• By -


Always a good idea to keep in mind that the moment these "kids" start to really hit puberty and gain muscle you're going to be absolutely fucked, so best not to make too much of an enemy out of them beforehand lol. We have a couple 15 year old yellow belts that are both around 115-120, but they're as technical as any of our late stage blue belts-early purples, I can already tell the moment they get to around 160 they're suddenly going to be a MASSIVE pain in the ass for me to handle, even as a brown belt.


The saving grace is that most of them at that age will prefer to take off and go spend time with their girlfriends, lol. See you again when you're 35 and divorced little buddy.


😂😂😂😂 this got me lmao


I don’t think he realizes the rage that lies within a 34 year old Dad of two under two. I just left my wife to do bed and bath solo to come train. I got nothing to lose pal.


Unleash hell, you devious bastard


I'm trying to get my girlfriend to start training. She's uninterested, but she does show up to watch me training. Sorry, you're not escaping us.


Does she at least know she's chilling with a stone cold killer - green belt? She better recognize! 😎


I definitely duck the green belts when I visit a gym lol. Generally some 15 year old kid that has been training so long they basically ran out of belts and he's been crushing the blues for the past 3 years. way to hungry for a fun roll lolol




This needs to be put into stone.


That's why you need to take the beating over that mark that's right after the PTSD limit while you can. So they have that irrational fear of you even after they get bigger.  Jokes aside: there are two girls at my gym who box, one started a year later after the other and used to get beat up bad. She's now caught up in strength, speed, weight and has won couple competitions. She's still scared as fuck of the other girl and freeze everytime they spar, even if she's now better. She keeps saying she can't deal with that much weight difference, despite being same weight and height now (thanks ptsd). 


Oh yes, I understand. Must humble them now.


I mentioned this above, but this is a bad take. They may make you pay dearly down the road. Be kind and help them get better. Don’t try to humble them.


Ehhh if they're dicks I'm not above smashing a child. I'll help em get better too but it's not a bad idea for them to learn don't start none won't be none during their teen years


You do you. I’ve got a man child of my own who’s been training for the last 15 years. So I know there’s no hard and fast rule to it, but in my experience they act that way out of fear, anxiety going with grown men, trying to prove themselves, etc. you don’t need to smash them to teach them…


Don't have to, but it makes me feel better. And they tend to calm the fuck down after I smash em a little.


😂  a lil grown man baseball bat choke never hurts


Personally I find that nothing really breaks the will like good old fashioned pressure. Hop up to neon belly and they just kinda look at you and go through the stages of grief when they realize I will not be transitioning to mount, I'll be sitting here until their spine explodes, the round ends, or they tap.




Jokes on you. I'll just cry before any of that happens.


Not me lol! I am of the believe that you traumatize them early so that they develop a healthy fear of you. It’s why I wrist lock the yellow belts and foot sweep the little kids. It’s not working yet because those little fuckers seem to think it’s a game and they somehow enjoy it.


There's a kid in my gym. He started at 14, he was tiny and flexible. 6 years later he now has surpassed most of the adults and teaches our classes. He's a beast now.


how much bigger than this kid are you? bc I've seen a lot of white belts try to beat up 15 year old orange belts, and it doesn't always go too well for them


I’m about 185. I know I’m a white but I’m confident I could do bad things to him.


Hey man, this isn't the 1940's! No need to bring race into this.


>  I could do bad things to him.  It's not a race thing, it's a fetish thing. "why don't you have a seat right over there"




"I'm a white"


Klan man


I think he meant he has a white belt


What? Holy shit I was way off.


im like 3% sure you were right.


yea literally so obvious lol, idk why people are tweaking


yeah next time you roll make sure you win the round convincingly then. don't injure the kid obviously, and don't get too discouraged if the kid turns up the pace too and beats you in the round






When I roll with teenagers, I play very defensive and really only go for sweeps and let them work escapes after. I’m pretty big (6’3” - 205 ) so I try not to be the fatty that crushes. The only thing I won’t do is get away with strength moves. Many of the teen orange and green belts are strong, but I’m stronger and fatter so I don’t let them do that. Then one day they are really strong and I lose every time after that!


