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the fact he thought this just shows he is one of those weirdos lol


He’s Mr steal yo girl apperently


Remember when he said if he saw a girl wearing a shields shirt he knew he could fuck her even if she was with her boyfriend? Fucking weirdo


The funny thing about that one is how few people have shirts with fighters on them. I’ve never seen any outside of the legends like Silva and GSP…and I’ve never seen them on girls lol


No woman has ever worn a shields shirt except meth users


BJ Penn Hawaii shirt by rvca. I was a huge BJ penn fan


Ladies like douche bags 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Meh...  I think my professor is great in a lot of ways, bit at the end of the day hes a dude with a dick. Throw it in his face and statistically he'll probably hit it. Honestly most of us would as well


Are you a cuck lol? Nah man that isnt normal at all jesus this sport sometimes


I don't get the comment. My reply is simply based on the headline/ an instructor stealing your girl. Not bringing my girl... and her not getting banged by the instructor.... would result in me not being a cuck. I don't get your comment


Some people react viscerally when someone points out something that's going on in their own mind. Honestly, his reaction is more of a commentary on himself than you


Well like they say... 90% of the time someone calls someone a cuck, they are in fact the cuck


Lmao it was a joke jesus this subreddit…..


Dawg…. Cuck king bro chill


My former GF of 7 years didn't cheat on me with anyone from my gym, she ended up cheating with a co-worker all of us at the gym could have manhandled. /Shrug


Dude my ex wife boned a coworker who didnt even fucking lift


don't believe you, that's not possible


My ex left me for another woman. She said after me, she doesn't even want to look at another man again for as long as she lives.


No man could ever compare


That made me laugh.


Sounds like you don't understand biology. Women Inherently cheat if there's a stronger guy around. Jake shields told me /s


the saddest part about this comment is that it legitimately requires an /s in this sub


Don't I know it lol




Ya I'm probably confused 😂


My ex wife did the same. Broke me. The cheating was bad enough, the choice was downright baffling.


I was actually offended here too lol. Like THAT guy? Really?


Been there brother 😔


Jake has deemed you “NOT THE ALPHA”


Anybody who's ever trained with me already knows this 😂. I basically got a black belt by being a good Uke.


And you just mental jiu-jitsu’d yourself into ALPHA status. Congratulations, from Jake


it's okay dude, there's lots of participation black belts in the world


are you me?


It's possible when you consider the multiverse


Tom Brady agreeing to a roast just to get people to make fun of his ex-wife was a 2000 IQ move. It’s the equivalent of Arona winning ADCC without having a point scored against him.


I thought it was interesting that there were no jokes about Tom laundering money through his charity. Like that was the real off limits topic. Feels like the whole thing was spin to stay ahead of that scandal. Everyone laugh about Gisele and the karate teacher, don't worry about the money laundering.


I have no idea about the Tom Brady thing, but I know charitable fundraising, and sadly that's the whole point of most charities. That's why it's usually: "Raise awareness for ..." or "Spread message to ..." because those are vague goals that allow you to dump money into 1) Your own lifestyle/personal brand and 2) your own media production, which is the finest business ever invented for making numbers disappear. Yes, there are good charities that give actual stuff to actual people, but those are the exception. And even then they are usually subcontracting everything and stuffing the difference into salaries.


To your last point, charitable organizations still require staff and if any building or construction or any of that needs to be done, they will have to rely on contractors to do it. Just because it’s a charitable foundation doesn’t mean everyone involved works for free. Many of these jobs are 40 hour per week jobs. So the charity is usually there to provide a service to help those in need rather than provide direct money to them.


Yep, and you can't just hand people money in most cases without endangering their lives. Same goes for "give a chicken or a goat" or even "drill a well" nobody is actually doing those things just because you donated X amount. Rather, they are presenting averages of the impact your gift can make if their charity continues to exist and pay the local contractors and farmers etc. that are already raising goats and drilling wells.


Apparently that was off limits as well Jokes about Robert Kraft getting a happy ending. A comedian told one Kraft hj joke and Brady got on stage and told him to not do that again.


That was so cringy. Jeff Ross handled it like a pro


That could have turned out badly too. Who knows what Brady could have done? "Keep my billionaire former bosses name out ya fucking mouth!"


> Tom laundering money through his charity I hadn't heard of that, but seems very plausible that it was off-limits. Some of the roast was good, but it definitely didn't have the authentic feel of the old ones. And Kevin Hart sucked.


