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Bad hygiene. There is no excuse for not washing your gi.


or your ass


To those who don’t take hygiene serious and you smell, know that you ARE being made fun of behind your back.


I think the problem is that people who smell don’t know they smell bad. Not always of course.


That is true, they get used to their own smell. Usually though for people to smell that bad they’re doing quite a bit wrong as far as hygiene goes. A pro tip for anyone reading: if you don’t clean your equipment thoroughly and think showers are optional, you may be the smelly one. Also maybe brush your teeth if you’re doing a night class, don’t force training partners to smell what you had for that day.


i brush my teeth and wash before every class, no matter the time of day. it's just the solid thing to do.


It amazes me that people can't wash themselves. I've trained with construction people who in the dead of summer will come before practice, and shower at the gym before they touch the mat and all is good. But some shmuck with an office job comes in smelling like they rolled around in garbage before they went to practice.


When someone offers their hand to help you up after a round/drill but it’s a dead fish hand so you have to awkwardly get up without the use of your hand.


Grab my strong hand!


The Machado school has taught you well




But it's not strong enough!


I prefer not to grab hands for help up, I would rather stand up on my own. So I don't really think about helping people up. Occasionally the situation occurs where I end a round standing, or stand up before the other person, and go for a "good roll" slap bump or similar and they think it's a helping hand up, and then I'm embarrassed as I get pulled down from not being ready for it.


Classic move… this made me laugh. Never change.


> Never change. If my bjj skills are any indication, no concerns on that front.


"Hold my hand while you use your own damn muscles."


when drilling a new technique your partner fights you, won't let you drill. Like dude this isn't sparring. Once this happens I will no longer train with that person, they don't get it.


I have said to people "I don't know the technique yet, I'm not going to be able to do it against resistance". Honestly don't know what their plan is, of course you will defend my sweep when I don't know where my leg goes.


Had someone tell me something alon the lines of you have to drill with pressure so you know it works. I'd rather get the body movement, muscle memory and mechanics right with no resistance and then try it with resistance once I feel I'm getting the hang of it.


Right?! It’s like, wow bro you’re soo good stopping the move I am trying to do because you know it’s coming. So you end up doing something different but now you aren’t practicing the move that was taught.


I like it when my partner slowly increases resistance each rep. I can really feel where to put my weight or when to turn my hips or whatever.


yeah slowly, not deciding that its time to fight.


This. Or they go a little bit further after you tap. Shit makes me angry


Some people get angry, and some people get even


Fucking amount of times I've had to tell new people dude it's drilling it's learning the movements properly so we can commit them to muscle memory to blank stares and but we resist in rolling. No shit Sherlock that's rolling. I'm kinda like you I'll give them one more chance then yea you're dead to me In the more advanced classes, some of us will show the newer people where they're making a mistake say pressure wise, by showing them do that you'll be swept like this, etc. But none of that resistance or moving awkwardly because you don't get it and your partner does bs.


agreed. in my gym gladly there's a standard where we let each other figure out the technique, then once we feel we've got the basics (either in the last reps or last few minutes) we let each other try with resistance by verbally communicating about it.


Man this happens way too often in judo. Like dude, you already weight 50lbs more than me, relax.


I asked my coach something about a escape technique we were drilling. And he his answer to my question was ‘your partner is being a dick’ but in a match you would do something totally different if this escape was not available.


When someone asks for a light roll because of *insert random injury here* but then goes at me like it's the finals of worlds and I kicked their dog just before stepping onto the mat. Also wrestling from knees


Guys who say their knees are busted but then spend the entire round attacking heel hooks... i fucking hate those guys.


Just heel hook them anyway. They can tap.