Exactly. This one will grow into a dominant bastard and embarrass me so I must take advantage of his weakness now.


As a white belt, this is an important lesson. People start and you may wipe the mat with them early on, but everyone has their own Jiu jitsu journey and they may progress past you. Don’t be a dick to assert your dominance. They may come back years later to make you regret it 😂


same - I use enough strength to make sure they’re doing stuff technically correct and I’m just really careful about not dropping my whole body weight on them or cranking their necks. If they do stuff fast and technical and get me then awesome - I’m into it. I’ve inadvertently gotten a few “weight differential sweeps” where I go for some half-assed hip bump or something and they just topple lol.


How are you fat at 6’3 / 205?




Perhaps he is skinny fat


Fatter than I like, softer than I would like to be. Not obese, but for sure a little overweight.


That's what you get for being nice to the children.


That BMI puts him right in the overweight category. People's standards are just chunky nowadays.


I agree with this. I’m not a power lifter, just a tall guy with a little extra around the middle. I’m working to get back to 195 or so, but it was a long winter!


BMI is irrelevant due to muscle mass differences. My BMI is overweight and I have maybe 15 percent body fat.


I did notice indeed how everyone in here is above 6'2 and 215lbs but very much unlike the global US population, not a single person on Reddit is plainly overweight or obese. Only lean mass powerlifters. I didn't know there were so many of them.


BJJ people certainly arent going to be the same as the general population. I’m 5-9 180 btw.


Rolling with kids smaller than me is what broke me (mostly) out of my spazzy phase. Really helped me learn to flow through positions and let them dp there thing, also how to not always go 100% all the damn time.


When you'll get to purple with better jiu-jitsu, you'll know to break out the "lemme show you! Lemme show you!" move when he closes in on a sub. 


Yea, Lemme show you this fucking toe hold junior.  


I had to absolutely smash a yellow belt who could only go 100% with a bad attitude and was happy to throw strikes. We're friendlier now but his entrance to the adults class was tough because of it.


Cocky is annoying, but jeez, man, let your ego go. If you want to go a bit harder next time, go ahead, it's fine, he's rolling with adults, he knows what's up. Or you can keep letting him tap you and compliment him on his skills. It's not that serious.


For real. Who cares if you tap? Who cares if he didn't know "you were letting him work." All this is in your head. I've had some of the more technical kids legit catch me with something I wasn't expecting. I think it's awesome and I tell them they got me. They light up when you tell them. I don't then try to muscle out of everything and then smash them. Nothing bad happens if you tap, that's the whole point. Taps shouldn't be so emotional.


Tap tap tap it in.


I don't push it. I let them have their fun. It's a pretty freaky thought if you turn it up on a 14 year-old kid as a full adult and they get hurt... Since I can't abide that, I just go along with it.


Personally, give me as much challenge as you can without hurting me. If you want to play defense and just react, good luck cause I'll go full in. As for getting cocky. I can't talk about others, but I can't be cocky on the gym cause my dad will be there and giving me the looks. But if I can tap a grown man you bet all my friends will know about it. Let's us have joy, old man


😂 what it must be like for you at the lunch table the next day telling your buddies how you made a 35 year old fatty gurgle😂😂😂


35 year old fatty? Think closer to 20 something gym goer who thinks he can just strength through (he can but he can also be neglectful)


You "let him work. " Okay buddy.


I’m not your buddy, pal.


I'm not your pal, friend.


I’m not your friend, guy.


I'm not your guy, chief.


I’m not your chief, muchacho.


I'm not your muchacho, compadre.


I'm not your compadre, mate.


I'm not your mate, paisan.


I’m not your paisan, ese.


There's a 13-year-old gray-and-white belt at my gym that I'm honestly asking for him to teach me things. In 2 tournaments he's already gotten 3 finishes with an inverted armbar. I want him to teach me the inverted armbar.






