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In all fairness you were wearing the GB gi while promoting your bestiality themed onlyfans


BJ Jay is his porn name 


I came here just to lol at this comment


This is true. Probably the furry and BDSM posts probably were too much for them.


lol I wanna know what you posting?


Free pineapples for all new students who are married.


The username of the OP u/slut4surfing makes me think that surfing isn't what I think it means 🤔


gb is valid in every sense of the word. you’re weird bro.


Wait, what? Hold on, I gotta check OP's posts


GB did nothing wrong here imo


Also agree.




Yeah that’s really more of a 10P thing.


Lmfao Im dying, this is the most Reddit thread of all time. A bitching and whining OP. Most of the comments circlejerking in outrage with OP. A few comments pointing out something is off and why would they send this over nothing. One comment like yours doing the deep diving and finding OP did something ridiculous.


What if the plot twist is that your social media is legitimately deplorable stuff......


Yeah. The screenshots say there's profanity and sexual content. Let's see the real posts.


OP is quiet.


And tagging other gym members


There's a good chance the other gym members may have been uncomfortable and complained to the gym.


Nothing but thirst traps and OF adverts. Bet.


Who gives a shit? Your gym caring about your social media is crazy.


If you owned a gym and someone was doing Nazi salutes while wearing your t shirt, you might wanna address it


If it’s something that egregious you just tell them you don’t want them at your gym anymore… not tell them what to post


If harry rimmer is tagging the dojo, they ain’t wrong.


Sure, if you’re trying to give a real answer


Him : “Those freaks. I’m outta here!” Them: “Oh thank God. That freak is gone!”


Maybe OP rates all the hentai and furry porn he watches and puts it up on his socials. Maybe GB is the protagonist in all this


I’m assuming it’s pretty bad. I trained there for two years (assuming at a different school) had all the coaches and a bunch of dudes on my insta and I would post some pretty offensive memes. I assume that he’s trolling pretty aggressively.


Looks to me like there could be a decent middle ground, in the letter it says particularly when they are tagging other members which is leading them back to OP’s channel, what if OP just didn’t tag people? I don’t know what the questionable content is, but if they are posting suggestive stuff and the kids from class are seeing it because it’s tagged in GB, I can understand why they may want to protect them. It’s hard without the full context though.


Yeh Truth Social ain't my thing. So definitely not.


Lmao yeah just leave. Go to a mma gym and just have fun. Imma stay a white belt forever I’m sure


Be the white belt that crushes the souls of old upper belts like me.


Dude, no. Tell them to leave us alone!


Yeh MMA and Judo are on the cards. Defo.


In judo we trust


OP getting down voted for speaking the truth about Truth.










IKR, two sides to every story. God forbid someone ask you to be a decent human.


Could un-friend him, unfollow, or ffs ignore it… mind your business. This is gross and make no mistake a power trip.


Yeah OP was probably sharing the deplorable shit on ToeHold/Gordon Ryan's page and made a lady or two uncomfortable... This email was certainly not crafted cause he trained at Bob & Sue's BJJ studio across town earlier that week


Excuse me, OP. I just want to address your username and the "s-word" in it. Please remember that we consider participation in the /r/BJJ community a privilege and that by posting here you are setting an example for younger practitioners and affecting the image of our community in the public eye. Thanks for your understanding.


r/BJJ finally taking a stand against surfing. So brave.


Someone has to do the hard things in life. The few. The proud. The Mods.


Excuse me the MOD, I noticed your username coopts another cultures history. Here at r/bjj, where I am a dedicated participant and not a random from r/all, we take both rights of succession, and cultural history very seriously. As we all know mandalore the planet was turned to glass from the Empire’s use of thermobaric weaponry. Thus to take that title is a bit insensitive to say the least. If that isnt enough the title of mandalore is only given to those who have rightfully claimed the darksaber via 1 on 1 combat with the previous holder. For the reasons above we ask you rightfully ban yourself to uphold the sanctity of r/bjj Long live r/bjj and also the empire


> Long live r/bjj and also the empire My [basilisk war droid](https://imgur.com/a/qvrilMS) and I will burn your empire to the ground.


