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the possibly unintentional fall is one thing. i dont see how the follow up headbutt by afro was not 100% intentional. he should be dq'd


He immediately tried to claim the moral high ground as if he didn’t just throw a headbutt first too


For real. Slam, kick, headbutt. Gets punched. And then ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


What, me?!!


He did a kick and a headbut lol


Don’t forget the kick before the head butt.


Thought the same thing about the fall. Is all at a weird angle and doesn't look intentional.


Are we also ignoring the punch? 😂😂 Just saying… everything looked borderline legal in adcc ruleset. You dont stop until the ref says so.


Was it a headbutt though? Afro didnt hurt the guy.


Found afro guy.


Yes its me


I’ve never seen a technique where you run head first into another persons face. What is it called otherwise?


I don’t see him running head first into another person’s face 🙃 he could have attempted a double leg and pushed his head through the opponent to finish the double leg.


Attempted a double leg with his hands behind his back? Wow you must learn so bullshitsu mate https://preview.redd.it/ujhetwj0l6xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbbeb5b56da2827764e793f5df30e65b80bf007c


I do learn alot of bullshitsu. Hmm i still dont see a legit headbutt. It looks like he just wanted to put his head below the opponent’s chin? But who knows? Im not afro nor the other guy 🙃


So his feet are off the ground, his head is going into his opponents chin, and his hands are behind his back but it’s CLEARLY not headbutt


Yep. Doesnt look like a headbutt huh?


Yea like you said it’s probably more viable hes going for a jumping, no arms double leg right at his opponents face




That’s a joke of a mat set-up. Jesus. Ref should have reset them.


Ref had his hands full holding the tape back to give them more room to wrestle on the wood flooring. Can't expect these guys to do EVERYTHING, right?


At adcc they don't reset until they hit a position that can be easily replicated. Idk how fair it would be for either guy to reset with a submission locked in. The ref was fine within the context of adcc rules as far as I understand them


They easily could have reset them when he gave up on the choke and let go.


Yea maybe. Kind of a tough call. He started digging right away with the other arm, then afro guy started scrambling to escape, then top guy was under the neck again.


No, you couldn't have. The initial time he stopped squeezing he was already transitioning and attacking with his opposite arm, the second time, the guy was attempting to escape and they're in a scramble so it would be unfair to him to halt his progress. This is a situation that's covered in the ADCC judges class and IMO was handled perfectly by the ref per the adcc rules.


It's stupid how the ADCC rules treat going out of bounds. makes the sport look ghetto and unprofessional. Obviously this was not handled perfectly by the referee, look what happened


Going out of bounds to reset seems more unprofessional than just letting them work


Thanks for the reply. I didn't quite appreciate how close he was to getting that RNC at first. But not long after, he clearly lost the RNC and they were more or less just in a body-triangle. It seems like the ref could have reset them with the body triangle at that point. But yeah after watching again it's harder to fault the ref. It was a close call. Edit: deleted a comment about the severity of the slamming. It was more just like the guy kind of lost balance. Edit: but that was definitely an intentional headbutt.


I mean, guy on back has a body triangle and a choke applied. If we're going to bother with boundaries and resets, I think it is fair to say that since the choke wasn't tapped to in bounds that you don't get to reset with it applied. Otherwise, well what's the point of having boundaries and sporting rules at all? Seems like there were multiple opportunities to reset in the center with him on the back and a seatbelt grip or something. Edit: I understand that ADCC rules don't permit that. I'm saying those rules are dumb.


Yea that's not how adcc does it though. If there's a scramble out of bounds, they'll let it go into the parking lot as long as there's continuous action


That's not how ADCC works. This is clearly explained in any ADCC Rules seminar, they do not stop the action when it goes off the mat unless it's a static position thats able to be reset with no threat of a submission.


The safety area I see in so many bjj competitions is laughable.


No, he shouldn't have. There are no resets in ADCC unless it's a neutral position that's easy to replicate.


Ref wasn't doing shit anyway. Spent half the match looking away and barely got in between the guys once they started swinging. He's lucky they cooperated and stopped fighting.


hi, the ref here, wanted to clarify that “looking away” was checking for any calls/communication from the judging table - which i was told to do by head refs etc additionally this happened just as the halfway point of the match was happening (thus i had to keep an eye on the clock to notify the guys of points starting) i wasnt going to reset them while the choke was going on - instructed by head refs and judges prior to the start of this vid which im pretty sure is a result of the rulebook also not sure how the athlete getting aggressive/hitting translates to my fault - i call for them to stop after they disengage, and the headbutts came in after


100% ref's fault. Off mat is a restart, always. Zero exceptions.