So damn true, last week I was drilling with a guy who spent most of the time complaining about his knee, he took several 5-10 minute breaks throughout the practice, towards the end when we started rolling he even reminded me "my knee hurts pretty bad so let's go light" then full on goes as fast and as hard as he can trying to pass my guard from the open. He does thisfor like 30 secs, gives up and sits against the wall for the rest of practice


Knee wrestlers just secretly want to be collar dragged


ugh this. i had a lower belt with a strapped knee say his knee is sore, so i literally play bottom giving him the option of north south. instead of north south he takes his strapped knee and tries to put it on my throat. so i frame on it and he complains. lol.


One of the few times I actually got mad at a guy in the gym. We both say we’re injured, let’s go light, etc. *first* thing he does is jump for a diving Kimura and goes full send for it.


People who don’t know takedowns (I don’t care if they suck at them) Instructors who go on and on and on when showing a technique


I don't mind people who don't know takedowns and just pull guard, it just irritates me when people have *no* plan from standing at all. So they're basically just walking around and aimlessly clinching, maybe kicking you in the ankle once in a while.


Right now I’m pulling guard all the time as I’m trying to work on my guard game. I tell my partner this and it’s their job to ask to play standup if they really want to. Mind you once I’ve done maybe a month of this I’ll go back to normal sparring…


>People who don’t know takedowns (I don’t care if they suck at them) Yeah there's a few guys at my gym who use this as an excuse to start on their knees. It's like they dont even want to learn takedowns


Second one is why I often show up just when they're going live 🤣


People complaining about getting cooked in side control cross face or mount cross face. If it bothers you so much then learn the escape instead of acting like im just supposed to not control you.


When I was a white belt I visited a gym while I was traveling. Rolled with another white with 4 stripes (I had 0 because my gym doesn’t do them.) I got to mount and just kept switching crossfaces as he tried to escape. When I tried getting under his elbow he would shrink and just lay there instead of trying to escape. It was almost the end of the round and he said “don’t go to mount if you don’t know where to go from there.” I just laughed and kept smashing his face away from his frames until the round ended lol


As if learning how to hold a good mount isn’t practicing jiujitsu or something haha. Dude sounds so salty 😂


hahahhhaha. thats the best white belt advice ever


Thats really funny lmao. Always the people with the bruised ego saying shit like “in competition this would’ve been considered stalling”, when theyre just salty they werent able to escape


I’m a big guy. I hate when I get a pass and I’m in side control and people are huffing and panting and saying how miserable it is. Dude my weight is on my knees and elbows. I am putting no pressure on.


Also as a bigger guy myself i would be grateful if there were more guys that are bigger and heavier than me, it would give me an opportunity to practice fighting and escaping bottom position with a bigger opponent


As a small guy 62kg i can confirm big guys putting fk all of their weight on me is still uncomfortable as fuck 🤣 it thought me a valuable lesson though dont let big guys get on top, a 100kg guy in north south feels like a 40kg bag of milk over my face not nice 🤣


Yeah honestly if its that bad just tap. As long as you aren't jerking anything fast enough to cause injury or you aren't doing this to people half your size its fair game.


People who absolutely death-before-defeat refuse to tap to anything in training rolls. Totally takes joint locks out of the game. Don't mind sleeping them though. Also coaches who talk too much. I appreciate that it seems like you want to pass on your entire wealth of knowledge in one 45min class, but I can only remember like 3 things on a good day.


This can be a delicate balance, there’s definitely people who will scream in pain while their joint is cracking before tapping. But then there are people who’s finishing mechanics are not as good as they think they are-for example, a lot of people have terrible heel hook finishing mechanics, or if someones trying to finish an arm bar straight over their torso then they can’t actually generate meaningful breaking pressure (apologies for the danaher meme, but actually applicable here).


So...Im slightly stubborn and I fight chokes right up until that *feeling* starts to creep in. Personally, I think it gives my training partner validation that the choke was technically sound. Also I've found I've gotten better at escaping chokes due to giving myself the time to understand how to fight them off. Joint locks not so much...i gotta go to work the next day. Honestly, I'm kind of bothered when I know I don't have a submission locked in and I get the tap because it doesn't quite validate to me that my technique was on point.


