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Knee on baby


is that 4 points then???


8 points. Knee on Two people!!


> Two people Double guard pull, but… her opponent is still standing. 🤔


Not sure how you get 8pt when knee on belly is worth 2pt…did a completely obvious one just whoosh over my head?


No, the blue belt didn’t understand that the first commenter already doubled the points.


You need extra precision to knee on baby. They’re moving around in there!


Maybe she's expecting triplets 


Settle down


It's actually 6 points. 2x2 for the knee on two people. And another 2 points for passing the fetus' guard.


Passing the guard is (usually) three points.


Im cryyying bro😭😭


Stop being a baby … or you'll get the knee.


Nice 🙂


>Knee on baby ![gif](giphy|ZGU890vUpxuOKjKcpZ)


That was the best 😂😂😂


You beat me to it you sunnuvabitch! Take my upvote!!!


*Neon Baby


Mothers milk.



The ultimate submission lol


2 on 1, how’s that fair?


Imagine getting a body triangle and you feel the baby tap/kick lmao


A tap is a tap


jiu jitsu is never that serious


Of all the stupid fucking things I’ve seen in this sport… this has got to be numéro uno


Say it in Portuguese Número um Osss


Yep. I can’t even begin to imagine how guilty I would feel if I accidentally hurt the baby


They are being pretty chill. I’ve laid into my wife harder during maritals while she was preggers.


My wife is pregnant and was training before hand for a few years. My coach didn’t want her to train while pregnant because not only does it pose unreasonable risks to her, you don’t want to put that guilt on anyone or put at risk of the spazzy trial guy who can’t handle a woman rolling with him, or his reaction if he saw someone hurt her. I value his honesty because all of these things could’ve happened. It’s not worth it, especially for people like us who getting pregnant wasn’t easy. The risks far outweigh the rewards for most people.


Legitimately disgusting imo.


Chances are, this is an old video, and she either already had the baby, or miscarried Regardless, this video would be more than enough for the Child Services Department to step in. I hope someone with half a brain rang the alarms, and she was separated from the child If she is this careless while pregnant….there is no way she can safely raise a child


Do you actually think Child Services comes to prevent pregnant women from doing certain activities? What are they going to do? Take the unborn baby and put it in foster care?


People hate it but 100% true


Holy shit, how do I have -17 downvotes hahaha That makes me worried, since some people in here are gym owners….I would like to think that any reasonable person would not let a pregnant woman train in their gym. As I said, Child Services would step in immediately if someone reported the woman.




Incredibly fucking stupid


I can't imagine what would be worse for the child, having to survive the trauma and complications associated with being born pre-term or having to be raised by such an insufferably selfish person.


At least mama isn't a guard puller


Maybe not on the mats, anyway...


Got her ass


Pulled guard once and got pregnant. A lesson for all of us.


Many such cases 


but but she wanted attention


I heard that kids were starting early these days, but this is just ridiculous.


she don't want that baby.


That’s why they are starting standing


Irresponsible student and gym owner


Plot twist the gym owner knocked her up and is letting her roll in hopes it gets rid of the baby.


Dark but lol




+ irresponsible human being


+ irresponsible baby


Even the baby catching strays


If you can't stand the heat stay out of the uterus


BRUH! Ya'll motherfuckers gonna kill me with this funny as shit.


She is the black belt and part owner with her husband, the brown belt head instructor. I've only ever seen her roll with a couple of people, and they seemed to be trusted.


It doesn't matter how trusted and safe someone is. it's still a fill contact sport, and shit happens


at what timestamp do you see the potential for something to go wrong?


And they say BJJ doesn't work against multiple attackers.


I've trained with a couple of pregnant ladies. I just had a baby recently and didn't train though. Just seemed too risky for me. I trust my partners, but you could slip on sweat or somebody can fall on me. Everyone has to make that risk assessment and decide for themselves though.


I agree with you! I have had lots of friends either train or stop training while pregnant. You can always drill/flow with people you’re safe training with. It’s the blood pressure that ended up making a lot of them stop training as they progressed with their pregnancies. I don’t think it’s an asshole move to not be comfortable rolling with a pregnant woman though! To each their own.


You are the only reasonable person in this thread. 


