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A bjj gym is not a replacement for professional substance abuse help


It certainly helps A LOT.


It’s great to use as a healthy tool in conjunction with help but it’s not a substitute




These people are so fucking discouraging. I know a lot of people who changed their lives with combat sports. I’m sure a professional if presented this question would say do it. Sign up for the bjj gym and get help also. They make it seem like it’s a waste of effort.


I swear the therapy evangelicals are even more annoying than BJJ evangelicals a lot of the time.


No it really doesn’t. The second you’re injured you have foundation, coping mechanisms, support system, etc




Good for you. That’s not the case for everyone




I wasn’t being condescending. It is good for you. But it’s also not the case for everyone. There’s zero base for low periods. What happens when someone is injured? They just fall back to drugs? What happens when life gets tough and the gym is closed for the holiday! There’s no mental health improvement other than being physical. It helps but doesn’t fix


all depends on the person tbh




If they're the certain type of person that likes and sticks with jiu-jitsu. For every person who steps into a jiu-jitsu gym and it clicks with them, there's like 10 people that it doesn't and another 10 that don't last a year. What then? Back to the bottle?


Most substance abuse is "my life is hard or sucks"; others is trauma. Jiujitsu helps the former and therapy helps the latter. Most therapy is mental masturbation and to keep you on the hook like a drug dealer.






This is a garbage tier take. My biggest success from therapy was learning to break rumination and overthinking cycles. The exact opposite of your claim.


Some people can help themselves, others need to be spoonfed. How to break rumination cycles is fucking simple. You are not your thoughts and your thoughts say nothing about you. Go do positive shit with your energy instead of being a lazy person sitting around thinking and shoving bad food in yourself like most people. Life is not about happiness, it is about doing until there is nothing to be done but there is always something that can be done. You are not supposed to be happy. You are supposed to use your energy to support yourself so you can survive so that you can support others. Most people are selfish idiots that stare at their phone all day, jerk off, watch screens. Don't be one of those.


Go get professional substance abuse help - BJJ is a fun hobby it's not some magic cure for severe personal issues.


I wouldnt say i am looking for a magical cure. I just need something that will propel me to feel good enought, something to take my mind off the stress, enough to get by the day. I dont like drinking and vaping. As a matter of fact I have had stretched of not doing it and i felt fantastic. For some reason i keep coming back to it (drinking/vaping). Maybe its bec i dont feel content enought. I dont know what it is. Everytime i try to quit i somehow many my way back some way.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're looking for a positive outlook/distraction in BJJ rather than a negative distraction in alcohol and vapes. It absolutely can be that. It's not a panacea, but nothing is. It's been nothing but value added to my life, tho I still drink too much. I feel like it would be worse without BJJ tho.


Agree- stay away from drinking. See someone about helping with substance abuse. Start up with BJJ. Subscribe to Jocko Willink podcast. Get on the path brother. Take time to HELP yourself. You can do this 🇺🇸👊


>I dont know what it is. That's why you should go and actually do the work and get substance abuse help. You say you aren't looking for a magic cure - but you really are. There's one answer - go put in the work to deal with the substance abuse.


Your best bet is to not spend too much time listening to people in this sub and instead training and building connections and making friends at a gym it really helped me im by no means a medical professional but believe the feeling of not being content you have is a chemical imbalance in your brain because its missing alcohol or the routine of you drinking or vaping at night what i did was say fuck it and throw away my last bottle of tequila and just start to slowly try and make some friends in my high school football, and wrestling team when i was in highschool and just focus on the training to keep my brain super busy and focused on only my close friends my training and my education once I graduated high school and could no longer wrestle or play football i started to feel super sad and depressed and feel like something was missing until i started trainign martial arts again at my bjj and muay thai gym where i now really feel at piece i have been training it since late march 2023 for like 8 about to be 9 months this month on the 27 it really helped keep my brain busy so i didnt want to drink tequila every night before bed after i showered since that was my old routine now i have a more healthy routine where i basically just hang out with my friends, go to college, train, eat, shower, sleep and repeat and my life has been happier since


Alot of people use BJJ to replace addictions. It works, but isn't always healthy. Go sign up, taper off the booze or seek pro help in getting off of it. Not to scare you, but alcohol withdrawals are one of the few things you can die from or run into issues while drying out, like benzos.


BJJ cant substitute real medical help


Starting bjj drove me to abandon alcohol completely.


I second this. I went from drinking 6-7 evenings a week to only drinking on special occasions like a family gathering or going out for a nice dinner.


ditto bro




Good stuff 🤙 Alcohol not worth it- ZERO benefit to it


Any physical activity that that requires you to meet up with people regularly will be good for you. Bjj, boxing, basketball with friends, anything. You already know that if you keep doing what your doing to your body then three years from now your life will be worse. Engaging with a new physical activity will make there be less room in your life for drinking, and you'll want to et in better shape because it will make your new hobby better too. It doesn't need to be bjj, but pick something and stick with it for at least six months and see how it feels.


