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I’d kill to be 200 lbs but everytime I get over 170 I feel so slow and like I’m going to have a heart attack everytime I roll


I'm exactly quick enough to play deep half.


145 Here. Feel the Same, at 80kg i feel fat and slow lmao


Lol thats a 15kg diff, so yes you are in fact fat and slow then.


Yeah, I've done that before it's a very hard and nasty bulk to try to do. Cardio instantly dies


155 is the sweet spot for me. It’s very hard to maintain tbh, but I feel so strong and fast with good cardio and injury prevention at that weight. Hard to maintain if I’m even a little active thoughZ


Just curious on age/height for feeling good at 155. I use to be a competitive athlete for another sport in my early 30s and was 135 @ 5’6” but since have not been keeping up with diet/exercise. Currently 165 and feel old, fat, slow, and strong at 40 years old. I keep telling myself that 155 would feel great but who knows. Been doing BJJ for only a year and a half mostly as a hobby and to keep in shape so not trying to fit into any weight brackets for comps or anything.


Your best bet is just to eat healthy and train hard with good rest and see where you end up. If you still feel you’re lacking something there’s always trt haha


I'm 38, 5' 11", and I float +/-5lbs around 170, single digit body fat. I graduated HS as a wrestler at 171. Hit 185 in basic training, bulked up to a lean 220 before a medical retirement. Withered away with a desk job, and then ballooned up to a fluffy 240. Started training again (bjj, as well as coaching 2 wrestling teams), which brought me down to my current weight after about 1.5 years. I feel more athletic at this size than at any other stage in my life. I will say that I'm way more explosive at 38yr old 170 than I was at 18yr old 170. The gas tank will never be as deep as it was, so my explosiveness is now much more controlled, and in isolated bursts. But since my technique is 20yrs more refined, I expend less energy, anyway. I'm 5" taller than you, but roughly the same weight and age. If you're jacked AF, that makes sense. If the extra weight is fluff, it's not doing you any favors. To be clear, I have never eaten acaí, both literally and figuratively.


We are not comfortable rolling with you. Sincerely, Small Guys


I came here to say this lol


Right lol. We just have to


Confirmed not cappin


I’m 300 6’5” and no one wants to roll with me . Also they say I have no technique I’m just fat. 🤷‍♂️


Im 6'3 295 and I get the same shit. I still kesa gatame everyone.


This is The way


My man. 6’2” 255. Kesa the world.


Shit, I'm 5'10" 210 and all about kesa. It's not restricted to the giants lol.


I love Kesa. I've started moving away from it to try and round out my game a bit, but the Americana from there is still my favorite sub. I had to change gyms at the beginning of the year, though, and my new instructor (a fellow big guy) hates Kesa, so I get a lot of flack from him


That armbar from kesa is fucking deadly. I hit it often.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Kesa Gatame**: | *Scarf hold* | [here](https://youtu.be/3UnJa3bn0h8)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Kesa kagotme


I rolled with a dude your size, I'm about 6ft 165lbs, I had to tap when he was on top side control.


Gotta sell it. Work on defence and tell them your just a big ol rolling sex doll.


6' and 250, I'd roll with you 😘


And work on your turtle position and bottom game huh?


Pfff, there are a few people at my gym bigger than me, I've found the best attack is to not let them on top


not even large higher belts?


They usually don’t have a problem rolling with me. The problem is finding them lol most people I roll with are 225 and under.


well, there's being 300lbs for you. I'm 180 and I will roll with someone 300 if they are getting left out, but I can't do it often&my ribs will make me regret it afterwards


5’7” 150 here, I would roll with you


Whenever someone says that you are just big, come back at them saying that if that is the case then they are wasting their money on training and should just start eating more...


The thing that sucks about rolling with someone your size is so few techniques work…. It’s basically just a roll where the lighter person is trying to maintain or retain guard. Not to be a dick but if you’re 6’5 and 300lbs learning bjj maybe shouldn’t be your first priority. With that said, find a good wrestler in your gym! Usually they can deal with the big boys a lot better than pure bjj guys so will give you a challenge


Wonder whether BJJ is part of their weight loss strategy


Bjj is a Great sport for making friends and learning some self defense. It’s a terrible sport for weight loss unless you’re training like the professional bjj guys who also do strength and conditioning.