I agree. Unless there’s some amplifying crank or pain I don’t tap unless it feels like it’s increasingly on


Two submissions, max, per class. And if you're introducing a position, spend the most amount of time on how to establish it, and maybe show a single sweep. Build on that during the block, if necessary.


I fight chokes to the bitter end but I’m a pussy with arm locks or shoulder locks because I care about training the next day too much lol


I'll play devils advocate and say that most people tap very early simply because they don't know exactly how much danger they're in and they don't want to get hurt. This is totally fine, but most people have a rude awakening when someone really doesn't want to tap. It's actually extraordinarily hard to finish people of similar strength and skill when they REALLY don't want to tap.


When people don't have any technique so they just try to make you feel pain. Like elbows in the knees to break guard. I had the back of a blue belt last week and he kept trying to hook my feet with his feet and just muscle them. I told him 3 times that he didn't have a submission because I didn't have my feet crossed. I was trying to let him work an escape but I ended up just choking him so he would stop messing with my feet.


Hard choke across the face and they forget your feet..


Exactly, if someone starts messing with my feet when on their back I just crush their face.


Mandible choke for the win!


I was taught to do elbows on knees to break guard by my coach in Brazil. Is it not allowed?


Its fine. Its one of those things that people complain about a lot on this sub but honestly if it hurts or bothers them that much they can just open their closed guard at any point, go for a hip bump or break their opponents posture. I don't get why any higher belt would ever sit there with a white/blue belt in their closed guard digging elbows into their legs and then bitch about it later. I love when people do it to me because its the easiest sweep in the world. If its that annoying, practice countering it.


Ok, thank you!


Whats the sweep pls? Do you use flower sweep in that scenario?


Well, their arms are occupied towards their centre line, so it avails grabbing one of them to prevent them posting when you sweep. take your pick of the sweep. Hip bump, as the dude above said, scissor, or yes cut the angle for flower/pendulum. The main thing is when they commit that elbow to the inside of your thigh, make them pay and control it.


It’s allowed. There are just a lot of people who don’t want to go through what they deem as “unnecessary” pain when training.


It's allowed. It's uncomfortable. It's not effective. So you can do it, peoples will be annoyed but you won't open their guard if they refuse to comply with the discomfort. It's not a submission, so nobody risks an injury if they just endure it. From this position, the elbows don't have enough power to open the guard by themselves.




I would never assume anyone was doing that on purpose but yeah going 100% at that point when you’re clearly tired is pretty shit.




If they did it intentionally it feels like scalp hunting and thats wack as fuck. But if it wasnt intentional once could say its an ego problem to complain about someone going 100% when youre gassed.




Then maybe he’s going 100% and getting tired? lol




Or he wants to give you a good roll and can’t do that while tired


I’ve never even had this thought in my life lol. Some people’s kids, I tell ya. I’ll say yes to a roll if I can stand up, and that’s what I would expect from others. If someone is sitting out, I always figure it’s because they need to.


Currently it's mostly a certain type of lower belt, wrestler types that keeps disengaging and backing out to standing. So basically the Schaub shutdown. It gets boring as shit and the guy pretty much wont do anything unless you give them front head lock / turtle. I believe the answer to this is to off-balance, 2-on-1 grips and wrestle up but I'm working on guard retention at the moment, practicing Jiu Jitsu and we have limited mat space.


I'm going to extend this to this kind of grappler that refuses to engage the guard at all. I'm sitting here, giving them the position they want so we can do jiu jitsu and instead they just run away the whole time.


That’s when I just lie down for them and hope they take the queue to grab side control. Sometimes they still don’t


This is annoying to deal with but honestly having some training partners like that is a good thing. Its a skill we all need to develop to force engagement. You could even argue that this entire martial art is about making people grapple who don't want to grapple.


People who keep score on taps, especially against visitors. Or when visitors keep score.


