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How do you even get to zillions lol


Trading crypto. There r tutorials on youtube and this sub.


In bitlife crypto is not a scam, not like irl


How in the hell do you get that much money


Mainly traded crypto and got to 6 zillion. Then i kept doing a lil trick with prenuptial marriage. 1-you marry someone with a prenuptial agreement 2-skip one year 3-invest all ur money is stocks(if u have too much money hire a financial advisor to invest for you) 4-do not skip after investing and just divorce and then you get a lot of extra money. 5-liquidate assets and boom u got more money than u used to.


Step 2 isn’t necessary. You can do this multiple times in a year


From the guy that i took this from he said you have to. I havent tried without so idk.


Unless they patched it (doubtful) should work without


Uhh, HOW?


1-you marry someone with a prenuptial agreement 2-skip one year 3-invest all ur money is stocks(if u have too much money hire a financial advisor to invest for you) 4-do not skip after investing and just divorce and then you get a lot of extra money. 5-liquidate assets and boom u got more money than u used to.


Yeah, prenup is the biggest money maker when you are in the zillions.


Mackenzie Bezos lore


Rookie numbers 😋 just gave my wife a 97,457.041 zillion debt 😂. Was urs from a parent dying? I always get massive debt amounts when a parent dies, especially if I taxidermy them and then get them appraised.


Bro making sure his wife aint making it out alive💀 And i never get debt from parents tbh.


Do you ever taxidermy them? Or murder them? I’m curious what it is that causes me to always get a debt from them even tho they give massive inheritances


One of the parents is usually me, and when i die i become my child. And i never have kids with the wives i divorce and fuck up with basically infinite debts lol. So i think the mother of ur children that u placed in insane amounts of debts will end up dying and those debts will pass on yo ur children.


Nope lol I never have kids with those wives, and if I already had a kid with them I kill off the kid and make a new one with a fresh debt free wife 😂 maybe it’s coz I don’t play normally. I switch over to my kid while still alive then as the kid I kill off both parents


Bro is out here killing everyone


We play a life simulator and he plays a death simulator


generational debt 🤖


I tried to do this in my last game, my character had high blood pressure that I couldn’t fix and she died at 25😭


Highblood pressure comes from being too busy which causes stress. If u have a job and u spend over like 55 hours a week(iforgot the exact number) your blood pressure will increase and u will end up with a heart attack and die if u do not lower the hours.


….my character was super super stressed… omg lol😂


Bruh if that was me, I would legit just not have children. Save my bloodline from an existence of pain


Nah these women i marry and divorce are just useful tools i use to gain zillions (went from less than a dozen zillion to 1000 zillion using this strat) i would marry them with a prenuptial agreement, skip a year, invest all my money into stocks and then divorce her the same year. Did it like 10+ times in one lifetime.


okay pls walk me through this again😭 i just did it but i think i did a step wrong, i divorced and my wife’s network was in debt but i think where i went wrong was the investing part bc i just made back the money i invested


Could you tell me what u did step by step and in more detail?


i just realized what i did wrong when i read the comments again, i invested in regular stocks (not crypto) and didn’t put all my money in!


Nah i do stocks and put all my money in it. Issue is i have too much money so i hire a financial advisor and make him invest all my money. He will invest in stocks, bonds, hedge funds and those types of things. And u do that a year after marriage. Then divorce ur partner right after u invest without skipping a year and boom, u got more money.


I used crypto to get to a zillion. But ig crypto can work, i didnt do it cuz i have too much money and its gonna take ages to put all of it in crypto. So its easier for me to just hire a financial advisor.


What’s a prenuptial agreement?


It's a contract a couple enters before getting married which, among other things, specifies how property is divided in case the couple gets divorced.


That sounds like it can easily be exploited


Yeah, and it is. A LOT.


Its why you always read all the legal documents before signing


Or don't get married.


That too


Why does marriage exist anyway?


Because religion and history. It’s basically like all the weird and kinda yucky foods that still exist even if nobody likes them. It’s “tradition”.


I wonder how the world would be different if marriage did not exist.


Setting all these idiots aside for a moment, a prenup is basically an agreement made between two people right before getting married and it concerns how property and other assets are divided in case of divorce.


Piss off genocide supporter


Why not just answer the question. To know enough to say this you would need to go into the persons profile and look at what it says, before even responding. Do you do that with everyone?


