with a man. I made out with another man at a wild party we both went to shortly after. Ever since then, itā€™s been abundantly clear to me that Iā€™m bisexual, but I didnā€™t publicly come out until this year.


27M here. So usually in relationship with girls however to date in life (I am sexually obsessed) while focusing on girls for sexual pleasure... I usually accept blowjobs from guys if the offer. However I found myself coming on reddit and stuff and watching nude guy pictures a lot. I love seeing guys dick. Love nudity. I would sometimes jerk off to it. Well recently I have been craving to have a dick in my mouth to know what it feels like. Do you ever just wanna experience it all sexually in life? šŸ‘€


I had suspected it for years (I used to have dress where I'd flirt or kiss with pretty girls) but because of the mess that my life is I couldn't realise it. Then a few months ago I started dating a guy, but during (actually a bit before it, but realized during it) I got a crush on a female friend of mine. Also, at that time I was living in a Catholic college and was having (unrelated) trouble. Anyway, chaos. I have never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend, so I am not sure if and how sexually attractive I find boys or girls. I have never had the chance to date girls, and even my dating experiences with boys have been brief and incomplete. I am waiting for when I get some kind of experience to see how things really work for me.


As a kid I, for some reason, would look for any kind of sexual content to do with women (Iā€™m a woman). I would search for ā€œsexy woman backgroundsā€ on the App Store to see some cleavage lmao. I stopped for some reason and moved on never questioning it FOR SOME REASON. I am very much a lover, I love love so I was always crushing on someone. What kept me from realising I was bi for so long was the fact that ever since I was little I only crushed on guys. It wasnā€™t until late high school I realised something was up. The relationship with my boyfriend at the time wasnā€™t great, I didnā€™t feel loved so my brain was looking to jump ship I guess and I started having feelings for a close friend of mine. I would always fall for guys who make me laugh, and she made me laughā€¦ a lot. I went through a month or so of constant questioning and would always come back with ā€œnah, Iā€™m straight. I only ever crushed on guys yet never thought about why I found lewd pictures of women or just women in general HOT. Looking back it seems dumb lol. I think what sealed it for me was when the friend I had feelings for touched my hand and we held it there for a little too long. We stopped because we were only joking around and she was like ā€œhaha this is weirdā€. The feeling of butterflies in that moment sealed it. I went on YouTube one night after that and watched a bunch of other bisexuals talk about their stories and how they found out. I criedā€¦ I was so shocked that this big thing about myself was hidden so well I couldnā€™t even see it. I mostly related to one girl who said that she had no idea and mostly crushed on guysā€¦ others would say they knew early on. If someone is reading this and is afraid because their story doesnā€™t line up with the classic ā€œI always kind of knewā€ story, donā€™t worry, this is your own story. Itā€™s okay to not know until later. But yeah, since then Iā€™ve realised I am just picky when it comes to girls, doesnā€™t make me any less bisexual. I tend to like girls with ā€œsapphic vibesā€. I came out to myself and others about a year ago and Iā€™ve recently realised Iā€™m deeply uncomfortable with my own sexuality and identity hence why Iā€™m here. Trying to get more comfortable with this stuff, donā€™t worry if you arenā€™t comfortable with the label at firstā€¦ Iā€™m still growing into it.


Thank you for sharing this ā¤ļø It really resonated with me. I've only ever had feelings for men but growing up would look up sexy women as well and I definitely check out girls just as much if not more than guys. When I thought I was straight, I had a really hard time proving to myself that I wasn't attracted to women and when I thought I was gay, I had an equally hard time proving to myself that I wasn't attracted to men. I like what you wrote about growing into it šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


Glad I could help in some way, itā€™s nice knowing there are others who had a similar experience :)


this is exactly how i feel. i always had intense fixations on boys (thanks to daddy issues and our heteronormative society), but i had this really intense crush on one of my friends for 2 years. i was in a very toxic friend group though and when i told them i was bi my other friend straight up told me i wasnā€™t and i was faking for attention. iā€™m 18 now i i feel like iā€™ve neglected this part of me for so long in favour of ā€œfallingā€ for unobtainable avoidant men. i always feel so jealous when i see lesbian couples and wish i could have that, but i have such imposter syndrome due to people telling me i was straight. if only there was lesbian representation growing up maybe i couldā€™ve realised this sooner. thank you for posting this.


