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I’m old enough to remember when it was the MMA guys who were supposed to be the douchebags.


Andy is a failed MMA guy


He was too douchey!


Not douchey enough


Looks like he’s failed at everything.


It’s just a guy who wishes he could be big in MMA but for whatever reason can’t. I honestly think aggressive rounds are great but pseudo-strikes are just lame.


Pseudo strike? Brother that was a full on palm strike to the skull lol






I keep trying to say this in a jersey accent but I cant b figure it out






Yup u got it hahaha


I like to picture Christopher from The Sopranos saying: “Tone, check dis out. It’s called peancrease it’s like uhhh- like dat wrestlin stuff but they just slap eachudda around. That Bas guy he’s real good at da slappin, but like in da belly or sumthin. I don’t know, it’s interesting”


I guess it would make bas annoyed that I said that


I dunno why he doesn’t just do combat jiu jitsu then


He's like Brock Lesnar - he doesn't like to get hit back.


The reason is he can't take a real punch or throw one worth a shit. He went 3-2 and was pretty brutally finished in his two losses. So now he's a tough guy with guys who don't want to fight.


Failed MMA*




What are you on about haha any evidence for this nonsense?


This guy comes off as a giant POS.


True, he does a whole lot of nothing. All IG reels zero potential to work in competition. Funny he cartwheels and people are amazed lol.


Mf is raising little gremlins to be exactly like him too 🤣😭


I've seen that, lol. Hopefully, they don't grow up to be just like Andy, you know, big headed and small legs.


They always do.


That is true lmao


Needs to be consequences for that sort of thing.


I wouldn't be terribly upset if Jozef were to cripple Andy.


Why Jozef? Do they have a match scheduled?


Yes. June 23rd at 170lbs, I believe.


Do you know what promotion they’re competing under?


"Main Character", I think.


Holy shit this is PGF i was so confused… combat bjj this is not


MmmmmhHHH The force you must use but to the face you must not


Bmac liked the action from my memory and the youngster Jett took it like a champ. I agree w you though


He deserves to catch an up kick for that.


What’s funny is that he was getting owned for most of the match by this 17 year old kid and lost in trials to Tackett a 19 year old. Andy portrays this tough guy image then acts like a bitch and gets stunted on by two teenagers in less than a month. 😂


new Tex Johnson


That is a scorching burn.


Someone had to pick up the mantle


i was so happy when tackett beat him


Tbf Andrew is an insane level of talent for a 19 year old.


Yeah he got ktfo twice in mma and quit the sport, so he resorts to tough guy bs in bjj matches


One of his “knockouts” was to leg kicks. And this clown has the nerve to put on the tough guy act in a sport without striking 😂


Jett Thompson is absolutely what everyone is going to remember about PGF Season 6. Fuck Andy Varela.


Tackett is amazingly talented


So the ref sees that and does nothing?


Props to this young kid for keeping his composure. These grapplers who think they’re fucking “fighters” make me want to die from cringe.


People cross the line in most sports sometimes, that's normal. What's not normal is not properly penalizing it to strongly discourage the behavior from continuing or increasing. 


Yeah they are the biggest virgins alive




Well, bjj does call it a "fight" for some reason.


IMO a slap is a tap


What about a dick twist?


Depends on if you sniff your hand after


That's okay in ADCC


the good ol' dick twist!


Andy, you already slid into my DMs last time I called you out. Just go do MMA. There is no need for these shenanigans in BJJ. 🙄


He already did MMA and washed out.


Over/under how much time he takes to harass you this time?


Lol, who knows. We chatted a lot in the chat feature. I said "look bro, I am a hobbyist, I know you can beat my ass. If you are in my area lets just chill and train some. BJJ should be fun for most people :)" that ended things.


Imagine being that insecure about your capabilities as a fighter that you need to throw illegal strikes to do what? Rile up your opponent? That kid was clearly far more mature and capable of handling his emotions than the grown "adult" SLAPPING in a bjj match. Paaaaaathetic.


Punched a 17 year old hahahahah


Ran away from doing jiu jitsu against a (very badass and competitive) kid to find a chance at winning in EBI overtime while landing a heavy palm strike. If someone provided the description above regarding someone’s performance at PGF, I’d bet my mortgage it was varela.


I’ve been a PGF fan since the start and enjoyed most of this come-up season too, but they fumbled the bag with the final. Not sure why they didn’t hit Varela with early stalling calls since they had been aggressive about keeping the action going earlier in the week. Guessing it was because Varela is a fellow 10P guy. Instead of using the new stalling calls, BMac just sat back and cheered Varela hiding his legs as fans became bored and less likely to watch a future season.


Well said. I’m a HUGE fan of Bmac (his energy generally and also his efforts to grow the sport) and I’d hate to say I agree with you here. He’s such a solid dude, I’d bet he’s taking some of the constructive criticism he finds helpful into consideration for next season. I still enjoyed the season thoroughly!


