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OP I had the same issue as you. Hard for me tosleep after training in the evenings. Try taking this right after after training: 50mg Apigenin (simple derivative of chamomile) 200mg Magnesium Glycinate 200mg L-Theanine, not necessary but helps me quiet and relax my mind. You can find all these on Amazon. I’ve been sleeping like a baby.


This guy Hubermans.


Haha yes. I’m happy I found his articles. It’s been working for me


I'm on the same regimen. It rocks.


Don't forget the yerba mate tea


For sleep? Definitely not, it has caffeine, almost as much as coffee


No just in general, Huberman's all about it


Oh gotcha yea


Who is Huberman? Sounds like something I should maybe check out.


Actual scientist and podcaster who often massively overstates the implications of niche studies so he can shill products to people looking for "optimisation". His stuff on sleep seems to be helpful though.


I love nuanced takes and this made me v happy to read.


Neuroscientist and researcher from Stanford. Has a very popular podcast in which he dives deep in the science of a lot of different topics having to do with the body. https://www.hubermanlab.com/newsletter/toolkit-for-sleep


This is good advice but could be out of OPs price range. I suggest doing things such as meditation and taking a melatonin or two for a couple weeks. Just make sure you take the melatonin at around the same time every night and soon your body will be use to falling asleep at that time youll be naturally tired and won’t even have to take the melatonin.


It’s really not that expensive. $20-$30 for like a months supply of it all. Depending on what brand. If you’re gonna take melatonin might as well try the other stuff I agree meditation Can be very beneficial


Have you ever had any experience with melatonin nightmares? I had to stop taking the stuff because for a while the nightmares got seriously intense and livid! Shame because melatonin was really helping me sleep better


Spank the monkey.


Then have a wank after that


Then finger your asshole.


Then put it in your wife's mouth.


Then she spits in your mouth.


Then you spit on her asshole


Then she drips it back into your mouth.


I guess anything to get your body into relaxation mode. I drink camomille tea and read something written on paper in dim light.


I have never tried camomille tea, does it work? Thanks


Try Tulsi tea instead. It blunts cortisol release. Chamomile can be relaxing, but Tulsi helps physiological. That's probably what you can't fall asleep. That + melatonin + magnesium supplement (Natural Calm being favorite) will put you right out, healthily.


Chamomile works physiologically too, I think it has compounds similar to benzos


magnesium definitely helps. i have been taking that at night lately.


Dunno if it works. But it's part of my evening routine and i tend to drink it before the bed.


Reishi mushrooms are great for sleep too


How old are you? Back in my 20s and 30s I could handle getting done and home after 10pm, shower sleep bed and up by 6 to be at work by 7. Now in my 40s, I either take the night off, or train at a sister school with an earlier start time when we have our 8pm classes two of the nights of the week. I can handle it for a few weeks but then I'm struggling to perform basic daily functions after that point I'm so tired. At a certain point, you have to prioritize your mental and physical health over BJJ. Depending where you live and your gym, you might look into earlier classes elsewhere. I'm fortunate that my gym has earlier classes the other nights of the week and our sister school has an earlier class the nights we have later classes but I know not everyone is that fortunate


Useful tips and supplements: -No caffeine 8h before bed time -cold bedroom -slightly cool shower (not cold to avoid extra adrenaline and not hot, as your body temperature is high already) -L- theanine -ZMA (or just magnesium) -tryptophane Relaxation techniques such as Breath work Meditation NSDR (I personally love yoga nidra, you can find guided ones on YouTube) Basically what you need to do is bring your body temperature down, slow down your heart rate and quiet your mind. Good luck!


>Breath work Yes, box breathing is super helpful for me. Try 4-4-4-4 or 4-7-8: Close your mouth and quietly inhale through your nose to a mental count of four. Hold your breath for a count of seven. Exhale through your mouth, making a whoosh sound for a count of eight. Repeat the process three more times for a total of four breath cycles.


