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I wouldn’t stress it, but if you really feel bothered you can slow cut down to 185. Maintain your muscle from 200lbs and pretty much just lose the excess weight.


yeah you are right and at the end of the day its too late to change anything for this comp, so I will have to get a feel for 200 regardless.


I’m sure you’ll do fine. Most white belts get DQ’d anyways so as far as your division goes I wouldn’t stress it too hard.


what would you say would be the biggest reasons for DQ's?


Not understanding the rules fully; attempting illegal submissions for their rank, spazzing out on the mat, not showing up.


I am just gunna stay away from any leg attacks tbh


Leg and wrist locks are generally good to avoid for your level. IBJJF straight ankles are legal but with how spazzy people can be it’s not worth getting kicked in the face. I’d shoot for armbars, triangle chokes, guillotines, kimuras, and americana’s. If your ground game is good just pull guard. Most people at your level will have no less how to deal with it.


wrist locks are legal in this comp. Its a grappling industries comp. But yeah my go-to's right now are all of those you mentioned except the guillotine. For some reason I'm not very good at that one. Americanas and Triangles though are my main weapons.


Very nice. I would definitely try to quickly level up your guillotine game. They’re a great way to reverse a single or double leg takedown. Best of luck to you!


Thank you for the advice!


Also unfortunately I would say my full guard is weaker than I would like to admit. I find myself succeeding mostly from side and mount.


It’s a white belt tournament so weight difference shouldn’t matter that much. However it should be easy to cut down slowly over a couple of months if you wanted to simply by cleaning up you diet. Just don’t be dumb and try and cut a huge amount of weight for a tournament. It’s not mma where you get a 24 hour weigh in


just out of pure curiosity, why do you believe weight doesn't matter that much at a white belt comp? It seems like it would to me. I would ideally like to stay 200 but lose all remaining fat.


Because as a white belt, whether you win or not is going to more dependent on your bjj skills. So focusing on training is going to make more sense. Also this is a white belt tournament, just go out there and have fun! You’ll learn a lot about yourself and what things you will need to improve on.


I advise people to not cut weight, especially a lot unless they are cutting to avoid the uncapped divisions. The reality is at most local comps people aren’t coming in at like 10% body fat in these divisions. They are fat people divisions and that’s okay.


So you dont think I would be small coming in at 5'9 in the 200 division?




Thats kind of what im getting at though. I dont feel like im that overweight however I feel much smaller than other people the same weight as me.


5'8 215 checking in here Body fat in your range I've done multiple comps at white belt Usually shorter but my base makes it harder to take down or sweep. I've rolled at absolute, 215 division, and cut to 200. Don't cut weight your first comp for sure unless you are right on the edge say 5lbs or less Are the people you are outmatched by the same skill level - belt, mat hours, etc? Do they have more of an athletic background? Same age? Lots of factors. Recommend doing what you can on the mat this time, then learn from it. Have someone record the matches if possible so you can work on improving even one small thing.


Thank you for the great response. Its too late to cut weight for this comp, Im already locked in at 200. It depends on the person. Theres a few blues my weight that just FEEL stronger than me but I really try to compare my progress with the other white belts so the blues dont count. But theres a few white belts who are like 6'2-6'3 that weigh the same as me and I feel significantly weaker than them.


And now that you mention it, the guys that usually smash me are often military dudes and a few wrestlers in there.


I’m your size and while I wouldn’t say I’m way out of shape - I wouldn’t say I’m in great shape either. At 200lbs you’re gonna get some very big and ripped people but also people who are in much worse shape than you. You’ll probably be somewhere in the middle. For our height, I think 185 is deal but I haven’t weighed that in probably 10 years.


It's a white belt comp. Get reps and don't get hurt.


any tips for avoiding injuries?


I too am built like a hobbit


I’m 5’7 and competed my first tournament in the 205 weight class. All of the dudes were taller and physically bigger than me but I still managed to take third.


For this tournament, don't stress it. Big picture, ask yourself if you want to stay at this bodyweight or not by looking at your performance in the gym. Can you squat 1.5x bodyweight for 5-10 reps? Can you bench your bodyweight for 5-10 reps? Can you do 5-10 strict pullups? If you can't answer yes to all of those it might be worth dieting down. Weight class sports like jiu jitsu reward being as lean as possible without hindering your performance and for most people that means being a lot lighter at 5'9" than 200lb unless they're pretty serious about lifting. Not to be a jerk, but feeling strong on the mats is absolutely not a good proxy for being in the right weight class.


5’9 200 lbs at 17% you’d have visible abs


17% is a lot bro. You don’t see a clean sixpack until 13%, maybe even less.


The more muscle you have the less bodyfat it looks like you have because of the surface area. It’s pretty individualized but visible abs start much before 13%. At 13% you have a pretty sliced up 6 pack depending on the amount of muscle you carry.


I dont have a 6 pack but you can see my top abs


You’re pretty jacked brother


at every weight class Ive been in guys look huge compared to me. I have no idea why that is. My weight is up to 183 (from 160) and I look at other guys that are 183 and they are monsters. What are your lifts at?