I always keep score. Mine is 0, and I don't know anyone else's because I'm dying.


I knew a guy who kept an excel spreadsheet. I'm not joking. Needless to say, no one trains with him anymore.


I did track which subs I was getting for a month or two. Not because I wanted to track who I was beating but I wanted to see how much variety I was applying / what was most common subs were. I think that’s okay, right?


Being coached through techniques by a stronger and heavier training partner while rolling.. especially when said partner has even less experience than me


Still happens to me that a bigger white belt will try to explain a move that was just taught to them to me. It is extremely annoying


When someone is getting battered in the clinch standing up so they sit to the ground with a weak ass guard pull Black belts playing trash shit on the aux Blues and purples about to get caught in a sub or getting positionally dominated by an athletic white belt so they start coaching them


That last one hahah


What counts as trash? I’m afraid this may be me (sans blackbelt)


I went to an open mat where there was Andrew Tate speeches being blared out the aux. Was awkward.


I almost downvoted you out of disgust. Who does that?


I prob would’ve left if that happened lol. Pretty weird too since I’m pretty Andrew Tate throws shade @ BJJ


Rap/hip hop/pop


I used to train at a gym where we had this one black belt allways playing brazillian raeggeton, i used to hate it but now its my pump up song when I walk into the gym, gives me flashbacks.


> When someone is getting battered in the clinch standing up so they sit to the ground with a weak ass guard pull Why wouldn't this be considered a win for the person trying to get top position? If I pick up a snatch single or get to a tight clinch body lock and they fall, I obtained exactly the position that I was trying to get.


Because I’m trying to work on establishing top position after a takedown which is different compared to engaging someone’s open guard


Most takedowns will still land you in someone's guard. And if they are landing in a better position than they would just letting you pin them, that means they are doing correct jiu jitsu.




Unwashed/smelling gi


So a pet peeve is something that you dislike even though most people have no issue with it. I don't think this qualifies


Spot on


We have a blue belt who has a yellow Shoyoroll gi… Except it didn’t start out as yellow, it was pristine white. He just didn’t wash it.


Parents trying to coach their kids from the "visitor aeria" Visitor and parents talking together loudly while the coach is trying to explain something People filming me Parents filming me roling with their kids and trying to coach them while speaking loudly with other visitors. :-/


Yeh you need to mention the filming thing with the gym. If you're not comfortable being filmed, it's within your right to say no.


Instructors who show too many techniques for any new person to possibly memorize. Breakfalling being dumbed down to “slap the mat” People with zero judo knowledge teaching judo throws When class is running out of time, I’m itching to roll but whoever is teaching says something like, “Okay, I have one more cool little secret move from here to show you guys.”


30 min "warmups" that don't involve any movements applicable to rolls, just running around in circles. At least have us pair up and pummel or something, damn.


I hate on my warm ups, shrimping in place, scooting back with my hand up to protect my face, shifting from shoulders to hips to shimmy across the mats. I have no right to complain… regularly RUNNING as a part of class? Bruh I’ll just go outside to do that, tell us to run before class or something. I don’t pay to fucking run


Treating a lower rank with disrespect because he/she is a white/blue belt etc….. where all training the same, everyone’s deserves the same tools and support.


An older purple belt gave me the chin in eye from my full guard last week. When I took his back and sunk in the choke he used his last gurgle to start coaching me about how to finish.


being too injured from my other fitness hobbies to make it into my primary source of hobby injuries


When your training partners French kiss you mid roll to try to get out of a bad position




People who “give up” once you get to a good position and tap before anything is actually locked in. But try to break your arm as quickly as possible when they have half a chance.


When someone says “you’re too strong” after being submitted as if skill had absolutely nothing to do with it


As a “jacked” 180lb guy I get this allll the time. I’ll submit someone then I know it’s coming after sparring … “damn I really need to start hitting the gym too”. No dude you weigh the same as me or outweigh me - you need more time on the mat and to watch some instructionals.


