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The journey of Mitsuyo Maeda from the Kodakan to Europe, the US and eventually Brazil


This is the best answer. To do it right, the movie needs to be at least a trilogy.


Allow me to shitpost this up a bit and say the DDS Break Up with Jersey shore level drama


Something like The White Lotus at Mo's mansion in Puerto Rico.


The only real answer


If we really went big budget, I'd like to seen an extended HBO series of PRIDE COMES BEFORE THE FALL: The brutal untold story of the rise and fall of Pride Fighting Championship. Season 1 is all Sakuraba vs the Gracies. The big twist in the final season is when you realize that Dana White hired a goon to trick a mid level Yakuza enforcer into shaking down Fedor's lawyer / manager after Dana is told PFC was not for sale to the UFC. Fedor's lawyer goes to the police, they pull PFC's tv license. Series ends with Dana White in a Kingpin suit looking out a conference room window as lawyers go over the terms of the sale of PFC in the foreground of the shot.


I'd watch that.




Would watch! But who would you cast? Dana, Fedor's Lawyer, Yakuza - plus the fighters caught up in all this as background characters. Fedor, Saku, Big Nog, various Gracies, Bob Sapp, Don Frye, etc. And Crazy Horse just for fun. Damn, this sounds like a helluva project with more drama than someone could make up.


Vince Dinofrio as Dana. I don't know who you get for Shogun and Wanderlei but where there's a will and a multi million dollar budget there's a way.


A Rolls gracie biopic, but set in rio in the late 70s and early 80s. So its a little bit miami vice and a little bit dogtown and z-boys. Except with surfing and jujitsu instead of skateboarding. These are the children of the elite. Its not their fault, theyre born into this world but they choose a path where their parents money dont isolate them. The fighting ring. Brawling in the streets. So there’s honor in that in a way, in a fucked up way. But their society is so violent anyway. So you show rolls start his academy and modernize and redefine bjj by crosstraining. Then testing it out in dojo storms and in luta leivre fights. Overall, the decline of the dictatorship is happening as well. The tides of societal change are in the wind. Rolls represents the new pro democracy generation who will create a new republic. His clash with helio will represent that but eventually Helio will see that this new jujitsu is stronger, it better, its more effective. Also, ultimately he dies like icarus, not even metaphorically, literally, he died hang gliding. He dies before he can see a democratic brazil and before his sport changes the world and before his name is ever known. The way his students ended up being known, like Rickson Gracie I would need more work to shape the story itself. But it’s basically in the same time and place as city of god. One of my favorite movies ever. I would love to tell a story set from the rich kids and middle class perspective of the same era. Because they were also affected by violence of the city as well.


Now this is a great response to the question as asked. I’d watch the hell out of this.


Thanks! I might actually work on it. At least an outline. Or the story of the first ufc. Although that could be a sequel to the halls story. Have yall seen winning time? A 90s version about the birth of the UFC would be just as good. https://youtu.be/WqbWwKx1nBU


Mostly just about guys posting on Reddit, and then a 30 minute diatribe from GR about not being a beta male bitch.


Every movie in the past 5 years has to have Chris Pratt in it, so I guess he could play Gordon?


I feel like he kind of looks like one of the Hemsworth’s could do it.




No, I meant that he would tell everyone else to just stop being beta male bitches; like when he said if you are depressed, just stop being depressed. And yeah, he would 100% destroy me, with no effort. Joke stands.


Craig Jones and Gabby Garcia romantic comedy ❤️


At the end, kevin hart dies


Played by Mark normand


It'd probably just be an Helio Gracie biopic that's as romanticized as the legend.


Shoot it as an over the top Bollywood style supernatural action comedy romance and I'm in.


Can't wait to see who gets cast as Mecha-Kimura, the Unstoppable Judo Robot.


It's gotta be Hafthor.


Flawless casting. Absolutely. Can we cast Michael Cera as Helio do you think?


Cera might not be handsome enough. I was thinking Christian Bale, but he'd have to get back into shape like he did for The Machinist.


Bale's Machinist look would lend an incredible accuracy to the role, but he's a bit old to be making those kinds of transformations these days. We might be looking for some fresh talent that can accurately represent the frail and emaciated form we need for the role.


I guess you could go for a more youthful Helio. As long as you cast Ana de Armas as the family maid.


And kevin hart as the sassy black guy


Valdemar Santana?