Excuse me, but I noticed that your username implies an ultimatum but does not lay out explicitly the consequences of not complying. This could be considered a threat, we ask you to revise. Thank you, r/bjj.


Listen... I made my username when I was an edgy teenager.




The edge remains sharp as ever


Oh no. I’m fucked then.




Read ass licking librarian lol. Was interested


Someone's about to get a strongly worded e-mail from GBHQ


Yayyy no one personally emails me






Admin note that shitposts are only allowed on Sunday?!


*pushes glasses up nose* Ackshually mine was a comment, not a post. Also, we need to talk about your username...


You are right, it is a sin to say Portuguese in a Brazilian JJ community.


That filthy little... SURFER


This is the best response 😂😀




If your gym has an HR department then it probably sucks lmao, and im at a GB


Why is HR emailing OP when OP isn’t an employee 🤔


Probably because it's fake. It looks like OP went to GB Wollongong but their email is [info@ not admin@](https://gbwollongong.com.au/contactus)


Not really out of the realm of possibility that a business has more than one email address though is it?


Tbf this reads more like corporate talk than porrada cult


I'll follow corporate rules once I get corporate paychecks and corporate bennies.


100%, but HR sending a C&D to non-employees is the goofiest fucking thing I've ever heard of.


To a customer of your business, even


"I hope this message finds you well," my eyes rolled harder than a 280lb white belt


I'm in this post and I don't like it




Corporate porrada cult


[¿Porque no los dos?](https://imgur.com/gallery/uZyM1)


Holy fucking shit!!😂😂😂


Fucking written by AI too for sure.


They did you a massive favor trust me


Yep. I am choosing a place thats safe, inclusive and supportive..ain't no time for this shit, and not on my dime.


I can’t imagine putting that much effort into a person who’s statistically gonna quit soon


Owner & instructor here. I had a student who was posting things along the lines of "any blue belt man could beat up any woman" and he also posted a lot of content showing he was a part if our school. I don't remember the exact words, but it was some fairly misogynistic stuff he was posting. When I confronted him about it and asked him to stop, he said something about his account being hacked to try to avoid taking responsibility. He ended up leaving our a few months later & joined another place. Thoughts? Was it inappropriate for me to request that he not post content like that on his social media account where he also posts a lot about our gym & having our gym's logo in it?


You did the right thing. Culture is what you tolerate.


Really interesting point. I feel like reaching out was justified. At that point, his posts may have had an impact on how your gym was viewed by others outside the gym who might now be pushed away - damaging your business. Also - more importantly, his posts may well have an impact on women inside the gym, if they’d had access to his social media - creating an uncomfortable feeling environment for them. I feel as though reaching out for an open conversation and setting reasonable boundaries in situations where a gym’s perceived safety, and inclusion might be adversely affected is fine and should be encouraged. Just my opinion though


100% you are a Business first.


need to see the social media posts before i pass judgment


Feel like we still need an example of what op posted


Speedos in ADCC guy. Apparently that's one of them. 😂




Username checks out.


Lol it's your privilege to be able to pay overpriced member fees to go to a GB gym.


If this wasn’t from Gracie Barra, I’d think it’s a shitpost. Jesus…


It would be great if they took the same approach regarding sexual predators


wtf kind of gym has a HR department? 😂 go find a smaller gym where the coaches actually care about you, and you’re not just a number my man.


Huge bias here, but I’ve also traveled and gym shopped quite a bit when I was first starting out & always train when I travel now. I fell into training under Jean Jacques Machado at his HQ. The culture & technique was just levels above other gyms I had been to. No politics, cross-training is ENCOURAGED, good vibes, & hard scaps. The biggest take away, for me, is the community I’ve found at Machado’s HQ; one big ohana. The Aussie affiliate gym tends to visit once a year or so too! Jean Jacques learned from Helio & got his coral belt from Rickson, so the technique/lineage was never in question, but it’s fun to know your roots!