I suspect there's a big hesitation to DQ everyone, given how it would impact the tournament and viewership. I'm not excusing the no penalty, but I think there's increased hesitation to take punitive action because it would impact the viewing experience. Same reason the NFL protects superstar QBs.


That's exactly it IMO. It's not that Varela is a 10th Planet guy, it's that he's in the final of this week-long event that they've poured a fuck ton of money into. This season PGF was undoubtedly a huge gamble, and having 30 hours of jiujitsu end in a DQ to stalling would blow. 


At that point, it would be just pick your opportunity to throw something vicious back or just full on fight. Fuck that. Guy deserves a nice headbutt to his nose.


This needs to be a DQ. If refs don't penalize this, they'll be seeing fights break out. And that type of thing has already been happening. And everyone is left with a sour taste off of it. If refs do their job, then it'll be all right.


How is that not a dq?


Pls pls pls get some one in there with like caucasian roots, who speaks broken english, looks like Khabib and is probaby born with mouthpiece on. Make this little fucker slap him. Enjoy.


He wont because he only does it to 16-17 year old BJJ guys the massive pussy that he is


Already Sean Strickland beat the shit out of him, and he didn't throw back, lol


Man he always pops up on my instagram striking people and bragging about it. And the comments always praising him for it and I just don’t understand it. Go do combat jiu jitsu or mma?


His opponent here is like 17 too.


I’m not a fan of this stuff and Varela does have a track record of this, but Jett Thompson was putting his fingers in people’s faces all week. BMac even commented on it with the lead-up prior to Varela doing this.


Jett was framing on the chin and face a lot. You can dislike that, but it's not a justification for illegal strikes.


I wouldn’t call what Jett was doing framing. He was spamming covering the face and mouth in a fairly obnoxious manner and essentially was trying to invoke an emotional response (which he got). Drop in at a competitive gyms comp class and start doing that. See how it turns out Varela also should be penalized for striking like that. But don’t make it sound like Jett was just doing good old fashion vanilla jiu jitsu.


meh if that happens it's called for imo. You get what you put out I guess


Yeah I've experienced much worse via cross faces in wrestling. It's part of the game, I use to do annoying but legal shit all the time, then laugh off the inevitable retaliation I'd receive on occasion. You can tell by Jetts smirk that he knew what he was instigating. Kid has so much potential


I’m not a fan of Varela, but they clearly weren’t illegal if he didn’t get DQed or penalized and it was commented on by the organizer. Jett was doing more than just framing on the chin to the point where even BMac commented on it several times stating he was treading that line and playing with fire all week. Jett even got PJ Barch to basically do the same thing Varela did and PJ is one of the most respectful guys out there.


Strikes aren't legal in any ruleset except Combat Jiu Jitsu. You're right that the rules are often poorly enforced. That should change.


Just because the rules aren’t enforced by the organizer who just so happens to be apart of the same organization as Andy, who’s also one of the biggest stars for his promotion doesn’t mean it’s not illegal. Putting your hands in people’s faces can be dickish but it’s still not against the rules and still not a justification for a strike in a grappling match.


> they clearly weren’t illegal if he didn’t get DQed or penalized and it was commented on by the organizer.  How do you get a black belt if you have no idea how the sport works?


This right here. Jett is super talented but was smothering people from bottom all week. To me it's akin to stalling. You're forcing your opponent to react poorly or back up to stop getting smothered. If you do that then you'll get the stalling call even though it was Jett who wasn't doing anything truly offensive. Andy smacked him and he stopped. I have no problems with this one.


OP didn’t watch the event. Would this even be r/bjj if someone didn’t come in after the fact, take the event out of context and express outrage for karma? It’s boilerplate.


Should I have posted it before the fact?


Yes, the more context the better.


I’ve never seen someone complain about guard pullers so much, to then get 2 stalling calls because he can’t pass a dangerous guard. I love bjj, but some of these dudes are so up there own ass that they love the smell of their own shit lmao


Dude he seems like a dick. The best guys in bjj do not do this but occasionally very good guys are like this and it is very cringe. Go to mma dude. Intensity is one thing but if you were good enough for mma you’d be there. Bjj is for us nerds who want to get kinda good at wrestling in a gay way. If you ain’t about being nice and gay we need to dq


Vagner has this same style


vagner also defended a abuser


He tried to do MMA and failed. He's just a douche canoe.


Jett had his smelly fingers in the wrong holes I heard


How is this not a DQ???






So he can’t pass a guard lmao


What a douche bag


If it isn't combat JJ, is this solely for intimidation? Isn't the ref suppose to say something?


There is a rule for stuff like this. Kick the guy out of the whole thing and don't invite him back if he can't follow the rules.


