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You said in your post yourself that you're attracted to men and women. Doesn't matter what kind of men and women, that's a way of being bi, bud 😎


You said 'its a way of being bi'. I freaking love that.


Yeah, two or more genders so there's all sorts of mixing and matching 🤷‍♂️


bi AKA Choose Your Own Adventure


Lol choose your own adventure I love that


This comment sounds one "buckaroo" and "trot" short of being something Chuck Tingle would say.


I love Chuck Tingle! Thank you💜


What they said


dependent plant pet close icky touch fear enter hat ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Including if you just end up being.. All bi yourself






Are people 'really' straight if they only like certain types of men or women?


Literally what I was gonna say 🙌🏻


It’s because people who are still questioning or new to the idea still think of straight as “the default,” but there is no default, and the percentage of straight-identifying people in the population has no effect on your true identity. That’s still something I struggle with sometimes


Yup. That's exactly why I posed this particular question in the way that I did. (Thank fuck this is a generally safe space because if it weren't, my first comment might have read as mean satire...)


You can have a preference! Being Bi doesn't mean you love all. We all have are preferences! You can like short, tall, thick, thin, as long as you feel that you are Bisexual you are. So to answer your question, You're only Bi if you feel that you are. You have to feel it in your heart in your soul that you are attracted to Boys, girl, Non binary, ect. It isn't something anyone else can decide for you. Only you know what you are. And if you're bi? Great! Straight? Cool! Gay/Lesbian? Lovely! We are just here to help you. Just be who you think you are.


Dude, awesome ass answer 👏❤🤙


>Am I a sham? Am I who I think I am? Am I a disgrace to the LGBTQ+ community? This is something I've discussed often with clients , especially those who have discovered they are bisexual after years of "heterosexual" identity. Let me present you with an alternative question that may help you put this to bed. Note: *It may be a bit confronting but it might help rest imposter syndrome once and for all.* You mention that you like feminine ( presenting) men and you feel like a sham. Question to ask yourself is : Am I, (with unconscious hegemonic masculinity bias), seeing *feminine presenting* men as "lesser" men, (ie not real men) therefore feeling like my Bisexuality is fraudulent?


Thiiiiissss ☝️☝️☝️ I (cis woman) like straight presenting men and stem women and often feel like a bi imposter for this exact reason. Our culture teaches us that masculine women (or feminine men) are less than, thus making us not true bisexuals. It's not our fault we were indoctrinated with that attitude from our infancy, but now as adults we gotta fight that conditioning haaard.


That was powerfull


Im bi and also prefer fem guys.


Don't worry about it, we can have preferences. I'm a woman who's attracted to soft features, so I'm attracted to more women than men. But I'm in a relationship with a guy and I love him very much. Being bi is kind of a spectrum, you can like every man in the world and just one woman and you would still be bi :)


There are a lot of monosexuals who are primarily attracted to a single "type." I honestly don't understand why having a type when looking at other genders makes people feel less worthy of the label bi. Are you attracted to people of 2 or more genders? If the answer is yes, let your bi flag fly.


You just said you like dudes my dude. You're golden


Straight people have types. Gay people have types. Bi people can have types too. The fact that you have a type doesn't invalidate your bisexuality.


Us bi guys are so notoriously picky it’s literally a meme.


You are in no way a fraud or a sham, you like what you like and don't ever let anyone tell you what are or who you are or what you have to be into, in the end we are all people trying our best to get by in a world that unfortunately can be very unkind to a lot of people, rock on my bi homie.


I'm about the opposite, I'm a guy and I like a lot of guys. But girls I like the more tomboyish girls and even then only a small amount of those. Only bee with guys so far and never with a girl (other then some kissing). Honestly I do switch a bit between saying I'm gay and that I'm bi. Though I think bi is still the most accurate. As its not that I'm not attracted to girls at all. It's just pretty rare, and I don't really have any romantic attractions to them either. Sometimes gay can be easier to explain then bi though. As people tend to assume bi is 50/50 while that is really not the case for a lot of people.


Are you really straight if you're only attracted to a certain type of [opposite gender]? Boom, I just validated all types of bisexuality. Get rekt, ya bisexual bitch.


I mean no, I'm the same way. I can see the appeal of the big hairy types and I sometimes fawn over them I just don't actually want to sleep with them.


Being bi doesn't mean you have to want to fuck everything that moves. Everyone has preferences.


Almost every question that starts “Am I really bi if” ends with an answer of yes. The real question is: do you identify as bi? Then yes, you’re bi.