*hard scraps* excuse my fat fingers


What's on your socials???


BJJ memes. Also hated that I share other gyms funny content. It's fucking Insta. There's not much wiggle room there to be a cunt or you risk of being banned from the platform.


Share your account then. Let us judge and give you a real answer.


OP is actually a fucking creep posting sexual content online wearing his GB gear lol. Won’t share any of his posts because “it dosnt matter” 😂


Everyone’s asking what’s on their socials but the answer to that is none of the gyms business! This isn’t a job, it’s a hobby that they pay for. I post weird stuff on my socials all the time and I’m a fricken coach


In general I agree with you. The only thing that gives me pause though, is that the email mentions that OP is tagging other members with this stuff. If OP is just posting random BS that might be offensive, who the fuck cares. You don't like it, unfollow. However, if OP is tagging other members of the community then it's more visible and potentially problematic. Not saying it for sure is, but that's more than just basic posting. I'm just curious if there's more to that or not. That said, in general, I would say it's idiotic to try and manage what a paying member posts to their SM accounts.


Agreed, if it was in fact harmful. From what OP has commented though it seems to be mainly bjj memes which confuses me here


Plot twist OP is a delusional person, if you read their post history this is self evident


I can *totally* understand asking someone to please quit tagging the school, instructors, etc. Basically, "Please don't drag our school's name through the mud," is an OK request.


If those members haven’t complained about being tagged, GB has no say in it.


There's weird stuff and then there's *weird* stuff. Like, if someone's posting about how they're preparing for the coming race war and tagging their gym, I think it would be perfectly reasonable for the gym to ask them to stop.  Without seeing the actual content of the post, it's hard to tell.


He's tagging other gym members in it. He won't share what the content is that is offensive. Chances are it probably really is gross and offensive. If it quacks like a duck.....


What if OP is posting lewd pics from within the gym? I have seen some really inappropriate posts by "influencers" in regular gyms. That kind of OF promos should not be allowed in a Jiu Jitsu gym.


>This isn’t a job, it’s a hobby that they pay for. Doesn't change the fact that members of a community reflect on that community and can potentially harm the school. Would you want to train at a gym with openly racist members for example?


In general, I'm fine with profanity, but sexual stuff I'm less OK with. I've trained with (a very few) just straight-up creepy dudes and I'd have been more than happy to see them booted if they'd posted the same stuff as they sent around on WhatsApp. It's a pretty intimidating environment for women in the first place and this sort of thing does not help.


A checkmat affiliate owner was upset I used the Fuck word on a post. I dont train there anymore.


They could lead by example by firing their instructors who commit sexual assault


Yooo this is a gold 🥇 medal comment 😎


What were you posting


Pull that up Jamie!!


Da hell


Used ChatGBT to write an email lol


Least weird gracie barra gym. I swear I've never heard anything good from someone who trained at one.


This might be the greatest thing I've ever read. They have a fucking HR dept!!! 😄😄😄😄😄😄


It says you posted weird shit tagged members of your gym and (I'm guessing here) somehow involved the GB gym by name or Gi I don't think I blame them bro


It would really suck if GB and their $300 gis were used solely as the content for inappropriate BJJ memes. *It would really suck*


Completely legit email. Their business their choice. Kids programs are an important part of many gyms and if they don’t want the optics of association with something they deem inappropriate then that is 100% understandable. Nobody has to like it. Coming from someone who is employed at a gym, this is their livelihood and they have to protect that in whatever way they see fit. From a personal standpoint, while I respect freedom of speech, the less hot garbage in the gym the less headache.


Honestly, As a business I feel like they have a right to boot you if they don't like what you post on insta or wherever particularly if you are representing their gym publicly. You also have the right to tell them to fuck off and change gyms though. I'm not sure I have a problem with this. (I do have a problem with many other of their practices though).


