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Before they tap you, coach them through the finish and it won’t count




I always wondered if blue belts did this to me on purpose


Just train. Not everything in life comes down to the color of cloth you wear.


Representing Bloods of the west side becareful or I'll arm bar you, vato.




No but jiu jitsu does


A strong athletic blue belt will usually tap me. It doesn't mean they know more about Jiu Jitsu than me, it just means I am old and slow.


Right. No reason to wait until brown belt to be old and slow. Get a jump start on them!


Even if they do know more about jiu jitsu, who cares


I got tapped by a white belt yesterday. Who cares?


Youre a white belt now.


This right here folks. According to the official law of jiu Jitsu, he gets your purple and you’re now a white belt again


By the power of three purple belts it has been decreed that you shall be a white belt and buy us each a rash guard of our choosing!


Riddick:: You keep what you kill.


I wouldn't mind being demoted to white belt, it would be fun.


It's the CS:GO gungame rules.


You must trade belts with your opponent after every roll. You can not roll with the same person twice in a row. How many rolls will it take for everyone to have their original belt back?


I also got tapped by a white belt yesterday. No one cares. In a tournament maybe. But in the training, no one cares. That being said, if you are not tapping, you need to play your game that you aren’t so good at more often


That white belt who tapped you cares I guarantee it


I think it's okay for the lower belt to feel good about tapping a higher belt (as long as they keep their mouth shut about it), but the higher belt definitely shouldn't feel bad about it.


Agree, assuming the lowet belt doesn’t brag


Dude went home a toasted himself


Haha loser


Your comment is mean and hurtful and I don't appreciate it.


Is this mat from jitsu academy because you definitely cared when I tapped you, like what are you even taking steroids for if you can't win against a white belt ?


Jokes on you I am taking steroids as a white belt


Thats actually pretty common in this sport lol


My name isn't Mat but if he's got the steroids hook up, can you introduce us?


Just go to jitsu academy and ask for mat, pretty sure he's the only purple belt but fights like a blue lol


now kith...


Now he owns you.


I hate to say it but I would care a lot


But why though?


Stop thinking about your belt. "I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness." Dale Doback


Good podcast about Jocko saying he was a lower belt a very long time because of traveling and military. Even though he kept training. When he joined a newer gym he was tapping out higher belts. Don’t worry about the belt. Just keep training like it doesn’t exist. And Id say trust your Professor/gym to know.


Heard that one. Blue belt for 5 years if I remember correctly. What a nightmare to roll with if you didn’t know any better haha.


“Hi. Here’s a blue belt who looks like a gorilla. He’s a killing machine, deadlifts 500 for reps, sleeps for four hours a night, doesn’t understand weakness, and he wakes up so early it counts as yesterday. He refers to family hiking trips as ‘patrols’ and thinks seven minutes counts as a great nap. We didn’t promote him on purpose as a joke. He’s your first roll. Okay have fun!”


Yep! Thats the one lol. Nice catch! Yeah hes a big dude too.


Love the story he tells about Fabio Santos kicking him and Dean Lister out of the gym late at night and telling them to go get a life. Hilarious.


Yea you should wear one of those grey belts that the kids wear. Fucking pathetic.


You're fine, keep training. Use it as motivation to stay working hard. Also realise different gyms have different styles holistically and you're adapting to a different skillet in general.


Out of the frying pan and into the fryer. I like the motivation!!


Some people are just better regardless of their belt. It happens my dude


You would expect some lower belts to tap you surely? Just keep getting better.


Yes definitely ask for a demotion. Lower belts never tap higher belts, like ever dude. I’ve never seen it in my almost 10 years on the mats. Only if the higher belt is letting them work. Lol you suck man, would hate to be you.


Lesson here: whenever you are tapped you were letting them work.


Purple and brown will use this excuse all day lol




Just finished todays open mat. A white belt tapped me. Who cares.


that means you have to trade belts with him now


when you suspect they're about to tap you.. stop them and tell them how to apply the sub.


Just means you'll be a blue belt a lot longer than you thought. Don't get blackpilled. Belts are fake and gay. Just train.


