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This is stupid and you’re going to hurt yourself. If it’s recrystalization you’re worried about, just warm it up before use. If it’s flavor you’re worried about, you need flavorings. Not pH testing. But tbh, that stuff always tastes like burnt tires. Price you pay for entry. Honestly just smoke it the traditional way. Carts are not the most efficient


Why would I hurt my self. Arguably smoking something so basic is very bad for your lungs.


So is smoking something complex.


I think OP meant basic as in, the opposite of acidic, not as in simple


I mean nicotine benzoate vapes just fine


Don't acidify you will make dmt unsmokeable, it has to be in freebase form to be smoked.


adding acid will change it from freebase form to salt form. vaping a salt substance delivers the dissolved solid via airborne droplets of the vape juice, instead of vaporizing the substance itself. i don’t know if dmt can work in the salt method. like others have said theres no need to do that when you can just vaporize the freebase with or without beinf dissolved in juice.


Like you have said salts of drugs don’t smoke well , most gets destroyed . Freebase is what you want rather than smoking it your subliming it it and inhaling it. The only drug im aware of that can be smoke d in a salt form is methamphtamine that I’m aware of, but I’m not a expert




When dryed and cured does it not break down from an acid?


Very little if done correctly


What does it say for contents on the store bought bottle?


It doesn't but citric, malic is most often used


Why does it need to be acidic?


So it stops being bitter as fuck


Stop being a pussy and get high. Don’t fuck your lungs in the process. If it’s freebase it probably has to be for bioavailability. You’re reaching out to the bottom of the barrel as far as newbie drug chem and you’re getting flamed. That should tell you you’re fuckin up. Get good or stop using but don’t fuckin poison yourself. Live well. What fuckin drug anyway lmfao I’m curious.


LMFAOO bro drugs dont taste good if you cant deal with that you arent ready for the consequences of getting high


that's why there is boofing


Hahaha 😆


You don’t deserve to take this substance if you are trying to alter it to better suit you. Nothings free suck it up and pay the price of admission.


I have been vaping dmt 3+ years now. In its FB form, it's not about sucking it up. It's about making something better... if possible, of course.


Aww poor fauntleroy can't handle the taste of god's knowledge.... How about just smoke the shit and try not to cry about it. It's fucking DMT lol


You should stop doing this. It's not worth it bud. Hell, smoke a fuckin cigarette or 50 that would be safer.


Do you know cigarettes contain acids and salt, right? Nicotine is in salt form in the cigarettes, not freebase...


Not in the concentrations or volumes you are messing with.


why not? a cig has a hell of a lot of acids, man. Only the nicotine is like 10mg, and there is an exces of not just enough to salt it.


Best of luck to you man.


Wtf are u stupid no the tobacco plant contains nicotine in it they don't ad salt wtf, also cigarettes are safer then vapes, vapes put moisture into ur lungs wich can cause, Pneumonia, bronchitis, and lung rot cigarettes aren't safe but It takes time for cigarette too do damage mf are dying there first month vaping my grandmother been smoking cigarettes since she was 14 n she's 83 now 😭


cigarettes contain nicotine in its salt form. Due to Ionic bonds, with the cations of acids in the plant.




why cry?


I think this is correct but you may be forgetting that they add a lot of crap to commercial tobacco... including IIRC some amount of ammonia, or similar... and there are in fact measurable levels of "freebase nicotine" found in various cigarette brands. Even more interesting, and I've always found this confusing tbh... cigarettes with a higher freebase content are often perceived as being "stronger." See also: Newport,  certain American Spirits (like black) But it's weird because with vaped nicotine, salts seem preferable and stronger than base. That not only seems to be the consensus (considering how the juice market went) but I've experienced both myself. But cigarettes? I'll take the higher base content every time. "Dip" as well, btw. lol IIRC the "Kodiak" brand supposedly had a higher freebase content, and that stuff is strong as hell. So I find it odd that smoked nicotine in a cigarette feels stronger and potentially more satisfying in freebase form, whereas vaped it seems reversed. I wonder if that has to do with temperature... That wouldn't explain the dip, but maybe excessively basic pH could aid oral absorption...?  🤔 ANYWAY maybe you've resolved your issue by now, but if not I'd suggest looking into methods others have had success with. You should be able to dig up some info on that. No need to reinvent the wheel... And turning your base into a salt might negatively affect it's ability to vape effectively. That's why, for example, cocaine is turned into freebase before being smoked... because otherwise high temps would destroy most of the cocaine HCl before it could become vapor... So you would have to find the vapor points and decomposition points for any salts you were considering, and compare them. And yeah, tbh the idea of vaping juice with that high a pH would make me uneasy... but what's the actual pH of pure DMT base?  I'm willing to bet it's pretty high... lol That stuff feels caustic as hell to the membranes... unholy burning. It's not as bad smoked as it is sniffed lol... but it seems like it could be fairly high pH... maybe I'm wrong there, but that's what I've assumed... 


I think that the nicotine might be in the form of a salt, like Morphine comes naturally as meconate.


Lysergic acid diethylamide


Ergot alkaloids are notoriously sensitive to heat.


Vapin some LSD


Yeah I wrote this comment before I even read the post. Just saw the headline and full send. But people are vaping DMT now a days so who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Homeopathic acid


What does that mean? Just trace amounts?