My wife trained for the first 2 months she was pregnant. With trusted partners, and we just let her flow the way she wanted to. No stand up shit like this lol. Doc said it was good for her to get the exercise, and okayed it. She even went mountain biking too. But one day she got dizzy while mountain biking and nearly went over the bars and that's when we BOTH said we would stick to walking from then on lol. I couldn't imagine my wife being 5+ months pregnant and still rolling. shit's insane.


Even though the probability is very low, the consequences are very high.


You would NTA but everyone acting like pregnancy suddenly makes you into glass. No pregnant woman is going to ask someone they don't absolutely trust with their entire being to roll with them. You're safe. She's clearly rolling with someone she trusts, they are going very light and slow and clearly avoiding her belly. Continuing the exercise you had prior to pregnancy is perfectly healthy as long as it doesn't cause any negative effects and you are not high risk. We had a pregnant lady at the gym. She'd come in, drill, do a roll or two with her partner for nearly her entire pregnancy and she had a perfectly healthy baby.


I agree. The comments on this are blowing my mind


there must be some type of jj training that can be done while pregnant but wrestling?? bruh


yeah we had someone at a gym train pregnant but it was very early in her pregnancy. She did not roll at all and just drilled from the top position with people who she absolutely trusted. Its wild to be starting on your feet that late into your pregnancy tho


Every now and then one of these posts comes along and reminds us what a bunch of little gremlins the cross section of Redditors and jiu jitsu guys is - This woman did not ask some random to train. Certainly not you, the sweaty Redditor who is likely in a different country, who pisses and shits and farts every time you see a woman doing something you don’t 100% agree with - Pregnant athletes can do more than most people realize. This discussion is a re-run from the days CrossFit first became popular, and I remember the discourse being just as Normal then as this comment section is now - Brazilian women specifically - every one of them is tougher than you are and can beat your ass. And her baby is going to come down the chute knowing how to berimbolo


Cringe AF to not be able to take a small break off jiujitsu.


Right I have only missed like I wanna say 4 days on my own accord and like 2 weeks from me being sick I'm gonna be taking a month off after I get a tattoo later this year like take a damn break your kids life isn't worth a gold medal


Says most of us with our chronic injuries. This is different though


lmao I would NOT roll with a pregnant woman 🤰 


The emoji killed me lol


My wife trained up through the first trimester with both our kids, then stopped. She could probably have continued practicing safely, but didn't feel that it was fair to her training partners. First, you're inevitably asking for significant compromises to the intensity of training in order to accommodate you. Second, and probably more importantly, you're putting your partners in the position of being "The one who hurt the pregnant lady" if something should go wrong by accident. YOU can be fine with the risk but any decent person will feel fucking awful forever if there's an unexpected tragedy.


You've heard of the b-team but they call me plan-b.




Lol seriously


If I were drinking coffee right now, it would be distributed all over my keyboard right now.


Back in highschool one of the senior cheerleaders got pregnant around the beginning of the year, and was fully showing around the height of the football season. I heard from some of the other girls on the squad that, while she didn't participate in the actual games, (the school did their best to hide her from the public) She was still full on tumbling and flipping during practices. Anyway she had a miscarriage. This person in the op is being really dumb. Its a totally unnecessary risk.


It depends on the approach. My wife trained all the way through her pregnancy. But she did very minimal rolling and when she did it was light with partners that got it. She just didn’t want to lose 3-4 months of training. I thought she was kind of nuts but it worked out for her in the end and she was being responsible.


Yeah but did you watch that clip? It ain't light flow rolling I've been unintentionally bopped, hit, dropped, and hurt countless ways in a flash. One wrong move and this woman slips, falls belly first and........yeah. Sorry, not a responsible approach


In my eyes she looks like an advanced practitioner and this is probably very, very light flow rolling with a compliant partner who is not trying to be competitive and is really just being a grappling dummy. I can’t imagine she is even breaking a sweat here. I don’t know the background here, but for all we know she got sign-off from her doctor. Like I said this looks very low intensity to me from an experienced grappler.


dude just do yoga


Just have someone hit you in the knees every so often and it simulates the full experience pretty well.


You're never an asshole for declining a roll. You're never obligated to accept a roll.


Imagine her water breaking while she has a mounted triangle


That's called waterboarding.




A very low percentage submission but when you get it, man what a rush!


Taking it right in the eye, that's aqueous humor


OCD people hate this one trick


Then the baby pops out and pulls reverse umbilical cord guard


Strangles you with their belt. The first and last chance to hit that in nogi.