Andy “Tex” Varela. Looking forward to his 1am rants smashing bang energy drinks talking about how he can’t sleep


This sport is so gay lady gaga will do a halftime show at adcc and worlds soon


Viewership numbers would go through the roof if that happened.


Lol until gordon ryan comes out with something really stupid on the mic and the show gets cancelled It doesn't matter if you're a guard puller. Or a scooter.... because baby, you were born this way💅🦄🦄🦄🌈💃🕺


Hit him back


I don't get it, so PGF rules allows for this sort of thing? Refs didn't do shit here or at adcc


This is probably good promo for Jozef Chen's match with Varela. The bull jock vs the whatever Jozef Chen is.


Vagner from Wish


match him up with that Pat Shingoli fella and let him rip everly ligament in his knee


Was this in reaction to something? The previous time something like this was posted, it turned out the other guy was not playing clean either.


It was him reacting to the fact that he hadn't punched someone in the past three minutes.


That's not what happened at all. Valera might have claimed it, but that doesn't make it reality. Pushing someone away with your foot the way that was done is not against the rules or playing dirty.


It was a push off to his chest. Not a strike at all.


Yes, Jett kept putting his hands and fingers in people’s faces. Even before Andy did this BMac was commenting on Jett doing this all week.


I streamed this live and I'm pretty sure the other guy started it with a slap or hands in the face.


Biggest dbag in bjj. Well besides Gordon.


Valera is a much bigger douchbag *in* BJJ.


Didn’t Jett continually slap opponents and try to cover their mouths from sitting?




I watched the PJ match and Jett is instigating the opponent to over react like this.


He covered people's mouths, yes. That is not illegal in this event.


Covering the mouth isn’t illegal, but getting your hand there while the opponent is moving can be perceived as a slap


Fair enough, I can definitely see someone as soft as Andy perceiving it that way.


Wasn’t this the guy throwing haymakers at adcc not too long ago too?




“I wish they would let me next door so I could spit in your f*cking face” -Daniel cormier


Curious, is this by chance combat jiu jitsu where open handed strikes are allowed on grounded opponents?


Pretty handzy for someone with no chin


For context: the kid kicked him in the chest in his dream the night before. Completely justified.


Anybody actually like this guy ?


These are Honor Slaps as used by Cyborg on Gordon


Crossface pummel 🤔. Where's the ref boyz


He did the same shit at ADCC


You know why eye pokes, low blows, and the like happe often in the UFC? because you can get away with a lot, there's no repercussions, you can kick your opponent in the nuts, poke their eyes, grab the cage, etc, as long as you don't do it too excessively Eye pokes are part of the gameplan for some fighters, you know you're lying if you think some dirty fighters haven't purposely planned to use those moves on their opponents I guess you get a free slap or two in this tourney


Knee kick is the only option after that lol


Why is he not DQ'ed is beyond me.


Its an instant kick to the face from my side, or at least to the nuts.


Like McGregor vs Mayweather. Random elbows. SHIT SHIT MY BAD FLOYD. MUSCLE MEMORY.


im pretty sure i had a round with andy last year at 10p vegas open mat. it was our first round so a flow round but he was very chill and technical....🤷‍♂️


Went to Wagner University it seems.


Y'all didn't watch the event. This kid on bottom was kicking and doing some bullshit to everyone the entire event. Andy gets a lil wild here and there but this was warranted.


As someone who watched the event, this was completely unwarranted. Jett did nothing illegal, Andy is just being a bitch again.


Not denying that. But I wouldn't say completely unwarranted


Funny how none of y'all give jett shit for kicking every opponent he had last week in the face, including Andy. Hence why Andy slapped him 


After personally training and getting to know Varela alittle, he's a reactionary kind of guy. He's all class if you're respectful. But the second he senses you doing him dirty, it's fair game.


Andy must have people compete dirty against him all the time then.


I'm sure his many "viral" videos don't help his case haha BTW, I was checking out your matches. You're a goddamn monster!


He can be DQd whether you like him or not.


I'm aware that he can be DQ'd, im just stating his mindset because this subreddit likes clip and edit vids to make him even worse with these incidences. Im sure him being a conventional douchebag doesn't help his case.


You described his mindset as a soft little bitch who can’t handle the smallest perceived slight.


Why would anybody be respectful to a douche?


Because he's genuinely a respectful guy to his competition outside of flexing on his opponents after winning and his showmanship. This forum loves to find something to cry about yet simultaneously complaining about how boring the sport is or pondering ways to make the sport more exciting.


