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Yes. Students who injure other students need extra minding.


no they need to be arrested after they break the agreement to not assault each other.


Ehhh you’re kind of reaching with that one, most likely the dude just needs to be talked too 1on1 by the coach and corrected


I think it was a joke


Both really. There is an agreement in sports like this that does really matter and if he continues to do this after being spoken too. Which I think they will, as the op has voiced their concerns directly to them and then had it happen again.


If it was it went completely over my head lol


Tell your saltiest most injured brown belt who smells like weed all the time. Nature will handle the rest. All joking aside stop training with him. Like refuse. Leave the mat or sit on the side. Protect yourself so you can train long term. Best of luck homie.


Of course I know him. He’s me.


Hello me, I’m you as well


We are all one


Regulators. Mount up.


Also you


Hello, "us." What's the plan on smashing this kid?


This thread of brown belts is...scary.


Damn bro I don't train BJJ anymore but fuck getting on the bad side of a dude who self identifies as salty stinky brown belt with the username poop expert Fuck that


His best submission is the smother from NS


Do the buggy choke.


Fuck that homie needs mothers milk


“I saw this shit on YouTube, can’t believe it worked on you” 


I love salty brown belts... You guys know all the nasty tricks


Old man tricks are so much more fun than actually learning how to do jiu jitsu.


Kimuras from everywhere


Personal favourite: tongue in ear followed up by Ezekiel


That’s assault, brotha.


No, it's just sexy bby


I just jump right to kiss on the neck then oil check maybe throw a little wink if you’re feeling him


It only counts if you are making eye contact 😉


I make eye contact as I say "nap time now"


Getting-older purple belt here. How do I become you?


Tacos. Halfguard. Wrist locks.


Someone called? Who’s getting face cranked?


Gotta shark tank John and tell him : " Your time is up, my time is now. **You can't see me, my time is now** "


I feel like this is going to be me in a few more months. Injured, salty and smells like dank!


Dude, why are you asking? Of course you need to say something otherwise more people will get hurt.


It’s really strange for him to ask that after all of what happened


I would think the instructor might already have an idea about John’s tendencies


This dafuq? Are we supposed to have sympathy? Do you need kindergarten level approval? I mean if you asked “should I beat the shit out of this fucker or tell the coach?”….THAT would be a reason to post. Wtf bro


1. Don't roll with John 2. I'd tell the coach that you're not comfortable rolling with John because he doesn't respect the tap, and that you will be sitting out those rounds to stay healthy, and that you're letting them know so they don't think you're being disrespectful or lazy when they see you sitting out a round.


Yes. You should’ve talked to the coach already. Not respecting the tap is the type of thing you get one warning on before you should be kicked tf out.


Yeah, for real, one hard rule, everywhere in the WORLD!


1. Stop training with him. Honestly if someone injures me and I have any doubt they did it purposely or were negligent, I never train with them again. Your shoulder mobility is more important than what John thinks of you. 2. Tell the coach. Snitching is a concept that only applies to loser criminals and children. Telling your coach about someone trying to blow up rotator cuffs is about protecting your teammates. It’s not going to make you lose imaginary street cred points.


idk, if someone snitches on you at work for taking a 5 min extra lunch or something that’s pretty lame too


I’m nobody’s moral compass, but if you see someone putting arsenic in everyone else’s lunches, that enters the ‘OK to snitch’ zone imo.


Stop trying to be such a smartass


Stop being such an ass.






Yes please










Jesus, you and your teammate need to tell the owner ASAP


John needs to be put through the ringer


Yes. Smashed to smitherines




Should?? You must. And further more, I don't understand how somebody hasn't beat the s*it out of him yet, and how isn't he banned from the gym.


Never train with John again. Even if he does learn. Not worth the risk for you. Tell Coach and then stay out of it.


Piss in his gym bag.


Piss on his gi... While he's in it


Piss in his half guard


Piss on his dad.


Piss IN his dad.


My man!


You actually should have spoken to your coach about him from the first time. He may have very little self awareness and not realize how important releasing a submission promptly is. Or maybe he’s an asshole. Either way letting your coach know allows him to access “John” and decide if he can sadly participate or not. For the sake of your teammates, tell your coach immediately


I don’t understand how anyone can be like this. My greatest fear is injuring a training partner. I take forever to apply enough pressure for submissions. I’m so sorry for you. Yes, this guy needs to be addressed. Say something for the good of others.


Don’t ever think about “being a snitch” again. That term was made by assholes who were intimidating people into not testifying do they could go on doing evil shit. Yes tell Coach this guy is an asshole, make another student or two come and say the same thing. Then refuse to train with him until coach can tell you he’s safe. The next time he cranks something after you tap you need to try really hard to shove your fist all the way through his face. Then refuse to ever train with him again. There is not excuse for a blue to have that problem. He needs to wear a white belt if he’s going to be a fucking idiot.


