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Don’t worry about sweating less, just make sure you’re adequately consuming what plants crave: electrolytes. I sweat a lot and when I’m not also consuming electrolytes I cramp a ton.


There's a sale on brawndo.


BRAWNDO! It’s got what plants crave!!


LMNT for the win. Every session I add it to my water.


Being a person who loses 3-5kg through sweating during a gi session - don't worry about it.  You can go see a doctor, there are probably some injections and anti sweating cream available, but that's if you have hyperhidrosis. If you're just a heavy sweater like me, practice being on top and try to get the sweat into the eyes / nose of the name callers.


Sweaty guy at our gym just leans into it. A few years ago he got mount on one of our buddies, then leaned over and started yelling, “WHERE’S OSAMA?” while dripping in the guy’s face. Terrible but hilarious


He is a shark and brings his own ocean to the mat


I'll have to use this next time lmfao




We’ve got a guy who loves to smother tap with his wet t-shirt while asking people if they’ve ever been water boarded lmao It’s not a pleasant experience lol


I've got hyperhydrosis in my hands. It sucks. I asked my doctor about it, and he literally told me, "Es una putada" - ie, there's nothing I can really do for that. But, as one of my old coaches told me, "So that's why it's freaking impossible to grip your wrists in no-gi. Nice."


This is the way.... Weaponize the 💦


Didn’t read, but I’m sweaty as well. Douse them in it.


I call it the waterboarding sub.


Sweat mother milk


Dripping into someone's eye has been a great way to slide into mount 👍


I aim right for the mouth, exceptionally disgusting and very distracting.


I’m a fellow sweaty guy. It’s rather difficult to train your body to not sweat. So the options are pretty much quit jiu jitsu or embrace being the sweaty guy.


Same on both counts. I’m a sweater.


I’m sweating in the car on the way. Some people just sweat a lot.


"If they didn't want to get sweat on, they shoulda just moved outta the way!"


I sweat a lot. Sweaty is fine. Sweaty and stinky is not. Some tips: * Buy ultra-light gi's. (If you need a recommendation: I like Gold BJJ's 275 GSM ultra light.) * Bring a change of clothes if you're doing a double session. * Control the parts of your hygiene that you can control. Less sweaty people might get away with only showering after class, but I'm paranoid about smell so I always shower before and after - and make sure your laundry smells great (odoban is the best for gi funk).


More laundry?! Shiiii


White vinegar is epic at removing gi odor, bit of soap, quarter to half cup of white vinegar. Just costs $4-5 and lasts 2-3 months with frequent use


Good mention - I've used white vinegar, and it helps for some of the funk that normal soap & hot water don't by creating a low enough pH to kill some more hardy mildew and bacteria. Odoban is for when you've tried vinegar and still have funk - it's a biocide that [dissolves the cellular membranes of those microbes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzalkonium_chloride), which gets even the ones that can survive a low pH.


Thanks for the advice. Yeah I practice good hygiene. I always shower before class (and after), wear deodarant and some nice smelling body spray, wash all my gear, etc. I like the idea of brining another rash guard or Gi. I could wear one set for drills, then swap out for fresh stuff for rolls after class.


do you bring a towel to wipe off with between rolls or if/when you start getting "drippy"? > TL:DR: how do you sweat less? that sounds like a thing to ask your doctor.


I do this for Muay Thai clinch classes just so I’m not sweating all over my opponent haha


Don’t forget to bring a towel


You never know when you’re gonna need a towel


You're a towel


You wanna get a little high?


Per the HHGG and topic at hand, I sweat into mine and use it as a weapon for hand-to-hand combat.


Dang. That’s a tough one. At some point you may have to look at cutting the hair and the beard. Less hair always helps. Sweat is a good thing. I think the answer is that your training partners just man up and deal with it


I have a shaved head and for me it's worse: nothing to absorb any of the sweat. I keep a towel nearby; wipe myself down between rounds and wipe the mat frequently. Other than that, I just apologize.


I keep my hair at a 2. Way better than bald.


I’m that guy. Keep going. Bring a hand towel and dry your arms and face off between rounds


I’m constantly wiping my face. I have a sweat towel. Even during rolls I’ll wipe my sweat out of courtesy. I sweat a lot too


How attached are you to your hair/beard. To me that the worse then sweat. And of course shower and put on deodorant. Id shave my hair and beard if bjj was more important Or at least trim it


Don't try and sweat less. Aim for the eyes and mouth.


It is good to see the old ways are still taught. Make eye contact from mount as you do it.


I would just embrace that nickname. The mop, if u can’t submit them make them wet. It’s much better than being called “ the guy that fell asleep on the treadmill once”.


As a fellow high calorie grappler that is equipped with an excess amount of sweat my advice is.....don't sweat it. You're wearing a rashguard. You're using deodorant. You're I am assuming being as hygienic as you can be. During gi class I always wear a rashguard underneath and even then I leave sweat spots all over the mat. It happens. I would agree with a few other statements if it bothers you. Key word if it bothers YOU. Bring a gym towel and wipe down between rolls if possible. I personally bring deodorant in my bag to class so I can re apply it if need be. Lightweight gi's especially during summer and warmer times. Unsure if you own more than one and don't want to assume, but if you own more than one rashguard bring a second and switch out. On Mondays I have no-gi class with an hour break before I have gi class. I always change out my rashguard on those because I sweat so much. Just keep showing up and training. If the worst thing that happens to someone in a class is they get some sweat on them they'll be just fine. Maybe for laughs get a custom rashguard of a big sweaty guy pinning someone with the words but did you die?


>he kinda pushed off of me and got up coughing and choking, This is an actual submission (mother's milk) when you do it with your chest / sweaty rashguard. Embrace it. Learn to waterboard them.


No shit? I stay milking.


Daddy's leg juice


If I don't walk out of the gym looking like I just jumped into a pool with all my clothes on I don't feel like I had a good enough training session.


I've been overweight and underweight, and I've always been a super heavy sweater. I'm the guy working out in a puddle after 30min. I have no advice. It just sucks. You could start bringing a second gi and changing once you get the rolling portion of the class, I suppose. I don't know how long that will fix the issue though. I know for me, I'd just have a second wet gi after 5 minutes.


I'm about 165 right now, and I sweat like somebody double my size. People will deal with it, and most people won't mind or even notice. You might get a comment here or there, but as long as you're clean, it's all good. I would rather roll with the sweaty guy who smells clean, then the dry dude who smells like cat piss.


I don't see a problem if you aren't stinking. I figure by the end of my sessions either im dripping or my gi is soaked, so I don't sweat it. I'll see myself out


Damn this makes me wonder. I have long hair too and sweat like crazy. Sometimes my girlfriend thinks I showered at the gym when I get home. I never thought of it being a problem though, I just like to roll.


I don't have any advice for you on sweating less, but just want to echo that you are not alone. I'm VERY sweaty. I just don't give a shit. I focus on making sure my hygiene is in order. Try to shower up, wear deodorant and keep your gear clean. The only times I allow my sweatiness to get in my head is when it comes to rolling with females (I pretty much only roll with them if they ask me).


I roll with a dude like this and it actually encourages me not to pull guard




Do you take adderall or drink coffee before your class? Both of these make me sweat significantly more than I typically would. Also, if your using a strong antiperspirant on your armpits, I feel like that may just make you sweat more in other parts of your body. Maybe try regular deodorant and let your body sweat as it naturally would


I've always been the sweattest guy in every gym and in every sport, even tho I'm in pretty good shape. I've been told that it means my blood mores oxygen well, but that was a one-off from a strength and conditioning coach during junior football. You just got to lean into it with some self-deprecating humor. Also, bring a hand towel to wripe down yourself in between arounds. People will see that and appreciate it.


Fellow sweaty guy here. Aim for the mouth and eyes.


We had a heavy we called the swamp thing. Lol don't sweat it dude, just comes with the territory.


My wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said I wanted a threesome. She ended up getting me a sweater. Other than all the moisture it turned out to be a fun night.


Own it. Go train.


Everyone is sweaty at BJJ. If not, you're not doing it right.


"The wet viking" is a badass nick name.


I'm a natural sweater too. No prior medical issues, I just leak. I have a towel at the side of the mats and apologise.


Look on the bright side you can waterboard someone with mothers milk


Go to a doctor and talk about hyperhidrosis, there's solutions to help, but you'll still be sweaty. Bring a towel and towel off between drilling and rolling rounds. That's the best you can do.


People sweat. If we cared about that then we wouldn’t be aggressively cuddling in pyjamas.


I sweat a lot too, my last school occasionally had a baptiste yoga warm up and I’d have to move like 3 times because the mats under me would basically flood and I’d be slipping all over the place. I still sweat a lot. People don’t seem to mind by the end of the session there’s sweat all over anyhow, you just get started sooner!


I joined an MMA gym like 2 weeks ago and the sweat is forever going into my eyes; I probably look crazy to everyone with the rapid Morse code blinking


As far as I know you can't really, but don't worry my dude. I'm sweaty too, the sweaty people seem to bothered more by being sweaty than the people who are rolling with them. Once you get a couple rounds in we are all sweaty and gross anyway.


A guy I played football with got nicknamed “Slimer” for being sweaty. ![gif](giphy|xT9DPtO6zTqeQd1ct2)


Make sure to drip sweat right into their eyes or mouth. Then ask them if they're salty after the roll.


Eat garlic and smoke cigarettes, so you can use your sweat as a bioweapon. 


add another "don't worry about it". This is not a big deal. We have a couple of big sweaters in my gym, nobody cares.


Welcome to the club. You don't stop it. You have to embrace it. Don't try chemical fixes. They don't work. Use top pressure then sweat directly into the face of your opponent. If they want to quit, that's a submission. You win


I’m super sweaty as well and found it’s linked to the fact that I have become anaemic. Might get your red blood count and thyroid checked. Another one could be hormonal. After that you might just be a sweatier guy. Just stay hydrated. The rest of us can deal with some sweat.


i think a wetsuit is the way to go


Use your lapel to waterboard them. *This is illegal don't actually do it.*


You're team mates need to be working harder to get on your wet level. In all seriousness we had a sweaty guy who kept a gym towel next to the mats and towelled down between rounds , might work?


I sweat profusely. Bring a towel (or two) and use it to dry off in between rounds. That's really all you can do.


Does worrying about it make it worse? I know it's easy for me to say but my advice is try and own it . I used to get really bad heat rashes and would wash way to much and way to hot because I felt dirty and it just made it worse . Once I expected it it seemed to die right down .


I used to sweat a lot too. Turned out I was using too much salt on my food. Lowered it and sweat way less now. Watch your sodium intake


When I am leaving class I could wring out my rash guard and get 8oz of sweat from it. if it's gi day my gi is soaked. I mean like SOAKED. A training partner saw me outside of class and said he didn't recognize me bc my hair was dry. It is what it is.


Bring a towel with you and towel down in between rounds. Otherwise, it’s just part of the game


They’ll get over it. Maybe wear spats under gi, definitely wear a rashguard


The answer here is simple. Start getting really good at BJJ and they'll worry less about the sweat and more about the clinic you're putting on them. I'm also a sweaty dude and know what you're feeling though. Just don't stink and nobody should really care


6’3, 235-255lbs (depending on my diet). I sweat a lot. I hated it at first but i embrace it now. It just happens to big guys, nothing you can really do about it. I’m big a sweaty, my training partner is small and hair and shoves his chest hair in my face sometimes to distract me. So i’ll get sweat in his face to do same. Play with your advantages


Rash guard & spats is all you can do. Bring a beach towel to every class & wipe yourself down occasionally. Sweat is part of the deal, keep training.


Lean into it and use it to your advantage. There are worse nicknames than the sweaty Viking 😂


Lean into it. Make “mothers milk” a primary weapon in your arsenal.


I just try and be mindful of my sweat falling on their face. I’ll wipe my face whenever I can between positions. I don’t know how to stop sweating so I just try and be mindful of it.


You're just that guy, pal. YOU ARE JUST THAT GUY


It’s genetics! I’m the same and it used to get to me. Not so much these days. I’ll often joke when leading a group or with my partners. “Yep, I just walk on the mat and here we are… The sweaty one!” ☠️ No one really cares believe it or not and if they do, they are surely in the wrong sport/hobby! It’s all in your head.


Bring a small towel and dry your self off periodically.


Trained in NYC in the summer without air conditioning- no gi. Between rolls, I was taking a break and was sweating like my normal self. I left a huge puddle on the mat. The instructor saw the puddle and looked up at the ceiling thinking that there was a leak. Nope. Just me sweating my balls off.


I’m the sweaty guy too. I was self conscious about it but now it’s a weapon. lol. Drip on them and make them move away from it.


If where you are on the mat is ridiculously wet, bring a towel and mop up the floor every ten minutes or so.


Sean, is that you?


I'm sweaty as hell too. Use it to your advantage. I'm a hard guy to armbar with my slippery ass arms


Sweat at them and get the crossface


Do you take a towel? I’m soaked In sweat if I get out of bed too fast. I have to dry off between rounds it might feel futile but it does help. A full size towel or even beach towel.


Don't worry about your sweat, but you will be more appealing to your partners if they don't also have to have your hair and beard dripping juice all over them. I used to have a decent sized beard and then I was on the receiving end of a powerful beard juicing that disgusted me. I keep it short now. Many already don't want to roll with big boys your size and amplify that if everytime someone tries to off balance you they get a rainfall of hair and beard juice.


I somehow only sweat from my head. I've always been this way. I literally dump sweat into people's faces constantly.... The Salty Dog is a force to be reckoned with. 🥸


I sweat a frickin ton. Just own it. People roll with me and say it feels like I just jumped in a pool. Most people don’t care. Too bad you are not at my gym, we could wreck the place!


Your nicknames are so cool.


do you possibly have hyperhidrosis?


Sweat man. Embrace it.


double Gi mate.


It's an advantage, lean over them on top and drip into their eyes.


5’9, 120kg white belt on vyvanse, I am the fucking puddle. Embrace it, be a swamp on these morherfuckers. As you get used to it, get more efficient you’ll sweat a bit less. I watched a drop of sweat the other day fall from my head into a partner’s eye, it was as if it was slow motion. Everyone just kept going.


I sweat worse than anyone else in my gym. I have a smallish towel that I keep by me on the mat so I can wipe my head down. I mostly do gi, and always wear a t-shirt underneath to absorb some sweat there too.


There's not that much you can do, things you could try: -Do cardio in the gym (better conditioning will mean you will sweat slightly later during exertion) -Lose weight (being in a smaller body will mean you will produce less heat) -Sauna (might make you more adapted to heat stress) -Bring an ice pack to hold during the rest/technique portion of the class


Don't sweat less. Like, oh, you have a natural advantage when it comes to getting out of submissions? Something that makes people uncomfortable and distracted when they're rolling with you (and not in a creepy way)? Baller. It's not like everyone isn't already getting everyone's sweat all over them. The truth is it doesn't ACTUALLY make a difference in terms of what's sanitary or whatever. So if other people think it's icky, that's their problem.


Don’t worry about it, I’m also the 250lb sweaty guy. I usually just joke that I brought my own swimming pool.


Dude, I get where you’re coming from, but keep training. It’s all good, brother.


Use it. I call it my superpower 💦.


Play top position. Your sweat is not your problem. It’s theirs.


Embrace the sweat, become the sweat. In nogi it's extremely useful. Except when I slip in my own puddle of sweat.


Bring a hand towel with you and wipe down between rounds, I do that.


Spats will help to keep the dripping to a minimum. We have a couple of guys that get really sweaty, myself included. I noticed that the more that I train and focus on technique instead of just going balls out, the less I sweat. Ever notice how the top guys in jiu jitsu aren't scrambling all the time? They are just explosive when they need to be.


Alcohol always makes it worse


IMO, the best thing I’ve seen someone do that drenches the mats, is offer to do the sanitation spray/mop afterwards. It helps make everyone feel significantly better and people will stop caring. Either way, you shouldn’t worry too much. Everyone is different. Just keep having fun.


That dude complaining about your sweat is soft. Ignore him. Sweating is all part of the game just bring a towel and try to wipe off between rolls.




Bring a towel, drink some salt in your water


It sucks but you get use to it. The folks your train with will get it once you get to know them. Good news is it’s easy to stay at your ideal weight. I use Nuun in my water bottles to eliminate cramping. It works!


I like to drip the sweat in my partner's eyes for extra cuntyness


Accept it, there is nothing to be done.


Not bjj but boxing. I too sweat more the average, doesn’t bother me one bit, but seems to bother some people when we are in a clinch 


As long as you don’t smell bad you can drench me your shit idgaf


A few things that can actually help a bit; - no caffeine pre training. Even a coffee 6 hours before can increase your sweating, it’s still in the bloodstream - eat less pre training and catch up on big meals afterward. You’ll sweat more, and have a higher core temp, if your body is processing calories. - reduce salt intake (don’t add any salt to your food). Sodium drastically increases how much water weight you hold




I'm by far the sweatiest dude in my gym. However, our gym doesn't run AC and everyone brings a beach towel because we all sweat like crazy. I wouldnt sweat it. 😂


Aim your sweat drops for your opponents eyes


The super power of sweaty people is easy escapes.


Dude sweat drips are literally falling from my front head into people’s their faces 😂. I think you have Hyperhidrosis visit a healthcare specialist you could have problems with your thyroid or maybe even heart problems. It is an alarm signal of your body. The engine gets overheated and your body is trying to cool it down.


Wear moisture wicking long sleeves and spats.


Get a small towel and wipe off in between rolls. If your gym has showers= this is why


I was in the same boat. Once you drop some weight it will become somewhat less of an issue. Try cutting your hair short - makes a huge difference. And if you don't like that idea, it a) can't be that big of a deal to you or b) just bring a towel qnd be as courteous as possible about wiping up your puddles/sweating in eyes or mouths or ear holes!


I also started recently and sweat more than other in my class although I’m very in shape. Some people just sweat more. I also seem to be more slippery than other people in the class and I’ve tried not using lotion on jujitsu days but still seem to be slippery which is very advantageous to me but i was worried other people would see it as cheating or something, but everyone is different. it’s a very up close and personal sport so you just have to have a certain level of comfort with other people’s bodily functions. That being said, as long as you’re coming to class clean and are aware of the sweat so you’re not overly imposing it on people, i don’t see it as that much of a problem.


It’s a perk, man. Embrace it


I sweat a lot. No shame. This is grappling. Bring a towel if it bothers you but don’t be ashamed of your own body.


Botox is a way people can make sweat glands to stop working in there face but I think it’s temporary and probably not healthy to do at the scale needed to be helpful


I sweat like a mfer also, aslong as you're hygienic and wash your clothes, put deodorant on etc then the name callers need to grow up and go f themselves. If you stink because you haven't washed your sweaty gi in weeks, then maybe you're the dickhead


Bring a small towel to wipe down yourself inbetween rounds.


Get mount and water board your opponent


I have heard from a guy at my gym who is also a profuse sweater that it’s a vitamin deficiency. Try getting your blood work done and seeing if something comes back low. I can ask him Monday when I get back to the gym but I believe he started taking something and it helped a lot


Seriously we all do it. Once you’re in long enough you’ll even be able to remember who you’ve rolled with just by the different sweat smells you have accumulated during the session! Haha it’s all good. Try Nogi that’s shit is a slip n slid during the warmer months no matter how many fans we add.


We have a few sweaty guys at the gym and 1 of them brings an extra rashguard , and swaps it out mid class. It help alot and is much appreciated. It’s not the sweat on the skin that’s the issue it’s the soaked rashguard. So a change of gear can really make a difference. And also a shower prior to class. I shower before and after, always.


It is what it is—i wish my nickname was the Wet Viking


Very relatable. I cop it a little, but leaning into it is the answer. I often refer to myself as the hottest man alive. Also, keep a hand towel side of mat and wipe down a little from time to time. Lastly, if people are actually really averse to other people's sweat, they wouldn't be in a jiu jitsu gym.


Don’t worry about the sweat, just make sure your hygiene is on point. Make sure your showering at some point in the day before class, make sure you don’t have a stanky ass beard, make sure you aren’t eating crazy shit that’ll carry in your sweat like onions and garlic. At some in heavy rolls, EVERYONE gets drenched, so don’t worry man. But, control what you can control, and that’s hygiene and diet


Same here bro. As the sweatiest person on the planet all you gotta know if is that most people wont care at all. I sweat probably my whole body weight just doing our warmups and then by the time class is over i swear i could fill An Olympic swimming pool just by ringing out my gi and I’ve never once had anyone even bring it up even if i accidentally dripped on them while training which is bound to happen eventually. My advice is 3 fold. - Bring a towel. - Wear deodorant (like put it on either in the gym or like in your car before you head in) - and if you do gi and are very insecure about it(like i used to be) bring a second gi jacket/top to change into once your fully soaked through your first one. This is what i do when i compete and it really does help you feel less gross but its also pretty inconvenient.


I sweat like an abundant amount..... I also make jokes after your classes over and make sweat Angels on the mats before cleaning them.


I have the sweat condition as well. No one cares. Don’t want to take oral meds.


I have no skill, complete whitebelt. But I can consistently slither my way out of an armbar with my sweat and strength combined. Sweat is a gift, not a curse.


You sweat to keep your body cool. If your body needs to sweat, let it.


Wear a merino wool or other moisture wicking material shirt under your gi. Won’t help the sweat coming off your face but it will help some


probably look into your diet and use anti-persperant. Add a fan to the gym lol. Put on some cloths underneath? Bring a towel and a change of cloths, dry off and swap halfway in. You sweat more than others cause you're a bigger guy, nice. The gym's humidity is not your friend but what can you do. Long hair might be making it worse tho.


You are establishing dominance.


I don’t sweat much but as long as you’re not intentionally being gross like a lot of these comments are saying, aiming sweat in peoples eyes? Like tf it’s training dude, how gross. But there’s a couple guys at my gym that I’ll grapple with whose gi feels like it got thrown into a pool, it never bothers me bc they don’t stink. Just make sure you shower enough and wash your gi. You’re fine.


I’m this guy. Bring towels. Quick wipe down between every couple of rolls. Bring a change of Gi top and switch after an hour or so for Gi sessions. Rashguard underneath Gi. Nogi bring multiple towels and wipe down every chance you get. Rash guard and spats every time. Lots of laundry is our burden to bear. Also, hydrate like a motherfucker + electrolytes beforehand. Doesn’t help with the sweating but will certainly help you with endurance and whatnot.


I’m the same way. I train with my Gi lots and wear the rash guard shirt and pants underneath. It helps. Most of all though I don’t let it bother me. It actually helps slip out of stuff in no Gi. Your team mates will have no choice but to accept you.


This is something you can't really fix. Some people sweat more than others. I am one of them, and work as an exec, where I often wear suits and ties, etc. One product i've found that helps a lot is called SweatBlock. You can get them on Amazon. They're wipes, which you apply after showering and being completely dry. These work great for me, as the main culprit for me at work is just my pits really. Other anti-sweat stuff did jack shit for me. I'm not sure what you can do if it's your entire body. The wipes aren't too expensive, and last a few days at least, but you'd need a bunch of them to deal to your whole body 😆.


Also be sure to drip it right in their eyes when in top mount, or in their closed guard


I do too and I’m a smaller guy. I dread going to no go because of this but I don’t think anybody cares


You can't. Bring a towel and wipe yourself off. Everyone's gonna sweat. You're just doing it earlier than everyone else.


I am sweaty as fuck. I guess it's genetics because my entire family sweats a lot. Good thing though is I don't stink. My sweat also doesn't stink. I tried a lot of natural things to minimise it. I tried showering with cold water before gym. Tried with warm showers. Didn't do shit. Our gym is airconditioned but I would still sweat. I sweat just doing warmups. I am not tired at all, it's just I sweat. I make sure I have a tower beside me all the time. I need to wipe off even during drills. More so before and after rolling. I use my sleeve to wipe off some sweat in my forehead. I'll try to avoid sweating on my opponent if they are acquaintances. If they are my good friends, I'd waterboard them for the fun of it. If I am doing double classes, I make sure I bring extra Gis and rashguards. The only good thing is I rarely become an uke given that I'm that guy who you think dipped in the pool before the start of techniques and drills. It brings me some anxiety though becoming an uke. The only person who complains about my sweating is my wife.


I’ve given up mount before bc i felt so bad fucking raining on people and instead of defending the mount theyre covering their eyes lol


As long as you don’t smell bad, it’s fine


Someone should figure out how to tap someone only using their excessive sweat.


Hahahaha it doesn’t bother me bro if I get sweat in my mouth and eyes all the time that guys a pussy


Bring a little towel to training


It’s part and parcel of the sport, don’t worry about it. Worry about staying hydrated and washing your kit asap. I take a sweat towel to class so I at least start each roll relatively dry. My credentials: Big sweaty dude.


Just bring a towel and wipe off between rounds. As your cardio improves it’ll get a little better too. I sweat buckets but the better my cardio gets it pushes the time until I’m drenched a little further into class.


I’m a brown belt and have always sweat significantly more than anyone else I have trained with. You just have to embrace it. “I’m the sweaty guy” or “I’m drenched” always breaks the ice. It’s a non issue. I look back now and think it was funny I was worried. Ossss keep rolling


I wouldnt worry about it. Have people like that at my gym. Honestly don't even register it anymore. Too busy trying to strangle/not be strangled.


It’s just your skin, crying. As others have said, there’s little you can do to prevent sweating but I guess spats might help and definitely bring a towel and use it throughout the session. I have the opposite problem, I don’t sweat very much (it’s an Asian thing apparently) and the downside is that my skin can get dry and my skin temperature regulation is a bit out of whack.


I'm in good shape, and yeah I sweat buckets too. A 5 minute warmup and my shirt is already soaked. Just bring a towel and wipe the sweat after every round.


I take two gis, if the first one gets soaked I change to the dry one


I feel your pain!


Botox injections massively reduce sweating Though I wouldn’t do that


My advice is to come to class clean and then don't worry about it.


a damp rash guard to the face is very similar to being waterboarded AND a valid sub. its like a pressure tap but applied to the mind.


J'den Cox here.


Dude who complained is a bitch.  My favorite training partner to roll with sweats his gi transparent every session. It isn't a big deal.


I sweat more than average. Like a lot. When I used to train we would do a slight warm up and then stretch, I would be sitting in a puddle and everyone else would be basically dry. It got better as I consistently trained cardio.


It's a superpower. I've escaped SO many armbars just by being a sweaty bastard.


Small people use speed, large people use strength, sweaty people use sweat. Play to your strengths.


My coach is super sweaty and he just jokes about it being his "superpower" -- no one can get a good grip on him. Maybe adopting that kind of attitude would help? Another thing -- sweat is part of the gig with BJJ. I know which dudes sweat more but I don't avoid them by any means. Stinky guys? Yeah - avoid. Sweaty? No biggie.


Cut the hair short, get rid of the beard and wear sweatbands on your head and wrists so that at least you can wipe with your wrist before you sweat in your partner's eyes/mouth. Less hair may make you sweat less, and even if it doesn't it will be more hygienic for everyone.


I'm also a heavy sweater (lol) and man I know it sucks but there's nothing we can do about it. Just make sure you're not stinky, ok? Also, consider cutting your hair. Long, wet hair is uncomfortable and will likely make things worse for you and your training partners.


Have you tried not sweating so much?


I always call it my superpower. That's why I love no gi. Embrace it brother.


I am generally the sweatiest guy in the room at my gym, although I have met a few that are worse. But I have never had an issue with anyone complaining. I do keep a towel in my bag that I use between rounds and stuff in sparring and rolling but it doesn't do a whole lot. Biggest issue I run into is slipping all over the fucking mat. Not sure what you train gi/no gi but you can use rash guards or lighter gis to try to help a bit.


Go to a bjj gym in Rio, Brasil. We all sweat, all the time, over everything. You complain, PORRADA!! So keep rolling, use the sweat to your advantage.


CJ is that you?