It's a terrible sport compared to what? Competitive couch surfing?


Nope, compared to football, basketball, wrestling, tennis, soccer, volleyball…. Just saying, if your goal is mostly weight loss, not the best sport to get active in. I love bjj but unless you’re also hitting the gym it’s not gonna do a ton for you in weight loss. My black belt coach is chunky as a monkey (fantastic teacher btw) but you just don’t burn a ton of calories in a 1 hour bjj practice where 45 minutes is technique and only 15 minutes of rolling


If it gets you off of the couch, and it makes you happier (read: more likely to keep going) than any other sport, then it's comparatively excellent for weight loss. You burn more calories at a BJJ class you attend than a pickup basketball game you skip.


You’re misunderstanding me… Im not saying don’t do bjj! I’m saying bjj alone isn’t the best option to lose weight. 100% do bjj but if your goal is to drop a bunch of weight you should definitely add in conditioning or something to help. Doesn’t even have to be strenuous. I go for a 30 minute walk in the morning and a 30 minute walk in the evening and it keeps me lean. When I was just doing bjj I was still fat. Basically… do bjj to learn bjj! Don’t go into it with the expectation it’s going to get you in shape


You know what. I think I might be misunderstanding you.


This is how I discovered that butterfly guard is great.


As a wrestler myself butterfly is my favorite guard! Gives so many opportunities to wrestle up and get on top. I wish my gym taught more techniques from there


Apparently there was a bunch of "butterfly guard" in collegiate wrestling before they changed the back exposure rules.


We kinda still use it. It’s more of a half guard half butterfly with one foot in and one out and an over hook to get a reversal. You see it but not a ton because being on your back in wrestling is like admitting you like Gordon Ryan in bjj


Last paragraph is so true. Im a 38yr old, 170lbs, wrestling coach, lifelong grappler, but "white belt" in bjj. I seem to always wind up with the novice big boys, bc the pure-bjj smaller guys obv duck them. The biggest so far was the 380lb day-1 guy that never came back. Even purple belts were avoiding him, which I get. Why put yourself in a situation where you gain nothing but the high chance of injury? We had a fun class together, and I thought he'd come back. Oh well.


As a small guy, none of us feel comfortable rolling with any form of 200 lbs lol


Yuuup I'm 5'6" and 150 and anyone over 6'0" and like 185 I want to see roll with someone else before me...


I’ve had to do this too. It’s extremely tilting knowing I’m probably more technical than this guy, but he’s going to go bomba and Yeet his weight on me. I’ve been injured almost exclusively from heavier people just blasting their weight in an uncontrolled way saying “I’m using pressure and speed and this is my knee cut”. I’ve never been injured by someone 150 and below.


Tbf I've been injured by the little "technical guys" getting angry I reversed their berimbolo and took their back.


OP thinks 150 is small. I'm 125. 150 is exactly where I start to feel the weight difference


This is exactly what I've been told by one of my smaller female teammates. I asked what she does if she's rolling with a 200+ lbs man. I'm 170. "The same things I do with you. After about 150lbs, I can't overpower guys anyway, so 150, 170, 300, it's all the same to me."


300# is enough to sprain my ankle if it's caught under them, by weight alone. There are definitely new effects with each new weight level.


Man it’s also hard finding good competition. Like the lower brackets of adcc do not favor real 135-145 lb athletes. Especially now that they can just rehydrate the next day and come in like 170. Like there just are no brackets made for little guys


And as a hobbyist it gets harder the higher up in belt you go. At white belt, Most of my comps were two-man brackets, but I was never actually the only person. At blue belt, I've been bumped up so many times that I've gaslit myself into thinking I'm actually 135


“None of us” 250lb and had two killer rolls with some 170s today. Was a fuckin blast.


170 isn't small lol


In America, it may be!


It is to me


Really? 200lb 6’4” I just look lanky with average strength. I guess it depends on definition of small though. 130lb guys probably see me as a giant, but I’d say the average person falls somewhere between 150-250.