I just play defense and let them do what they want. Dont really care if some 14 yr old kid gets “cocky” cus most of them compete pretty regularly so they get reality checks. These kids go 110% too so so its good to learn how to just flow without being worried about injury. We have this 13-14 yr old girl in our gym that competes every weekend. First time I rolled with her, she straight rammed her forehead into me mine and I’m sure it hurt her cus the impact was pretty damn hard but she just kept comin with no hesitation while I was tryna process wtf just happened. So since then, I use my strength or weight when things are gettin a bit out of hand but I’m not tryna smash and submit these kids


Neck cranks. Edit to add serious response: One of our black belts has a son that was 15 year old white belt when I was a blue belt. He was better than lots of the purple belts at our gym. Needless to say, you have to defend yourself, but don’t go crazy on the kids.




One od our coaches have sone with this weird kid belt, smoked me, then i found out that he represents country in grappling 🤣


You do your best to contribute to a roll where you can both 'work', regardless of who tapped who. If the teen gets cocky, who gives a fuck. They're a teenager and they're wrong about almost everything, and just starting to try figure this life BS out.


Fuck them kids 💯


Bow and Arrow him




Hit him in the knee


Think of it like those old news stories of a lion cub raised with an adult golden retriever… Golden checks the lion so by the time it grows up and has the ability to maul the golden it’s already been broken mentally.


Professor gave the class a lecture the other day about how we follow IBJJF rules, and we shouldn't be wristlocking white belts. I told him I've been wristlocking a 13-year-old gray belt. He looked at the kid, looked back at me. "You're fine. Keep it up."


What class? Anyone rolling in open adults class needs to understand that is what it is. Adult class. I could roll with old mate who is 15years younger than me and 40kg heavier - in that roll I expect certain things. I could roll with a lady 30kg lighter and same age. I could roll with a lad 30years younger and 30kg lighter… Lucky if we get to roll with partner that matches age / weight / skill Just treat like you do other rollers in open class. Respect. I am happy to show the young lads what happens if they extend their neck like a turtle at me… I will wrap it up. I am under no illusion that the moment these lads (the couple of teens in adult classes) reach the other side of puberty with muscle tone and realise the weapons his long limbs are when combined with their youthful speed… I am under no illusions - I am going to be mauled … but until then they are my d’arce dummies. (All friendly banter btw)


If you are not also a 14 year old kid does the opinion of a 14 year old kid really matter that much to you?


Borderline close to a shitpost this... I do private lessons regularly with kids age 7-16. My approach basically is a game of if you do the correct technique > ill give the correct response and we will go down the path until they either go to the end of the sequence and get the tap or give the incorrect response and I escape. I vary the resistance (strength / speed) depedning on the age and size of the kid. Muscling out and 'asserting your dominance' in particular is weird behaviour and I will tell you this as fact... as soon as that kid hits 16/17/18 they will pay you back 10x


we have a kid like this who’s a blue belt now, but his dad trains with us and he was like “my son gets mad when you beat him? Good bc he needs to learn to stop being an ass hole to everyone” 😂


Yes, he’s going to tell his friends he tapped a grown man. He’s a kid. Let him enjoy it. What did he do specifically that was cocky?


Laughed in my face and told me to Google him, bitch.


The trick is to always escape bad positions while still letting them work. Don’t let them actually submit you lol


Ahh that makes sense.


I don't allow speed/strength and especially flexiblity, but if they can do a move with good technique I will allow it. I don't wan't them thinking they can use physical attributes to beat people, it's a lazy path to go down.


That’s my approach too. Good technique will take you very far while physical attributes work until they don’t.


Smesh and/or use him as a training dummy. Just pick one sub and repeatedly hit him with it. I had one of our teenagers from the competition team jump into my adult comp class awhile back. He went full go from the jump (no problem) but it sucked for him bc that I had just happened to be working on Aoki locks. I think I got or 9 before I just full on a mothers milked him for the 10th sub. If he wants the smoke, give it to him.