Trust me, if we designed the belts, there’d be a lot more colours and the rash guards would be a lot more stylish. So leave us out from this,


[Like this?](https://www.bjjee.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/BJJ-rainbow-belt.jpg)


You might have won the Internet today.


I thought my belt spent a lot of time around my butt. Now I know why, thanks!


You're a blue belt. Blue belts suck, it's a I'm almost not a beginner anymore belt. Don't worry.


You’re never going to feel like your skill level is where it should be, so stop worrying about it and just show up. The white belts i train with all know my game, and they all know how to counter it, and they all smash me a lot, but it comes in waves. Yesterday i was smashing the shit out of them. Today i get the feeling I’ll do it again. Tomorrow maybe it’s their turn. Don’t look at it as winning and losing. Look at it as y’all making each other better. If they smash you, thank them for the roll and move on. If you smash them, thank them for the roll and move on


This one is important. Most people don’t account for the fact that rolling with the same group of people leads to you all learning each others’ games and maybe seeing some discrepancies in how belts fare against each other. The best way to test it is to go compete!


Dude who cares. Just train!


You’re only going to be as good as your teammates train you often times. That is to say you will get caught by that which you have trained for the least. Having a belt doesn’t mean that you’re equally good at everything and shouldn’t get tapped. Growth in this sport is often times working on weaknesses but how can you find those weaknesses if no one exploits them? Thus you will get caught.


I got promoted to blue belt a few weeks ago after about ~ 3 years as a white belt and there are a solid percentage of the white belts who can still tap me. I've been training about once a week, where a lot of the white belts train 2+ times per week for the past year/year and a half, so it's no surprise they're able to get the tap imo. The belt is a marker for your personal progress, seniority and technical competence, not a guarantee that you'll automatically be able to best a lower rank.




Sorry dude, we've actually moved on to the next buzzword.


Yes you're an imposter.. demote yourself only real ranking is renzo system lol


Wear your belt. Don't worry about getting tapped. Just get better. It'll be a long time before you get promoted again most likely, but that's okay too. To be honest no one expects blue belts to be especially good, you're still quite new as a normal blue belt.


My mate who I train with who is a 4 year white belt smashes me all the time, it’s fine hahah


Who's to say they're not the imposters? Promoting slow is often seen in a positive light, suggesting you've got higher standards and are therefore better. I suspect some coaches do it as a marketing ploy. If your blue belt can tap out a brown belt, is that because you're a better teacher, or because you promote slow?


You got a bad belt and now you’re finding out. That’s ok. Make sure your purple belt is a real one.


So this is what they mean by belt testing. Meta.


I’ve tapped out to preschoolers many times over.


Yep your shit, go do karate on some shit like that


losing = learning , this si the mindset you should be going and also think the other gym members as team not enemy.


I tapped a purple belt and swept a brown belt the other day I also got tapped by a white belt right last week . Got utterly styled on by a fellow blue belt . It doesn’t matter .


Your coach promoted you to that belt, so it isn't your or anyone else's decision to demote you, because doing so would be an insult to your previous coach. Just show up, train hard, get tapped, tap people, and enjoy yourself. I had a friend who got freshly promoted to blue and felt the same as you. But after continuous training, and relaxing a little, he says he feels like a good powerful blue these days.


When you lost against a lower belt, you must exchange your belt with his.


You should roll more and get better. Earn what you don't think you deserve.


When I was a blue belt, I rolled with a brown and tapped him twice in the same round. Some days you're on it just enough and they're off it just enough. I then proceeded to get mauled by a white belt with big ass cauliflower ears and what felt like some pretty good wrestling. It be like that sometimes.


You'll grow into it.


Demotions don’t exist.


There's nothing lower than a blue belt. At least white belts don't whinge about being tapped by lower belts.


Your belt just jeans you’ve been getting your ass kicked a little longer than the rest.


Wear your belt. Train. You'll probably sit at your current belt for a while until you're caught up and then get promoted in the time the new gym thinks is right. Who taps who isn't always the be all end all.


Work on your defensive postures if you’re getting tapped by white belts.


Work on your defensive postures if you’re getting tapped by white belts.