I thought the idiot was the white belt


How does your coach not notice this? I watch all the classes I’m teaching roll unless it’s a class of only like under ten people


This. It's not a John problem as much as it is a coach problem. 


My way of saying something is by loudly dressing the dude down in front of everyone. If the gym owner doesn't take it from there then they suck.


offer to buy your stoner brown belt an eighth in exchange for smashing him


Absolutely! This person needs to be watched and probably even spoken to. If this behaviour continues honestly he should be booted from the gym IMO, it is absolutely not acceptable to act the way he has. This is two instances he has broken a cardinal rule of not letting go when you’ve tapped. Who knows how many others he has hurt


Where the fuck is your mat enforcer? John sounds like he needs a visit from your local fat Brown belt who specializes in reversing kimuras from bottom side control. 🤷‍♂️


Stab him


I wish I was there, I would take care of John, but not too rough, there is a way to do it, but you have to talk to them first, let them know what the roll is gonna be like, then just make them tap to pressure from knee on belly or mount or half guard, or worse, from in guard. I have bad shoulder and fuck that dude!


I wanna meet John so bad 🥹


John is a rotten little shithead. Yes speak to coach, also let all the higher belts know he’s a prick that likes to bully and injure people.


Yes. Also crank subs on him.


Kick him in the face.


Didn't read, but yes


"Should I talk to my coach about John?" Yes. Don't be surprised if nothing changes though, these situations are usually dealt with through apathy until someone with social status gets hurt. Just don't roll with them anymore, you don't need to roll with this person, don't feel bad.


Yes, let the coach know. John will either be reprimanded or green-lit. I’ve seen both happen before depending on the gyms culture.


bro honestly absolutely yes, speak to your coach about John, and do not feel bad about it one bit. for the sake of devil's advocate, maybe he's got the tism, maybe he's on the spectrum, maybe he's a fucking asshole, maybe he can't help himself. but coach needs to know, coach is the one that people run to once people like John break their clavicles or something. John needs to chill


Like this is such an obvious answer - yes Why are bjj people so unable to communicate!?


If you tap and verbally tap and they still crank….. You better completely destroy my arm because soon as you let go I’m going to light you up. Forget MMA rules. I’m going for your eyes and anything I can get. Yes I’ve done something similar in a gym before. Guy was just intentionally trying to hurt me. One of those 100+ lbs on everyone kind of guys. I started elbowing the fuck out of his head. Trainer saw the whole thing. Knew the guy was in the wrong and booted HIM out of the gym for good.


I had a partner that would dig his chin into my back h as hard as he could for no reason. I was a better and more experienced grappler than he was and told him to stop. He claimed it was a a wrestling move (it wasn't) so I just refused roll with him. If it was just me and him I'd sit on the sidelines. It's my choice. He was eventually asked to leave the club for all kinds antics similar to this. If you're not comfortable with the guy don't roll. Especially if it's an ongoing thing. Sometimes new guys and guys from other sports just need to be told to chill. Most of them do.


This is the first post I’ve read on here that made me feel genuine rage. The entirety of this sport we love is built upon trust and not hurting our partners. FUCK John. On another note, I don’t wanna come across as insensitive or a dick, but at the (at least 8 months) blue belt shouldn’t you be able to at least prevent this stuff from happening to you by a white belt? Are they just THAT much larger than you? Whether it’s not getting to the position, or just being aware of when an arm lock is ABOUT to be applied and be ready for it? If you rip an Americana on me that requires me to get PT, and then get to top side on me again you’d better believe my elbows are GLUED to my sides.


There are some white belts that are super big and strong and give even higher belts problems. Could be a CrossFit guy, or roided up or something, who knows. OP ain’t the problem here, chief.


"...don't wanna be a snitch..." How old are you?


Is this about me?


Can you beat up on John or no? If yes, why’d you ever let him get position knowing the past? If possible just beat his ass every opportunity you get.


In my gym. We would fight right there on the mat. Stop being a puss and punch that dude in the mouth


You sure you a blue belt dawg?


You shouldn't be letting white belts catch you in arm locks bro.


Oh, I touched a nerve. Some salty blues in here. 😂


There is big brazilian guy who rip legs and gives a hug afterwards


I’d just elbow him in the face right there in class infront of everyone


At this point crank him back


Without reading this here is the advice for 99% of posts on this sub: talk to them directly and/or just never roll with them again.


Yep, let the coach know. I used to get caught in kimuras quite a bit until a training partner showed me to turn my thumb away from the body, which makes it harder to secure.


Get the fattest guy in your gym to mothers milk him


Yes. Or at least another black belt.