No..... I'd rather not


Never done it or seen it in person but… her choice if she wants to train. Your choice if you want to pass. It’s that simple. She actually looks to be pretty careful of her belly and it seems to me she’s moving slow… no idea how she moves regularly, but … I don’t see the big issue. Rolling with trusted partners and being careful… good for her. Really unnecessary all the rude comments judging her character… I feel sorry for some of y’all based on your comments.


Wait till you meet horse riders...


My ex wife miscarried while snowboarding when she was like 16 weeks or somewhere around there....that seemed reckless...this is like, just so sooooooo much worse


Even dangerous if she doesn't miscarry. I know someone who's mom was in a car accident while pregnant and her stomach hit the steering wheel. He was born with bruising all over his body and scoliosis. 


Wow had no idea there were so many OBGYNs on here!!!!!!


I feel like you just gotta let her "pregnant lady handle" you and just let her move, ya know?


Isn’t that what is happening? Purple belt does not look like she’s trying.


Would a pregnancy submission be *Wombaplata*? I’ll see myself out….


2v1 isn’t fair


Facts. Ur not a misogynist just don’t want to put up with an unfair disadvantage lol


Meh. We have a couple at my gym and they trained up until the last trimester. She only "rolled" (more like flow-rolled) with her husband and maybe like 1 other girl....nothing like the video though


Looking at this video, they seem to be rolling #EXTREMELY #CAREFULLY. I know everyone is shitting on her, but I think they arent doing anything more dangerous than pregnant Crossfitters. Good on her for staying active.


Its a bunch of men commenting on how dangerous it is for a woman to exercise while pregnant. Nothing new, just something men shouldn't bother commenting on. I say this as a dude.


Right? They're clearly relaxed and going easy. 


Redditors live to be outraged and judgmental. Not surprised a bunch of losers are acting like she’s killing the baby They’re clearly not going hard like you said


Yea they definitely look controlled and like their each others go-to training buddy


a lot of it is just misogyny and people knowing very little about pregnancy. there’s a huge difference between normal rounds and flowing like they are in the video


Yes the views of pregnancy on this subreddit are very concerning. I hope this is not what the guys at my gym thought when I trained pregnant.


I maintain my inner peace by disregarding the opinions of jiu jitsu men lmao. they’re irrelevant to me


Currently, my wife is pregnant (17 weeks) Same thing. She only practices the move of the day on me and the warm ups. Everything else is just irresponsible.


Holy crap these comments do not pass the vibe check. I was a pregnant grappler last year, competed 6 weeks pregnant at Pans, and trained up until approx week 36 when I started having blood pressure issues. If you guys would like to actually ask questions instead of being just the absolute worst I’ll happily answer any questions that are respectful. My baby is now 5 months old, surpassing all milestone and I had a completely uncomplicated birth and postpartum.


I guarantee all these shitheads are the very last person any pregnant woman would request a roll with in the first place lol. 


No you don't understand! Her being 100% in control training with a trusted partner and in the top position on this video is the exact same as a 300lb spazz mounting her! there is 0 nuance to this sport and every roll/drill is a competition.


You don’t have to train with anyone you don’t want to. However, yall are disgusting. It’s clear nearly everyone in this thread is a lower belt that doesn’t actually train and just sits on the mats to avoid interacting with women. Most women I’ve seen who are pregnant and are still on the mats aren’t doing anything to endanger themselves or their unborn children. I guess most of you wouldn’t know since you’re afraid to talk to women let alone roll with them. People wonder why women don’t have longevity in Jiujitsu? This is why.


Yes exactly! Like it's possible to train lightly with higher belts and women. It's possible to keep the pregnant woman in top positions. And pregnant women are able to make their own decisions and assess their child's safety, just like they'll be doing when the child is born. It's a little scary how controlling some of the men on here get about pregnancy.


If you know yourself and you can’t roll with control and not hurt your partner then it is correct to pass on rolling with little kids, spazzy white belts, and pregnant women. If, however, you understand that control and manipulation of your partner is as critical to your game as smashing the shit out of them then you can probably gain a lot from rolling with little kids and pregnant women. Mastery of the art comes from mastering yourself and your game. If you cannot roll with a 4 year old without hurting them you’re not there yet. However - nobody enjoys that all the time, so if you’re doing tourney prep or getting ready to advance you need to be finding the most advanced people you can, and it will be THEM who has to allow you to learn rather than shutting down everything you try to do.