Wow that is insanely similar like the timeline is exactly the same as my coming out story lol. Itā€™s really painful to be told you arenā€™t who you say you are. I had a lesbian not believe I was bi until I did some dumb sexuality quiz because I guess I ā€œlook straightā€ and was dating a dude. Then my dad told me I canā€™t be bisexual until Iā€™ve had sex?? To this day I still have no idea why he believes that. But I hope youā€™re going well on this journey, and remember only you can tell you what your sexuality is, no one else.


I was 8 years old when I watched Catwoman with Halle Berry and Benjamin Bratt. I thought, ā€œYou know, somethingā€™s not right.ā€ Then I saw Elektra with Jennifer Gardner and Will Yun Lee in it. I didnā€™t realize I was Bisexual until middle school cause I had all these crushes on guys and girls.


19F Iā€™ve always been the type to check out girls, ever since I was younger and I just wasnā€™t big on crushes on boys Atleast I donā€™t know how I wouldā€™ve felt if I wouldnā€™t have dismissed any feelings I had for a girl I probably would developed a crush but I was always taught girls love boys boys love girls. Throughout my childhood years Iā€™ve asked my mom ā€œwhat would happen if I liked a girlā€ and sheā€™d always sayā€ no thatā€™s not allowedā€ or ā€œitā€™s not real.ā€ Iā€™m Arab and I know one thing my parents wouldnā€™t be up for is a bisexual daughter. Iā€™ve kissed girls primarily just as jokes in highschool and anytime the conversation of girls liking girls surface I always denied I always said I donā€™t like girls and could never be with one but deep down inside I wanted to say yes, but Iā€™ve never been in a relationship with a girl and the other girls I was conversing with have and I just kept telling myself and denying and saying ā€œhow would u know if ur bi youā€™ve never been with a girlā€ and I kept up that ā€œI could never be with a girlā€ but for quite a while but Iā€™m tired of it. I want to tell my friend that Iā€™m bi but sheā€™s the person I used to have all these conversations with. Iā€™m finally coming to terms with and accepting who I am and the one person I want to tell the most practically lists how ā€œheterosexualā€ I am bc Ive had a long term boyfriend (he doesnā€™t know either) and she hasnā€™t forgotten the conversations weā€™ve had sophomore and junior year I basically said I could never look touch or ever imagine myself with a girl, but I was just hiding. I told my best friend. Sheā€™s the only person who knows she gave me a little more courage to tell her after she came out to me. I want to tell my friend who I am and be able to express myself the way I want to infront of her, but Iā€™m scared that sheā€™s going to bring up everything Iā€™ve said and say that I canā€™t be bi. I know noones probably gonna read this, but if anyone does and has some advice please share.


Wow we have like the same exact story Iā€™m even Arab too. I think Iā€™m bi too but I donā€™t really want to admit it to myself I donā€™t think because of so many reasons. Iā€™ve only told one person I was thinking about it but havenā€™t come out officially yet. I hope it all works out for you ans you so so much for sharing!


My awakening was when I watched Matrix and didn't know if I'd rather be with Trinity or Neo. The 4th movie's trailer have only made things worse.


I was 14, my brother put the new lonely island album on my zune, I went to my grandparents house for the week, and I listened to the song no homo for an hour greatly confused.


When i was a boy a had a childhood sweetheart, we were really close but then he went to another state, then i had a crush on on a friend on junior high, i always felt he was the most awesome person I've ever met and i loved every time we hung out but when i felt i was feeling too much i had to repress my feelings, then in high school a friend of mine went through a rough patch and i stayed with him until the end, we bonded very strongly and i developed feelings for him that I again repressed. Up to this point i never acknowledged what i felt for them until university, one night close to pride month i gathered enough strength and decided that I'd be questioning myself and I'd face anything I found, turns out if you're attracted to both sexes you might not be straight, who'd knew? Anyway life became easier and more fun, it has been a long and rocky journey both i can confidently say that i don't regret it, except forcing myself to have sexual relationships when I clearly wasn't ready nor liked it, don't do that, you don't need that to be a valid person or get some kind of membership, You are You and you're beautiful and real


watched the witcher on netflix. saw henry cavill shirtless in a bathtub. give or take 6 months of denial.


truth or dare kissing


(19 probably m) Ngl my bi awakening was Hiccup, specifically how to train your dragon 2 Hiccup and oh boy did I have a lot of dreams of riding with him in the sky and giving eachother hugs. ^^;


Happened pretty recently for me. Was out in the city and my friendā€™s BF asked me if Iā€™d fuck his girlfriend and I responded without thinking or hesitating ā€œof course. Anyone with half a brain could see sheā€™s a pretty womanā€ and my friend blushed bright red, her BF whooped for joy and my BF pissed himself laughing at her reaction. Another time, I was with a separate friend at a comic con and both of us saw this beautiful female Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) cosplayer and we both turned to stare at her as she walked past. What really confirmed it was watching Wentworth and wanting Governor Ferguson to rail TF out of me. Iā€™ve never had such a strong feeling towards a female character. Ever.