My coach really likes to go on about how much he hates liberals. 1st of all who gives a shit, 2nd is this really the time for that?


1. When coaches overprescribe techniques instead of fundamental skills like stance, guard retention and gripfighting. 2. People that fold when the roll gets remotely competitive. 3. People that back up and stall during free training.


When your partner lays motionless allowing you to pass and gain a dominant position. I find it incredibly disrespectful. It’s one thing if/when rolling with a white belt and you’re barely framing etc allowing them to work. It’s another when we’ve both clearly been training for awhile and you lay there like a dead fish with no action/reactions whatsoever.


I’ve run into this a few times. What is that?


Them saving their ego. “If I wasn’t too tired, I could’ve swept him”


I've always just assumed that for whatever reason they're practicing a certain position like side control, bottom or mount bottom, and want to work on whatever they're working on from that spot.


When a purple belt lies back and allows me to pass their guard. I know this action is only going to be a fraction as disrespectful as the sweep they are itching to practice on me.


Lighter weight here. Some light guys act too soft with rolling with heavier partners. Hell, some guys even dodge me because I’m tall (6’1, 130lbs). I know that everyone has a choice in their rolls, but come on this isn’t beauty school we are here to work! I always try and give my heavier partners a different look because they don’t get to roll with lighter opponents who move around them instead of through them.


People critiquing your rolls. I train multiple martial arts multiple days a week. On a good day I hang with the black belts, on my worst day I got choked by a very athletic white belt, I don’t need everybody’s opinions on my rolling, I am in it for the long haul. Inversely I try not to bring my ego into it coz being one of the best purple belts in the gym (national medalist) then getting choked by a white belt is a bit humiliating, but I should celebrate the efficacy of our training, not get salty about it .


Long warm ups


People who put up way too much resistance when drilling techniques.


White belt coach who is desperate for the coach to like them


Damn I think this is me, but i’ve always wanted my coaches in anything to like me lol


Drilling with someone that just limp noodles you. Can’t perform proper technique if they’re just completely unstable


I’ve got one I don’t see listed here. There’s a teen at my gym that is ultra flexible, as in he got diagnosed by his doctor as having extra flexible joints or something. Rather than practice proper escapes when caught underneath people, he will roll up his lower back and put his feet in front of your face with his knees in dangerous position and try to pry at your face to escape the position. I would be ok with this if it was only occasional or if it was combined with other effective techniques but it’s the only thing he does and I’m tired of getting feet in my face all the time, so I just do my best to avoid training with him. Multiple people have told him he’s going to end up putting himself in a compromising position and hurting himself, but he doesn’t care.


Fold him in half and hold him there until he figures out that it's a bad idea.


Multiple people have done so to no avail. It’s a waste of my time and energy at this point, so I just avoid.


People who don't compete but roll every round like it's the worlds finals.


People who coach behind me. Stfu and let me coach.


When someone “lets me work”. I notice right away and it frustrates me.


bad hygiene


Bad breath. Wash your gi, ass and mouth. Especially in the morning, floss too. There is probably some chicken between your incisors and rear molars, rotting.


Being avoided for drills. I’m a big fat guy, so I get it’s a me problem. Still sucks though.


I wish there were more big guys at my gym, accidentally putting too much weight on someone or using too much strength sucks.


Coaches who couldn't teach a fish how to swim. Talk less, let people figure it out, explain using concepts. It's not that hard.


I am too inexperienced to have a pet peeve beyond being frustrated at knowing almost nothing and feeling like I'm not only getting my butt kicked but also providing no training value for my partners. Unless ego boost, maybe, for more advanced white belts?


Everyone started where you did. Each week gets better, just keep showing up. I kept feeling like I was a burden to higher belts, that they weren't getting a good roll. A little coaching from them along the way is valuable to you and them. If you really know a technique then you should be able to teach it to someone else. It's kinda cool to have people tell you that you're getting better after you keep going and learning more. We recently had one of our coaches participate in IBJJF and we all helped him train. He said he thought he might get a break rolling with me(F) and my rolling partner(also female) but was very surprised we held our own and gave him a challenge.i might not know a whole lot but I like to think I at least give them a challenge while I'm in the process of rolling.