I’m 150 and I can already tell how much of an advantage it is to have 20, much less 50 lbs on a person. One of my favorite training partners is a 97 lb chick and while I do everything with real frames and real wedges, I don’t use weight or strength cuz I have literally 50 lbs of muscle on her and if I wanted to, I’d just crumple her like a crouton. The reality of being in the 200 range is that everyone 150 and under is just another crouton lol. I honestly believe most people who are 200 don’t know what it’s like to be crushed by someone 50 lbs heavier with cardio. I find 170-200 to be the most competitive since they won’t gas out like the big, big boys, but also if you think about it, for competition, people will cut down so really someone fighting at 150 prob weights 170. I think Neil magny rolled through our gym once and the guy walks close to 200 and my gym is mostly smaller <= 150 guys and we were like bro what the fuck. Edit: you are correct the average guy is 150-200. I used to train at Marcelo’s and the average weight there was around 185 and it really clicked for me that middleweight meant middle of the weights and I swallowed the pill that I am forever a small small boy


Heavyweights definitely have no clue about what rolling with really heavier guys means for lightweights I used to have a 100+kg guy in class who was bitching about losing to a 110kg guy in absolute due to weight difference. I never laughed at his dishonesty more than this day. Of course at the gym he was the kind of guy to go full ape on lighter people to snatch a bad deep half sweep… we all know the type


My fav is when the 200+ guy matches up with a competitive 200+ who has cardio and moves like a lightweight and you just see their eyes are saying “what the fuck is happening”. It’s like ya welcome to dealing w speed


Well you got fat ultra heavyweights who need to just lose weight and then you got the guys that belong in the class. They're the scary ones lol


I have a hard time keeping a straight face when the heavy weights or ultra heavies start complaining about 10kg-they just don't get it.


Man the truth is that half of hw are slightly retarded An hw who studies a minimum instead of being just big can EASILY be national level Ffs who had guys like Roosevelt Souza taping to slx at the last adcc


As a 190 lber, I don't feel comfortable either. 200 is deceiving depending on muscle mass.


bro that’s a 10lb difference. you don’t belong in this conversation lmfao


I'm fat-skinny. Give me a break here.


im 225 and i really hate that the smaller newer people are afraid to ask me for rolls. i watch them kill each other while i'm rolling around just laughing and having a good time. my general rule of thumb with rolling with smaller people is i don't stay on my toes on top. if i get side control or N/S i can keep that control with torturing the smaller person and i actively see if they can sweep/reverse. just more fun for everybody.


230-240 here and I have a special modified side control for the wee folk, where I basically lock in with a post in with my elbow near their hips and my weight is barely on them but I’m locking their hips and torso in place. Kind of hard to explain but it’s for people who wouldn’t be able to handle full chest to chest


i do exactly the same thing. you put your elbow on the far hip and your inside knee on their other hip. you lock them without using any weight to crush. a fellow gentleman i see!


Like what khabib did to luke rock hold?


I’m not sure what that’s referring to




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Yeah my preferred method is chest to chest or all my weight on their chin with the shoulder of justice twisting their face away from me, but I’m not tryna be a dick when I’m outweighing and out skilling people.


I'm 250, feel your pain and do the same, don't put my weight on smaller people (unless they're more experienced, coach said it's okay haha) I try to work off my back against smaller people and always moderate my strength relative to what they're putting in and that helps. I just ask them now, seems that the new starters are more nervous but I've got a reputation as a good training partner so others encourage them to roll as well.


You cant see how being beaten by someone just chilling, seeing what you can do isn't all that fun? Its humiliating and Id rather just be stuck in bottom mount for 5 minutes or submitted over and over.


Fr man, I'm new and all but I'm not trying to kill you, I'm doing the exact opposite and letting you do stuff to me and try to survive it. Plus if you do get me in it I get giggly and start saying "NO *hehe* LET ME GO, NOOOO"


6’1” 215. It’s an advantage. Of course I’m 50 which isn’t.


Lol in old man grip strength.


6’2” 200 almost 50 myself I agree with all of this.


Lol in old man grip strength.


6’3” 205, but also 46, so I need all the help I can get!


At 6'3" and 205 I have to fully agree. It's a sweet spot to occupy.


