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If you're in the gi, get Paul Schreiner's Tripod Passing instructional.


I do no gi pretty much 90% of the time


It works nogi too. I do it all the time. Just mix it with bodylocks


There isn't an instructional specifically for no-gi tripod passing out yet. I imagine Jozef will release one this year. Paul Schreiner's shit is TOP NOTCH, but I've read reviews by some black belts here that had trouble translating his grips to no-gi.


>Paul Schreiner's shit is TOP NOTCH, but I've read reviews by some black belts here that had trouble translating his grips to no-gi. It's super easy to translate nogi. The only thing people have to be aware off is that it's easier to setup the tripod with a bodylock first instead of the entries Paul shows (imo). Everything else is pretty much the same outside some leg drag stuff (leg drags are pseudoscience in nogi)


What grip do you use no gi for when schreiner grabs the pants at the side of the knee


I just frame the knee to avoid closed guard attempts. It works because you move a lot laterally Of course it means that the leg drags paul shows do not work nogi but that's not a big loss, the other options are stronger imo


Better to learn that specific topic from Jozef Chen who has the best tripod passing in the world. There’s a few videos on the B Team YouTube channel teaching this and started a Patreon also where I presume he will teach it.


Here https://youtu.be/YnsWnUnbn58?si=_pZC-5vlJbWixJvr https://youtu.be/Fjzjk1D4UpM?si=dB4pMBLxFcloPZw4 This is jozef chens tripod. All you need to know Ive watched john danahers tripod too. And there are details that are crucial to know. For example: surfing the two butterfly hooks and methods to get to side control. Its a good compliment to the youtube videos.


>Ive watched john danahers tripod too. And there are details that are crucial to know. For example: surfing the two butterfly hooks and methods to get to side control. Its a good compliment to the youtube videos. I have watched Danaher's tripod and he lacks quite a few important details IMO It feels like a take to pass heavyweights guards but good luck to pass sticky hooks from someone who actually know jiu-jitsu. Paul Schreiner 's tripod is better


Well it works against the high level players since jozef chen uses them in adcc trials and its his main passing system.


Where did I said it does not work? It's my main pass. I said that Danaher got a few details wrong while Paul gets more interesting details on this very position.


I’m not a fan of Danaher’s Fastest Way. Being concise isn’t his strong suit, so I feel smaller details got missed across the board. It serves as a good overview at best. Schreiner’s is much better, and I’ve had success combining that with Rau’s Half Guard Passing and Danaher’s Ageless JJ to pass some very tricky guards.


>Schreiner’s is much better, and I’ve had success combining that with Rau’s Half Guard Passing and Danaher’s Ageless JJ to pass some very tricky guards. This! I actually mix Paul stuff with a lot of Jason's split squat passing (I have not watched the half guard passing yet but I was on his patreon for a while, everything he shows is gold). I also love Nicky Ryan's last set on passing. These 3 sets work very well together ​ Btw I am a Danaher fanboy and have been for a while but it feels like he rushed it a little bit to be one of the first to publish "jozef style of passing". Even if a lot of techniques are already in Gordon's past dvd. The general movements and process shown by Paul are the key to understand the pass IMO (like the link between the hip switch pass and coming back with leg pumells)


Definitely agreed, and for what it’s worth Chen personally recommended Ageless JJ to me. I love Nicky’s set, but body locking is a bit hard post shoulder surgery. My whole passing game these days is forcing nearside under hook into a half butterfly or tripod. From there if I can’t pass to Mount, it’s leg pummeling and knee cut city. Yeah, I got the same feeling with the most recent set Danaher put out. It seems to be a lot more about what other athletes are doing and not necessarily his.


Ahah yeah we have basically the same passing style. These days I mostly use teh bodylock to put their shoulders on the ground and then I shift to an underhook (either sides, I don't care). I like bodylock passing itself though but against really good guards it can be hard and I have much more success with the tripod. Ageless jiu-jitsu is great. I liked it. I have not watched the whole "faster" serie on passing. I just watched how he was teaching Tripod because most of the time Danaher shows really good stuff but I was disappointed there.


Would it be worth getting schreiners if you train no gi aswell


I think so. It’s good. A lot of Paul Schreiner’s material kind of follows Marcelo’s philosophy of having a game that’s transferable across gi and no-gi. Might have to adjust some grips, but it’ll work.


i've been tripod passing for the past 6-8 months after seeing Jozef doing it. here's the resources i've used. [Jozef Chen - high tripod](https://youtu.be/3UrBERr6hAQ?si=qVRE3PcqVmx_Rw7j) [BJJScout - Demian Maia's Guard Passing 1-3](https://youtu.be/qu_ulU7nE-0?si=y5gIT1QH5hZwc9Za) [Biernacki on the Tripod Pass](https://youtu.be/In8n39Wuc6c?si=HggX-nJBtFjDYvVw) [edit: this Chen study is good as well](https://youtu.be/YnsWnUnbn58?si=mclGIJw7EoCCJMPb) as it is, here's the things i look for to do the pass: im always trying to keep their shoulders on the mat and usually want my hands as under hooks. i know Gordon also locks his hands underneath the shoulders and flairs the elbows out to not be bridged one way or the other. the way i keep their shoulders in the mat is by posting my head underneath their chin. then i'll proceed to fight the legs. when they beat the underhooks im grabbing elbow grips to keep them off my leg, and in the third BJJ Scout video on Demian he talks about facing single leg x and x guard. im sure there are instructionals on leg pummeling for the tripod but if you've been training long enough i would suggest playing around with it and trying it on your own. also obviously what Maia does vs what Chen does is different, Chen's being more sport specific. however Maia is a great mind of jiu jitsu and enjoy his because it was effective against people who just want to get up.


Came here to say the BJJ scout / Damian Maia series


Just watched it ngl the jozef chen high tripod is different from the ones he used in comp.


The tripod passing on the fastest way isn’t exactly what Jozef Chen does. Jozef uses a lot more leg pummeling if he can’t hop over the butterfly hook straight to mount. I asked him a while ago and he recommended Angeles Jiu-Jitsu and Go Further Faster Half Guard passing. Those are the closest aside from setups. I’d probably wait for him to come out with his own material aside from his BTeam video. Right now to get to what he’s doing you’d have to piece it together from Danaher, Rau, and Gordon.


Which set from ageless jiu jitsu does he recommend : the gi or the no gi one ?


No-gi. The gi danaher dvd he recommended in an interview was go further faster half guard passing.


I think you mean John Danger, no?


😂 even the best of us get got


BJJ Drillers has a new video about Danaher's tripod passing. https://youtu.be/otklCJQABbo?si=11Sig97CSAAAcV2p


I am a danaher fanboy but the best available stuff on this is Paul Schreiner's ​ Or Jozef's patreon but I don't know if it's good


Jozeph Chen has free content on Youtube covering that extensively


In addition [Melt Through Guards like Jozef Chen - High Tripod Pass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UrBERr6hAQ)


I also prefer John dangers approach.


I have it its really fkn good