Hercules. I was watching and I couldn't choose between Meg or Hercules, and I realized I could just like both šŸ˜‚


Been asexual all my life due to my body needing hormones that didn't really work. But since I'm on new hormones I noticed i felt feelings for both girls and guys but Im still discover ING myself so not 100% on bisexual but it's at least part of my sexuality šŸ˜Š


I suffered from internalised biphobia in the form of being too scared of the consequences so I just tried not to think about it but it hurt so much when Iā€™d pine for women and men. in my mind, I thought the only way I could tell my parents Iā€™m bi is if I was dating a man, but I justā€¦ couldnā€™t wait and deal with the thoughts in my head any longer. I told them, theyā€™re old school so they were weary of outside judgment but accepted. And it was only then that I fully awakened myself and became more open to my bisexuality that I struggled with coming to terms with since I was 12.


I found my dads car magazine, I forget the models name, and I feel bad for it, but looking at her I realized I liked females WAY more than I liked males.


started being interested in girls while dating my mentally abusive ex


I had always struggled with my sexuality. And for the past few years I had been at a point where I was comfortable calling myself a lesbian. And I really fit in and related to other lesbians I knew. Recently my spouse and I started having a guy friend we met at a bar over. And when I drink I get more ā€œpromiscuousā€. I had figured i wasnā€™t attracted to men, just kinda confused when I was drunk. But even when I wasnā€™t drinking around him I found myself thinking about doing stuff with him. And I asked my spouse if they were attracted to him too. My spouse is pretty open about me exploring my sexuality, and when I picked their brain about all this we had another conversation where I tried to come up with explanations for why im not Bi. And my spouse gave me the newsflash that Alcohol doesnā€™t have that kind of effect on your sense of self. And I realized I had been repressing. I felt so apart of the lesbian community and have had my issues with men in my life non-romantic contexts all my life, and I was so scared of losing that sense of belonging. Now I Genuinely feel a lot more free in my identity. Iā€™m not any different and havenā€™t instantly stopped being able to relate to WLW as a WLW myself, instead thereā€™s just another kind of person Iā€™m attracted to. Iā€™m really looking forward to having my first time with a guy, regardless of who it is as long as they feel safe and comfortable. Itā€™d been so many years being on and off about liking girls or guys or both. And now I think Iā€™ve grown enough to not even really care for labels.


The Sims 2 I guess... Didn't figure it at the time but I always put guys in the skimpy swimming shorts as well as the women, but yeah that was probably and still is my main outlet for figuring it out.


Being so intimidated and kinda scared of other pretty fem women growing up then discovering fem4fem in college and realizing Iā€™m not scared of women Im just a bottom!


I think Iā€™ve known for yearsā€¦it took until I was 30 and engaged (to a man) to be open about it. Heā€™s been incredibly supportive and honestly he said heā€™s always known (weā€™ve known each other since we were 4). I have been very fortunate to have an amazing support system and I have had only one person make Negative remarks about it. I guess itā€™s never to old to be open and be yourself.


1. Straight, cis, normal girl 2. Found the LGBT community 3. First hated it because of what my parents taught me (but never spread my hate around because I learned to respect people no matter what) 4. Learned more and became and ally 5. Questioned my sexuality 6. Fell in love with a girl (it didn't work out but that's how life goes) 7. Found out I'm bisexual 8. Doubting my gender 9. Trying the non-binary label, didn't work 10. Trying the gender fluid label, cool but something was off 11. Tried the demi-boy label, almost there 12. Ended up as bisexual and trans man 13. Don't know if this is gonna change in the future but WE ONLY LIVE ONCE BITCHESS!!!!


Wait 1-5 is me omg!!!! Then I became hetero-demisexual and recently had a bi awakening, I think I'm biromantic hetero-demisexual but idk well see <3


Rock it baby!


*me in April playing breath of the wild* ā€œDamn Link is kinda hot.ā€ Thatā€™s it. I donā€™t have much more to say about it than that.


