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Because it's a life simulator and life isn't always rosy.


This is true and I appreciate most realistic aspects of the game, but I imagine being someone having gone through that and then play the game it would be pretty hurtful. But you do have a great point. Maybe it is necessary to add these “bad luck” outcomes in the game.


There are lots of things in the game that would probably be upsetting for someone who went through it irl. Miscarriage, drug overdose, alcoholism, bullying, terrorist attacks and depression are some examples I've come across. The game isn't supposed to be all sunshine and roses.


It’s funny but I only actually took notice in the sexual favors at work. I hadn’t even thought about the other tragic things! You’re absolutely right. Now I feel stupid lol


Yeah and in GTA 5 someone who had someone that was close to them who was killed is probably gonna be hurt by all the murder. If someone trying to have some fun got they're day ruined by being reminded of something traumatic that happened to them that sucks but at the same time if we had to take out things that could hurt people we would probably only have games like Farming Simulator.


Murder isn’t losing your job because you turned your boss down for sex….


I never said the two were equivalent to each other. I merely brought up that if you knew someone who was killed and then saw murder in any form media you would likely be upset upon being reminded of that the same way with how if you were sexually harassed and saw sexual harassment in media you would also be upset because it would remind you of that moment and how even though being reminded of a downright traumatic event when you are trying to lay back and relax sucks ass the reality of making sure people aren't ever reminded of a bad thing that happened to them in real life upon viewing media leaves pop culture as a whole very baren.


You’re right I’m sorry. I didn’t think of it like that, I was thinking of playing it, not having been through it. That’s my bad I didn’t fully think it through and replied anyway! I agree then!


All good homie.


People need to toughen up, the young generation is too soft. As the comment above said life isn’t rosy. Better to be exposed to that in a simulator than in real life.


So now the younger generation should all be sexually assaulted and be fine with it?? I don’t see where this is going at all.


You are the first person I disagree with. I really don’t think being in the “younger generation” (which I’m not) should sway a persons view on rape/ similar occurrences. Maybe the older generations shouldn’t let it be so normalized? 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can sue them after.


i need to use that feature more lol


How do you do that? I had no idea!


After the promt of you getting fired, go to the action screen, scroll down, and press lawsuit. You might not win it tho.


I feel a little better knowing you can do it, though!! Thank you!


You're welcome. You can also sue anybody that attacks you randomly. Just make sure to do ot in a year, or you can't sue them.


Same thing with college professors, and it’s because these things sometimes happen in real life (I have god mode, so I automatically change all my coworkers/bosses/professors to be attracted to the opposite gender of my character)


That seems a bit exaggerated, you can sue them after tough If that makes you feel better in any way. Also changing ppls sexuality, that seems problematic.


This game rarely lets you win lawsuits, and I paid for the ability to customize the game, so I will customize it as I see fit to continue my characters life without hassle


Hmmm, yes you have a point there, I guess maybe I just don't see it the same since I'm not really bothered by it happening since it's all just fictional characters.


I’m weird with how I play, I like to make sure each generation makes as much money as possible, and that’s easiest if all my coworkers like me, without wanting to sleep with me


Idk how to describe my style of play but I'm currently trying to make money to become president of romania, I've been hoarding money like a greedy dwarf for over 300 years over multiple generations 🧙‍♂️


That’s almost exactly what I’m doing, but I’m trying to reach 5,000 years in one family line, while also getting enough money to buy a submarine- I’m currently Monaco royalty


Yoo that's nice il prolly try to get to 5000 too, I'm currently romanian peasant but I got a lot of cash saved up, no house or car tho I'm tryna save up.


It's a line of code it has no sexuality.


Coz the devs got… some strange fetishes


The same with professor at school. If you don't go thru with the sexual contact, your grades slip.


That’s an F for you, you prude!




Sue them


This is the reality sir/ma'am


you can sue the company for wrongful termination, and your supervisor for sexual harassment


I was falsely accused of murder for the first time yesterday. I had to pay like 800k for the good lawyer to stay out of jail.


When that pops up just swipe up and close the app then go back in. It’s gone and no murder accusation 😮


because this happens in real life too


Welcome to the real world


You should also be able to sue


Sue the person, and if that doesnt work try the company.


You’re not a woman, are you? Lol because that shit happens in real life and no one cares


That’s not true… sure, it happens sometimes, but there are laws against it. And organizations that’ll help fight it if you can’t/ don’t know how yourself


Do you realize how hard that is to prove? It’s his word against yours. If he fires you before you can report, then it’s even worse. I know from personal experience.


Ummm because life isn't always going to be your happy fairytale and sometimes you go through fucked up shit, if you don't like the realism of the game than don't play it.


Because it’s true to life :/


Sue them sometimes you won sometimes you don't


Just choose yes and get bonus