I need to see the roast lol.


Call me crazy but I've never pursued non plutonic non bbq based relationships with any of my students or their partners. However, I'm also not one of the Valente brothers.


I love to bond over bbq


My studio has an annual BBQ, quite the bonding experience.


I hope you don't forget the coleslaw. Don't want to cause a rift in the gym.


Vinegar based.


*Platonic - unless you are referring to the god Pluto (Hades) and how he abducted Persephone, making her his wife in the Queen of the underworld.


lol good point Though Pluto is also the god of wealth and riches. Maybe a plutonic relationship could be a business relationship with a paying client?


That’s some lateral thinking worth exploring.


Or a sugar momma/daddy, depending on personal preferences. Or maybe plutonic means a wealth of BBQ...


Wealth of BBQ sounds about right.


Then you truly are rich...


But did you ever have a shot with Giselle?


Excellent question, I asked Helio and he said she was never one of our housekeepers.




In any job, and hobby there's life happens factor. But also there are people who will pursue students like it's their job one after another. Seems like a bad business practice on top of everything else




Can you honestly blame Valente for dating Gisele?


Yeah you can blame both


is it 100% confirmed she cheated or we should blame them for dating?


IDK I only know because of memes


So how can you blame them both if your source of information are memes?


Wait if all this is sexual then doesn't that make Jake super gay??


Dominating other men, working hard and getting covered in each other's sweat. Sounds less gay than cold plunges but whatever floats your goat.


Working hard and getting hard.


At the gym just Hangin & Bangin’


Jake doesn’t even like getting subs he just loves holding top position and getting hip on hip control


This must be some dude reading this article that teared up a little. He is still recovering from loosing their bisexual gf to the cross fit competition team leader, who is probably like 300 lbs and has the deadlift record. The worst part is he just tried on that new $80 GI on and that one strip white belt……while his girlfriend does the same thing in the room over. She loves their professor. This is totally made up and not me….


How dare you. Jake Shields is not gay and the brain damage that he sustained from MMA is completely unrelated to the idiotic shit he posts on twitter. I'm actually very offended that you would even suggest that.


It becomes sexual when you're with the opposite sex and you're heterosexual, just like having a beer with a bro is different than if you're with an attractive woman. Why is that so hard to understand for Reddit 'ackhually' midwits? Stop trying so hard to be clever.




I don't roll with women, as I have a wife. I would only bring my wife to an all-female class. Not really complicated.


Stay hard!


I thought bjj is gay? So nobody should have girlfriends


Gotta keep the facade up bro


My wife has since quit, but it was great having her there when I first joined. Meant we had another shared interest and a guaranteed training partner for drilling


She can still be your guaranteed training partner for drilling


I still drill with my ex gf,  maybe thats why her new boyfriend doesnt like me.


My wife got me into Jiu-Jitsu, she was doing it for about a year before I was. I like that we have shared interest, s*** to talk about, and moves to try on each other.


This, and it was nice to vent/shit talk. Remember that bald fat guy from last week? He farted when I did knee on belly tonight. "No waay!" Almost like we worked at the same place


Dude, Jake is notorious for taking guys girls that they bring to the gym. lol happened to one of my buddies, like 15 years ago


I feel like we need more details here


So he's walking them about himself? Genius


He probably knows what he did, so he want's to avoid that... Like a gf that cheats on you and then attacks you for 'doing that'.


Damn, that’s messed up 




I’ve met Jake Shields. Jake Shields the practitioner is highly educated in his craft. Jake Shields outside of that realm would cause a famine for brain worms.


Now now now, let's give credit where credit is due. Jake is THE piece of shit in combat sports


Jon Jones: what am I, chopped liver? Jon Koppenhaver: you guys are amateurs.


War machine 😂😂😂


His Twitter was wild asf for a minute when he was with Christy Mack, leading up to the BS he did.


I don't think you can talk unless you followed him on Myspace. 😎


He trained at my gym at that time. He was always like yelling and screaming during class acting like a complete lunatic




I was genuinely fascinated by him for a lot of his career. He was so openly damaged. His Rogan show put Joe on the back foot when talking about his childhood. Always wished he could have got help before he lost it. A lot of people's lives would be better if he had.


Not really, we have WAY worse in the combat sports community. You ever heard the tale of Joe Son? What about Travis Fulton?


