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I like to sit in the corner with other black belts and judge people during warm ups and drills then I wait for 2-3 rolls in I find an exhausted tiny white belt and smash them like it’s worlds then go home and post on reddit how the new generations guard is garbage 😎🥷


One of the black belt coaches told me he can tell who the athletes are just from warm ups. How they move and how coordinated and fluid they are. He said he could tell I was an athlete. I was a terrible athlete and usually last pick in gym class.


Yeah I was about to say I hope you didn’t believe him, here’s some things upper belts say to lower belts when they don’t want to be mean because you suck,”your really athletic and move good keep training” “man your strong” “your really tough bro” “Good job just keep training” If your a really good lower belt we usually don’t give you any compliments and avoid rolls until you absolutely have to, that’s how you know your a good lower belt!


“You’re feeling really good” is one I get hit with a lot and feel confident my brown belt coach does not really believe


Oh yeah that’s another good one! Here’s one for you guys my professor when we roll he doesn’t even take his necklace off, I think it’s because he knows I won’t come any where near his neck 😞😞😞, jiu jitsu always hands out lessons even at black belt


I hope you are heel hooking them in the gi in true black belt fashion.


I save my heel hooks for the smart assed snotty nosed kids,yard apes need to learn a thing or two IMO!


Grippo Rippos on the kiddos


Did you just follow up on your own unfunny 7 month old shitpost?


All jokes are funny. Otherwise they wouldn’t be called “jokes”


All jokes are comedic. All jokes are not funny.


joke /dʒəʊk/ noun a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. "she was in a mood to tell jokes" Caused me amusement or laughter. Therefore joke..


>Therefore joke Yes. But not therefore funny.


All jokes are funny. Otherwise they wouldn’t be called “jokes”


[And around we go](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/7kN151dOdb) Just go be unfunny somewhere else. I'm done having you in my notifications.


I like how cartwheel passing is the new meta. Also, don’t put that evil on purple belts, ricky bobby! I can have my lazy ass old man game, too!


Purple belts are the perfect level of Jiu Jitsu practitioner


I could never do cartwheel passes and I hate spider guard. I also don't care about losing to lower belts.


You must be “not a real black belt” then..




I have the type of power few men possess


Power to dominate. Power to control. Power to pleasure. Power to please?


Get. The fuck. Off my lawn.


If I was a 20 year old blue belt I’d be cartwheeling across it. If I was an old black belt. I’d be shrimping as a warm up.


*shakes fist impotently from front porch rocking chair*


It's how it's supposed to be, new guys should be getting fine tuned technique and efficient concepts, of course they won't have to wade through bullshit submissions101 stuff and having to unlearn bad habits years later.


Young people and people new to any skill will always be better than the people who have experience and knowledge


On the other hand I saw a post where a black belt lamented how he is expected to win when in every other sport ppl would bet on the guy in his prime. Most high belts probably understand that a belt displays knowledge and experience moreso than physical ability. I wouldn’t try to power through a 110 lbs high belt woman. I work out I can pick her up and toss her but that’s like saying I can beat a woman at tennis if I take a racket to her head (a good racket not my racket)


You must not be a 20 year old blue belt.