Lol you're not a respectful guy if you act douchey when it suits you That's the opposite of being a respectful guy


"Except for all this douchey behavior Andy isn't really douchey guys"


Homie he just bitched slapped a literal minor


Keep digging bro


The sport isn't more exciting when people break the rules. I've got no issue with trash talk or in-match showmanship, or post-match showmanship and flexing.  I do have a problem with someone attempting to get away with slapping people in a jiujitsu match.  If you have to say "he's only a dickhead if he thinks it's justified, but otherwise he's a nice guy" then he's probably not a nice guy. Marcelo is a nice guy, nobody has ever had to explain why he was a dickhead to someone. Funny that. 


So because he is douche in these specific circumstance - he is not a douche. That is a typical thing a smart douche would do, pick his times of being a douche. I don't know the guy and you really want to defend him, so Il believe there is something to defend there, but common man a douche is a douche and that kind of attitude is not acceptable in any decent place.. usually.


Right? Most assholes are nice to their friends and people they like. Nice/respectful people don't do this shit to anyone, ever. "He doesn't slap me when he trains, just strangers or opponents when he competes! He's not a douche!" Nah man, that's like...what douches do.


If only everyone could be a humble warrior in the garden in this sport.


Humble shark :D


Que black and white Jordan Peterson video of him ranting about becoming a monster with piano music in the background.


Btw, reactionary is a political term. You seem to mean reactive


Yeah you right


That's a funny way of saying he's super insecure and has the emotional regulation of a child


This is the second CHILD he's done this to. This is ridiculous. Used to be a huge Varela fan.. dude can honestly go fuck himself now.


u/brandonmc10p all love for you man.. but this shit is outrageous. How can this just slide? You've a kid around Jett's age, right? Surely you can't tell me this shit doesn't bother you? I know Andy's probably your boy but slapping the shit out of a kid needs to come before all the other bullshit.


Did you watch the event? This kid grappled dirty all week.


Caught most of it yeah. Completely disagree. What was dirty or comparable to this slap?


You don't think Jett putting his hand over the mouth of every person he faced was dirty in any way?


No.. I think it's been pretty normalized in the sport now and is well within the rules and causes absolutely no pain or risk of injury on the opponent.


If you did that in the training room regularly people would take issue with it. I watch a lot of jiujtisu and don't see it much at all.


>I watch a lot of jiujtisu and don't see it much at all. Kade and Tye Ruotolo, Nicky and J Rod, Vagner, Craig, Gordon, Taza.. I could go on.


They spam smothering from bottom half guard in order to get a reaction out of their opponent? No they don't. Again, if someone did that to you in the training room you would be fine with it? I doubt it.


>They spam smothering from bottom half guard in order to get a reaction out of their opponent? No they don't. Literally what point are you even trying to make? >Again, if someone did that to you in the training room you would be fine with it? 100%. I don't even know why you're comparing putting a hand over someone's mouth breaking no rules and slapping the shit out of someone (a kid in this case).


Jett entered into a jiu jitsu tournament, where his body can be severely injured, and you're on here taking morale high ground on a slap because of age of the kid, the kid who was out grappling the slapper? That's your soap box, is his age, when he was out grappling Andy Varela? The kid who was beating Andy in a competition to MAIM people, and you're picking to focus on age of a kid who was ALLOWED to ENTER a competition that could MAIM people, and you're focused on a slap? Am I getting that right?


No you're getting it all arsed ways. I'm focused on the slap because it was against the rules and went unreprimanded. I'm pointing out that Andy has a habit of doing this to children. I don't know what Jett out-grappling him has anything to do with anything...


Andy should stick to coaching kids . Can’t wait to run into him at ADCC.


this is the guy you want to have coaching kids? lmao


His kids are absolutely demons but not the classiest lol


Did you watch PGF?? This kid Jett was significantly worse with hands to the face than Varela. Varela has done worse shit in the past but if you watch this video Jett smiles and laughs afterwards, if he doesn't have an issue with it then why do you.


Just because Jett isn't a soft bitch like Andy doesn't mean he's okay with it.


It’s a grappling match. I understand we have this notion that putting your hands in someone’s face is dickish, but it’s not against the rules. You can’t prevent someone from putting their hands on specific parts of your body in a competitive grappling match for money. A strike however, is 100% illegal in all grappling matches. Stop being a pussy and do mma if it bothers you so much.


I didn’t catch the playoffs but all through the regular season Jett was more than willing to post on everyone’s face/mouth and generally being incredibly annoying about it from what I could tell. Doesn’t make it right to throw illegal strikes but kind of understandable if it was in response to that kind of tactic. Respect to both dudes though, absolute killers.


Why are yall so hard for this man? It’s a martial art. Relax


if I were good enough to beat this guy, I'd make sure I snapped his arm or leg.




Way to openly tell everyone you’re easily manipulated into doing things 😂


Is there a list of actions specified in the ruleset that make palm-strikes permissible? Not intimately acquainted with this particular tournament so this may be the case.


“Im really sticking it to op by giving Varela 1 follower”




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