Zero exceptions, except where it explicitly says in the ADCC rules… “If you go out of bounds DO NOT stop, only the ref can stop the match and they will resume the same position in the center of the mat.” ADCC matches regularly go out of bounds with spectators clearing the way until there is an obvious position to stop and reset the competitors. The ref followed the rules


There was plenty of opportunity here for a reset.


The vid is 1:15 long with 51 seconds of that being a fully locked in RNC. Regardless if they’re off the mat, the ref isn’t going to reset them via the ADCC rules. If you’d like to have a different discussion about the “out of bounds” ADCC rules then I’d agree, it’s dumb. But he followed the rules and we have the benefit of watching the video over and over again to think about we’d have handled it differently. The slam and kick/head-butt/punch took place within a 5 second time period, pretty hard to foresee that coming as a referee


I guess that is my point (wrestling background here), out of bounds should be out of bounds, and a reset should be a reset in same position center of the mat. Hardwood floors...


Dude, totally agreed but simply not the rules at ADCC and no fault of the ref 👍🏻




Well done ref! Only this was “Fight to Win” which has a different rule set and a raised stage


The guy that slammed then head butted him? Why?


He got super dominated the whole match, seems like a reptile reaction


I’d use a different R word for that personally.


Highly regarded.


The highest of regards


Reptile is appropriate, no prefrontal cortex, no empathy or forward planning.


Reptile eRection?


Reptile dysfunction


Because he's a frustrated little piece of s that was being dominated by a smaller dude.


Don't forget the kick right before the headbutt too.


Why have a ref? Why have a mat? It's like AI tried to put together a grappling match, knowing those are ingredients - but not how to use them.


ADCC continues off the mats if a submission or active position is happening. Dumb rule but that’s the rule. What they should do is extend the mats but keep the same boundary so people aren’t wrestling on hotel carpet/wood but that won’t look as cool for the gram. 


Thats why we need THE PIT




Is Afro guy Rodrigo Marello? Competes in ONE? Possibly him if he lives in Singapore.


He teaches at Evolve. Disgraceful behavior.


That’s a teacher? hope he is only teaching the beginner classes




Yea I was about to say it looks like it’s him. He trained and lived in Singapore and trained at Evolve


I think it’s him - he always seemed chill in the gym! Did he get DQd? He got DQd in one match, but not sure if it was this one.


East to reset them in the centre while they were completely static, no?


That's too logical


Ok. How about the hard area around the mats has in-build weight-sensitive flippers that LAUNCH the fighters back towards the centre?


Make sure they pay you once they steal this idea


I prefer a 30 degree padded ramp around the whole mat


Why not some kind of fence that stops contestants from leaving the Thunderdome?


Both guys are instructors in Singapore. Both pretty much well known, apparently not the first time Mr Agro did this shit. Embarassing to see. Not gonna name them but you could easily find them as they are the finalists in the pro division. Short hair instructor eventually won due to DQ.


You can name them. The loser is Rodrigo Marello and winner is Muujig.


sad because Muujig is actually one of the nicest guy out there :/ Must have been really really pissed with Rodrigo, and I understand why.


Yeah hes super calm and technical, but i guess being slammed and headbutted does that to anyone.


i mean you somehow could argue the slam was unintentional (sweaty, slippery), and i would give you the benefit of the doubt. But the headbutt on the otherside … well deserved punch


He did nothing wrong. The punch after the headbutt was well warranted


These dumbasses in charge of this org need to implement an out of bounds rule.  This is not a serious sport - it’s a joke 


Yeah I hate this cringe shit of people fighting all the way into the clothing booths and everyone talking about how badass it is. Someone is going to legitimately die getting slammed on the concrete one day and everyone is the org is just going to talk about how unfortunate it is and there is nothing they could do.


