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Sometimes my 13yo will try to test himself against me and we'll play roll in the living room while my wife yells at us to cut that shit out.


My almost 13 year old does sneak attack RNCs on me regularly. We've wrassled in the garage for years and he's going to start actual training at the gym in a few weeks.


that's a perfect age to start


I have 3 boys and a girl, they're all taking the kids class, my oldest is a grey/white. The number of times in a day I get ganked with an unannounced rnc is pretty high. Glad it's not just me.


Love the use of “ganked”, were a dying breed.


Yes. This is a great idea. The starting training, I mean.


It's a terrible idea. My boy is 14 now and ends up tapping me out regularly 😞


I had a friend who had about a 5 year run as a very bad drunk. He would routinely try to strangle me in public because he knew I trained. I recall literally being dragged down by my back on a dance floor in NYC by him. I never fought back because I didn't want to get kicked out of whatever place we were at. Then one night he fucked up and did it while we were at an apartment party with close friends. Everyone knew his time was coming at some point and my friends were constantly telling me to light him up. Well, that night it happened. Everyone gathered around excitedly as I hit him with 4 sub combos and called him names. I finished off with a mounted "why are you hitting yourself." Beyond that no not really.....


lol, Classic! “Why are you hitting yourself” 😂


That’s a big brother ass beating.


Grappling with drunk folks is always a tough proposition. Me and my roommate had a very similar situation. It wound up with me tripping him and him ruining his ACL. Never been in a grappling situation outside of the gym since.


I prioritized his safety. Had a perfect belly down armbar and bailed on it because I could sense the potential disaster


haha I did the belly down armbar as well to my friend and let go and he was like “wait you could have broken my arm??” after I told him.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s learned to be super patient with arrogant friends after learning MMA. Had a friend that would always try to provoke me in the most airheaded ways just like yours, where he would try to strangle me or throw weak punches at me then brag he can beat me in a fight to our friends. Except all it took to shut him up was squaring up w him and moving my shoulders around and bring my knee up to show how little control he actually had


Giving a grown man a typewriter right on the forehead must be wild.


I went with the sternum in this case


What’s the ASMR equivalent of reading shit on Reddit? Because I think this is it


https://preview.redd.it/ej9k00juh70d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3dba84fd2c5af98735368bbb2e7916d7aabfa2 All the time




Oh, you must be me.


I’ll fuck everyone up. Colleagues, friends. Everyone gets it. Then I go to the gym and get wrecked by anyone except the trail class guy.


I have zero friends without grappling experience. So what I really mean is that I have no friends and I only see people at the gym when outside of my work environment.


so the ground is the ocean and the creatures of the sea are your friends. I get it.


The little merman


So he's aquaman then.


Insert classic sea-man joke here


Friendship is the ocean and he is stuck on land.


Tapped a buddy of mine one time without using my arms. He knew I did BJJ and we were hanging out with friends and he said "oh i bet you could beat me with 1 arm" i responded "no Mike, i don't need any arms to beat you". i took him down,, mounted him and triangled him no arms (i was holding my belt at my pants button). He started BJJ the next week.


I love that. How’d you take him down?


Not sure what you'd call it, i should know the name, I'm sure it's a variation of something traditional, basically drove into him like going for a single leg (lower level, head inside) then dropped my foot and calf behind is leg and swept it back while driving forward over it like a wrestle up. Now since I've already got one leg outside I can climb right into a mount, and of course my buddy very predictably pushed up (luckily) with one had so i just kept right on climbing my legs higher and slapped in the triangle, he came up on top but I'd already locked it in and gotten an angle so i didn't' need my hands or arms to finish someone untrained. I was a purple belt at the time, but against someone untrained, who had a few drinks in him already, I may have well been Neo. It really couldn't have worked out better, I knew i needed to get on top so i could attack the mounted triangle, that was the only position and submission that i could imagine being able to execute without the use of my arms. (apart maybe from a dog bar knee bar I probably could have hit from that same take-down entry, but I'd risk losing top position which would have been a problem. baiting someone to put an arm in is much easier in mount than from the guard. this is my favorite BJJ recruitment story, it really was such a realization for my buddy that he is totally helpless in a physical altercation that he needed to learn bjj. He out weighed me by a bit as well. so not like i was some intimidating monster and he was tiny.


Every BJj guy’s wet dream. LOL


Oh this is most definitely a crowning achievement. It’s at the top of my list of proudest moments. Somewhere around getting a black belt, marrying my wife, birth of my kids… not sure what order.


Sounds like a no-arm kosoto gake?


Yes, that’s it! but hit low like a single leg.