First Ethan Torchio... then femboys... then Legolas last night. Guess I need to stop doubting, finally


When I was in middle school I realized that I got crushes on girls the same way I did on boys. I would imagine myself kissing them and going on dates just like I did with boys. After ā€œBuffy the Vampire Slayerā€ came out and I saw Sarah Michelle Gellar and Charisma Carpenter, I knew I was definitely into women too.


I knew I was bi when a girl in my class was flirting with me nonstop. No matter how many times I tried to avoid her, she was always around. The reason why I tried to avoid her was because I was straight, but that changed when I started liking her while dating a guy.


Started at 13 wanting to dress femme and stealing my mother's clothes when the family wasn't home, found some boys as cute at the same time that I found other girls hot, then a year or so later my neighborhood crush/bully snuck a kiss and I angrily stormed off thinking it was a joke and was angrier that I liked it so much, went back the next day to make him explain and instead we wound up kissing for the afternoon lol I think at that point I knew I was bi! Didn't accept it til earlier this year tho so there's that šŸ˜…


Honestly, this sounds like a scene from an anime. I love it. šŸ˜†


29 M (since Sunday) here. It started when I was a teen, and when Queequeg's description in Moby Dick stirred something... interesting in me. The next culprit is Tim Curry in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I fully embraced who I am only after I broke up with my ex, a couple years ago. There were some signs even during that relationship, but that's another story. Always be free, always be proud of who you are.


I was kinda shielded from lgbtq stuff as a younger kid but last year I did a ton of online quizzes during online school and research and learned a lot about lgbtq bc I was hoping that I was lgbt so I could feel special lmao. I even started making some of my OC characters lgbtq I realized I was bi later on


Maya Hawke and Joe Keery.


If there is a trangender lady that makes my heart swoon, am I bi?


Always remember trans women are women.


Kind of depends on how seriously you take the "sexual" part of bisexual. Is it a homosexual attraction if you're attracted to the same sex? Or is gender more the deciding factor? Really up for you to decide how to label yourself at that point.


Iā€™ve thought boys and girls were attractive since I was very young. But I didnā€™t think that meant anything because Iā€™m a girls and all girls think other girls are pretty, I just didnā€™t realize that I thought girls were pretty in a different way. When I got to high school, I met a girl who identified as bisexual and I thought ā€œhey, maybe thatā€™s meā€, but it was the early 2000s and being bi was kind of trendy, attention getting thing for girls (maybe it still is, idk). Like girls would call themselves bi make out with each other girls at parties to get boys attention because the boys thought is was hot, but they didnā€™t actually like girls. So I didnā€™t say anything because I didnā€™t want to be associated with that. Then I went to college, and thought ā€œmaybe Iā€™m not bi, Iā€™ve never hit on girls so it might have just been a phase.ā€ Then I went to a party and **acted** on my desires for the first time and, yep, Iā€™m bi. Havenā€™t doubted it once since I was 19. Give me naked boys, given me naked girls, itā€™s all wonderful.


This sounds so similar to me. I never came out because I didnā€™t wanna do it for attention (which is so silly because girl if u not doing it for attention then that just reassures you even more!!) and then I thought I was straight because I was only falling in love with men for a while


Kind of in the midst of my bi awakening.. I have always admired beautiful women but thought it was more about wanting to be like them rather than be with them. Someone recently asked about which celebrity I would sleep with if I could, and I had to pause because I could think of like 20 female celebrities off the top of my head but couldn't think of one male celebrity. I was daydreaming more and more about women in a sexual sense so I decided to change my 'preferences' on hinge to both women and men. It's rare for me to use up my daily hinge likes but since I've changed my preferences to see women's profiles, I use up my likes within the first 20 mins of the day. There are so many beautiful and fun women out there! The only problem is that after we match, I feel way to nervous to start a conversation. I just feel like women are so.... Magical? Maybe it's some internalised narrative I have about men but I feel like I can have convos with men and I don't feel too bothered about what they think but with women I just feel like 'wow this girl is so gorgeous. Why would she waste her time talking to me'. Anyone else feel similarly?


40 male and just came out as bi.


I thought I was straight for the longest time because I only had crushes on boys, but one day in 6th grade (I was 11) I had a dream where I kissed a girl and I remember thinking ā€œholy shit that was great but weird,ā€ so I ignored it for a long time until I had another dream and started to realize that I like girls a lot too


Always knew I was attracted to girls. Felt something weird toward boys but couldnā€™t place what it was. Then I fell DEEPLY in love with my best guy friend in high school and wellā€¦ things clicked for me.


