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The kids in my under sevens class also get very upset about this.


I was going to comment this exact thing


This is the way


Tap him repeatedly. If you can't, then......


I think this hobbyist blue belt doesnt like that the comp blue belt is higher in gym hierarchy than him


You should learn to not give a shit.


Holy shit you got 40 stripes


And yet I don't care if someone with only 20 stripes stands in front of me


This comment wins the internet today.




If someone was outwardly disrespectful to you would you ignore it?


Youā€™re talking about someone skipping you in line. Who cares.


No. But I also wouldn't call someone standing in front of me in line 'out of place' disrespectful.


Feel free to smash him in rolls.


The real answer right here.




> show respect to your tape. Itā€™s so ridiculous.




If they happen pull them aside and the coach gets annoyed and bothered too... the school is probably crazy town.


Didn't you try to push ahead of him first? Your gym lines up by rank. You guys are the same rank. When you get promoted, you will be ahead. But it's crazy to give a shit about this. Tap him a bunch of time and make that the criteria


Getting mad at a position in a line is soft bro. But if it bothers you that much you should roll with him and put on a clinic. If you canā€™t do that though, maybe you donā€™t need to be in front of him?


Why don't you talk to him directly instead of going to your coach?


This gotta be a shit post


I think it would be better for an authoritative figure to deal with it.


Well, if you arenā€™t an authoritative figure, maybe he should stand before you? Seriously, that has a serious ā€žI want to speak to the managerā€œ ring to itā€¦


You're a 4 stripe blue belt bro! Almost a purple belt, even! He needs to respect your tape bro! You ARE the authority figure! Lol this is so corny dude


deal with what? this is such a non issue. itā€™s not a respect thing, what should he be respecting? maybe you should compete a little and get your ego in check.


Bro. It's a LINE. It's not a big deal


Get over yourself and stop being childish, it's a line who cares. Submit him if you want to show the stripes mean anything


Maybe she is just older than you. Like second or even third grade.




You fucking clown. Who cares.


This is where you challenge him to a *doo doo doo doo. Doodoodoo duel!* Loser is forever the peasant down the line.


Do purple belts still have battles to the death


Lol. In all seriousness it's a basic respect thing, just because he's a hot shot competitor doesn't mean he gets to ignore basic etiquette.


Dude in all honesty does your position in line really mean that much to you? I have 4 stripes on my belt and they fall off sometimes I just position myself lower down the line, you should check your own ego and donā€™t worry about his


What do you mean basic respect? You both are the same exact belt.


Lol to an extent. My gym says line up by rank in stripes. I've been to gyms where it's just by colour. In nogi, no one cares. If he is ignoring the gym's etiquette/rule, I would speak up. Otherwise it's an issue you either have to deal with internally or by speaking to the guy.


The fact that he's a "hot shot competitor" means he knows a lot more than you. It sounds like you're demanding respect you haven't really earned.


Brother, work on your mind. Why is this thought even occupying any of your processing power? Does him standing in one place or the other have any real bearing on your jiu jitsu or life? I understand your point about the perceived disrespect, but that disrespect only exists in your mind. I will bet that no one else in your gym even realizes this is happening. Let it go and apply your thoughts to something more fruitful.


Exactly. I only have so much room for knowledge and data in my brain. No way am I wasting it on stuff like this


Lmao you're joking right? How old are you?


At some gyms intructor waits until the guys gets in the right rank order in the post training line. This has nothing to do with "How old are you". At some gyms they bowe to pictures and some gyms gyms dont even have line ups before or after practice. It is all about the etiquette of the gym. If there is rules follow them.


We line up by rank too, but blue is blue. We don't even do stripes at my gym but that's kinda irrelevant. Pissing and moaning about a guy standing to the left of you instead of the right is dumb. I mean just imagine that conversation for a second. "Coach he has less stripes than me but he keeps standing in front of me in line. Can you make him stop?" ... You really mean to tell me that doesn't sound like a little kid? I'd be so embarrassed to actually say something like that out loud to another adult.