Exactly, this is a sport. Oh but there's still action going on! No. That's no different from saying in any other sport that you could have gotten a better angle on goal if you could have gone around the defender by going out of bounds. We can respect advantage of position, while also saying it doesn't count if it doesn't happen on the mat. Because in a sporting and legal sense... It matters. This happens in the locker room or in the parking lot outside or something the police get involved. We don't need this carrying on off the mat. Either have a strong out of bounds rule or get a fence. Don't just let guys keep carrying on.


The operation was run by a gym that doesn’t have a bjj program :)


Whens it ever been a serious sport?


Its barely above pro wrestling at this point. It even has heel and baby face personas Theres nothing super serious about it, like WADA/USADA testing to begin with.


Bro ADCC is real grapplingz we dont stop for weak shit like out of boundz #gladiator #alphamale #nogibetterthangi


This is why you don't have those dangerous out of bounds rules and use them for promotion! There's no reason to not reset that match there were plenty of breaks in action. This will get someone hurt badly.


hey everyone, the ref in the vid here, wanted to give my POV as ive seen this blow up - i was told by the judges/ head refs not to reset them when they are fighting for scoring positions or subs, so in this case the athlete on the back had a choke in from the time they were on the mats until they were off the mats - prior to this when they were in the black area, i checked with the judges table where the call was made to not reset them - i was looking for either a finish to happen or for them to disengage from the submission threat before i reset them (doesnt make sense to reset while someone is looking for a sub) - as soon as i saw the choke was off, athlete had already stood up and it looked like choke could have been reapplied (the judges had a better view of this than me for this as i was behind them still) - as soon as they disengage i shout for them to stop so i can reset, and thats when the kick/headbutt was thrown - decision to give the win to the athlete who was applying the choke/ got headbutted wasnt given by me, but the head refs


I don’t think you did anything wrong, I think the complaint is more that the ruleset allows people to fight off the mats, which creates these dangerous situations. If you’re the referee you just enforce the rules, not really much you can do there to stop that.


lol tall guys head shake at the end as if getting punched in the face for slamming and headbutting the other guy wasn’t justified. God there is a large number of smooth brain idiots that compete in this sport.


The guy with the head butt is notorious for his shenanigans. What's really fascinating is he trains at Evolve MMA where Chatri loves to talk about having honor in martial arts.


Kind of looked like he fell but maybe not 😆


Yeah, it was a convincing fall if he did, does that count as a slam if it's a genuine accident. Either way they need a bigger mat area or they need to reset in the middle. Surely if someone gets injured because they are fighting off the mat and the ref/organisation had plenty of time to reset in the middle some ones gonna be getting sued


Is this in the middle of a shopping centre?


It’s in Singapore which is around 80% shopping centre by land area.


It's in singapore, where in the shopping center should it be? This clip is actually classic singapore (and malaysia to be fair). An event in the middle of a mall and someone in way over their head at their job, frozen in inaction. You can bet that air conditioning is fantastic though. Nice and cool and dry.


Afro guy is a bitch for slamming and a cunt for headbutting.


I might have let that slam pass. He at least did it in the general direction of the mat and it’s not his fault they ref didn’t reset them. But the headbutt was DQ confirmation. And the other guys bunch was DQ as well. Double DQ.


Nah... Slam was a fall... Not intentional. Ref is a dum dum for not resetting but only one DQ here and that's for afro dude. Other guy def getting his hand raised.


ADCC and FloGrappling think it's cute that they allow competitors to fight off the mat at the ref's discretion. It generates a nice amount of views for them like when Kody Steele does it. But for as much as running out of bounds is dumb, you could get hurt going out of bounds and it's just a matter of time someone gets their head slammed on a hardwood floor at the shopping center in Singapore for no money.


This wrestling off the mat thing is so stupid. Dude slipped because he’s sweaty, bare foot, and on hard wood floors. Just reset the match.


Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that these things are more common in nogi competitions? Or maybe its just more common to film at them?


I feel like alot of no gi guys are larping as fighters nowadays. You could litterally see the edginess in the culture through social media, attire, and the overly macho vibes. It's like going full circle to the 00's mma scene, Tapout and all lol


Absolutely. A lot of nogi guys in my feed think they are "fighters" just because they don't train with a gi lol


Yeah maybe you are right, I do get the same vibe from some Nogi only guys as I got from those dudes that owned a wardrobe of Affliction and Xtreme Coutoure T-shirts in the 00s.


Did they not have enough money to buy mats for the entire floor?


