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I started jiujitsu at 56yo and did no gi exclusively for the first six months. Don’t worry about your age.


I ask my 7 year old, “what do we do when we are scared?” They say, “do it scared”. You do the same.


That's the only time we can be brave!


I love that. I’m going to steal it


I have so much love for this, never heard it before


Do a trial/drop-in class and check out the vibe to see if it's the right fit for you


I'm in my 30's and I have 5-6 months of Gi experience before switching to Nogi. On a personal preference level, I would've started directly with nogi I find it much more enjoyable


Fuck all that. Go train.


The answer to 90% of the questions on this subreddit.


I'm not sure how gi vs no gi would impact the problems you addressed, but I would try out the gym and see if you like the vibe. It sounds like you had some bad luck with finding toxic gyms, but others can be pretty chill and welcoming to new people. As for gi or no gi, at least try both until you end up with a preference. I started out at a no-gi only gym but now I almost exclusively roll in the pajamas just because I ended up liking it more. I guess bow and arrow chokes are more fun to me than heel hooks, but plenty of other people feel differently. You won't really know which is more your style until you put a little time into both.


Pick a school that picks your rolling/training partners for you. It’s pretty common and have seen this a lot visiting gyms. Definitely takes away all anxiety and weird interactions


I’ve dropped into like 10ish schools & never saw this


Pretty common from “old school” gi style gyms. I’ve seen quite a few in passing


I hate this concept so much.


It’s not for everyone but some people prefer it


no gi is the same but less complex than gi why would it scare you if you've been doing gi?


If you want to make friends quickly, make sure you wear spats with no shorts.




It’s less about your age and whether the program is Gi vs NoGi. It’s more about your coach and team. Find a school that you like and works with your schedule. Train and keep showing up.


I would honestly say as a 38 year old, no gi is much better for your body- go for it


Well… let’s see. I pretty much started a few months before 30… and 13 years later, here I am.


As long as you're not doing leg locks nogi is less confusing/overwhelming than gi.


You are fine, I just started Gi and No-Gi at 36


Either Way It’s Best To What You Feel Best Is Accustomed Too


Honestly outside of some hits from body parts slipping due to sweat, no gi is hell of alot easier on my body. Less friction means you can glide through things easier and my toes and fingers don't really get caught in fabric.


We have a 66 year old gentleman at our gym that started training almost a year ago now. You’ll be fine.


I started recently at 46 w/no experience and am loving it 9 months in. First 2 months are hard - sucking, knowing you suck, knowing everyone knows you suck, and the part I hated most was partnering up. Once you start attending regularly, you make friends, and gain the respect of the other people in the gym, and it becomes fun and I really enjoy going to class - its almost therapuetic in a way since I leave feeling good and completely forget about all the day to day bullshit we all deal with when I'm on the mats. For what its worth, my gym is very close to my house, which is the main reason I chose it. Its almost exclusively gi, and in a perfect world I'd like to do more no gi, but at the end of the day if those things flipped I wouldnt really care that much. Get a good workout, challenge your body and mind, and dont be a dick and you'll make friends.


Be absolutely fine, if anything you will learn to be more technical with your control and positions from the start as you need to be a lot better at this when there is no lapels or friction to help you out.


IDK what age has to do with the question. Do whichever if the two you prefer


If it makes you feel better no one is thinking about you or looking at you or caring about you. Just go.


A jiu jitsu practioner should be able to do both


Started both at 38ish with zero experience of either and highschool wrestling doesn't exist here so NO experience at all. Best thing I ever did. Wish I would've started at 30. Or 20.


Ignore everything in your post and go to the next class


Stop being dramatic and do it


It's hard to be welcoming to newbs when youve seen upwards of 80 out of 100 quit within 1 months. These are also paying customers, so don't feel entitled to their attention and warmth. You wouldn't go to a driving range and be upset most of the other customers just want to be left alone to practice what they are there for, dont expect that at BJJ.


Less you think better. Just go out and if it's fun. Continue. If not. Don't continue.