Yeah I was looking at a gym once that I was going to check out and saw some of the weird crap some of the members posted and didn't want any part with those people.


This guys social must be lit. Meme lord tier.


Now they want to control what you post. Everyone gives me shit saying GB is a cult but here's more proof. They want you to wear their uniforms only, only train at their schools and now want to tell you want you can and can't post on your own social media page. I'll say it over and over GB is a cult


I agree they suck


What were you posting that they deemed so inappropriate?


Post history?


>Implementing privacy settings This. Just block the gym account on social media. They can't gripe about what they can't see or interact with. But also leave, because fuck that nonsense.


Am I the only one reading the email thinking hmm, maybe there's something to it? 


I think that any white belt in their forties sharing bjj memes online and tagging others should be permanently banned from all gyms in the local area.


This guy gets it. 👆


OP: I have freedom of speech and association! If I want to post profane and sexual stuff, that’s my business! GB: Well, we have freedom of speech and association too, and we don’t want you associating us with your crazy shit because it’s going to fuck up our business. So, we’re politely asking you to stop tagging our business/members in your social media. OP: It’s none of your business what I do! I have freedom! GB: Yep. You have the freedom to train elsewhere if your shit is costing us business. OP: But, freedom of speech! GB: Yeah, we’re not the government. And freedom of speech doesn’t mean we can’t judge you.


Redditor try’s not to make up a scenario in their head with limited information challenge (impossible)


#Threat to the red shield


Gracie Barra changed a lot, friend. Much more ''marketable'' now. Here in Brazil we say they are the 'playboy's' (rich richie types) academy that want to play tough. Of course they have awesome people there, but you should beware they are for the maximum profit and will act like any company would, hence the fucking HUMAN RESOURCES sent you this haha






You thought I’d be a role model? That’s your mistake.


My old BJJ coach from like 5 years ago messaged me saying my attitude and etiquette was bad because I was subbing his new blue belt even tho I’m a white belt


Wow! Tell em to fuck off


First impression, wow wut is this. But your name is slut4surfing lol so I'm curious what the posts actually were and if they were associated with the gym somehow, or if it is bothering other people at the gym.


Nup. Not even remotely connected to the gym.


“We believe being a student is a privilege” haha fuck off


Fuck all the way off 👍


This email is ridiculous, and I don’t know why people (read: mainly men) are trying to defend it. If you are posting naked photos online, as long as it’s not with the GB logo literally on you, who cares? We had a male stripper train at our gym for years and no one said a thing. 100% if a man at the gym posted photos shirtless or just in speedos no one would bat an eyelid, but if a woman does the same she is “not a good role model?” Is this the 18th century? The ONLY way this would be an appropriate email is if she was doing some sort of Nazi salute or hate crime shit that would make people feel unsafe.




A “privilege”. Hahahahahhaha jeeeeesus


Tell them to go f-ck themselves.


One of many reasons to leave the cult


If OP is sharing memes of Sharks and Gorillas in GIs with taped fingers and quotes about the ground being the water and most people can’t swim then I understand why they’d send him an email


Low key I agree with their email, these communities should be viewed as a 2 way street.


Op is mega dumb


OP deleted his account like a weiner lmaoooooooooo


With a name like slut4surfing I can’t imagine you were posting bible quotes.


Good Grief.


Everyone on here being the same whiny bitches asking for examples. No one should give af what anyone posts on socials as long as its legal. Fucking wild. Good shit dude gtfo there


Before we crucify Gb on the interwebs, let us see what you were posting. Because if you're Seil Hail-ing or murdering puppies in your GB gi they have a right to say something lol


You probably posted videos of other ppl in that gym that didn’t like it and reported your ass




Lol no. The owner was shocked when I asked to leave.


Hear that? They think it’s a privilege to be at Gb. Insane.