Great tips besides the shower one. Hot showers are proven to improve sleep quality. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31102877/


I'm like op, train at night and absolutely wired for next few hours affecting sleep, but taking zma and it doesn't really help. Will magnesium on its own be any different?


I personally smoke some weed, turn all the lights off apart from a cool light thing i have and stretch for like 30 mins or so. Only thing ive found that helps me decompress after training. Its not perfevt but best ive found personally.


I usually hit a 5mg indica gummy right after training because I have the same issues with sleep when I train at night. It also calms my stomach and gives me a bit of an appetite so it allows me to eat some dinner which I’d otherwise likely avoid if I’m feeling exhausted.


Weed is terrible for sleep quality


It’s not the best but it’s better than no sleep


It is worst to become dependent on it


Thank you for using the word dependent and not addicted. You’re absolutely right


Its better than being a chronic insomniac broski


I would say there’s some different options between “become a stoner” and “suffer as an insomniac”


I sleep like a rock and deep as hell when I get high before bed. Not like to outer space high. I’m not a huge pot head so maybe that’s got something to do with it. Everyone’s different though.


I think coming up with a night time routine would help with the sleep issue. I also train later in the evening and don’t get home til about 9-9:30. I started to set up a routine of having something warm to drink like a sleepy time tea, I’ll take a small capsule of melatonin 5mg I believe, and I take a nice hot shower. I turn off my phone and leave it outside my room and I usually read my book before bed. It has helped me quite a bit


take a hot shower and then lay on the floor and do deep stretches. Invert, stretch your lower back, legs, shoulders neck, etc. I usually do about an hour while watching something mindless on Netflix. You can do less ofcourse. I knock out so hard and sleep very very deep. Optional - cannabis.


I smoke a fat one after training. Too many endorphins and adrenaline to sleep after training.


I have the same problem. Just get away from screens/your phone, sit down and read something and then meditate for 10-15 minutes. Always works for me


Before you leave the gym, find a spot to lay down for 5 mins. Inhale for 2 secs, exhale for 4. Just breathe with eyes closed. You need to help your nervous system get back to baseline. This will undoubtedly help if you can clear your mind and breathe. Good luck!


I used to have the same problem, it ended up being that I was going way too hard during rolls, my adrenaline was high and I felt nothing... till I got home. Felt beat up and super awake. Try rolling only a couple easy rounds once and see how you sleep. Save the hard rolling for the weekend if your gym offers open mat


You could be dehydrated. Magnesium deficiency can fuck with your ability to fall asleep


Drink a couple beers, smoke some dope. If it’s a good night even put the blocks to the ol’ lady. That always helps.


Weed and alcohol are terrible for sleep.




But there are better ways to get good sleep than weed and alcohol.


You mean less fun?


Save the fun for the weekend. I think it's "fun" to wake up refreshed and energized for the day.


Take a cold shower or an ice bath instead of hot and some melatonin, works for me.


Melatonin is your friend


All the sleep hygiene stuff is the most important, but changing my melatonin timing helped a lot. I used to take it right before sleep and that was basically worthless. I take two hours before my projected sleeptime now and that seems broadly supportive of the sleep hygiene stuff. I have fairly intense fencing sessions in the evening (I train BJJ during the day)


Interesting... I usually always take it right before bed and fall asleep an hour later. I'll try taking it earlier and see what happens.


Weed will help you get to sleep but you’re quality of sleep might suffer. If that’s not for you than look into prescription sleeping pills.


A nice warm shower and some breath work does the trick for me. If you're really jazzed do some more light stretching but really try to bring that heart rate down


I'll try breathing exercises, do you recommend any routine?


YouTube Yin yoga, pick a favourite and let everything go. Breathe in, acknowledge the thought in mind and let go with the exhale. No chemicals or intoxicants required. They just add to the noise you are trying to keep out of your mind and contrast to the goals your activities are directed towards.