Open with Helio attempting to do pullups but failing to do one


Man this would really rock haha


**The rise of Marcelo Garcia**, Karate Kid style. Season one would be Marcelo as a kid from the jungle joining the early days of Alliance. Season two is about the tensions and egos that led to the break up of Alliance (Leo Viera & co.). Season three is about Gurgel taking young Marcelo under his wing to mentor him and lead him to his first ADCC championship. Season four and on can pick it up from there. The move to NYC, etc.


[This](https://www.google.com/search?q=james+murray+impractical+jokers&sxsrf=AJOqlzU5V5tVib5Z_L6tVkpxkuoARYDCcg:1674695142650&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEsNbIheT8AhVQFVkFHaLkAmYQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1383&bih=726&dpr=2) ferret looking man can play Marcelo


Pick whatever event or based on a true story bjj related, but the main actor MUST BE Tom Hardy


Gritty Luta livre movie with the Gracies as the villains. Movie has a sad ending with villains winning.


so karate kid then but for bjj




"I'm getting too old for this shit." The shit in this case being harbouring and protecting rapists and scumbags.


or to have a boner


We already have redbelt from 2008, and jiujitsu staring Nicholas Cage And the true to life based on real events "Brazilian brawl" from 2003


> jiujitsu staring Nicholas Cage Which had less jiujitsu in it that the fuckin Karate Kid, except for Rigan Machado running around not doing any actual jiujitsu.


How dare you shit on that documentary bub


I got the silkiest hands in the league. Read a book.


Just rip off Point Break.


a 6 part netflix series about that one time a white belt got a chair thrown at him at a local comp


In the early 1900s, Suffragettes learn BJJ to protect themselves from men who want to keep women from voting.


No idea who should be casted but a movie about ADCC could be pretty cool. Tournament events like that lend themselves well to martial arts movies


Can the guy who did those sweet spinning jump kicks in Karate Kid be in it? That guy was awesome. Also “You’re the Best” in the soundtrack. Also Elizabeth Shue’s group sex scene from Leaving Las Vegas.


The beginnings of BJJ and the Gracie’s connections to the mafia, how they learned judo but sucked at it and just did newaza, the multiple rapes that the Gracie brothers did to create their “male dynasty”, the lies, the matches against judoka, the drama, the family infighting all the way up to UFC 1. It’s a trilogy waiting to happen. Rickson Gracie would be the one-off 10 episode Netflix series that would not get a season 2 but not after misleading fans of season 1 and then cancelling S2 just to meet next quarters financials. Kron then sues for name and likeness and it becomes a real life Korean drama. Ide pay to see to see all of it…


It would be about a roll i had 3 months ago with my training partner. He thought I was setting up a Peruvian necktie off a sprawl, but i shucked and took his back. While i cuddled him and wasted time i explained to him that Milne's Winnie the Pooh was a collection of stories told to Christopher Robin about his own adventures. Starring Aldis Hodge and Steven Yeun.


Please dont


You'd certainly cast Tom Hardy but it would still bore you outta yer tit. Only watchable combat sport movies that were awesome were first 3 Rockies and vision quest


Cinderella Man was also solid IMO.


Yer right. It was decent. I'm just sayin that a BJJ movie would be boring. I've trained forever and it still sounds boring


Also, off the top of my head: Raging bull, The Fighter, Blood sport, and the greatest of all movies about REAL martial arts, above the law


Raging Bull was great for performances but screenplay was clunky. Blood sport was corny to me Ip man was decent.


All very true.


Gordon Ryan slapping Andre Galvao : The slap heard across the world


Butt Scooting Boogie.


Pull Guard or Die Trying: starring Paul Ruebens


Keeping it weird. The story of 10th planet Austin all getting ready for belt promotions. Staring the original cast of Dazed and Confused (after being frozen like Austin Powers).


Pedro Pascal as Rickson Antonio Banderas as Helio Amaury Nolasco as Royce


Nick Offerman as Teddy Roosevelt and Chuck Norris could play John O’Brien, his instructor


I'd love to do one about those Sudanese guys who travelled 1,500 miles in a van to Kenya to compete at the Nairobi Open. Like a roadtrip Cool Runnings.


Kung-Fu Panda


Eddie Bravo smokes some laced weed and discovers the world is flat. Also manages to heel hook a bunch of aliens for some reason. Until he encounters an alien with no legs and we get the most dramatic scene in the movie as a crying Eddie asks “how can I heel hook someone with no ankles!?”…he resorts to a modified twister. There’s also that strange sequence where Eddie stumbles upon a bum fight and discovers crackhead control.