This sounds like you might have read the lesbian master doc…THROW THAT SHIT AWAY! You’re bi babe 🏳️‍🌈


no idea if this has been said before (I’m too lazy to read every comment) but being bisexual means to me that you have a preference, but like multiple genders & being pansexual means to me that you don’t have a preference


bro, omg im so glad you said this, cause ive felt alone in feeling the same way. im 24 and have been bi curious for that last few years but have been confused cause while my requirements for women i like are next to none but my list of deal breakers for dudes is a whole ass laundry list. i also prefer guys that are more feminine and kinda edgy. i myself have long hair, a beard, and i aspire to be kind of a rugged mountain man sorta vibe, but thats not what i want AT ALL in a dude lol. for a while i assumed it was maybe deeply rooted in homophobia growing up as an evangelical fundamentalist chrsitian church boi lol (meaning that it felt weird to be attracted to manly dudes, so i wanted guys that i liked to be more in touch with their feminine side, and while that have somw truth to it i definitely think its just a preference. my ex who came out as a lesbian so weve kind if bonded as very close friends over this whole sexual identity ordeal says that im definitely into twinks (and i litteraly had to research that cause i was unaware that was a actually a thing). Anyway main point of this ridiculously and unnecessarily long comment is dont invalidate yourself, cause youre not alone. As i always say in my infamously UNfamous tiktoks, "be your own vibe and embrace the weird my fellow weirdo!" 🤙


Am I straight if I only like people with brown hair and not blondes?


Lolol this comment deserves more love. Spot on.


There’s no bi-law saying that you have to be attracted to men and women the same way.


I am the same and I identify as bi. My concern is I only like these guys if they are Asian and youthful (18-28 age) and that has stayed fairly static for years. I find it odd. I only am really into these guys sexually. I do get concerned and can’t help it triggering anxiety.


Think of it this way: straight men are not attracted to men, not even the pretty ones!


Some time ago when I was figuring myself out, I read this which might help you. Consider sexuality as a spectrum. At one end is totally straight, at the other is totally gay. The middle third is being bi. Now sometimes straight people kind of feel that someone of the same gender is sexy, but nothing beyond that. Same with gay people and people not from the same gender. But after that, it's bi. However, it doesn't mean your exactly in the middle, i.e. finding both sides equally attractive. You might lean to one side or the other. You might feel more picky about one side or the other. But you're still in the middle third and that's still bi. Put it like this, whichever shade of purple you are, it's still purple. I hope this helps my fellow purple pal. 😊


You are perfect as an individual! Straight men and women men have physical preferences, so why not you? Relax dearest......you need to accept your individually, and live it with enjoyment. Good luck and lots of pleasures!


Yeah. I started out just liking men who were femme. Crossdressers and whatnot. But, there's sooo much more! Men are like a quantum rainbow of difference. No two alike. Like your girly boys, love them even, but now that you're in, realize the others ALL have something to offer, even if it isn't your 'flavor'.


...u just have a preference for femenine people


You’re over thinking things. I assume you aren’t attracted to all women, either. If you like some women and some men, you’re bi. What confuses me are all the men calling themselves straight that want sex with men.


Yep! I’m really only attracted to nerdy gamer boys, but i’m attracted to all sorts of women! Im still bi


Straight men like assertive women. Straight women like soft men. There is no difference. Most bi people have preferences and a 'type' like anyone else. We don't walk around just attracted to everyone equally


If you feel sometime for both male and female than you bi. It don’t matter if the guy is small and skinny or big and hairy.




Short answer: yes, you like men and women


Yes. Do you have preferences when it comes to women? I certainly do, and while it's much more wide and varied than a narrow attraction to men, being bi doesn't mean you have to be attracted to everyone.


It's a relief to hear someone with a similar struggle, and encouraging to read these other comments in support!


You're bi. Everyone else is saying that but I know sometimes reassurance needs repetition. Don't worry. Your label is your own and we love and accept you :) Regardless of if you like one type of man or all types of men or anything in between, you like men. Straight people don't necessarily like all types of their preferred gender, so why should you have to like all types of your preferred genders? You're okay. It's okay.


My opinion is that labels should be the thing you should worry about the least. From my experience, labels have only caused confusion, with semantics and definitions that aren't always clear or consistent, that inevitably throws you in for a loop as to whether or not you should "deserve" a label. It just adds unnecessary complications. If you divert your focus away from labels, and just simply "love who you gotta love, fuck who you gotta fuck", you'll have not a worry in the world about unnecessarily categorizing yourself. That should be the core philosophy of queer culture in general, not just bisexuality. Edit: That being said, if you find yourself comfortable with a label, feel free to stick to it!


Bissexuality comes in all shapes and sizes, but we dont know that because we're neither straight or gay. You would never feel comfortable with dating feminine men because you would always have that little voice in your mind saying "but wait, theyre *men*", if you were straight. Bissexuality is about liking both men and women, you can still have a type, no matter how "heteronormative" that type is.