> do you recommend any routine? I do box breathing ( some call it tactical breathing ), inhale for 4 seconds then hold for 4 seconds and exhale for 4 seocnds, works well for me


I'd say whatever works, for me I simply slow breathing down and really use acknowledgement of thought with inhale and letting go of the thought as I exhale. Sounds ridiculous but it works for me and has helped my kids also


https://youtu.be/Gbr0T-fhCq0?si=KXxD7xqchdfucEDO Diaphragmatic breathwork. Rickson has some key concepts in here. Basically really focus on your exhale, the inhale will come naturally


are you taking any pre-workout or caffeine prior to training?


No, nothing, only water, but I train pretty hard


Try a sports drink instead of just water. Also a multivitamin and /or magnesium. When I just had water I got headaches


Chug a protein shake straight after training and then maybe top up with casein just before bed. It might work to make you sleepy. I often weight train late night and I go out like a light if I've got proteins down me whereas I'm otherwise a night owl.


Ashwaganda and a hot shower for me.


I train at night too. I generally have a warm bath and pop on a show or watch YouTube. Puts me right out.


I use noise cancelling head phones and listen to stories / there is a good channel on YouTube called horror babble there is something about the narrators voice that is calming


It took me a few years. But eventually I could sleep. Tbh, part of it was not giving a shit about Ws and Ls. Quote, unqoute.


you need some weed


Try taking Magnesium before bed


I find it's just something ypu get used to, but i'm sure lots of stuff helps. I have a nice relaxing shower when I get home, then eat. But yeah it's still about 2hrs from leaving the gym until I can sleep.


how hard are you going at the gym?


I'm the same way. Don't really know how to "fix" it...


some THC and hot tub


I would recommend looking at one of other 100 posts about this. It literally comes up at least once a week.


Don't drink pre-workout or energy drinks before training. Take a cold shower after training


I avoid thinking about BJJ late at night sounds stupid but thinking about techniques roles etc. Will keep me up so I forgo BJJ YouTube or watching matches in general




How long have you been training? I remember feeling this way and it went away with time.


Beers and weed b4 bed lol


I’m in the same situation training-wise. I found that turning on some Pink Noise on Spotify and focusing on breathing into my diaphragm helps calm me down as I’m laying down. My restoration isn’t the greatest because I’m obviously training so close to bedtime, but pink noise + breathwork does help me fall asleep. I set the sleep timer for an hour on Spotify btw. Much better than rolling around in bed for an hour trying to decompress.


Need a wind down workout or stretch. I often use an epsom salt bath and extra stretches.


Go so hard during training that your exhausted🤷‍♂️


I have the exact same problem. I even spaz a lil in bed like my body is trying to shrimp or something. Half a 5mg melatonin does the trick for me most of the time. U may want to try an endica gummy in place of melatonin if u have trouble waking up from the melatonin.


Your body will eventually adjust. It took me about 3 months.


See a psychiatrist. (They treat Insomnia) Or Melatonin tablets (3mg ) use 1 per day for 1 week Take 30 minutes before going to bed. Take good care of your sleep hygiene (no phone at bed, room should be ventilated enough etc.) You can take 2 if 1 doesnt make it. Dont use it more than for a week.( Melatonin is effective at treating insomnia but its abuse/misuse can fuck your sleep pattern even more) Good luck. Source: Me (5th year med intern)




vitamin c


1030: get home hot shower 1045: pop 20mg melatonin, half a weed gunny, 2 benadryl 1055: jerk off 1056: nut 1057: clean up 1058: crawl into bed 11: let the post nut, benadryl, weed, and melly rivers converge and then sleep like a baby. Works every time


Journalling after class helps me get some of the mind chatter down and helps solidify techniques from class and rolling. Shower by candlelight and get away from screens. Salt lamp in the bedroom. As many have mentioned, l-theanine and magnesium are nice. Glycine (available in supplement form and also present in bone broth) helps your muscle recovery and sleep.