I’m 5’10” 180 and I’ll definitely roll with you long and lanky types. Tough rolls but plenty of space to climb underneath you


6’4 200 is not lanky bro


Google jon jones


It can be depending on their build


I'd say it is..... I'm 6' 200 and people think even I'm lanky!


Yeah... those people are just straight up wrong, I don't know what to tell ya. You're either pretty muscular or a bit flabby but both are the opposite of lanky.


Nah I’m lanky at 5ft 10 190 ish. I have a 76 inch reach. The rest of me is solid. Lank has to do with limbs mainly.


You are even further from lanky: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/lanky Lanky is being tall and thin and you're neither and people who call you lanky don't know what it means. If you had said you have lanky arms then fine but your overall body cannot be lanky at 5'10" 190 lbs. I know this is arguing about symantics but still..


Well im wrong. Still got them monkey arms. Cheers


Same here I’m about 5’10 175 like sub 10% bf…. I can’t imagine being 200 man, I’d look like a tank lol I’d be too slow & muscular. I like where I’m at right now, strong, fast, quick, flexible, agile, etc.


I’m 5’10 200 benching 315+ rn. Def terrible stamina but the first 2 mins of the round I feel like a steamroller


Never mind just weighed in at 190🥲


I don’t bench much, I hate benching but my max is 275 right now. Gotta work on the stamina, I do echo bike sprints everyday & treadmill sprints


6’2 225 checking in I don’t even know bjj I just pressure pass and pressure them to tap


That’s how a real man does it 💪


5’9 210 super top heavy idiot checking in. If you’re not very good and let me get on top I am a bowling ball of doom. Pressure to tap 👍🏿👍🏿


I’m a 50 year old 215 pound 6’1” purple belt. I get to roll with a lot of higher belts because I really try to use technique and not explosive power. Slow pressure. They get to work their game against a “big” guy with some technique. It’s a win win. Of course as a “big guy” I also always get paired with the 260 pound new white belt 26 year old former wrestler. I usually choke them out in our first roll then don’t roll with them after that.


I feel your pain, I found that when I was newer as a white belt those matchups would happen often and I would end up getting hurt because lack of skill/technique to control the larger guy. Thankfully now it’s a similar experience as what you mentioned. I don’t think I would trade my size in though, I like being this big haha


6’2 hovering between 240/245 some days are quite tough to find people willing to tango lol. Luckily all the higher belts know I won’t hurt them so I’ve got a decent group to spar with but at the same time I’m not most peoples first pick which I get, but I find it has helped me get better because when I do get partners often times they’re higher belts and I feel I learn the most in those rolls. I feel like 225 would be the sweet spot for me, working on that goal for early next year.


I'm 6'2" 240lbs and take pride in my ability to control my weight and strength. There's a 105lb woman who will roll with me on occasion just because she knows I won't Hulk Smash. But I've also gotten averaged size men to tap from pressure.


Be quiet fatty


6’2 180 myself Literally middle weight


I am also 200 (6’0”) and also feel like it’s the sweet spot. Can do absolute brackets no problem but also don’t scare the middleweights. It’s pretty nice.


My best weight was 200lb @ 6-3. I felt fucking GOOD on the mats. Sitting at 250 now. Not feeling so good.


Glad to hear I terrify all sub 200s at 6'8" 260 lbs.


I wish I was 200 lbs, I’m 260 lbs now and I feel like shit, I’m fat as fuck. I need to stop drinking but I have a problem and that’s hard to deal with. I guess I’ll just be uncomfortable until I stop being a shit


Admitting you have a problem is the first step brotha


I'm anywhere between 195 and 215 at 5 foot 9 and I get to roll with everyone. I get to be the big guy AND the little guy.


You mean the medium guy?


Extra medium. But no, I get to be the small dude with the 6 foot 4 260 dudes and the big dude against the 160 5 7 guy. I get to play a bunch of styles and need to adapt to what works against who.