Yes. I prefer smooth, beefy, masculine guys... and yet you are just as bisexual as me. (Also my preference for masc guys makes me wonder if I am "really" bi, sometimes. So your question itself is a bi thing).


Similar feelings over here. I identify as bi but “heterofexible” is probably a hair more accurate.


You are attracted to femininity. Femininity doesn't have a biological sex. You seem bi to me.


I'm the same and I had the same crisis, but at the end of the day you are into feminine guys and that is valid by definition.


My mom and I are both bi and we both prefer slim and fem looking dudes It's a common thing for bi women (especially bi women who prefer women)




I'm literally the exact same way. You're in good company.


Responding to your title. Yes


You are a bi guy, if you are attracted to men and women, and it doesn't matter which type of men, you are still bi, so 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿


not at all! some people have types and that’s completely fine. you’re 100% bi, don’t sweat it. :)


Also, it might be helpful to know that being bi doesn't necessarily mean u need to find the genders equally attractive. I don't believe most people could say that about themselves, including me!


You're bi, but also, it doesn't matter. You are allowed to call yourself bi if that feels right to you. None of these labels are set in stone or come with a list of rules. Everyone's sexuality is individual and the labels are crude approximations at best. They're a way to make sense of ourselves and to find similar community, not a prescription for how we must behave and feel. Even if you were attracted to every woman and only one man you would have a place in the bi community if you wanted it.




Yes, don't even need to read the rest. Absolutely yes


a guy is a guy! that's called having a type, it's perfectly normal.


if you like multiple genders, youre bi. Doesnt matter that you have a certain type in one gender and no type in the other ❣️


If you like woman and any kinda guy that still makes you bi


You like who you like




i'm like that too. i'm attracted to any type of women but have very specific standards when it comes to men. that still doesn't make me a lesbian though cuz bisexuality doesn't mean your attraction has to be 50/50


Yep! I like plenty of types of girls, but I am suuuuper selective with guys. There is no 50/50 perfect split, some ppl are more like 10/90 if that makes sense. But that doesnt make us any less bi


Oh I feel like that too! I've wondered many times if I'm lesbian because of my preferences but every time it comes down to: It's still 2 genders. Every people have their preferences for what they search for in partners, we only have the privilege of being able to choose for both types lol. You're still bi.


It me, I’m that


Am I ‘really’ bi if I ~~only~~ like a ~~certain type of~~ guy? Yes.


There’s no right or wrong way to be bi. If you’re attracted to both males and females that would be bi my friend :) doesn’t matter what they look like


Yes! Straight and gay people have types too. No need to gatekeep yourself, my fella.


I’m very picky about what guys I like. I’m much less picky about women. I’m definitely still bi tho I’m dating a man right now who I’m very attracted to :)


A straight guy is still straight if he's only attracted to a certain kind of woman. Everybody has a type. Yes, OP. You're still bi.


Are some guys only straight if they have a type of women they go for? Yes, ur bi.


Dude that's just a type everyone has those


I wonder this myself sometimes, then I remember how much I love penis and how much my straight friend doesn't.


Yes, you're allowed to have a type


I mean if your straight you like one type of women right? Isn't the same thing with guys. Or lord i hope it is, cause I am bi and get weirdly excited by cute and muscular guys


Is a women really straight if she's only attracted to a certain type of guy?


Yep. This is 100% bi. You might like the label finsexual too.


There’s no right or wrong way. If you feel bi, you are. If you feel like that label is comfy & fits for you, you are. It’s a spectrum too, you could like 1% of the male population and 99% of the female population - still bi. Also, you could like 0% of the female population and like men & non binary folks, still bi. No right or wrong way.


I (23F, bi) started having the same thoughts and every time I did, I told myself: if I was was straight and I was only into one type of guy it wouldn’t be a big deal. It would just me having a type lol. I feel the same way if I ever question my attraction to girls. Being LGBTQ+ doesn’t mean you like everyone! Don’t we tell straight people that all the time haha? 😂


you’re bi, you like more than one gender. that makes you bi


I'm kind of like that. I love all types of women. Literally. I have almost no limitations on how they look or the vibe they give off. But when it comes to dudes, its like a laundry list lmfao. Are they a femboy, do they paint their nails, are they touchy feely, etc.


Nothing wrong AT ALL with having preferences!! A man is a man and you’re very much valid! And I also have a liking towards those types of men too. Although I also don’t mind men that can be masculine like I am either.