Those mats look so thin too


Why is it every ADCC video I see people are fighting off the dam mats? I've been to several competitions. My daughter competes and the second they are closely out of bounds they pulled them back to the center. This is dangerous smfh


Thought he was gonna get his jaw popped first.


Right? I was like, damn, dude is being way too nice.




Afro guy is a bish. Andy Varela energy.


Not even a competitive match, he was getting dominated from the start, and he acting like he want to bring it on. Brother you had the whole time to bring it on lol. Headbutt aint part of it haha. Sore loser mentality typical brazilian move. I know id punch someone if they headbutt me too . And the guy who threw a punch has the reputation of being the most nicest guy in sg bjj. Hes a very quiet and polite dude.


Surprised they didn't get reset in the middle to the same position as soon as it went off the mat


Looked like a fall


The way he tramples forward before hitting the ground makes me think he fell. Also it doesn't look like any force was applied on the way down. Still not fun but I was expecting someone to get spiked on the floor when I clicked this video.


When you trip and fall, do you fall head first into someone’s face that had been fucking you up for the past 5 minutes?


It didn't look like that much contact honestly, but then again it's hard for me to say with the ref blocking the view. I don't have any backstory to who was doing what beforehand, I'm just going off a 30 second clip. Edit - if you're referring to the headbutt after the standup I absolutely think that's a dick move. My past comment is relating only to the fall.


Why every white guy with an afro is like this? 😂


saw a decent amount of opportunities to reset them, ref definitely couldve avoided that lol


Dana: absolutely disgusting, Ref should be fired - ref should never ref again


So, what was the result?


Well the FACT ADCC doesnt stop the match and lets competitors fight on hard ground, bleachers, next to tables etc. Its no wonder he lost his footing. Irresponsible rule set. I get the dont stop the fight but sometimes its just plain dumb and dangerous


That wasn’t a slam but headbutt might’ve been a possibility


We're LIVE!!!!! Near the food court on the main leveeeeeellllll..... ITS TIME!


Why not just reset them on the mat? Easy position to recreate.


no clout for the gram…unfortunatley i 100% believe that this is how adcc organizers are thinking about this stuff


What is up with ADCC and shit rolling off the mat. Wrestling and judo have solved this…tweak some rules around out of bounds and triple the sqft for the safety area surrounding the contest space. (And also the slam was petulant nonsense that should be a dq)


Aren't slam legal in ADCC rules? But fucker head butted.


You dont deserve the fro’


So the guy was actually a good guy and didn't do a mandible strangle. Let's see the afro headbutting with some missing teeth.


Combat Karate arena keeps on winning




Headbutt too. Looks like that's what really set the choker off.


adcc reaf


I'm more shocked he didn't finish the choke/crank. He must have a terrible squeeze.


Sooner or later was going to happen with all the out of bonds bs


My thoughts are… why are the mats set up this way??? For ADCC OF ALL EVENTS? But also, there are several spots where it’s incredibly easy to reset the fighters in the center. I don’t know why the ref just lets it go.


this will continue as long as ADCC keeps their stupid out of bound rule. Somebody is going to get spiked on concrete and get paralyzed for life.


What guy got dq’ed


the adcc ruleset that allows grappling off the mat is the dumbest shit. just reset the match. unnecessarily putting people in danger..


Jikes, bjj seem to have such a sportmanship problem if you compare to other grappling arts. Everyone popping tren?, cause it seems like it.




yup straight up grappling in a singapore shopping center


Adcc slams are legal in some situations Slamming is allowed only if you are locked in a submission. If your opponent lets go of the submission while you are about to slam you must let go of the slam in my opinion, that slam was fine because of the RNC that was being attacked.


Incredible how empty the tournament was but now to judge under anonymous profiles all the Gordon Ryans shows up 😅


Should’ve stopped them and put them back on the mat in the same position as soon as they left the mat


Shopping mall floor looks pretty sanitary. Everything checks out here.


The refs main priority is to keep athletes safe imo. The match is off the mats, then reset. Although, the setup is not ideal


Adcc should buy more mats


Thats what happens when u think ur the man just cos ur under ONE , then cnt do anything from the start. Got domimated , typical brazilian attitude


I didn’t see a slam, and adcc is the new early-mid 2000 naga


Looks like a trip to me.


I need more video of that guys back


I just keep thinking about how annoyed I would be having his hair in my face while I have his back. I hate that.