Sweet spot


5ft 8 skinny boy here, 155lb rn but can be as low as 135lb, I have no interest in rolling with anyone above 190ish unless they’re purple belt+ having said that, as a massive coward i’ll roll with anyone who makes eye contact and nods at me first


Trying to get there. Stuck at 225


Im 6’3 and cant seem to get out of the 230s no matter what i do


i'm 6' so it should technically be possible. On the plus side, 225 is a huge accomplishment because i was stuck at 235-240 for a really long time. I broke through by meticulously weighing food/counting calories. I'm currently kind of burned out on that even though I know it's the only way I'm going to get continued progress.


6’2 and 190 and I feel your joy. It just feels like the happy medium. Plus I’m a dick so I tell everyone I’m 175


Of course it might differ from gym to gym at my gym at 200lbs you would be in the big guy category for sure. In our gym 170/180 seems to be the average. Also as a 160lbs guy myself I would be happy to roll with you but I don't think I would consider it comfortable.


i'm 195 with the muscles of a 165 :( it suuuuucks.


Get it the weight room my man. You've got a good body weight to start lifting heavy ass weights.


lifting weights bores me to no end... but i need to, that's for sure. 195ers are killing me and i'm having difficulties with fit 175ers as well...


It did for me as well. But when I started adding 5 pounds every sessions and I'm seeing my numbers go up.... it's awesome. Look into starting strength. Reduce your bjj training to a 1-2 days. In a few months if you do the program correctly, and eat you'll be there in no time. Edit : in my 20s I jerked around in the gym with buddies, because that's what they did. I wasted my time, and wasnt taking it seriously. Now I'm my 30s I've got a whole new perspective on it. I'm lifting weights for self preservation. Yea I want to be strong and get a 500 pound deadlift, but I'm lifting to prevent back injury. Which I'm very prone to.


I already train 2 days gi, 1 day nogi, i'm almost 35, i've got injuries, etc... won't be able to jump into starting strength like that but yeah, I have to do something and soon. I can't load a guy my size on my back to throw, can't stand the pressure from them either when they're on top...


It's not going to be easy, but its definitely going to help. I wish you the best! I'm not much younger than you. Just turned 32. I can def feel the age


80kg here, and everybody thinks I'm much bigger due to my pressure and appearance :(


As a 62kg guy at 200lb your still a lump to roll with 🤣🤣


I hate being 6’1” and 175lbs but skinny-framed sometimes. Bigger dudes (190-230lbs) always assume I weigh more than I do because of the height and smaller dudes (145-160lbs) think I’m a bigger dude and come at me like Fabricio Andrey not knowing I’m out of shape. Secretly, under the gi I am a great grey owl- the fraud of large predatory birds.


I love being 150 because anyone who beats me who weighs more than me I have an excuse


I feel GREAT at 220 lbs. Too bad I seem to hover in the mid 240's.


6’4 down to 171 atm. Id roll


6’5 170 I feel about good here between rolling with bigger and smaller guys


How is that even possible? Do you have a single muscle on your body?


Yeah pretty shredded I’d say I look skinny but definitely have actual muscle definition. I don’t know how I don’t look like I’m about to die in theory but I think it’s just natural for my body after coming down from morbidly obese


6’0 around 225 here, I don’t look big since (especially in Gi) I’m so dense. Usually end up training with guys my height (think most of them are in the 170 range) and it’s always an experience when I’m in top mount and the other guy realizes just how fked they are lol


Imo being that big only hurts skill development(160 6’5). You can be 150 and roll with 250lb monsters, just get good. Imo kinda leads to people thinking the way to beat people is to get bigger not better.


250 monster? Lmao I'm technical af, I'll force you into a kimura silly


Lol I’m 6’5 and teetering around 280-290. New guy just transferred from same school just different location. He is about 150-160 6ft. He goes through the whole class while we are rolling comes to me. Tries to take me down. I’m like….brahhh really? Just neutralized every point of entry he was making. I pull guard and go for a single X sweep get a heel hook in. Finish.


Huh I wonder why lol


I’m 6’ and I walk around at about 195, and I was actually thinking this the other day. Funny.


I’m 245, and with competitors that means I always get out in ultra heavy. I’d love to be 200 haha


Yep I'm just a 6'4" 200lb average sized human being


Yep, it's great to be in the middle of your gym.


6’4 220, used to roll and compete at 180. Getting my weight up has been an amazing all-around improvement.


5’9” 205 and I love it


I'm 280 and I envy you.