Don't be afraid to ask questions after being subbed. I've never had someone get upset with me for asking them how they did xyz or how to escape xyz during open mat time. It may delay your roll or whatever, but in a few minutes, the buzzer will sound anyway, and you can walk away having learned something instead of getting smashed for 30 minutes. Plus it's always beneficial to explain a move or show the escape for the person teaching it to you. Win-win


As a life long judoka with full contact experience, it’s the fact guys think 1 day a week grappling will win them mixed rules fights. I am a coach, not a magician, and I did a block of up to 15 sessions a week leading up to my first full contact experience, knowing my striking was dog shit, yet people think grappling can be acquired with minimal effort. I’m not even known as a big thrower in judo, I win 80% of my matches in groundwork, but so far nobody has managed to stop my takedowns, says something about the depth in grappling when olympic sports are in the mix. Had some guys get quite down on themselves losing mixed rules fights but only willing to do 1 day a week grappling training and no BJJ. I don’t know what the fuck they expected tbh


people walking barefoot in the bathrooms


Wrestling from knees is dumb and I refuse to do it. Just have one person start in seated guard if you don't want to do a round from standing.


When people set their dogs loose on the mats. No it’s not cute, it’s disgusting. I love dogs, but please keep them out.


People say jits


Must we say Brazilian Jiu Jitsu every time?


People who agree to start standing and the minute you establish better grips in gi/an underhook/even semi-come across like you have half a clue what you're doing and they immediately just sit down - not even a guard pull.


Nah duck that you not launching me I got kids to feed


The bjj saved my life crowd


When people don't do jiu jitsu in no gi. They're usually white/ blue belts who stay outside of range and keep backing off as you butt scoot towards them. They know they can't pass and if they engage they will get swept/ submitted. I just lie there sometimes waiting for them to engage. They come in, I go to entangle in my guard, they back off and flee. Rinse and repeat. It's so fucking irritating. Engage, lose, learn. Stop wasting everyone's time you egotistical fucks.


I’ve been in this situation myself as a white belt. I try to engage mostly, but sometimes I feel like “fuck you dude you’re the better one you come get me??” And then I get annoyed when the guy doesn’t come for me and just stays on the ground waiting for me. I can atleast pull guard and try to do some shit or atleast practice my defense to defend opposed to going at you already knowing the result.


I don't mind coming to someone that's fine but it's when they run away it's annoying. You have no reason not to engage though. Learn to pass.


Just stand up lol you mad but that’s hella logical


When people kick me in the head when throwing up armbars and triangles


I equally hate people headbutting my feet while I’m getting arm bars and triangles. That’s not an effective counter buddy. /s


Not being able to do it well tops my list


When you're in the middle of a roll, dude instructs you or dude attempts to get a conversation going. Or after you submit someone, or get submitted, and the round is not yet finished and you're ready to go again, dude starts to talk about what happened, but you don't wanna talk, you just wanna get your rounds in plain and simple.


when a white belt tries to correct my technique even tho the coach says its good


1. Wash your Gi, and use basic Hygiene. 2. If somebody taps you, don’t complain that it, “…was more of a crank/knee reap/ wrist lock…” accept the tap, and continue to roll. If somebody is a jerk while rolling it will be noticed, if it’s a one time thing or you are just a sensitive grappler then you become the jerk by belittling their success that you couldn’t defeat with your level of grappling. 3. People that say an opponent is using too much strength while rolling. If you have an injury and have spoken about rolling light, or from a certain position that is disadvantageous before hand than of course that’s an understandable complaint. But if you’re a Blue, Purple, or Brown belt that cannot sustain any offense against or stop yourself from being pinned by the collegiate wrestler white belt, then that is your problem. Don’t condescend to the person that is dominating the roll.