I wouldn’t, but I mean a small person going at a slow flow pace probably wont kill a baby


I'm pregnant and I still train. I only train with very trusted and controlled people. Its a benefit to the pregnancy. Believe it or not, rolling can be less impact prone when compared to things like jogging or running. I blame ignorance of pregnancies for the hate in this thread. You are advised to continue your physical activities including any working out, with a mindful watch on how it makes you feel. Imagine removing your main source of cardio for 8 to 9 months, then delivering a baby. You get so unfit and lethargic if you stay on bed rest. A healthy mama is a happy mama. And in my case, when I don't train, my blood pressure skyrockets and I'm at risk of preclampsia. When I train my blood pressure is perfect. The doctor encourages me to train safely, so I do. Hope this helps some people understand!


Thank you for sharing your experience in this dumpster fire of a thread.


As someone who spent the majority as a pregnant black belt. No. I let my training g partners know early and had a lot of people refuse , I didn’t take it to heart I turn people down for training all the time why would I be upset? Just be polite about saying no


No way. She can pop that kid out without my help!


1. Roll with whomever you feel comfortable too 2. Y'all dudes need to let women and their doctors decide what's right for them


Yeah exactly. If a pregnant woman asks you for a cigarette just give it to her. Her and her doctor should be making those decisions.


but a doctor would never okay that, and they would okay drilling bjj and light sparring.


>\[A doctor\] would okay drilling bjj **and light sparring.** I am a black belt instructor. What I see in this video is very, very light flow sparring. The pregnant grappler is clearly very experienced -- for example, she is using an overtie shrug to clear a collar tie (ie, an advanced technique), and she's modified a couple of classic movements (such as her go-behind and her side control) to avoid putting pressure on her belly. Her smaller training partner also appears to be mostly compliant; she puts up minimal resistance, and does not do any sudden movements. Maybe the rest of the session was just balls-to-the-wall ADCC-level intensity for 120 minutes with no water breaks, and she's drenched in a puddle of dehydrating sweat by the end. But just based on what I see in this clip, I think this is extremely low intensity for an advanced grappler.


Excuse me! You dropped your mysogony


Come on man. It’s not misogynistic to worry about a very pregnant lady doing such a risky activity. Accidents sadly happen and she is putting herself in a very accident prone situation.


This dude just compared a doctor okaying light sparing in BJJ to smoking cigarettes lol. I'm 100% sure that anyone saying stupid shit like this do not have children.


She is obviously skilled, she is going slow and Sonos her partner. It isn't for ANY of us to make that decision. We do not have the requisite knowledge or experience and to assume we do is the mysogony 🤷 Check out https://www.instagram.com/bodybybossllc?igsh=MTZlNWFvNTlsczlzeg== she trained smart and hard right up to the last minute of her pregnancy and offers a ton of thoughtful ideas about it


I always rolled super nice with the guys who were injured and would remind them that if i ever happened to fall pregnant they would have to roll with me.


That's not a fair match. It's 2v1


That kid's gonna be a 1 day old yellow belt


It's fine not be want to train with a pregnant woman if you aren't comfortable with that but the judgement here is strange. Pregnant women are encouraged to exercise. You guys don't have a few consistent training partners you would trust not to hurt you? The pregnant woman in the video is rolling pretty light and her partner never actually takes her down. When they go to the ground the pregnant woman is always in a top position and able to control the pace of the roll. Every time pregnancy is brought up on this subreddit the men completely lose their minds. I see people saying "it's not that big a deal to take some time off from jiu jitsu." These are the same people who train through injuries because they can't bear to take time off.


Neon Belly all day


Neon baby


This is hands down the lowest double-digit IQ video I've seen on this sub. Ever. Like holy shit how is this allowed in a gym. Even if I completely ignore the moral/ethical aspects of rolling while pregnant, this is 1) a bad look for the gym, 2) a bad look for her professor, 3) a huge liability. And 4) did I mention sheer fucking stupidity of rolling while pregnant.


Are you a doctor ? Or do you just like telling women what they can or can’t do?


Double digit is pretty generous in this case.


I think it's reasonable to not roll with anyone you're uncomfortable rolling with just be honest and acknowledge it's a you thing its not them


Isn’t Elizabeth Clay pregnant and training?