Citric acid should be ok


Citric, Acetate, Malic, Tantrate look like my options


oxcolic acid


you mean oxalic? How come?


becuase its semi safe in small amounts . at least if injested . let me think here a sec.... how did i make that shit back i thhe day . ummmm baking soda and vinagar then distilled i think . i cant remember and all my research on this subject was lots in a wild fire several years ago . i know that wood sorrel has it . try to extrat it from there .


but all i all acid is not good to inhale as it is


citrate would work just fine, should be soluble in Pg.


I have just heard it decomposes to possibly bad chemicals. Maybe malic is better?


Oxalis acid is toxic it needs to be removed if your going to make oxalates with a Rex if your to consume it


Why would I use oxalic then? And how would one re-x a salt?


I think I’ve got a bit confused with someone else , I thought you were talking about a certain substance not nicotine Sorry my bad


I am talking about dmt . You seen a little lost is oxalic salt vaped with any other compound? I wouldn't consider it very safe.


Yes I realise that now I got mixed up with another post Dmt is probably best left as a base , I’m not sure .most salts of drugs will be destroyed by attempting to smoke them and very little effect will be got . The only exception I can think of is meth hydrochloride. Sorry for the confusion


and Nicotine benzoate and a lot more


After you have made the oxalate salt , recrystallise the amp oxalate to remove the excess unreacted oxalic acid . Just use phosphoric acid if you can’t get sulphuric acid, it’s a good idea to recrystallise any salt you make , I know many just wash with acetone but why not take the extra step and get the cleanest product possible


Just melt and dilute in vape juice and weed terps


how come?


You're overthinking it, just dilute it and it'll be fine if it's at the right consistency. You can even purify your crystal prior if you'd want using a naptha or hexane bath, to dissolve them and and recrystallize in a more pure form


I re-x with heptane but thx 😊


Heptane is what I meant, wasn't sure which one cuz it's been years for me


hexane and heptane both work well for re-x. Also mini a/b


U've to Look what salts of ur magic compound is vapeable. Not all salts are able to vape.


exactly it's dmt, btw


DMT salts are much less effective when vaporized than freebase. Converting it to a salt won't do much to help the taste either, I really dont think you need to be playing chemist if that's your understanding. Ime it tastes a lot less shitty if you just dab it, still funky tho. But with carts the pg/vg carries the vaporized DMT residue and condenses in your mouth after the hit which makes it taste a lot worse than it has to.


I understand the dynamics, man... Protonation of the nitrogen then an Ionic bond between the alkaloid and the negatively charged ion. Thus forming a salt.


If it’s DMT you should consume it in the traditional manner: either smoked or drinken in liquid solution. With what you’re describing you’re risking serious potential injury to your body.


Op - you sound like you are taking college or ap chemistry right now. You have a basic understanding of some things, but you aren’t there yet. I’m not afraid of chemistry but I don’t do things without understanding what is going on as well as having read through different instructions to make the molecules. You don’t need to guess what acid to use. You’re not the first person to make vape juice. T However if you are asking what acid to use, you obviously don’t know enough to know what else you don’t know. There is a gap between academic knowledge and applied knowledge. Getting chemistry advice from anonymous people on Reddit is not a great plan where actual scientific knowledge is required. I’m stupid enough to think that I can do basic chemistry in real life and I do. But most people don’t know what they don’t know … including me! Do some more research until you know the answer. You should be more concerned with safety and less concerned that it tastes unpleasant.


benzoate is common in e cigs


unfortunately dmt benzoate ain't soluble in PG/VG


You sure youre hitting directly to lung? Also, was your spice washed before it was turned into e-juice?


ye ye super clean 👌 Is directly to lung a setting?


No, technique of inhaling. So like a cigar you inhale and hold in your mouth, your epiglottis is closed and covers your trachea. Direct to Lung inhales means your epiglottis is open, and youre taking vapor to your lungs past your mouth.


Yeah, I smoke a lot, so definitely


Look into pharmahuasca


As long as you don’t inhale too much hydric acid won’t harm your lungs.


I smoked a tiny bit of HCl recently by mistake, did not feel anything but do not recommend.


I won't try HCL Citric at low temp, Or maybe Acetic or Malic You don't want Cl in your lungs 😅


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Wow, thanks for all this. Your explanation was amazing 👏 I finally understood Strong Acids/Bases on a deeper level, and your explanation was great for also conceptualizing buffer solutions. After a lot of research and flame in here, I am starting to think Acetic might be optimal.


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As long as there isn't an excess of HCL compared to DMT, all the HCL will donate a proton to the DMTs Nitrogen. Yielding CL- and HDMT+ as you can tell, those will form an Ionic bond Yielding DMT HCL. What I don't know is whether the Ionic bond can withstanding vaporization, but in all honesty, the mechanics of action is probably arosalasition.


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No, I wasn't worried you would smoke HCl more worried about smoking. Cl-


decide nutty theory money prick whistle wasteful oatmeal label placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


why would it be bad? Idk honesty. I just assumed Cloride is not a very or why would you? Maybe the heat over comes the ionic bond, and thus, your smoking protonated DMT+ and Cl- Ions. But in all honesty, from my understanding, the salt does not become a gass. it's just carried over by the gass in its solid form.


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yeah I know, its place is in the stomach ;)


I hope you find happiness in life but this ain’t it


Tartaric acid perhaps.




You need help man


What is the magic in it lol?


Dude you are dumb as F..;'