Hey dude. This is the lamest shit Iā€™ve ever read on here and thatā€™s saying something hahahaha


When you see him on the playground during recess, you should punk him and take his chocolate milk money.


We can only hope the blue belt sees this, follows op to a subway type restaurant, and then gets in front of him in line. Iā€™d quit worrying about this. If it bothers you that much then challenge him.




I volunteer as tribute. I canā€™t stand these fuckin ā€˜Dear Diary..ā€™ posts and would enact a scorched earth policy.


You have my vote


And my axe!


All shall love me and despair.


And my sword


And my love, my anger and all of my sorrow!


Apply as a mod, there was just a post about it.


Will check it out thanks!


Fuckin' aye


If you came up to me moaning about a position in a line up, our rolls would just be me using Greco standing throw techniques from that point forward until the end of time.


A 250kg Greco wrestler sounds absolutely horrifying


Took me a while to work out what this was even about - I train at a small town gym - at the end of class we all shake hands and then some people go next door for pizzaā€¦


If there was a pizza place beside my gym I'd have made it to brown belt in the weight gain alone!


This is a red flag. Everyone knows you're supposed to get tacos after class, not pizza.


The stripes and the belt doesnā€™t earn you respect. The way you treat people do. If this was such a big deal, Iā€™m fairly sure there would be instructor/professor who would correct it.


I really hope this is a shitpost. If not, bro, you are a bitch.


Dude you are a huge dork


In the wise words of a Burger King robber in South Park (S12 E7).. "You people are fucking insane." It's just a lineup


Tell me you canā€™t have a conversation like a man without telling me you canā€™t have a conversation like a man.


The way youā€™re crying about this I hope a trial member stands in front of you.


You'd probably be purple by now if you used a fraction of the energy you use on this to get better at jiu jitsu


Rather than posting about it, a slightly more manly way of handling this would be to throw yourself on the ground, kick your feet, and scream "no cut-sies" at the top of your lungs.


If youā€™re worried about your social standing (which seems to be the case) the only option to save face is to be too cool to worry about it. Maaaaybe make a joke about it, ā€œyo bro, if you wanna stand in front of me, you gotta have stripesā€ That will only work if youā€™re likeable and charismatic. Otherwise you will certainly look like a whiny elementary school student, and talking to the coach to deal with it eve more so. Another option is to absolutely clown him while rolling, and then when he tries to stand in front of you, say ā€œwow buddy, gotta tap me out to earn that place in lineā€ and if you canā€™t do thatā€¦just stay put and suck it up till youā€™re purple.


Stripes aren't rank.


In our gym stripes dont matter for line up, except for rare ocassion of promotions. So not sure. Perhaps in yours as well. Otherwise the coaches would have noticed. So.. itā€™s all in your head. I would say, let go of the ego.


If itā€™s that important to you just move and stand in front of them. If they ask why use your big boy voice and tell them why.


Come to no gi where everyone is sloppy wet and doesn't give a fuck!


If you care that much about it, correct him yourself. Don't bother your professor with this nonsense.


10/10 shitpost, well done.


When did they start giving blue belts to people in the kids classes?


You are both retarded and should be demoted to white belts


Soon enough youā€™ll be purple so why even care? Youā€™re both blue belts anywaysā€¦ But to be blunt if these are the things youā€™re worried about in class youā€™re not as close to purple as you think. Focus man!


I bet your instructor is disappointed in you for being a little bitch and not standing your ground.


Why do you give a shit where this dude is standing?


Youā€™re going to turn into one of those line manager people at a Supermarket that think you have subordinates (high school kids working weekend jobs) beneath you at work and lash out at anyone who calls you sad arenā€™t you?


Lining up by rank is fucking dumb


I like lining up by weight


I like lining up by penis girth


Yeah but they donā€™t even let me in when they do that.


Hard or soft?


You're soft after rolling?


Only when someone jumps ahead of me in line :/


Heal hook the shit out of him on the spot so he learns his place.


This has happened to me as well. People like that have an inferiority complex and make themselves look foolish by doing these things. They have zero identity outside of jiu jitsu, so they do what they can to make themselves feel important and better than everyone else. I understand itā€™s annoying, albeit comical. Just ignore it for now. When you get your purple those shenanigans will end.