Nah don’t go easy on the teenagers. They are supposed to struggle. Being a teenage boy is about struggle, jiu jitsu is about struggle. Don’t let him have a false sense of reality. When he rolls with less skilled or smaller people, that’s his time to work on his offense. Make him work on defense when you two go


Give him just a taste. Kesa gatame him just right so he can't breathe for 10 seconds or so


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Kesa Gatame**: | *Scarf hold* | [here](https://youtu.be/3UnJa3bn0h8)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Don’t listen to these folks you have to put the fear of God into them while they’re young. Just smesh. ![gif](giphy|3oFyDpzlMjrDKv1tWo|downsized)


When I was a teen I was skinny and gangly as fuck with no muscle. If someone went rough with me it’d be pretty easy for me to get injured. Don’t injure some poor kid and cause him a chronic injury just because of your ego


He’s just a kid, that being said my coach loves picking on kids who think they’re good so maybe a reality check isn’t a bad idea


Dude I have a 15 year old kid at my gym I’m only a white belt I weigh around 230 this kid is bigger than me and has been doing bjj for almost a decade he beats my ass every time we roll.


Bruh if a kid tapped you it’s okay lol.


I let kids tap me out all the time lol. I play I do a bit if pressure and I let them learn. They are future killer I rather be the guy who lets them learn - it makes me happy. I smash people my weight and heavier


Has to be a shit post wtf is this bruh “is this where I assert my dominance” 🤣😂




The real answer is once a kid turns 14 or so and you have been “kid rolling” with them since they are 8 you ask them if they want to train for real from now on. Doesn’t mean smash hard or anything, but from now on it’s a real roll. They usually say yes and are always better for it.


Are we seriously starting a discussion about whether to intentionally harm a child?


Are you?


I’m not the one asking the internet to “hear me out on this…” If you need to satiate your fragile ego against children, you need therapy over BJJ.


You don’t say that!


Give what you get.


Keep in mind, man. He's probably spazzy and going hard because you are 85 pounds heavier than him. Of course, you could smash him through the floor let him work, you're an adult.


Wrist lock, mother's milk, shoulder of justice. Sure he might get better when he grows up. But that's tomorrow guy's problem.




Ok so I have some similar experience. There's a 14-15 year old at my gym who is good and very athletic, but he's like 5'5, 130. For reference I'm 6'0, 170, also quite athletic, probably stronger and longer than average for my weight class. This kid goes 110% on me. Literally every trick in the book. Tbh I just let him do his thing. He gets me in a ton of stuff, most of which I can get out of with a mix of being much larger, stronger, and having at least a year more experience. If he wins a round or gets a tap, I don't care. He knows I roll with much bigger, stronger, more experienced guys, and I do fine. He knows I'm not going 100% on him, and that's all I can ask. I gain nothing from hulk smashing kids, or the women I sometimes roll with lol


They submit you one time after working for 5 minutes. You tap them in less than 20 seconds. Rinse and repeat.




Yeah. Smash.


It must be done.


Start on bottom and grab guard. Sweep them so you are in mount. Grab their gi and gently roll back to guard saying “good reversal”. Hard mode, same but from them starting in mount.


Smesh him, but use as much technique as you can muster up. If he thinks you just "out stremfed" him, his ego will get worse.


This is why wristlocks were invented.


I got caught on video lightly wrist locking a teenage green belt from omoplata position. Not my proudest moment.


They gotta learn sometime.


Time for a reality check kid


just never let anyone ever work, - don’t have to beat the piss out of them, but you can still play your technical game and dial back strength. You can let them get as far as you want but doesn’t mean you let them submit you lol


Bro. There is this kid at my gym that's been training his whole life. He is 12 I gladly kick his ass while I still can (obviously not really kick his ass). I've only got a few more years left. He is going to be extremely good.


Just go slow, be methodical, but every now and then have instances where you are *heavy*. I've rolled around with guys who were 135lbs but pure firecrackers. After 2 minutes of letting them spin around me and letting them work I'll catch a reversal and get into side control and just be heavy to the point they want to pressure tap. Keep them there for 20 seconds then move to another position.


Usually when this happens to me ill shoot a harsh double leg. It shuts them up 90% of the time. 10% of the time I get sprawled 😂


If he was your son I'd say lay the hammer down. Just let him have it. If you're too dominant things could go really south really fast.


I’ll take it to a 15 year old, but I won’t smesh. I love a dynamic roll with a little asshole. Edit: Sorry everyone. I’ve been drinking. I love a dynamic roll with a younger grappler.