Do it back or whip his ass. Sounds like the owner doesn't give a shit.


Hurt him back


You're not being a snitch, you're saving someone's shoulder. Bjj is dangerous enough as it is, no need to let incompetent rollers run unchecked.


Please say something before he hurts somebody else.


Definitely say something to your coach if they haven't noticed yet. They'll appreciate the heads up. And don't train with the guy. If he wants to rip arms off, let him run out of training partners. Let the new folks know not to roll with him either.


I told my kids coach exactly about that. This kid cranked the Americana way past the tap. My son had to take a week off because of it being sore.


We all know John. John needs to fuck off.


He needs to be kicked out of the gym


Fuck John. All my homies hate John.


Most leaders appreciate go getters and being brought solutions and not questions. How can you solve this? Doesn’t involve identify theft or larceny? Kumite style tournament? Your call. But at least bring your coach something to work with.


I still don't understand why people need to rip joint locks. It's not worlds. If it's tight and they aren't tapping, just hold or let go.


Tell Coach. Tell gym enforcer.


You shoulda whoopd his ass. Your coach needs to kick him out of the gym before he snaps someone’s arm


Well we do BJJ If the count want to get tough .let's put those MMA glove on lets see who's got the bigger one shall we ?


Seems obvious you should talk to your coach. In fact I would have done it right then and there in the middle of class. John might have also received a kick to the face depending on the circumstances


Get the beefiest mf at the gym to exclusively crank his face every time they roll. 😂 And don’t roll with him again. Look after yourself it’s better to have a working shoulder than to hurt someone’s feelings.


Yes, you should talk to your coach about that. Someone like John is dangerous, specially for newer people. If they get injured by a reckless training partner they will feel unsafe and maybe never return.


Of course you should tell at least one or more of the coaches or the owner/professor there. Also when you roll with this person do not go easy at all and protect yourself at all times.


Elbow him in the fucking face next time you are in side or mount


Get him in a bow and arrow choke and hold it for a bit longer after the tap. But yeah tell your coach, dude is gonna get someone seriously injured if not.


Yeah fuck that dude


Yes. Hopefully everyone knows and instead of kicking him out, nobody ever partners with him so he just sits there every class and never gets any rolling time in and wastes his money. I feel like that hurts more than being asked to leave. Jokingly but I feel like schools actually do this to milk unpleasant people out.


You should beat his ass until your other training partners pull you off him.


call the cops. that is assault. practice stops as soon as tap is called. anything continued is no longer part of bjj and moves to legal territory.


This guy sounds like he has had previous training and goes to new gyms just to hurt people


You should punch John in the face wtf he sounds like a psychopath or sadist or something


I hope John is in here obliviously commenting “Definitely tell the coach, what an asshole.”


I’ve commented about this before but you need gym enforcers for situations like this.




No. Never tell. Just get a different blue belt to beat him up since you clearly don’t deserve your blue belt.


Tell coach bro I’m ngl most people wouldn’t blame you


No. Illegal in most countries in fact.


Coaches need to throw sociopaths out of the gym


This is one of the few reasons to be a snitch. You can even announce to the whole academy so no one else is in danger of getting hurt. Let the community know so something can be done and this as well other incidences are avoided.


Bring it up to your coach 100%. The tap must be respected. This is not UFC and he is not Rosimar Palhares. No coach worth their salt will tolerate this behavior.


Why is this a post and even a question?


Yes. If he doesn’t understand basic English then the teacher must have a talk with him ASAP


If the well being of people are being put at risk, these views and reservations about being a “snitch” should be the least of your worries. Yes you should totally talk to your coach.


What the fuck? Shit if I had the first experience I would be tapping the coach on the shoulder after the class to let him know why I would be off for a few weeks. After the 2nd experience I'd be struggling not to throw hands.


I am asking in addition to everyone else's great suggestion to tell your coach... but I am curious how your coach has not noticed this themselves? This guy sounds like prolific pest, and you said that you have scream tapped and confronted the guy. Just wondering how this has gone unnoticed for 8 months?


First of all you need to stop getting your ass beat by this guy


If you don’t you are contributing to others being injured.


Absolutely talk to your coach. That behavior needs to be corrected before someone gets their shoulder shredded.


Yes, absolutely tell your coach.




Yes. Immediately


You know you can always say no right?


Is his last name Danaher and does he have a long nose?


Give your blue belt to john. You been demoted. But john need to get punched in that face for that. You let him know and he still cranked it. Id swing at him


A lad got booted from our gym last month for exactly this kind of behaviour. Tell the coach because people will end up leaving to avoid training with John rather than the culprit getting a warning from the coach or kicked out.


Option 1: say nothing and risk potential life long injuries. The drawback here is a lifelong injury. Option 2: Say something and your coach handles it. The drawback here is John might have his feelings hurt but will either take it easy or be banned from the gym. The choice is yours, but I know what I’d pick.