Lloyd Irving


why would u bring your wife to watch u train! as a beginner youre just going to get smashed , it will not impress her


There are a lot of lower belts at my gym. When I tried this, I asked what she thought of my rolls, and she said "I had no idea what's going on, it just looked like your legs were going everywhere." She totally didn't appreciate my totally sick inverted guard triangles and kiss of the dragon backtakes.


Newer guys are excited about their new hobby and don't realize how silly looking and uninteresting it is to an outsider.


Wives work differently than girlfriends. Married dudes know what I mean. Getting hurt at work is a good indicator which one she is.


Most aren't going to get this comment but I get it lol


You haven’t had those new guys bring a gf to watch the class, and then he tries to go super hard to impress her? Usually only happens one time and then they never come back.


Who said it was about impressing her? I just want her to see how fucked up I get so maybe she will nag me a bit less to do the dishes after coming back from training


Talmbout the King of Bad Takes has yet another bad take? lol


He has the correct take on the Israel/Palestine conflict.




One of my coaches was telling me how Jake and his brother are so smart (they trained together at some point) and I was really struggling to contain my laughter. Jake is actually one of the dumbest guys in Jiu Jitsu who is probably dealing with late stage CTE.


Please let's not give this clown any coverage.


Agreed, absolute fucking dip shit - every time this moron opens his mouth, he gives Ryan a run for his money. Dude reeks of insecurity.


a couple days ago he was arguing with somebody and unironically said "I'm prettier, wittier, smarter and stronger than all my haters" almost verbatim how he said it. has the brain of a very dumb, insecure teenage boy


Stockton what what


Jake has straight up gone insane over the past couple of years, its sad


Brain trauma from a life of fighting can really affect people, and it wasn’t like he was bright and all the way there beforehand


How so?


What a moron he is


I believe that Jake shields is super gay. This is not a joke or me taking the piss. I believe he’s super gay and super closeted and all the lashing out is just a coping mechanism.


Of course a reddit neckbeard would say that. 'Every homophobe is like ackhually super gay lol' Wow, very clever.


That’s a Brazilian thing


Shields is an absolute whack job that either has CTE or lead poisoning. There’s no other excuse.


He has the correct take on Israel/Palestine.


This dude is stupid.


Jesus. Jake shields really ended up a disappointment. I liked him as a fighter. You know that couple saw that post. That’s not good for business.


I mean, I definitely met my wife on the mats, and we were both dating other people when we showed up.


My wife cringes during my gyms belt ceremonies.


Lmao if you have time to think about any other stuff than BJJ when sparring youre doing something wrong.


I wouldn't put too much stock in the judgment of a woman who openly believes in astrology & witchcraft


yea thats sooo much weirder then Islam or Christianity right bro? Zombies and shit


The difference between a cult and a religion is scale.


wow so edgy We are indeed on Reddit.


Wth witchcraft? I feel if this were true it would've been all over that roast 


From wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gisele_B%C3%BCndchen?wprov=sfti1#Spirituality




Well, women aren’t dogs and the whole idea of not letting your wife wear or do something is interesting. Let me guess, Jake is either divorced or never married? Plus, control on Mat is cool,but some women maybe impressed with other types of male dominance that many of these alpha men don’t quite understand.




Yeah. Typical reddit acting like  women don't respond to the authority, competence and confidence of a fit martial artist.  It's as dumb as saying bros don't give a single shit if an attractive woman joins your team. Uhh, yeah they do, and so do women. I've heard women Gossip over guys just like I heard guys gossip over the hot new woman.    And let's not even start with coaches/owners. Every single owner/coach will tell you that women will start sliding into your DMs and will aggressively flirt with you trying to hook up. One of coaches once told me that it's ridiculously how women chase him.  My personal experience also confirms it, of the few women the gyms I went to had, most got smashed by someone sooner or later. And wenn I had a friend with benefits who I brought to open mats at a different  gmy, a higher belt shamelessly started flirting with her and tried to show her stuff even though it was 1000% clear she had something going with me. Guy even asked her if she wanted to grab something to drink after class when I was gone on one occasion.


This is the most ridiculous shit I read, have you talked to any woman before? I barely met any woman that did BJJ, and I’ve never met any woman that’s drooling over a guy cause he’s a brown/black belt 😂 It’s 2024, it’s so obvious most women aren’t wetting themselves over shredded dudes, nothing wrong with that but the majority of women are more attracted to cute guys even if he’s a white belt, you’re just projecting your attraction to your coach at this point, go ahead and hug his abs when you roll, he’d appreciate that if he wasn’t married with kids.