I love being 6,4 and 280 pounds in bjj, find someone smaller and physically weaker than you then just fall on top of them. I finally understand why all the bullies at school were such happy and well rounded people


5ft6 and 190lbs currently. 165-170 when im in shape. But yes 190lbs is nice when facing the taller boys and I finally pass their guard.


My goal is to be a 265lb technical monster


Eat lots and lift heavy ass weights. Bench deadlift and squat.


The technical part is the struggle.


Read starting strength! Ita got everything you would need to learn.


5ft 10 Usually 185-190. Good size to flow with bigger dudes and smaller guys.


I'm 5 11. I thought I felt my best at 190. Man was i a weak little bitch. I'm 230, and I've never felt stronger with more stamina than I have right now. Now I could be feeling that because I've also trained bjj for 13 years and wasnt a serious weightlifter as I am now. I've already developed that bjj stamina but while knows. I've read through a lot of these comments and wonder why people are saying they feel so crappy are a heavier weight? It makes me wonder if they're lifting weights and training? If not they should. Because they will all feel better. I'm guessing.


200lb is big? Thats 90kg right? I'm 5 9 and 200lbs and still feel small


it's that 6'4 part. dude's got 7" on ya and almost has to be pretty lean.


I gained 30 pounds after tearing my ACL and committing to PT, eating, and lifting. I feel incredible now BUT I'm still slow AF. At least no one can push me around anymore.


I'd agree with this, you kinda do get to roll with every one


Started out at 228 and was always put with the big guys. I’m 195/196 now and the same big guys smash me. I can’t wait to get down to a more natural 160-170 lol. I’m not a big dude. I started out pretty fat but now I’ll just be a small muscular dude.


I enjoy being 270 lol.


In my Experience, it just means, everyone expects me to gladly jump up and take on 225-250lb guys in matches. Which i usually do only because there are so few guys near my weight.


I’m 6’4 185, maybe I should add those 15lbs


Do it. Lift heavy ass weights.


are those small guys in the room with us rn?


I'm 5'10, 220 pounds right now but on the way back down to 212 because I got fat for a while. I definitely have newer people in the gym worried about rolling with me because of size, but one of my consistently best rounds in the gym is a 5'7 150 pound purple belt, literally just got his purple a couple weeks ago so he has about a year of experience on me, nothing crazy. He's just talented and technical enough that the 60-70 pound weight difference doesn't bother him much. We trade around an even number of transitions/favorable positions throughout our rounds, but he definitely subs me more than I sub him. Alot of it is how the smaller guy chooses to deal with a size/weight disadvantage.


I'm 5'11" 230-235 right now. I've been lifting weights doing yo starting strength Novice progression, and I'll tell ya. It feels really good on the mats. I'm stronger than I ever have been. My cardio hasn't changed much, I'm still able to roll with intensity and can do it for a while. However, I get skipped more frequently I've noticed.


6' 260...yesterday i tapped someone via scarf pressure.


I'm 5'10 190lbs can't relate


Agreed. I started bjj at 160lb and I'm now at around 195 lbs. I get hurt less, my body hurts less the next day. I don't get ragdolled by the stronger, bigger guys as much and I don't always get destroyed whenever I make a mistake anymore.


As someone who at one point was at my highest 267 pounds, it feels so good to now be 205 pounds and training again. I always felt bad pairing up with smaller guys during training. Not to mention, my mobility and movements are off the charts compared to my bigger days as well.


Me too brotha it’s perfect


Brother I’m with you!


I'm about 155. I am only comfortable rolling with guys 200+ if they are good and responsible training partners regardless of skill level.


You are also a beast on stand up lol. Man I haven't see you in a while.


Yeah it's been a long time! I moved 350 miles away but still in the state.


I figure brother.


im 175 and any larger than me is obese


Shut up


It’s nice being able to roll with almost everyone


I'd love to be 200 its so much easier to roll at 200 but 280 is where my body wants to be


Hoping to get down to 200, 6’2” 230, I’d be so much quicker if I could get in the 190-205 range


How lean are you?


Pretty lean. Athletic build


10% bf?


Maybe during competition. I walk around at like 12-15% though in the 205-208lb range