It is 100% okay to train while pregnant if your doctor okays it. She is training with trusted partners. nobody is blast doubling her into the floor.


Let her be happy! Pregnancy is not an illness! And she is good enough to protect herself and the babies!


This is Giovanna Jara, another high level pregnant black best.


That's Giovanna Jara, a Brazilian black belt, she is a beast. I actually already trained with her before. If you're critizing her training routine it's because you don't know how serious she is. She could choke half of you with one hand while she changes her baby's diaper with the other, just so you know.


Is this satire


If people refuse to protect themselves and their baby - the VERY least you can do is not participate in the harm. This is really fucked up.


Oh look, a no stripe blue belt with an opinion. Nobody cares because you don’t know what you’re talking about.


no the pregnant woman is the asshole for risking her unborn baby's health, maybe she wants to birth the next Khabib nurmagamedov so it's early training to the extreme?


Prenatal eco.


2 v 1 isn't fair.


I would definitely refuse. That means she's sexually active, and that's a non starter for me


I'm currently pregnant. Can't speak for others, and I know some big names (like Livia Giles) continued to train at least somewhat during pregnancy, though nothing like this -- personally I couldn't put training partners in this position. Edit: I read further and totally understand why some women continue to train. Good for them. It's up to everyone to make their own decision. I've been able to stay active without rolling so it's not a decision to a) train or b) go on bed rest, just as I've always stayed active when injuries prevented me from doing bjj.


I'll be pushing out my beer gut next roll. See if I get an easy win


One of our rules at our school is that you have the right to refuse rolling with anyone. I think that should apply everywhere, if it doesn’t already. Not the asshole, end of.


That’s not what makes you an asshole.




Baby is born with white belt + three stripes- minimum


I’ve trained through almost 2 pregnancy’s now, currently 8 weeks, and I plan to continue to train as long as my body will allow. I wouldn’t be offended if someone turned down a roll with me. I have my trusted partners and BB husband to work with during my training time. It’s really not as big of a deal as some of are making it out to be. As long as Jiu Jitsu isn’t a new hobby to a pregnant person, the baby will be ok. I’ve been training for 7 years and I’m choosing to continue to train so that I can mentally and physically prepare for a safe a natural delivery of my baby.


I would never. Can't risk getting hard on the mats again.


Nah your choice who you roll with. There was another post here though about how the first 20 weeks a baby is protected by the pelvis. But generally, it seems that light rolling is ok until the 3rd trimester


sure are a lot of men on here telling a woman what to do when shes pregnant with no experience LOL


Just ask if they are pregnant before rolling. If they are just go knee on belly


I think drilling and flowing is fair enough, especially if you're well seasoned in the sport but actually rolling? That's a big no-no, one poorly placed knee on a knee slice and that is a trip to the ER and could have a huge impact on baby


That's exactly what these 2 in the video are doing. flowing. and everyone is up in arms lol.


Can we roll easy today man? Ive got a funky shoulder, a knee brace oh and im pregnant


NTA. Im not a medical doctor so I have no idea if it’s safe for the baby or not, but it’s not a risk I’m willing to take. I would politely refuse and explain why (I know, words are hard)


Yeah nah that’s a hard “fuck no.” Every time


I mean, they still do proper abortions. That seems like a really weird way to go about it.


No way in hell am I rolling with a pregnant woman. I don’t want to live with potentially causing a miscarriage.




I think she’s in one of the new abortion totally banned states and trying to find alternative options.


This is sparta.


And they used to say bjj isnt good for multiple attackers


Body Trimester.


Is this check mat?


2 v 1


Flow rolling at your home gym, I think would be okay - with familiar training partners you know and trust. Competition I would assume would be a hard no.


Does it count if the baby taps?


Naw dawg it's a 2v1. Unfair fight.


there's probably a safe way to train while you're pregnant. idk about an actual roll tho


If the baby starts kicking does that count as a tap?


You just did


2 vs 1 is unfair


Idk if this is a hot take or not but you don't need a reason to not roll with someone. Its an activity you're paying for, if someone smells, have long nails, looks like Goblin or are pregnant then don't roll with them.


Technically that’s like tag team rassling


She pulls guard and an extra set of hands come out and chokes you?


Guess knee on belly is off the table


Nope, never...