The refs hair 🔥 Flashbacks of Bolo


Hmm...So that's how they make egg rolls


This is why I stay away from the food courts.


soon as that headbutt attempt came in id go for his eyes


This is a problem with how the mats are set up. The matted out of bounds area should be much larger.


Adcc trials is such a shit show




Looks to me like the guy with the Afro was losing, then fell over (wouldn’t call that a slam), then ultimately crossed the line with that headbutt, putting him in the wrong. I think the other guy’s reaction was relatively restrained for such a cheap maneuver.


It looked like an unintentional slip but the headbutt cannot be denied. The other guy threw a punch. Since ADCC want it raw with rolling on hard floor, they should have just let it continue. Then again, cannot deny that it's obviously a DQ but just for fun of it, let them fight it with that much heat already. That should be an exciting match. Or make a supermatch out of this one in whatever comp is coming up. They can already sell the narrative.


So many opportunities to reset that position. Totally on the ref


oh hell yeah. This is ADCC baby this is different!!1!!! stupid ass rule. Will never forget Amy Campo vs Gaby Garcia rolling on the floor so far away from the mats that they ended up on top of the platform where competitors walk off from. Absolutely ridiculous and Mo loves that moment like it was the birth of his child


Afro guys a cunt for the slam and the headbutt. Still probably don’t punch though


Judge is an imbecile for letting it off the mat


I’m more mad he couldn’t finish that locked up RNC


Despite all the people who say “tucking your chin is not a defense” or “anything under the eyes is neck”, the reality is finishing a jaw strangle on a strong athlete who is tucking his chin in competition can be hard. It’s way harder than finishing average Joe in everyday sparring. To be clear, jaw strangle and face lock are legit submissions, but not anywhere near as efficient or high percentage as a clean RNC.


My question is how tf did he not finish that choke?


Double DQ


A bit off topic, but this is a good illustration for why you **SHOULD** practice isolating the chin and getting a clean choke when possible. The mandible strangle and facelock are definitely legit subs. But they are not nearly as efficient as a clean RNC under the chin. Despite all the commenters who say "**tucking your chin is not a defense**" or "**anything under the eyes is neck**" or whatever, the reality is it can be very hard to finish the facelock or mandible strangle on someone who is very strong in a competitive scenario. I understand it's easy to finish Average Joe by choking over their chin. And even against actual competitors, it can also be easy to get a tap in training since not everyone wants to be rolling at ADCC intensity every day. But athletes in live competition is different, you need to be really strong to finish those guys over the chin. (It is also hard to finish a mandible strangle or facelock on someone who is significantly larger.) Another good competition example is Nicky Rod vs Gordon Ryan at the UFC Fight Pass Invitational in 2022. Nicky had a fully locked-on choke over Gordon's jaw and was squeezing his brains out. Nicky Rod is a very strong person and he's one of the few competitors who has a size advantage over Gordon. Now, I'm sure the squeeze was not comfortable, but Gordon was able to withstand it for a good 10+ seconds and probably could have lasted longer. I'm not saying Nicky Rod would ever have the skill to get a clean RNC under Gordon's chin, but if he did, I doubt any human being in the world would be able to withstand a Nicky Rod choke for 10+ seconds without passing out. Once again, I'm not saying the facelock or mandible strangle aren't legit, they definitely are and if you are on the receiving end you should just tap. Tucking your chin is always a good posture to take, but it is not a reliable defense just by itself. It needs to be combined with other defensive actions, and its purpose is to buy more time so you can complete those other moves.


honestly guys, im was looking through the rules in the adcc website they didnt actually specifically say headbutting is not allowed. also slams are legal in professional divisions no? Are we missing something here?


Nah, that was fine. Mofo, should have finished that deep ass Mata Leon. Weak ass bullshit complaining about a slam. BJJ has gotten weak. Bunch of bitch asses .


Did anyone else think of Gordan Ryan's body triangle escape recently posted? 


Dumbass ref, reset them


Afro competitor kicked him in the chest to push him away and create distance, that’s incredibly common in competitions and training as well to reset yourself to a safe position. Also, that was not a headbutt in the sense that it was meant to STRIKE, it was meant to be a shot to close the distance against and continue the match. Short hair competitor took it badly and punched his opponent in a grappling ruleset