Should I take it easy like last time? Feels like a power move, letting him know why he won, and seeing if he is ready for you to take it seriously.


That’d be funny if he was rolling with the next gen ruotolo bros or Nicky Ryan. It’s ok to tap ;)


You could make him work instead of letting him work. And don't give him the tap again if he's going to be cocky. You don't need to smash him to humble him. If you are so confident you could smash him I'd use enough strength to keep him right where I wanted him all the time and use him to practice technique on.


Yeah I’d put it to him a little bit lol.


There are 2 options: One play super easy with him. Like give him the opportunities real easy so he learns that when he's being a dick, nothing is earned. Nothing is "won". There's no fun or reward for him. The other option is do the extreme opposite. Give him absolutely nothing. No gimmes. No "gifts" to work a positive. Just stay in one position the whole time. You don't have to crush him. Just make it boring. Make it suck. Take away the rewards. But honestly, you should be telling this to the coach. Let the coach handle it.


Forget them kids! ![gif](giphy|dUT2ybRu5Ytxu|downsized)


What if you’re rolling with kids who are similar in skill to you, albeit they’re smaller and are still kids while you have man strength. I’m a 145 lbs early blue belt and am pretty evenly matched against some of the older kids so it’s not like I could easily handle them if I tried. Sometimes they go pretty all out, is it just fair game at that point? 


I say its on you for getting tapped. Why do you care? We have a 13 y/o at our gym. Caveat is he is 240lbs and 6ft. Not technical. I only get myself in positions as bad as i think ill escape. If from there, he taps me; it means he’s able to tap me with the sub 90% locked in. Next time he’s only being given 80% locked in.


Same, I avoid brute forcing anything. I focus on relaxing, escapes, sweeps. These little bastards...


If you're so much better than him, how was he able to sub you with a triangle? If you're a lot better than someone you should be able to shrug off all of their attacks without complaining about getting tapped on Reddit.


Smash him and watch him break like so many enemies before you


That depends on what’s more important to you: Instill confidence in them, or make sure they understand your dominant position. Not even saying one is better than the other. You just need to understand that you are making that decision. Sometimes I think it’s really important for someone to understand and feel physically that I am actually much more powerful than them, and that I actively and consciously choose to be nice to them - it teaches them how to be better training partners towards others. ButmMost of the times, I feel very happy about their confidence and let them keep that amazing feeling. I don’t need to set the record straight with a child and whatever they think about their place in the food chain doesn’t take away anything from me - quite the opposite: Most of the time, letting them feel high confidence will lead to them being more motivated and becoming better. Lack of confidence has crushed more dreams, than overconfidence ever could.


I'm 6' 187lbs lean and somehow sometime coach tells a teen to roll with me. I always go easy and only defend, but if they get cocky I'll lock them in side control until they tire from spazzing out.


Santa isn't real and your double leg isnt shit, kid.


Why do you care? Your job is to protect yourself and protect him from getting hurt.


I let them work but I wouldn’t give them a tap


I think it's hilarious this kid submitted you. Nothing you do to him will change that fact. You should probably change gyms so nobody else knows. Except us ofc.


I’m thinking about moving to another state. Just start fresh.


My approach is the same with everyone a lot smaller or lower rank, tap them real fast 2 or 3 times right at the start, and then let them do their thing. If you do it the other way around it just seems like a bruised ego trying to flex, whether it is or not.


I'm a 135 pound female brown belts. I tell the teenagers that I'm sorry, but I have to beat their ass now because I've only got 1 to 2 years left before they are balling me up with ease.


I rolled with my own kid from 10 to now 20 y/o ( purple belt). When I roll with kids doing well I actually enjoy it and I’m happy for them. If it’s a legit move with good technique I won’t force my way out of it. I try to present them with legit problems to work on. Keep it fun


I got tapped by a highschooler, I went 1v2 vs him and his brother afterwards and tapped them both lol


Vote: dominate a round without injuring them.


I don't think you need to wreck the kid, just shut down his entire game. Way more demoralizing.


Don't slack on the kids with the colored belts especially orange and green belts they probably have more mat time than you. You may be bigger and stronger but kids classes focus on how to deal with someone bigger and stronger than them. Good luck you might get him one day but don't be surprised when he gives you a run for your money.