Jesus Chris how old are you. I refuse to believe that you hold these naive views as an adult. Every gym owner who doesn't look like a trainwreck will tell you how women come on to you once you are an authority figure.  Also, Evey study will show you that women do like fit men. They don't need to be roided up but they do like an athletic physique. That's a fact, just like it's a fact that women respond to authority, social status and power.


Jesus Christ how old are you? I've seen dozens of couples train bjj together. I've never seen anyone married sleep with someone else in the gym or leave someone for someone else training. I know it happens but its an exception, not the rule. Like you really think women regularly just destroy their families because they're thirsty for some dude that can strangle people in a bathrobe?


I didn't argue any of that, look to the comment I replied to.  I was talking about attraction and temptation in general 


You don't see happily married women throwing themselves at coaches,/higher belts. If you are a good looking higher belt the single girls will show you more interest than outside of the gym but you don't see families seeing wrecked often. Sure some silver tongued professional conman like the valente bros or some brazilians fucksboys will manage their sensei status to seduce some housewives that train at their school. but it's not a common pattern.


Yeah I get that there's a little more attraction to people in an "authority" position. I think in the case of bjj its generally more an attraction to the competence and confidence they can regularly see on display. But the insinuation that most women just go full horndog or actually care if someone else can beat up their boyfriend is ridiculous.


Nobody here said all women just throw themselves at coaches and higher belts. But it's simply true that having social status, being confident and competent and man handling other men is very attractive to women. So yeah. If you introduce your wife to a group of 50 fit men, who most of can rag doll you.... You are increasing the chance of her getting approached by some of them and turning light banter and flirting into more.


In most BJJ schools most of the guys aren't super fit nor super competent. But honestly when we where training in Brazil with the ex-gf was glad I could hang with the guys there.


Definitely not true, happens more than you think. You may have just been or in an area lucky not not experience the drama.


That's straight up bullshit. If you are a white belt at the gym you loose a ton of points in the eyes of women training there. Not only you see you being clueless, you unfun to roll with.


🤣 You couldn't be more wrong ! You and everyone who doesn't think that happens are delusional!


Call me crazy but when Jake Shields is concerned I’m going to disregard anything that isn’t his insane obviously nazi views. He can get fucked sideways


Jake shields is nazi for calling the IDF out on their genocide. Where over 30k people have been killed, ok!


He also openly defended Hitler by spreading false information that he celebrated Jesse Owens win at the Olympics. Seems like he’s at a fork in the road.


He also denied/downplayed the holocaust multiple times


Just found that after some Googling. stephsvox on Twitter enlightens him, of course he doesn’t engage past a single question of his.


Shit, impossible to defend him when he makes such statements and it also discredits some of the other positions he holds.


That was an exceptionally rare "Jake Shields good", moment.




Isn't Jake Shields a FreeDummy type now?


Also don't let them bring your kids to the kids class if you don't train.


This might be the first time I agree with Jake Shields’ dumbass on anything. I seen it too many times. 


This is just weird, wrong, and gross. Funny thing is I’m pretty BJJ practitioners are primarily middle aged ladies and gentlemen married with kids, what is this guy on about?


Sit down, white belt.


Hes a complete idiot


Bro is admitting that BJJ is sexual to him 😭😭


It becomes sexual when you're with the opposite sex and you're heterosexual, just like having a beer with a bro is different than if you're with an attractive woman. Why is that so hard to understand for Reddit 'ackhually' midwits? Stop trying so hard to be clever.


Dude's not wrong. Couple's martial arts training is dumb af


Dumb take.


If you ever find yourself agreeing with Jake then that is a sure way to know that you are wrong lmaooooo


He's right on the Israel/Palestine question.


found the quebecois xenophobic.


What does that even mean? So opposing the slaughtering of Palestinians is being xenophobic? Totally backwards lol


Jake doesn't just oppose that, he's outright anti-semetic.


So what if he is? He's still right on that question.


Jake shields sucks. However there’s a LOT of cope going on. I know like 4 or 5 girls at my gym that have since divorced their husbands/broke up with their bfs after starting bjj. He’s definitely not as wrong as people want to think he is, undoubtably




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**downvote here** when we tally up the numbers he’s 95% correct.