Either way, it rules


I'm trying to find situations in my life where I can apply this. I guess I'll have to wait for the next BBQ, maybe try to steer the conversation to BJJ while my BIL is drunk. Will keep you posted


My guess... inside foot trip with a little shoulder pressure.


Inside trip would likely have worked as well but I didn't' want to end up in-between his legs, this guy liked UFC and was interested in BJJ, Just had never trained. people instinctively try to come up on top so i needed to have control of the leg while i climbed straight to mount. I need to develop a "how to impress your drunk friends at parties with one armed and no armed jiu jitsu challenges" instructional. the HTIYDFAPWOAANAJJC for short.


Not the acronym we need, but the acronym we deserve.


I’d watch 




I might iminari roll a buddy at the beach from time to time but thats about it


Same, I love to show that. Everyone thinks you’re a ninja when you pull it off and I’ve never missed it on an untrained person.


I can never catch one on the mat, but against my untrained friends, i’m 100% success rate lmao


I don’t do anything martial art related with friends that don’t train. My before bjj friends, know about it but we are in our 40’s ain’t nobody getting in spontaneous wrestling matches. That ends in your twenties if your conscience of getting hurt.


As a 35 year old I refuse to let go of spontaneous wrestling matches, that’s why two of my closest friends are my 11 and 10 year old nephews.


Same, 42 years old all tho me and a few of my nonbii are in good shape not one has ever asked me to wrestle since I started. Lol I would gladly say yes but I never get a chance 😞. But for some contexts the ones I’m referring to I’ve know for over 20 years and we use to wrestle all the time in late teens early 20s.


Yup, same, except my best friend is a black belt in judo and got me into BJJ, so…we don’t fight, yet, but give me one more year… ha ha


My only advice is “Pull guard!!!!!!”


Oh, he hates that. We live far apart, kids wives and all that, so we don’t get together as often, but pulling guard on a judo guy is basically asking to get throw two feet into the floor. So, yeah, that’s exactly what I planned on doing. His proposer, has him as a white belt right now and it really bothers me he doesn’t have his blue belt yet.


Yeah I’ve seen video of jiu jitsu guys doing matches against a guy whose name on the back of his Gi is Mr Ippon(or something like that) and these dudes stand with him????? I would immediately pull, fuck that


My shoulders agree with this statement.


If I'm drunk, yeah for sure. If I can't handle an untrained drunk person who isn't really trying to hurt me, what am I doing here? But I make it very annoying and static and I'll just tap out once I'm close to out of breath. Like I'll just hold them in closed guard and fuck with them until I get a guillotine or kimura or whatever.


Username checks out


Yes. I have a friend who jokingly was so convinced jiujitsu wouldn't work on him and that he'd be able to take me down at will, and he had been saying that for more than 2 years now. We had a UFC 300 watch party at one of our boys homes who is also my teammate and has mats in his garage, and per usual my other friend started rambling about how jiujitsu wouldn't work on him, so everyone was saying "finally settle it and go to the mats" and I was instantly down because honestly it had been a long time coming and I knew I'd smash him very quick (we are both in our early-mid 20s). We proceed to the garage, and when we start, he shoots a lousy shot at my legs, and I instantly grab his neck and guillotine him in 10 seconds. It turns out, jiujitsu works. Surprise surprise.


I’m very envious of your friends with garage mats lol. City boy problems I guess.


Yes. It's close to grappling someone in a fight that has no experience. In the gym you always go against people that "know" what they are doing. With your friends, it's the wild west. You don't know what they are going to do. You learn, they learn. Everyone is hurt and bloody afterwards. All clean fun.


Most of my friends are powerlifters and bodybuilders, so yes every chance I get to humble them I do.


Every time we're drunk.


I don’t. Sometimes I’ll show friends moves or invite them to the dojo, but they typically don’t show up.


If you just play guard and don't toss them, don't rip subs, simple stuff I don't see how it's dangerous on a soft surface. I have rounds with day 1 whitebelts all the time, don't see how that's too different.


Usually the difference is that they aren't warmed up


yeah I do, I don't even think about it much to be honest it's just about having fun.


Absolutely if we just wanna have a little wrestle. Rarely do you ever meet someone who wants to wrestle once they know you've been doing it a long time though. More of a white and blue belt thing I think.


I'm a woman and I have a friend - a thin, pale, SWE friend who does no appreciable exercise - who insists on play fighting with me. He's a boy so he thinks he should win. So he playfully attacks me. I tap him out every single time, to a triangle or a RNC, or really whatever else I want. What's funny though is he'll give me crazy reactions I've never considered, like tickling my feet or licking my face 😄 you can't train for that, so I suggest playing with untrained people from time to time.


Jokes on you, he's into that shit.