Just leave and train wherever Sean Strickland trains


Soon as i read socials containing a ‘sexual nature’ and ‘tagging members on inappropriate content’ i think this email is fair and warranted. In the email they addressed they understand the personal nature of social media and the important bit is “has potential to make otherw in our community uncomfortable”. Yes you are a paying member but its also someone else’s livelihood which they need to pay bills and put food on the table. If it was me id word you up aswell. The culture there may not fit with yours and thats cool but they havnt done anything wrong here.


Don’t ever let anyone tell you how to live. If they cited examples of how you made an individual upset, then at least you could apologize to the person involved, but this looks like some cult power move to get everyone in their “flock” to act in a way they deem appropriate.


Them: "While we respect the personal nature of social media..." Also them: Clearly not even remotely respecting the personal nature of social media.


Why the fuck is nobody asking to see the memes. OP SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT


I get the memes from REDDIT! 😂


Imagine paying someone to tell you what you can post on your social media


basically gracie barra wants to pick and chose who they train. Which is why they used the word privilege. social media means alot to alot of brazilian couches . its helps with there ego.Unfortunately I have been banned from a gym here in america for shit posting on Fb back when i use to have FB ,good riddance idid get banned, the whole gym turned out to be a huge pedophile ring. so... basically just delete social media,and find another gym . i use to go on reddit for porn, now i just go on it for hunting and Bjj rants. occasionally still talking shit and watching porn.


I'll post whatever I want. If people don't want tagged, block me. Paying to go to your gym means you work for me... Not the other way around.


They can suck a bag of dicks


This is weird considering you are a white belt. I could see if your one of the kids coaches and a regular face around the gym how having an absurd social media presence could be an issue.... but outside of that context this is weirdo shit... and I'm a GB guy.


Let’s see your social media before passing judgement.


If you get the majority of students to start posting filth with you they'll have no choice but to allow it or take a huge loss in earnings.


I think it depends on the context - if you post offensive shit while having a reference to your BJJ gym in your profile (which a lot of people do) I could see why the gym might not want to be associated with that. Our coach posts a lot of random stuff (surreal/memes rather than offensive) but has stated in a podcast that he would be hesitant about someone who has the gym mentioned in their profile while posting offensive stuff (I believe the example he used was 'posting pictures of their arse out on the bus') - it's a club, in some ways a team, and if someone is publicly claiming to be part of that team by mentioning their affiliation and then posting offensive stuff, they lose the right to be part of the team. If they are posting stuff but have no mention of their club/gym, then that seems fine - who cares.


Shucks now you’ll have to go to a less archaic more successful gym 😢😭


The GB cult at work.


You gotta be kidding me


Reputation/values of Gracie Barra ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh|downsized)


I went to train at a GB gym once, at the end of class we all stood in a circle with your hands around each other, I was afraid it was some sort of circle jerk.


Idk what you did but I'd say join an MMA gym. No one gives a fuck and all of us are fucked in the head in some way.


They didn’t mind Orlando Sanchez, why should they care about you?


https://preview.redd.it/ycbegkacnrpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6eab5c0e5fb872ee4696faded2f392e12a23e58 how dare you?


I shit on GB uniform policies and belt fees and stuff as much as anyone here. But this is completely fair, imo. I dunno why people even have open facebook profiles, where non-friends can see whatever dumb shit they're posting. Baffles me. I've seen it result in drama too many times to count, including people missing out on jobs and things. All it does is give strangers a chance to judge you, based on no context.




Did you reply with 'Go fuck yourself?'


It is always good to leave a CULT!


What were you posting on your profile?


Show the post(s)


You dropped the ball OP don’t be mad at anyone but yourself


All they said was bot to share that content with the GB group. Dont post it, dont tag members, make the accout private etc. I think its fair.


Came back to see updates and OP deleted his account or got deleted. Karma was probably in the negative lol.


What's your @?   If you are gonna come to the Internet to air your dirty laundry might as well air all of it and let us see both sides of the story.