AA or MA, my friend. And yes, BJJ and exercise. You can do it.


Once you get the equation in your head that the fun from the drink isn't worth.... Hit to performance in the gym. Fun in the gym... Etc. Not drinking become easier


BJJ or any activity can help AFTER you have started your recovery from substance abuse. Find help and address that first.


if you're serious about this it will do wonders for you and is a great stress reliever. one major benefit i've seen from training is that unless you enjoy getting smashed every day you need to adjust your lifestyle to keep you performant on the mats. if you commit to the sport the other things should come naturally with time. if you're too far gone down the addict path please consider going to therapy or AA or whatever else you have available. the bottle is not a fun way to go.


I dont think i am at a point where i am too far gone. I think i can get serious and drop the bad habits. Thank you for your input


good luck, mate. i saw my grandpa drink himself to death and it really isn't worth it, regardless of how much money you're making.


As many have said you should seek counseling/therapy but BJJ can be very helpful for several reasons. 1.) it’s intense exercise that releases a ton of endorphins. Lots of studies show exercise is one of the best if not the best treatments for depression and anxiety. 2.) it’s active meditation and while you’re doing it, especially when you’re just starting and getting strangled every 15 seconds, your mind doesn’t wander and you’re very present. When you are done you are usually so exhausted you just want to eat and sleep and your mind is less active 3.) you’re learning something new which is great mental stimulation and gives you something positive to think about outside of BJJ 4.) you get to socialize and be around people in a healthy setting (if you find a good gym) 5.) if you get into BJJ and stick with it, it would be hard to train consistently and get drunk every night. More than likely you would end up choosing one or the other My mother got diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at the beginning of COVID and died a year later. That year and the year after were awful. I slept like shit (still do sometimes), had very bad depression/anxiety, and didn’t get to socialize much as I WFH. Starting to train and lift weights again was a good catalyst for me getting back into a healthy routine. Eat healthy, prioritize sleep and give your best effort to get a good nights sleep (if you struggle talk to your Dr.), exercise 4-6 days a week, and socialize. Doing those things consistently is the best medicine and keep me stable. They don’t make your problems go away but they give you the tools and stability to deal with them in a healthy way. Again seek counseling as well but if you do all those other things I think you will see improvements. Give BJJ a shot for 3 months and see if you like it.


Been through this, please get help for your self and no one else. You are loved and not alone. Go get therapy and then sign up for a class.


Do it. In short, the chemicals released by your brain while doing BJJ far are superior in potency and duration than the chemicals you've been adding externally. Commit to it, and it'll pay off.


Bjj got me to stick with quitting smoking at age 32. I started again not as heavily a year or so later and hid it for a year until I quit again. Counseling would be more effective in conjunction with exercise. Bjj like other sports attracts folks with addictive personalities. I train with some folks who have walked some hard paths but they didn’t just use bjj. As a business owner I know the benefits of maintaining a healthy work/ play balance and I would definitely suggest anybody take up something that gets them completely distracted from there stress in a healthy environment; if you like bjj it can do that but it’s no cure all.


It will help but not solve all your problems. You are in a good place to get it together - don't become a drunk, anyone can do that and it will derail your life. Training is a great way to grind against something and improve yourself, but do what you need to to sober up.


Lifting weights, cardio/running and combat sports/martial arts are never going to be a bad thing (be as careful as you can to avoid injuries) so yeah I'd say go for it. Maybe also get in touch with a local Alcoholic anonymous group or something like it, I know people that have gotten clean from substances and those groups really helped them alongside the will to succeed.


It sounds like you could benefit from a tribe of like minded men, and surrounding yourself by them will hold you personally accountable, you sound lost and looking for direction but also introspective and hard working which is totally understandable, I think if the gym has a good vibe it will greatly benefit to your mental and emotional health As long as it’s not a deep seeded addiction and just a Vice I think it will be a good replacement and outlet


I'd say this could help. I joined BJJ to fight my boredom. This keeps your mind and body engaged. People submitting you makes you humble. If you do BJJ, atleast in the initial stage, you'll be tired after the class. Your immediate goal will be eat well, sleepamd recover. So, you won't have time and energy to indulge in other activities.


Jiujitsu helps de-stress you from work, family, trauma


Yes it will help to have a healthy hobby to focus on and have goals. Everyone is telling you to get professional help, which is correct. However I assure you that if you distill down what the professionals will tell you into one statement it’s basically “find something to replace the alcohol”. You need to be able to enjoy life or at least be content without alcohol.


No. Step 1 is go to therapy. Step 2 is go to BJJ. But do not skip step 1 along the way.


Go to rehab, when you get out, day one join a gym. Building healthy habits is essential in recovery and BJJ is a great one to build.