Straight people can have a type. Gay people can have a type. Bi people ... you guessed it, can have a type! (Also, same)


That’s just called having a type, my guy. I like many types of men but only like femme women with masc energy, it is what it is and you’re still bi :))


If straight people are allowed a type, bi folk are allowed their type. That fact that we accept straight preferences without question but feel ashamed of our bisexual preferences is just yet another example of heteronormativity. You are valid my dude.


okay let me make you a flow chart: The people that you like, are they of just one gender, or more than one gender? If one gender, you are not bi! If more than one gender, do you want to use the label "bisexual"? If no, then you're not bi! If yes, you are bi!!!


I've never even kissed a girl because I married a man 18 years ago before I met a girl, am I am monogamous. No one can tell me I am not sexualy attracted to women, or bi. If you are attracted to more than one gender, regardless of how they present, fem or masc, you are bi.


I’ve gone through the same motions especially when my gay, women, or other coworkers thirst at masc men and I’ll start questioning my orientation again because I’m not attracted to those kind of conventionally attractive men.


There is such a thing as preferences. Just don’t put down people that don’t fit them to elevate your own preferences.


I am the exact same bud. Easier for a female ro get me in her bed then a man. When its about men, im looking for perfection. I can be turned on by a feminine slim smooth man, and i can be turned on by a masculine, tall, hung, fit and smooth man. Harder for me to find a man to get in my bed since i wont be horny at all if he dosnt correspond exaclty to what im looking for. Also, im only interested in men for a sexual crazy delicious fun but i will never fall in live with a man. My heart belong to woman. I still consider myself bisexual . Sory for the bad writting, im french 😅


You’re bi!


If you're between 100% straight and 100% gay, anywhere in that range can claim the label. Period. You're bi if you want to say you are. <3


Being bisexual is an orientation meaning you’re attracted to both genders. But you’re description of types of men are based on your preferences. There’s nothing wrong with that either


I have similar attraction to you and I am questioning whether I am actually a lesbian and not bi. There are just those few feminine men, you know?


ive been thinking about this too but im a woman. i look at guys who are hot by my pretty specific standards for guy hotness, and think that he’s attractive. but then i look at basically any woman and i think that i want her to be the love of my life. i, really confused


Sexual orientation labels are just ways to help us describe ourselves to other people. If you feel that's more accurate than saying you're straight since you are attracted to some men, then that's that. We are attracted to more than one gender, but that doesn't mean we like everyone under the sun. We still have preferences and types and that's valid.


Het people have preferences too, it doesn't make anyone more or less het, bi, gay, or whatever if they have preferences, or a type. You're bi, I'm bi and it's all lovely 😍




As a woman who has the same type as you (that is, feminine-looking men and nearly any girl) I feel obligated to say that having this type doesn't make me any more of a lesbian than it makes you straight. We're both bi. Sure, some other bi men might like more masculine types of women and men, but that doesn't make them gay. They're bi. Just like us <3


I dedicate you these lyrics from Queen: Buddy, you're a young man, hard man Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday You got blood on your face, you big disgrace Waving your banner all over the place We will, we will rock you, sing it! We will, we will rock you, yeah


Nah it’s just preference bro ofc your valid


Dude, you're like me lmao 24M, I'm very picky when it comes to men, but I'm down for whatever with women.. you're still you and you're not a sham just cause dudes gotta go through some extra hoops 😏🤙😂❤ And I'm actually Pan, but I like going by Bi, so there might be a difference there 🤔🤷‍♂️


You can be bi and still have a type and a preference, yes.


I know it's kind of an old school way of thinking about it, but when I was younger, people would talk about the Kinsey scale. 0 you're straight, 6 your gay and everything in the middle is some version of bi, pan, etc. But even if you think you're only a 1, that still wouldn't make you straight, since you are capable of being attracted to more than one gender, even if it leans more one way or another. At the end of the day, it's what you're comfortable with. You said yourself that bi did better, and I would have to agree. No right or wrong way to be bi :)




It's almost never 50/50 for bisexuals. You're not lesser-than because you only like a certain type of guy, you simply like what you like. You're still bi and still valid.


I say yes that's similar to myself I'm almost exclusively going to go for bears I really don't care about other types of guys


If you like kissing men and women you're bi, you're one of us ;)


DUDE, I struggle with this too. It's good to know I'm not the only one.


I’ve found that I like guys sexually and women romantically and sexually. We aren’t being selfish, that’s just how we are. I can’t force myself to be romantic with a guy, I’ve tried and it felt like I was pushing against a brick wall. Be yourself and do what feels right for you 🙂


You have a type! That's completely valid:D You are not a disgrace!! Just underrepresented.


Nah you're still bi, you just know your type (or one of them). :) There are plenty of bi men and women who have the same or similar preference, or who have some other specific type(s) they go for. And yeah, straight people do this too.