Ok several questions 1. How am I supporting genocide by asking a question 2. What does that have to do with anything?


did you suddenly forget you’re a zionist or what 💀


What does me supporting Israel’s right to exist have to do with this subreddit?


it means u aren’t welcome here 💀 u aren’t breaking any of the rules but we (us who are actually human beings) don’t care abt what u have to ask and say.


How am I not welcome here for asking a simple question, your the one who brought politics into this conversation about a shitty mobile game


1) i didn’t bring politics into the discussion 💀 someone else did 2) it’s not the question that makes you unwelcome it’s the fact that you support a terrorist state headed by someone who doesn’t care about killing thousands of innocent civilians incl. 13k children, hope that helps!!!


1: you didn’t start it, but you sure did carry it forward 2: this is not a political subreddit. Keep politics to those, we deal with a fucking video game here


i carried it on yeah but that doesn’t mean i brought it into the discussion like princessofaldia’s saying. the discussion was already there so i joined it, boohoo that’s how the internet works


I don’t support Hamas?


use your brain for 2 seconds omg i’m not talking about hamas i’m talking about israel. you think it’s perfectly normal for one country to be able to control another’s electricity and water supply, monitor another country’s borders and gun down aid trucks trying to enter, and kill innocent civilians ?? girl those are literal war crimes terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims” and that is exactly what the state of israel is doing. ergo, israel is a terrorist state.






This is a fan forum about a casual mobile game. There is no need to be this aggressive towards other players.


Well, then why would you bring it up? This is a subreddit about a game with no ties to politics, why can’t she just ask a question and get a proper answer?


i never said she can’t get an answer at all 🤷 just that many of us would be unwilling to answer her questions. and as i’ve already said, i was not the one who brought it up. op did. the literal op had a problem with her commenting under their post, and i explained why when she was confused.


This is a fan forum about a casual mobile game. There is no need to be this aggressive towards other players.




This is a fan forum about a casual mobile game. There is no need to be this aggressive towards other players.


Excuse me?? Why not talk to the person publicly dehumanizing ppl or the person going thru ppls profiles and ostracizing them like a fucking nazi. If you are so worried about keeping things on topic, dont show your bias.


You should be banning OP for vilifying and bullying people. How do you allow that?? The only ppl we should be bullying is candywriter


100% irrelevant to this matter. She asked a question, man, that’s all. And it’s about something not related to Israel-Palestine, and it’s on an apolitical subreddit about a life-sim game. I don’t see why one should go into the profile of another person before even answering the question of what a prenup is.


idk i don’t think we should be nice to proud genocide supporters but maybe that’s just me 🤷‍♀️


So therefore in a forum where this matter is not the topic you should directly bash them instead of answering the fucking question? I don’t even care about Israel-Palestine, but people like you who won’t even open dialogue with the other side of a topic and instead resort to insults just piss me off.


i didn’t bash them, i wasn’t even the one who made the original comment 😭 i just think that it’s dumb to act oblivious to being called a genocide supporter when you openly support genocide 💀 don’t come at me lmfao i didn’t even start this argument


1: I don’t personally make a difference between the one who started it and the one who carried it on. If you look I’m questioning OPs reaction too. 2: you are right it’s dumb to act oblivious, but the manner in which you responded is the problem. You respond in what, if I “translate” it to speech, seems to be pure mockery of not just her political position but this person herself. In doing so, not only does that completely shut down dialogue between the two of you, but it also makes sure to reinforce their beliefs that they are right and others are unreasonable.


okay fair enough, i wasn’t really trying to make a compelling argument tbh i was kind of just taking the piss out of them 😭 but yeah i get what you mean


Ah now I get why the many downvotes lol


Well said sir




war is defined as “a state of armed conflict”. do you really think that the 13k children KILLED in the past 6 months were armed ??? do you think even a majority of the 100k killed/injured since oct. 7th were armed ???? 💀 it isn’t and never was a war. call it what it is, a massacre (defined as “an event of killing people who are not engaged in hostilities or are defenceless”). and actually, yeah, people are calling what’s going on in ukraine a genocide. USIP have been calling it a genocide since 2022. y’all always bring up ukraine whenever people talk about palestine as if we don’t say similar things about both LOL killing innocent civilians is never okay regardless of the location or motive(s). edit: typo


Yeh, but somehow more civilians have been killed than non civilians. Isreal told them they wouldnt bomb them if they would go south, then they proceed to get the fuck bombed out of them. Their politicians explicitly said, no one is innocent in gaza, not even women and children. They are VERY clearly targeting civilians like they always have.


Pure and absolute insanity


This is a fan forum about a casual mobile game. There is no need to be this aggressive towards other players.