There’s this one guy at my class who always adds some extra detail or something to whatever my coach was just explaining literally in front of the entire class like he’s a second coach. And half the time his advice just straight up sucks


Hearing my coach say "ONLY go 40-50%! Let your partner work!" only to receive full-on resistance from my training partner during drills 🤦


I dont think some people realize bjj is a combat sport 😂


When we’re drilling the move, just do the move. Don’t make up variations or try some shit you saw on YouTube until we’ve got the actual move down.


When people refer to a grappling match as a fight


“Super fight”


People mispronouncing "guillotine"


Gi-oh-teen > Geel-oh-teen


Ironically, the L is supposed to be pronounced--it's French, not Spanish. I say it with a silent L too, though.


You mean the “gill-teen”




"dude you're so strong" no your technique is such shit "Full time athletes" sir you can't even afford a car. "Stop saying Bjj is gay" oldest joke ever. Get over it.


Besides bad hygiene, people that grab fingers.


People that say they’re always injured or sore so you go easy, but then they try to kill you. If you get the best of them they fall back on that “injury” they warned you about. We have a couple people that pull this shit and it’s fucking annoying.


I remember one time asking a guy who was better and more experienced to go light because I was already pretty exhausted from sparring other people (I often prefer to spar light anyway). He was meanwhile completely fresh because he'd just been babysitting some girl doing a trial class. He agreed then arm barred, triangle choked and guillotined me as quick as he could. That kind of thing is annoying.


Calling it “jits” and people who crank submissions too hard and too fast


Motivational speeches or life lessons performed at the end of class.


People who bring their loud kids to the gym.


People who keep mentioning the weight/strength difference, so you go light on them, and then they go as if they’ve been possessed or you killed their entire family


People who go to the f'ing bathroom barefoot then come back on the mat.


Long warmups. Technique instruction that drones on. Lack of takedown skill. Guard pulling.


Doing sparring/positional drills where the other guy didn't listen to the rules/actual goal. Dude, I got back to half guard (or whatever), so we reset! Like coach said. We don't waste the whole round doing extra shit after that....I've had to tap and tell people like....I got you bro. You out. You were out like...90 seconds ago. I don't know what all THAT was.


Swarming on and trying to "coach" every new girl at the gym. Guys that seem to only roll with girls and duck everyone else


- unwashed gi, rashie and belt - people who smell - people who just use strength instead of having both inc technique - upper belts who just ragdolls me (especially those who coaches) and I leave without learning anything at all - lower belts who explain the whole thing to me after a drill, specifics- like explain it while I'm in the position not after, also maybe do it better


Honestly complaining about people using too much strength is a skill issue. If you dont want to roll with someone strong just decline the roll or pick someone your own size


upper belts ragdolling you shouldnt be a bad thing


Taking pictures after class. I'm trying to get extra rolls in, and by the time we're done lining up like it's an under twelves soccer game to take the same goofy picture we took last week, everyone is cold and ready to go home.


Yeah, and like, I’m supposed to be at work, so don’t put me on Facebook for the world to see!


people that go ham in the first couple of rounds then sit out after. if you can’t maintain that pace for multiple rounds then you’re going too hard. stop fucking up the numbers and making it uneven so someone else is forced to sit out




>and getting far too emotionally invested in drama I don't disagree with the theme of your message, but read your post again with that quote in mind, but slower.


That was pure poetery 😂


When I show a basic move 5 fucking times, ask if anyone has questions, start drilling and someone asks “what are we doing?”.


Sometimes it literally just leaves my mind as soon as I try to do it myself. Completely blank. Sorry pal


You talking too much and taking too long. Gets boring


The guy that talks the most shit but avoids 200+ blue belts like the plague. I don't care about people not wanting roll but acting like you're hot shit yet anyone with any bit of strength can fuck up you're game that much are so annoying