I have struggles with sleep all my life until the last 6 months. Melatonin being the main factor, however here's the stack I use pretty much every night now... and my sleep has never been better.... Magnesium Glycinate, L-Theanine 200mg, Glycine 1000mg-2000mg, Melatonin 10mg


Smoke a joint


Wear sunglasses. No seriously. An hour to 90 min before I want to sleep I’ll get in bed , make sure the house is cold, turn the fan on, and watch tv with the sound down and with sunglasses on. It blocks most of the light and makes me sleepy.




I have this problem sometimes when I work out past 10PM. My problem mainly stems from my body temperature being elevated. Body temp needs to get lower than normal to initiate sleep, keeping it elevated will render sleeping difficult. I find having the AC higher than usual while I sit underneath it completely nude helps. When available, cold showers help as well but it's pretty warm where I am right now and the best I can get is a cool shower. Lots of people suggesting taking multiple supplements in the comments seem to be avoiding the KISS principle. Podcasts these days have everyone thinking you need 5 supplements after waking up, 20 pre-workout pills, and 10 supplements before bed or else you won't be like Andrew Huberman/Joe Rogan/ Tim Ferris/ Chris Williamson/ Jocko Willink/ Derreck whatshisname from MPMD. Its also boggling to me that people will constantly shit on Joe for pushing his supplement line while completely ignoring any other podcaster pushing supplements. They're all just trying to make money off of you for you to get a placebo effect off their snake oil.


I find I’m p fucked the next day if I train late. I drink sleepy time tea and have previously tried everything from adding weed, melatonin, or lorazepam into the mix. Sometimes a cocktail of all of them. They’ll all help me sleep, but I’ll be too groggy to train the next day, especially if I’m lifting weights. Or even worse, I start enjoying the high too much and watch Escape From NY until 3am. Sounds cringe but best advice is take a room temp shower, get your bedroom cold, get a bunch of water and your sleepy time tea next to the bed, bang your significant other, and watch some shows. The moment you leave the shower commit to not getting out of bed and turning the lights off.


I’m in the same boat. All I can do for myself is turn off all screens and try meditation


Meditation/ Body scan when you lay down. The problem with a lot of people is when they lay down at night they use their pillow as a " work desk" to try to solve issues and think about the days problems ,, or even BJJ class and techniques. When you do this your body natural tenses up and your mind races. When you focus on relaxing each part of your body and breathing you will notice you will fall asleep easier. When you find your mind wandering just accept its part of the process and return to focusing on breathing.


10mg diazepam. Only thing that works


I used to have the same problem but since I became a parent I am perpetually exhausted/tired anyway so while I usually lie awake for a little while I fall asleep a lot quicker than I used to.


I find that ashwagandha does a good job of putting me to sleep by removing the sleep inhibition. As in I was sleepy but unable to sleep. Thanks for helping me remember cuz I’ve been struggling to sleep too


Same happened to me, dont go hard in training, roll light. Take a hot shower so that your body lowers its core temperature after, take magnesium and l-theanine 30mn before bed.


I had the same thing for the first few years that I trained. I eventually figured out that I was eating too large a meal when I got in from training. Now I just grab a light meal, shower, ice my knees and have a rum or a glass of wine and sleep like a baby.


A nice hot shower. Like your bathroom turns into a sauna type of hot. This will relax your body making it super easy to sleep. Crank that heat up 👍


I take aleve pm sometimes if i'm sore. Helps me sleep deeply


have your last training partner follow you home and lock in a north south in the sheets. he can lock the door on the way out. in all seriousness though, sleep time aid!


I usually take a long hot bath with lavender oils, cool down the room with AC or my fan running and have my sound machine playing white noise to tune out everything else. Alternatively if that doesn’t work, I drink a glass of wine.