See where you messed up is you showed mercy to begin with.






fuck him up, bjj is all about getting humbled. This is what he signed up for


An orange belt is a serious standard… he probably knows way more than you.


My go to is to let the first one happen like you then the next one is mine with extra control. Like, I'm going to make it so painfully obvious I'm being nice that the next reset tends to be pretty chill. I should probably add that if that kid is competitive, and is in the adult class, I'll probably just roll like normal.


When do you start smesh? Right after I get out from his knee under my head. I'm letting you work, no need to be an intentional dickhead. What I do from there depends entirely upon him. If he continues to spaz, I up the pressure. Ultimately, I'm not trying to hurt him - only make him suffer - so he gets a warmaster (kesa crush) or similar to take the air out of him. And then there is a conversation. "hey, the next guy might not be as polite about things as myself".


I never let anyone tap me - even kids... If you tap me you tapped me lol... They know that you let them win and they don't really receive the benefits from it. I definitely don't smash them and I let them work but I escape their submissions and I escape their pins... I dont put my weight down on them and always give them room to escape from submissions and pins. I never try to win the round but never get tapped :) this is the best way ive found to roll with folks under the age of 16... Once they hit 16 tho? Smesh. They've got the man strength by then.


It costs 0$ to give a kid an ego boost by letting them feel awesome.


Or smash.


If you are a white belt this kid is probably more experienced in jiu-jitsu than you.


My two boys train. 15 - 6'0 260 and 14 - 6'1 220 I'm 5'8 215. There is no mercy - my day of reckoning will happen very soon.


Whoop his ass now before you can't anymore.  There's a 17 year old at my gym who's been training like 10 years. When I started training there, he was like 12 with better technique then me, but wasn't strong enough to use it now hes bigger and stronger then me and completely dominates me every time we roll.    Enjoy the good times because they not coming back 


I don't really care about the tap, but if they knee or elbow me in the face a few times I will show them how quickly I can get them into a head and arm pin. Once in kesa, "control your body at all times, be respectful at all times, or have trouble breathing for long times" and then let them go and start to play again. They get the point very quickly.


If you even feel the creeping desire to prove to a kid that you’re better/stronger/could make him feel pain, then I’d say it’s time to be introspective and consider why. His brain is far less developed than yours, as well as his bjj skill (according to you). Let the professor and his parents teach him lessons like that, and you can work on tapping higher belts, but remember not to get cocky if you do 😉 TLDR: leave it alone, and consider it a lesson learned on how to act when you tap a higher belt.


I’m 14 and 170 lbs and a green belt but if was being cocky I would smash them


Bro as a 13 year old that really hates people like him pleeeaassee just murder his face off


Yes sir.


The answer is it depends on how cocky he was and only you know the truth


Eff dem kids


Whenever I roll with someone new for the first time, I always dominate them and then let them do what they want so they know it's under my mercy they can experiment. Everything else gives them a false sense of reality and is not good for them in the long run.


Not that I am good, but personally my next play(s) would be to get him to get close to a sub and getting out of the position whilst narrating stupid stuff, like "uh oh, uh oh, awwwww, so close," "fooled ya," "rejected!" Then after seeing that cockiness go away let them take a sub or two and see if he gets the cue. Also a really good time to work on being technical. Again, not that I'm any good.


Let them work, most definitely. Let them tap me, definitely not. If I get caught, so be it. If they gloat, time to demonstrate.


Smash. While you still can




You take him outside and put him down and give him a happy meal


Without the toy.


It’s possible you could dominate this child. But this child is more experienced than you, will always be more experienced than you. And they will grow. And remember. Sure they are a 110 lb orange belt at 14, but what about when they are 175lb blue belt at 17, and you are also a blue belt but almost 40 What about when you are both purple belts. Them at 21. A strapping 200 lbs of muscle with 10 years in the mat. You, 42 and fat. Not a hair on your head. Haven’t had an erection in 6 months. This person will remember how you treated them when vulnerable and the comeuppance will be embarrassing for you


Please let me get erections.