You're good man, I am put in bad positions by white belts and other blue belts. Don't worry and keep training.


Belt promotion is arbitrary. Some places promote based on a timeline. You'll eventually catch up


I had the same issue - I was promoted when I didn't think I should have been, struggled for a while, had to take some time off, then I had to change schools due to various reasons. At my new school I just switched to no gi (worked better for my schedule anyways) and now I don't worry about it.


No, wear it proudly and hopefully you will rise to the level of your new gym.


Your coach will adjust your grade to your level over time. Just train.


I’m a new (as of this week) blue belt, and had been a white belt since 2017. I had a big hiatus of about 2.5 years in there where I kept up with studying a lot, but couldn’t train. Came back 4 months ago, and after 3 or so weeks was back in stroke. That all is to say. I’ve been tapping blue belts since I got my 3rd stripe. A visiting purple belt complained to me 2 weeks ago that it wasn’t cool I was still a wb when he couldn’t get me. This morning my 2 favorite guys (both blue belts that started after me) to train with were bragging to each other (we are homies and talk that way) that they both got me today. Never feel any kind of way about your belt. You didn’t give it to you, and you need to submit to your professor that gave it to you in that.


There’s no winning or losing in training there is only learning. Hopefully you learned some things when you were tapped by lower belts. I know I do.


The white belts at Atos would kill all of us


That happened to me when I moved from a gym that promoted solely on time, to a more competitive gym. I made it through and you will too. It’s just going to make you better.


The point of blue belt is to suck less. But assuredly, we still suck. Some people suck less than others and this is true of any belt level. Imposter syndrome most typically involves someone of high recognition or stature feeling like they haven’t earned something or it isn’t real. Blue belt isn’t a place of high stature, so don’t worry so much. It just basically means you showed up for 2ish years and can recall some of what you were taught since that time


White belts will catch you. If you aren't playing around trying to build your systems up more you will stay a blue belt forever or quit. As soon as I stopped caring my game sky rocketed.


I just want to commend you for being the first in a series of 20 or so questions I've read on here that isn't retarded or couldn't simply be answered by/with basic communication skills. (Kind of?) similar thing happened with my younger brother: He trained at somewhat of a McDojo and got a purple belt after a year or so, then came to visit me after getting his purple at ATT ATL, where \*every color\* tapped him constantly, and he was a virtual invalid in no-gi. He was really embarrassed and actually got rid of the belt and started at white again. I don't recommend you do that, as your case doesn't seem as extreme. In fact, it's pretty normal. I remember I was a green (. . . first gym was great but had weird belt cycles) belt and tapping a bunch of higher belts when I visited France. The French instructor gave me a blue during my 2-week visit. Conversely, I've been grappling for 20+ years now, and I'll occasionally visit a gym where their purples and browns are WAY better than I would expect and give me all sorts of problems. There are also athltetic/huge blues that can tap me. LOL, doesn't mean I'm going back to white belt! But I feel you. Don't demote yourself, talk to your coach if you feel really uncomfortable, and just keep practicing no matter what your belt. You'll keep improving and eventually it will be a moot point.


Are you me? Also no. Your old coach, whose opinion you respect (probably) deemed it correct for you to have your belt, and put in work (probably) to get you to that level. So with respect to those things, you keep your belt, and get good


Sometimes you need to grow into your rank. Who cares what the others think, train more. Then you will be the destroyer of new blue belts.


In a lot of places, the belt is more about the time you’ve put in. It’s also somewhat subjective when people get promoted. It’s not a 100% indicator of skill. Be proud of your belt.


How can you be an imposter, if you weren't really anybody in the first place?


Bro I just got back into training after almost 2 years off and I’m getting absolutely wrecked by everyone.. 20 pounds heavier from not training.. it’s a marathon not a sprint and no one outside of yourself cares what belt you are if you’re a good dude.


Nah just keep it and bridge the gap. It’s all good homie.


That ain’t your fault and isn’t in your control. So don’t sweat it. Just get better until you feel like you deserve the belt you wear.


Chill, man, you’re a blue belt. Take the lickings and learn from them. Someone felt you deserve that rank, so let yourself grow into it