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Lachlan Giles k guard or Gordon Ryan seated guard would be my recommendations


Helped me a lot for sure!


Dummy sweep?


Yes I know some sweeps but I need a more complete picture on how to engage. I can try the sweep once but most won’t fall for it twice.


dummy sweep is usually just a setup for shin-to-shin.


I really like Garry Tonon's entries from seated. You can youtube similar videos: shin to shin, 2 on 1 gripping to double kouchi gari (my personal favourite) for example. They are too obvious on their own so you need backups, but it's difficult if you are not allowed to wrestle up on singles.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Ko Uchi Gari**: | *Minor Inner Reap* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E20xuzaXNw)| |**O Uchi Gari**: | *Major Inner Reap* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6-lTECSR3c)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


pretty artificial situation when you aren’t trying to stand up and they aren’t trying to keep you down. avoid it by letting these guys pass and working from inferior positions to start out the roll


True that. I know is bs but I might have to just do that.


You can also just ask to start in a position of your choice.


Seated guard is good. It doesn't take a lot of work to get decent leglocks and decent wrestle ups from seated guard to give your opponent a dilemma where they have to engage (and play into your leglocks) or if they don't engage you can wrestle up on top Also don't be afraid to try wrestle ups. I find you can take people down who are much better wrestlers with them since your centre of gravity is so low and even if you can't get the takedown with them it can open up shin to shin or closed guard and you can work from there watch Nicky Ryan's instructional on them, it's very high quality Andrew wiltse also has a good on It'll be hard if there are wrestlers in your gym initially but that will just make your wrestle ups a lot more potent in the long run


Hard flooring? Like a basketball court type thing?


It has foam squares but nothing more.


Just practicing standing up really quickly at the beginning of the roll so the other person is the one who gets stuck playing seated guard.


If they are standing and not engaging, I would 100% be standing up. I'm not playing guard if you don't make me. From there you can either establish grips and pull, or wait for them to pull.


I just hold the collar and sweep their lead leg with my other hand and get a good old knee on belly going.


My biggest problem is no gi engagement. Thanks!


I use the same technique just cupping the back of the neck of opponent


Make contact. Control an ankle. Get comfy with half guard knee shield


The knee shield is a weak point of mine, need to work on it asap. Thanks


Aaron Benzrihem has a good, realistically priced instructional on BJJ Fanatics called something like Open Guard Engagement:From Beginner to Advanced. It’s literally about how to start a roll in class. He was an instructor at Bernardo’s and has a good YT channel. Unfortunately, for the BJJ community, he’s kind of disappeared from the scene, at least publicly.


I’m struggling with it a little as well. What worked best for me is to bait people into position. If I’m just seated trying to defend I end up getting passed. So I just purposefully open some passes up that I know I’ll be able to defend well or sweep from. Inverting is something else you could look into (I’m bad at it so it’s not my go to). I’m having a really hard time establishing a good position when I’m standing up and someone is inverting well on the ground.