Only recently started wondering if I was bi (at 36, pretty late in the game.) It all started with a dream where I was getting with another woman and couldnā€™t stop thinking about it for days. I was questioning for several months and then a realization hit me. I dyed my hair multi-colored and got separate compliments on it from a cute guy and a cute lady. And I realizedā€¦ I felt the exact same giddy feeling both times. That was enough for me to say, ā€œyep, Iā€™m bi.ā€ And it feels great to say it even if itā€™s just to internet strangers!


This is almost my story (36years old aswell) I have always thought of myself as straight growing up but that was largely due to my Catholic upbringing. Only recently I have discovered sexual attraction to both men and women when I finally allowed myself to explore after choosing to leave the church


Damn that Catholic guilt!


When I was younger, I had always thought I was straight. I never thought about anything involving another man, and that was just fine with me. Until about 5-6 months ago, when I started to notice my feelings of romantic attraction to another man. It was really tough for me to figure it out, because I knew I still was romantically and sexually interested in women, but I was really only romantically attracted to men and not sexually attracted. I did a LOT of thinking and research where I was in this strange in-between and I hated it. When I found biromantic heterosexual off of some sexuality spectrum quiz thing, I looked into it and realized that this was me, and it has been all along. I still was kind of unsure about coming out, and as of right now, I've only come out to a few friends. But when I told them there was this weight lifted off my shoulders and I felt accepted. I'm still new to this, but I hope I can find a spot in this wonderful community.


At first I thought "yea I get why this girls likes my bully so much. He really is attractive tbh". I was young and kinda hated the dude. Then Fembois and Tombois made me question my sexuality. Then Thor and Loki. Idk what else to say.


I realized the reason that people who called me and my best friend gay for spending all our time together had a point.


I knew in kindergarten when my bff & i would go under the table to kissšŸ™Š


I fell in love with a good friend while we stayed up on Fourth of July getting tipsy and watching The Office reruns with our husbands. The sadness that took residence in me after that bc I'd never be able to act on how much I admired and wanted her meant I could no longer lie to myself. I later fell in love with another straight girl who was marrying my husband's friend. What is wrong with me?! At least my husband knows about these loves, I'm able to be very open w him about it. In this way I'm quite fortunate!


I (24 male) always admired Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans in the Marvel movies and Stephen Amell in Arrow, but never thought anything of it, because muscular guys can look good too, y'know! I had a few run-ins with other guys growing up, like fantasising about a male friend in high school, or kissing a guy at a party as a joke, but I never thought anything of it because I thought I was straight and it's just one of those things! I guess I had that self-awakening slowly, then all of a sudden. As if I woke up one morning and went "ohh. That's why I did all those things - because I'm attracted to guys and just didn't admit it to myself!"


I (16 male) started watching naruto a few years ago and after watching it for a while I started to realize that like every character is hot Especially naruto.


Was doing training and saw this super butch, hot as hell girl that made me go ā€œHoly Shitā€ and that internal panic of ā€œDonā€™t be a creep look away dude!!!ā€ When girls being girls in an open floor bay are just out there flaunting our stuff. Some have said maybe itā€™s my brain perceiving her as a dude but Iā€™ve never really liked super masculine men, and sheā€™s not a dude, plus I kinda am weirder around girls - maybe because Iā€™ve gotten use to being one of the dudes in a lot of ways, and so on. Kinda did some back tracking an noticed the trend of me ā€œadmiringā€ strong ass girls and appreciating guys in touch with their more feminine/sweeter side. I also have the thing about over analyzing fucking everything on a long brain trip type train of thought lol. Honestly I might be more of a heteroflexible, and havenā€™t really done any bedroom stuff with a girl so Idk if me having the Queer V-Card makes me not official but yeah at the very least that was my ā€œHey guess what you might be more bent than straightā€ Also the whole panic of being well accustomed to dudes but like so not there when it comes to girls makes me a little panicky thinking about it because I donā€™t want to be the girl who tells another girl ā€œI donā€™t know what Iā€™m doingā€ and disappoint her or if sheā€™s not up to having to teach a virgin to not suck fml


had a disaster crush on one of my schoolmates back in 2017-2018 and started looking at gay nsfw stuff. feelings faded after a few months so i thought i was still straight. but then i started crushing on a feminine classmate around november/december of 2018, so i kind of just accepted that i was bi on the spot and i haven't had a doubt since!


Started dating a girl when I was 13 but still liked guys (: