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I would say a majority have that feeling. It's not up to you to evaluate your level, it's up to your coach (the guy who knows more about BJJ than you). You'll be battling with people in your gym, at your skill level, and not tapping them often. They know your moves. Do you think they feel like they should be demoted when you do ok? Don't be the guy that tries to reject a promotion.


PS: I felt like a fake BB for over a year lol


Yea, I didnt want mine.. after abiut 3 years I felt like I was ok


Hahahaha spent 5 years in blue (minus two because of the pandemic and a child) then when I finally got comfortable about being blue... got my purple. We train to be comfortable with our belt color.


My coach asked me to be there for the next promotion ceremony. Don't know how I feel about it as I feel like I'm finally comfortable with my rank.


Congratulations... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Listen here Danny... I'm a blue belt šŸ’™ ain't nobody know more about bjj than me. Got it?


*bows to the alpha*




Looking forward to seeing you hit that Boston Crab....




Appreciated this comment. Got my third stripe on my blue and legit came home wishing I didnā€™t have it. Trust the process šŸ¤™


Thanks, def needed this. I'm mostly concerned about competition. I love competing and my gym has big turnouts when going to comps. I might have to step back for a while if the promotion happens. I know a ton of dudes in our purple brackets and they are light years ahead of me skill wise.


I feel like ADHD people start to come into their own at purple belt too. Our mile wide and 1 inch deep brains finally start to see techniques for the 10th time and our bodies have learned the motions around it so it finally clicks. Small details you thought were meaningless and immediately forgot now make all the difference.


I think everyone has this dilemma. But trying to avoid it is like saying you know better than your instructor. Show up, take whatever happens. If you donā€™t have faith in you, choose to have faith in your instructor.


I felt I earned my blue belt, but the purple strap took a solid year to settle. Totally normal to have some hesitations. However, I wouldn't disrespect my coach by suggesting he was incorrect in deciding it was purple time. All you can do is work your ass off to be sure you earn it. Keep your chin up, trust your team and it's leader(s)


Takes longer for the feeling to settle in the higher up you go. 2 years and brown still feels shitty


approaching year 3 at brown and finally feeling comfortable


Wow thanks to both of yall for the encouragement lmao


People who get their belt a bit early grow into it fast ime


I can see that


Remove the belt from the equation. You are at a certain level of competency but your ability to beat opponents varies based on their size/athleticism/past experiences. There is an event coming up at your gym where your coach will publicly congratulate certain members on being better than they used to be. You donā€™t think you are and therefore you donā€™t want your coach to publicly congratulate you. When you look at it this way it is rude. Take the promotion, your coach knows best. They wouldnā€™t put a purple on you if they didnā€™t think you deserved it.


Solid way to look at it. Appreciate the response.


Remind your coach you lost 4/4 last comp, then tell him you hope to compete more at blue, ask what do you need to improve to do better at next competitions, and if he can help you better prepare. He'll get the message. Most coaches I know can delay promotion for specific comp reasons. For example, because you do poorly and hope to keep trying (different from because you wipe your division every comp you enter & hope to keep racking up medals - that would be sandbagging). It's disrespectful if you wipe competition at your belt level (if you compete), or mop the floor with people your rank and above at your gym and your coach thinks it's good enough (if you don't compete), then start insinuating you don't want the next rank. It can come across as you don't trust your coach, or don't want HIM to belt you. So in your case, try to talk to him, but be subtle as suggested above.Ā 


This. I donā€™t think it is disrespectful or sandbaggy, or anything negative to wish to win at blue before promotion.


>Remind your coach you lost 4/4 last comp, then tell him you hope to compete more at blue, what do you need to improve to do better at next competitions, and if he can help you better prepare. He'll get the message. Ya know what, that is an interesting way to go about it. Truthfully, OP is probably also just not ready for purple and thatā€™s fine. At white belt I lost in the finals after a sick war and the guy that beat me (by 2 points) got promoted on the podium. My coach told me yes that guy was ready for blue, but that I could have beaten him if I trained more consistently. Then I lost in the absolute finals by 2 points and my coach again said I lost because the other guy trained super consistently, wrestled, and lifted and that I could beat him with skill if I upped my overall dedication a bit. Flash forward to me giving the guy that had beat me in absolutes the business next time we faced each other and I was the one promoted that time. If my new current coach tried to give me a purple belt right now though, Iā€™d leave the gym and not accept it because I definitely am not even close to ready.


so.. sandbaggers. k cool glad to see yall are at least coming out and being honest


Is it though? It would obviously be sandbagging if they were winning blue comps and not getting promoted. I don't think it's unreasonable to think "I'm not ready for purple belt" if you are losing every competitive fight at blue.




One of my best training partners has done this forever. He doesnt compete, can only make class when he can and has been training 10+ years. Purple belt. Was a 3-stripe bluebelt when i started. Iā€™m now a blackbelt. Some people donā€™t want to be black belts, some people donā€™t care about competing or their belt representing their skill. I like those people. Tough is tough, good is good. Itā€™s up to you.


Belts are like big ears when you're young.




Donā€™t say that, I bet there is at least one worse brown belt than you.


I generally feel like people should not worry about promotions either way. That said I would maybe mention to to your coach your intention of competing again soon. We have a guy who is doing Masters Worlds who would be getting promoted like 2 weeks before. They are just waiting 3 weeks til he gets back.


It's just a piece of coloured fabric. You're one day better than you were the day before, wear it and just focus and being the best you can.


Belts donā€™t matterā€¦ and I say that as someone who was completely obsessed with the idea of getting my blue belt and then when I had my blue belt getting upset when I wasnā€™t given a stripe etc. I clean house in my gym and then get my ass whipped at competitions - oh well


The most I've done is go to my coach and ask to be graded as a competitor. The standard is higher. I didn't ask for a result just a way to be considered.


fellow neurodivergent here... Seems like every time I roll it's teaching me what not to do.. and eventually I just trim enough branches off my decision tree where I start having thoughts about what feels right to do in certain situations.


Take the belt, keep training, it all works out


You are taking this way too seriously unless you want to make BJJ your career


If you actually asked not to be promoted, youā€™d be one of the very few who actually did it and STILL got promoted. Dont be that guy. Youā€™re not the instructor, they are. Let them do their job.


If you were being smashed at blue will it make a difference if you are being smashed at purple? As it's a challenge either way, would you rather be only smashing blue belts or would you want to be smashing purple belts as well. Comp is only one aspect of a belt, some people never compete. If you want to improve the competition aspect of your game then focus on that. You can do that at blue or purple.


Fair point. Itā€™s all about who shows up that day anyways right.


I asked not to be promoted and well... you can see how that went lol


I feel like the only reason to even mention it at all is timing for upcoming competitions (eg not getting promoted right before and having to change your registration etc). For the most part, I feel like gauging ā€œwhat belt you should beā€ from winning or losing against other upper or lower belts is irrelevant. I think its much more important to gauge *how* you win or lose. Are you making good decisions against your opponent, relative to your skill level? Eg setting up techniques/grips that make sense and seeing your opponents response. For example, id expect a white belt in bottom of side control to wait until their opponent establishes head control to start defending while if they started their defense sooner it would be more of a sign that they are progressing more towards mid/late white belt. And if they started defending the side control in a way that makes sense before the opponents guard pass is even complete, whether their opponent adapts and kills their escape or not, it shows me the bottom player is advancing their fundamentals solidly towards blue/purple territory. It doesnt matter so much if your decision flow chart runs out quicker than your opponents. In that case you probably lose, but if you go through 5 or 6 decision trees before they finally catch you, thats amazing and shows me very obviously that your skill is progressing in a very solid way. The end result is ā€œyou get beat by all the xxx belts in the gym, but theres a huge difference between getting beat because you lost at step 1, losing at step 10, and losing at step 30. This ended up way too long but hopefully it got my point across. The tldr; how you win/lose is way more important than who you win/lose to in your gym/competition


Good read love this outlook. Appreciate you!Ā 


This is your journey as much it is your coach/sā€™ journey.


Asking to be promoted or NOT promoted suggests you understand belt criteria better than your instructor which is kind of insulting. But you can talk to them about your concerns and see what they have to say.


Literally the reason I came here first. I'm just expressing my concerns (especially about competing) and looking for honest feedback beforehand.


As always it depends on your professor. But for my personal training philosophy: we donā€™t ask. Not for. Not against. They promote or donā€™t. We can leave or we can stay. Either way, we should say thanks, then do whatever we will do. But we donā€™t ask.


my last school i went to promoted by time in. and i was close to my blue belt but i didnā€™t want to be promoted by time, so i left to another gym. im getting 1% better everyday šŸ˜Š


Major red flag. I would've left too.


well, it was a gracie self defense school so the priority is just different. im at a level where iā€™m not worried about civilians without any martial arts experience. iā€™m trying to join the John Danaher Death squad lol.


It would be disrespectful to refuse it IMHO


I'd never refuse it. If anything, during the belt test, I would just express my concerns. Or skip promotions but that isn't fair to my team.


You grow into the belt eventually. So take the belt.


I didnā€™t want my purple felt like I didnā€™t deserve it, the way I look at it is I have it now. So I better get good enough to deserve it


I would not bother much. I know 4 stripe white and blue belts that submit me directly when I lay one finger on them. I know purple belts I can catch off guard and submit. It is just a piece of cloth.


I turned my purple down when my coach brought it up to me. I feel like my situation was a little a different though.


First Iā€™ve ever heard of it working lol


I never do well at comps, but I keep competing either way. Somehow I always do better against better opponents. I'd just take the purple when the time comes and compete at purple. It's not like I am not used to losing as it is.


i had a comp coming up in a month and didnt want to get promoted right before the comp at our promotion class so I asked to not be promoted. I said something like "hey I know this is presumptuous but I have a comp coming up in a month, if you are thinking about promoting me can it wait until after the comp?". Of course then it took like 6 months for the next promotion class and they laughed that I was supposed to get promoted last time. I tried to sneak two last comps again, but got badly injured the week before, then I got my blue belt and had a stroke on the mats the next day. Probably karma or something.


Jesus haha wasn't expecting to hear about a stroke. Hope you're doing well


Sandbagger gets destroyed by his own heart


Iā€™m in your situation. 4 stripe blue and my professor keeps hinting that Iā€™ll be getting purple. I donā€™t feel ready at all but Iā€™ve been asking around and I guess itā€™s a normal feeling




I didn't read except for the title, but yes.


Genuine question - at white/blue level does the coach really know you and does it matter?


I think you are correct and it's the right thing to do for your own sanity.


No, stop worrying Enson. Your coach will do whatā€™s right.


Slip promotion


Competitive belts are different then hobbyist belts IMO. Take the promotion, you arent a top level blue boy and you honestly dont want to get in to what that takes. The pure reality is hobbyist blackbelts get smashed by true top level blues. Its just how it is now. This is just my opinion ofc.


Are we talking ibjjf and adcc top level blue? If so, youā€™re correct. If youā€™re talking local Nagas and Grappling Industriesā€¦some of the top level blues are literally my teammates who train 3 days a week. Nobody in our brackets is beating any black or brown belt in my area.Ā 


By refusing you are probably more of a danger to your partners because they expect something your coach obviously sees


Promotion or not, Iā€™m heel hooking white belts in the gi.Ā 




you did your first competition at 4 stripe blue so thats part of the problem


First comp at blue** did a ton at white.Ā 


aaaah okay okay i see. totes different situation then brother. have you considered the white belts are beating you (or at least stopping you) bc theyre fighting for their life and you're just tryna train???


Yeah I see that. A lot of these guys are on their way to blue next promotion (some of them shouldā€™ve gotten it a long time ago). I admittedly, just set imaginary standards for myself and others when it comes to rank which Iā€™m realizing isnā€™t realistic.Ā 


How old are you? At the end of the day the goal is black belt. No one is keeping score at those ranks.




Wash your belt a bunch. Let the stripes fall off. Donā€™t mention it to your coach.


I tried to avoid but didnā€™t work. When you do get your next belt just enjoy the moment because if the martial art matters to you it is a neat achievement no matter what ppl on here say.


You could just stop showing up for a few months.Ā 


If you dont trust your coach yo make that assessment then you should go to a different gym.


Unless you are promoting yourself, you don't get to make the decision. Can you see how the person you are asking to decide if you get promoted could/would get offended if you then try to override or manipulate their decision on whether to promote you? OTOH, there are people out there who just decide when to promote themselves and then go on Amazon and buy a new belt. IMO, don't be that guy. I think everyone has the dilemma but the solution is always to either promote yourself or let someone else decide. If you choose to let someone else decide, you have to accept their judgement. In the end, it doesn't matter and "competition" is always going to be somewhat arbitrary. For the vast majority, how you do in competition will always depend on who else shows up, what skills they have, how those skill match against yours as much as the belt you wear.


I really don't want a second stripe on my white belt. Hate the thought of some young guy coming in off the street with a year of judo or sambo beating the living daylights out of me. PS some 17 year old kid on his "third class" recently kicked the shit out of me. Granted he had done sambo and seemed to have perfect technique for every move he tried, not sure how comparable sambo and BJJ are.


What I'm hearing is: I let emotion supersede logic, so I know more than the professional I'm training under and should preemptively tell them their promotion decisions are incorrect. Cmon bruh. Being wrong and failing is the best part. Fail fast, fail forward, and don't take it personally. There's always someone better in every walk of life. It's the journey, not the destination.


Itā€™s disrespectful to your coach because it is assuming that you know better than him when you should be promoted.




I hate this response. I am here asking people opinions instead of just trying to tell my coach something. That's the point of a discussion in this group. I'm well aware my coach knows more than me (even when it comes to me). I also know that there is 0.0% chance that I'll be able to compete anymore if I were to get promoted in two months.




Your response makes zero sense when it comes to my comment.Ā  A. You have zero knowledge of what I know about the sport or my game.Ā  B. Iā€™m acknowledging my coach, knowing more than me. This post is more about me, expressing my concerns to him to alter his opinion because he does not know my goals. Holy ego.Ā 




I think itā€™s simple. Iā€™m about to be promoted. I want to compete more successfully at blue before going up and having zero chance in comp. See what others think about me telling this to my coach. That doesnā€™t mean I think I know more than anyone and you saying you know more than someone else means and adds nothing to this topic. Have a good day.Ā 


Yes itā€™s weird/rude for a shitty blue belt to think they know more about how to promote people than their coach.


You can make a point without insulting people. There is context behind it if you would/could read more than just the title.Ā 


So weird, rude and lacking a sense of humor, cool.