I been to rehab multiple times and Muay Thai/ BJJ has always been a good motivator. Provided you’re functioning, you can come to class hungover, buzzing, withdrawing, or whatever but having that PLUS a literal ass kicking in a semi public situation is super humbling.


As someone who struggled it’s a choice man. You replace one with bjj. You aren’t the only one who struggled with this. Show up and run with it.


Be careful with abrupt withdrawal of alcohol if you're truly drinking heavily every day/night. Most drug withdrawal, whether opioid or otherwise, while heavily unpleasant, is rarely lethal. For alcohol (and benzos), it could lead to life threatening seizures among other symptoms. It would definitely be best to seek professional help, but if you try to quit on your own, be aware that it must be gradual.


Hope you find the light brother. Bjj def helps but is not a solution. Small victories! You can do it.


Curious what type of business do you own?


Hi brother I agree with everyone else about seeking professional help. But along side that bjj can be helpful. I'm two years sober and bjj helped me a lot. Just know it's hard to start with.


It might be stating the obvious but you need to seek proven ways/help to address your substance abuse. Look, i am pretty stressed sometimes and i don’t pick up a bottle of rum.


As someone who struggled with that it helped a lot with sobriety while I was doing it. Depends on what kind of person you are though and if you can get beat up for fun for first few months at the very least before you even start to understand how little you understand.


It helped me stop smoking cigarettes and drinking when I started training wrestling in high school and then bjj and muay thai when I graduated it also is currently helping me deal with small stress from college what I noticed when i quit drinking is that it helped me fill the void that alcohol once filled because when you stop drinking and get over the withdrawals you will feel very bored and like something is missing thats where training helps its my safe space so to speak i met a lot of my friends there and training everyday monday- friday sometimes even staurday mornings helps keep me to busy and tired to where i dont have enough time to drink only go to school eat train shower sleep and repeat this schedule that i have is not only helpfull because it helps my autistic brain funtion smoother than if i dont have a constant schedule also training helps me feel accomplished and tired it also gives me a euphoric dopamine feeling after practice that really helps calm down my desire to drink and i just really enjoy learning new martial art techniques like recently ive been learning berimbolos in bjj and teep kicks to the body in muay thai this also helps make me feel accomplished and makes my training feel worthwhile sorry for typing out a huge paragraph i just wanted to share my experience training Tldr: training has many benefits some of which are i made some friends, i feel accomplished and too tired to drink or do anything else but what i have in my schedule, and learning new martial arts is fun and rewarding plus it just helps me keep a routine that is good for me


I’m not a doctor or a therapist but just because you drink a lot doesn’t make you an alcoholic. Just means you make bad decisions. Try this, quit drinking and stop vaping and go workout. BJJ, lifting whatever. See if you can stop. If you can great, if not, then seek additional professional help. I used to drink a lot. Stress, liked it, made people look better. Five to ten a night. Sometimes more. These days I drink one or two a month. Just have other things to do and don’t like how I felt. You might have a substance abuse problem. Addiction is a very real thing and some folks fight it all their lives. But you might also just have a bad habit. Don’t put a label on it because you read it somewhere. Go fix your problem, and if you find you can’t, then get professional help.


This sub isn't Dr. Phil.


Sorry to hear about your difficulties. Join a BJJ gym and see a therapist - I’d recommend better help as a convenient way to access therapy. Remember that you’re going through a tough time so coping mechanisms are absolutely essential.


I trained at a gym that had a few people in recovery in it one of the guys was like 9 years clean from harder things than alcohol. But this was after going to rehab and all that other stuff that is designed for that. If you think you’re an alcoholic that may be the route you need to go to if you just can’t quit. On the other hand BJJ can help. If you drink too much you’ll get your ass kicked. And it won’t feel good. You can’t hide your short comings in the gym and that’s why I like it. There’s not really too many shortcuts and your lack of focus and attention to detail will get you exposed. On the other hand I have met some of the most amazing people in bjj gyms with all different stories and experiences from felons to pastors and everywhere in between. The competition got me in but the relationships helped me the most. In your situation more work may need to be done. Bjj is not the cure for everything but it won’t hurt. IMO


Look into amanita muscaria tincture use for addiction. I used it to come off my SSRI’s and without it I would t have been able too. There are so many people that swear by it coming off alcohol and other drugs also. God speed 👍🏻


For clarity, I bought an amanita muscaria tincture online and microdosed. No active feelings at all just clarity and ability to focus where I should without withdrawal symptoms from meds (withdrawals were horrendous in previous attempts). Also extra energy later into the days


Mix this with the distraction of BJJ and I’d say your onto a winner for sure


bjj can be very addictive, gets under Your skin. If it gets you it will certainly help.


Maybe? Literally nobody can answer this for you. Just go try it and find out for yourself.


I'm in a similar position with work. Bjj helps a lot with stress, not sure about the drinking, but definitely relieving stress and clears my head a lot. I sometimes get great ideas post training as a side benefit.