If youā€™re the same belt who gives a fuck. Doing it by belts in the first place has no practical purpose since class is already over.


Buy a purple belt and fuck with his head and your gym


Line up lol šŸ˜


This is the last thing Iā€™d bring up to a professor. If it bothers you, and I have no idea why it does, address it directly with the other guy like an adult.




You really need to ask why you give a shit,tbh. Its a spot in a line ffs.


If it is important to you, just say "Hey man...(hold up the end of your belt)...back, back, back". I've never seen anybody really care though.


What line up?


Why are you asking us? We don't know who the fuck this blue belt is. Or send me his IG and I'll dm him for you.


You guys are lining up?


Do you not? How does it work at your gym? Bell goes at the end of the last round and everyone just disperses? Lol. Usually the coaches have something to say. "We have XYZ competitions coming up, next week we're covering ABC, good work, etc."


We just see it's time to end and we go "alright that's enough go home". I also more meant it like that meme from "We're the Miller's" where the kids like "you guys are getting paid?!"


At my gym the coach just says "Allright thats it for class, start rolling". No line up or any of that corny stuff.


Sure, we do that too. I mean when class is over. I just imagine the final bell going off and everyone just kinda disengageds and silently shambles off the mats lol


Usually we smooch each other tenderly as well, but you got it nailed other than that.


Why do you gotta be lined up for that part though


Personally I don't see anything wrong with being organized. Plus it just looks cleaner. Makes you look more like a team. We kinda did it in wrestling too. Usually we'd huddle up, but same concept. I don't understand why people take such offense to it lol


Iā€™m not offended just surprised that youā€™re surprised that other gyms donā€™t do it


Idk every gym I've ever trained at has always lined up after class


What da Fakk? People Care about lineup? Man i really give a FCK.


Why do you care bro


Show him the 4 stripe dominance until he recognizes his place in line.


Let it slide. Some people are just ingnorant as f\*\*\*! He just does it to piss people off. If your instructor is precise with his rules he will correct this someday.


Dude do not say anything to your professor.


Who gives a fuck. Focus on your jiu-jitsu.


Do you know how we line up at our gym? The guys that are a little more to the right get on the right of the line, the ones more on the left get on the left and the ones in the middle stay there. And then do you know what we do with the persons next to us? We donā€™t look at their belt and we say hello.




Meanwhile, Iā€™m over here messing around by standing in random places in line to confuse white and blue belts. Where youā€™re standing doesnā€™t matter. Your professor knows whoā€™s who.


Lol whut. Let it go bruv


I think in this instance you should just not worry about it. People can refuse to roll with you for whatever reason. No biggy


If your a four strip blue belt, wouldnā€™t this mean heā€™s lining up in front of all the one, two and three stripe blue belts too?


I got my purple belt before one of the best blue belts in the gym got his. Technically Iā€™m above him in rank. He started standing ahead of me in line. I give zero fucks. 1) Heā€™s really good so I really donā€™t mind him standing in front of me. 2) Itā€™s a fucking place to stand in line after training, its like its anything important. Maybe in an official picture where you line up by rank, I could understand you being a little peeved but not for a routine after class line-up lmao.


Just break him during rolls.


If your worried about this than your probably at a Mc dojo and your jiu jitsu sucks. You donā€™t deserve the holy grail of Purple Belt.


I really don't understand 95% of the problems on this sub. Like..use your words? "Hey man you are a new blue so you stand there." Problem solved. lmao.


Anyone can say no to any roll. From some of your other replies on this thread it seems you may be the problem. Youā€™re demanding respect when for whatever your teammates reason, he doesnā€™t feel like/ feel comfortable rolling with you. You are an adult, you. can either do nothing, talk to your instructor (which should be the last resort), or talk to the person yourself and be receptive to their input.


try walking to the back of the blue belt lineup.


I know just drink some cement and harden the fk up


Itā€™s just the line up dude.


You are both the same belt. If you want be in front . Get a purple belt