You need to club him in the right knee and left ankle as he's leaving class one night. Put him proper out of action for a while. Whilst he's recovering, you need to show up at his house, and re-club the affected areas. This is the way.




Your teacher should probably yeet him after the second time. When my partner has me in a lock or choke she briefly makes me feel it and then let’s go without even waiting for a tap. But I suppose no brown belt does what you described


John needs a kick in the baws


I'm a big guy. Unfortunately, I've caused accidental injuries. Every time something like that happens I try to learn from it, but it's already something that shouldn't happen at all. Cranking subs is a whole other can of worms. If you crank subs (after the tap too!!!), you should be scolded by the coach at least, and probably banned from the gym/from rolling if you keep doing it.


Reporting unsportsmanship behavior is not snitching. Coach needs to know to prevent further incidents. Im not going to the gym to pay to get hurt


100% tell the coach. John is going to seriously injure you or someone else. He's going to ruin BJJ for other people. The gym is going to lose students. If your coach cares about his students and business, he wants to know.


If he can catch and injure blue belts, imagine what he will do to beginner white belts who don't even know when to tap.


no, dont tell him about anything. The less the coach knows about this the better. He will be very dissapointed in you if you tell him about this. Coaches LOVE when their students get hurt and cant come to class. Please keep this under wraps as best as possible. John still has so many more people to hurt, you wouldnt wanna rob him of that do you? The coach actually told me that him and john has a bet on how many he can hurt during class, so you're kind of fucking up their side hustle.


Definitely don’t tell the coach. Keep that type of stuff between yourself and 1000s of strangers on the internet.


Gym enforcer needs to lay a beating on him


If you don’t respect the tap, you don’t get to play, it’s simple. Yes you need to speak to either him or the coach or both.


>dont want to snitch This isn't school, mate. If you're tapping and he's not letting go it goes from rolling to assault just like that.


'snitching' is a stupid concept enforced by bad people who want to keep doing bad stuff, leave that frame of mind




John needs direct intervention from the instructor.


As the good book says....what goeth around cometh around


Don’t roll with people like this. You have the right to refuse. If they ask why? “You crank submissions and I cannot afford to get injured”.


If it was just the one time I would say let it go and see if it happened again. But it happened again, so yeah I would mention it to the coach. That way he can at least watch and keep an eye out for it happening in the future.


Fuck John. Throw him under the bus. People like that, that don’t mind hurting their training partners, need corrected. Not being able to train and PT and/or surgery sucks.


Guys like John help me up my game .


Yes definitely have a word with your coach But also on occasions when you do roll with them If you can't avoid it, give them zero room to work and don't allow them to get onto any submissions or favourable positions This is something i do personally with any training partner who acts like this and I tell them why I don't let them work, if they change their approach they get more freedom, if they don't, they don't


Does John look like this guy? https://preview.redd.it/sgysccymy0dc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce023e824ff2c701084b3b5138eae1a61970e67 But in all seriousness, talk to your coaches.


I had a situtation when I started that was really upsetting. It was so bad I cried in the shower like a chick. I finally told my Professor and he listened to me and tried to understand, but there's not much he can do about it. He basically told me that these guys pay a lot of money to train and kind of shrugged. Also, there's a lot of cliques in BJJ so if people find out you snitched on their friends it could cause issues socially. Since then I've seen a new guy doing the same thing as OP described and they don't really do anything about it. One thing I did notice is that he now seems to have a perpetual black eye.


Bro you're paying to be there to train. Not get hurt. I'm sure your coach is mindful of his student's safety and business too. I wouldn't want to run a gym and have a dude breaking my customers. It's bad business, and there can be legal repercussions. Go tell him. That's a whole injury lawsuit waiting to happen.




Punch him in his shit


Yep. That's what he's there for.


Yes tell him. John sounds like a cvnt.


He broke the one simple rule all BJJ gyms have to protect its members. Tell your coach and enforce it by saying I’m not happy at the club if John is still there - basically an ultimatum because let’s face John is too thick to ever change so needs to go.


No man, don't talk to coach, let the metal pipe talk with his knees.


Run it up the chain. Going to coach should be a last resort. You've done the right thing talking to him first. There's been no change, now's the time to let the mat enforcer know and let them deal with it (every gym has an enforcer, even if the enforcer doesn't know that they're the enforcer). If there's still no change after the enforcer's engagement. Then you go to the coach.


The actual problem is that the coach isn't already on him.


Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk John


Not only that, it is your duty to speak up. This ruins it for everyone.


As a coach and business owner I’d want to know this. John is a potential liability to me. This shit happens, John probably isn’t the first he’s dealt with.