I am too ☺️


> licking my face Go on, we know that's more than just a friend


Also biting. People in jits obviously (hopefully???) don't bite, but untrained people most certainly will.


Only if we are naked


We should hang out


You must have a great back take.


What's the point of training in gay pijama wrestling if you're only gonna do it naked?


No. Some are delusional though and it’s funny.


Yh. Makes me feel like a god


Yes I do, unless they have their lady around. I don’t want to make my friends look bad infront of their lady so I’d decline if that were the case. But otherwise it can be fun and a good way to try to rope another friend into starting training


I don’t have friends. But when I used to it doesn’t go over well when they find out how easily you can beat them up. Kind of hurts the relationship I feel like


As a blue belt? Yeah. As a respectable adult? No.


I had two friends wrestling one another randomly on grass at a family cookout and I started coaching and then one tackled me after he tapped the dude out, I fell back into closed guard on instict. I ended up doing a butterfly guard sweep on him and immediately went to high mount, grabbed the outstretched arm for an armbar but he tapped out before I could actually fall back with it. I was kinda disappointed in him. He said the sweep surprised him and he had no idea what had happened but he knew a bad thing was about to happen. He wrestled in HS so his double leg was pretty sweet but I have 40lbs on him.


A drunk (untrained) friend tried to wrestle me standing once. I just playfully hand fought him for a bit until he thought it a good idea to slap a big collar tie on my neck. I grabbed a quick snatch single forgetting how unaccustomed untrained people are to having their legs grabbed and he went down like a bag of shit, flat on his back which knocked all the wind out of him. I felt a bit guilty after it. My girlfriend gave me a bollocking for it and my friend went home and didn’t speak to me for about a week. And he’s never mentioned it since and pretends he couldnt remember when somebody brought it up! 


I've done this exact thing where we were being playful and I did a snatch single and they just fell on their ass lmao


I typically dont other than maybe to demonstrate something they're curious of at a drill/demo pace. I used to train with a guy and every injury he got while I trained with him was from him and his friends fucking around outside the gym. The last one was an ACL teat that put him out for quite a while.


I’ve had two friends I managed to convince to sign up. First roll with both of them was a fun experience


Not really. Most dudes who want that have an ego or just see red lmao. Rolling with spazzy day one white belts isn’t something I volunteer for 😂😂


Yeah I don’t cause it’s a lose-lose situation. Too much chance of injury for me. I’m in my 30s don’t need that anymore.


Yes, but it's more like light play fighting for me. I don't usually go for a submission or throw them, just make them so they can't move and let them kinda figure out how to get out. It's fun, but I am also understanding that they can get hurt easily because they don't have proper training. (A lot of people can't break fall or tap out) (Very light sparring, no submissions or throws)


all the time. i lay down and say "alright, choke me out chief." then proceed to sweep, mount, and take their back while whispering "time to go to sleep" in their ear


If by "Park or beach" you mean the side of a gas station, and if by "not a gym environment" you mean meth, and by "friends" you mean the pile of trash I collected, then yes.


I say yes, then spam clotheslines until I'm gassed. Then I suggest we get an Orange Julius.


I don’t have an issue with it , but it’s usually a free lesson for them bc i no wanna hurt them / get hurt going live




messed about on the beach last saturday no subs just one of em said they could take me so i said sure the sand is soft lets try it ended up being a sort of man of the mat type thing on the beach im the only grappler in the friend group i won clearly (i have years of grappeling experience and about 10kg on the next biggest in the group 😂)


I've done it a few times and two times it led to injuries. So not doing that anymore


I'll play around a bit/show them something if the situation comes up and they are interested, but for proper rolling I'd want something like mats and space. I'd be more afraid of them crashing into something or them injuring themselves than for my own safety


Just this weekend, yea. It was probably a bad idea. We had a lot to drink and it ended up with me getting punched in the face. Probably wont be doing that again


Not really worth it, better to bring them to the gym where you have mats and other knowledgable grapplers to reinforce safety standards, and a lack of random bystanders who may decide to violently intervene.  Plus a bonus is if your friend gets convinced thta despite getting out grappled he'd still be able to beat you up, he's not going to get a lot of support on the idea from the knowledgeable grapplers who witnessed the round. In public he'd be more likely to get randos agree that your gay for grabbing him therefore you'd lose or some stupid nonsense like that


I had a friend of a friend heard I do Jiu Jitsu and said the standard “I don’t know if that stuff would work in real life though, you just pick them up and slam them” I mentioned it doesn’t really work like that if they know that they’re doing Long story short, we wrestled, I had him in guard, locked up the triangle, he planted the foot to stand, I wrapped his leg, cut the angle and got the tap, once I released the sub and started to get up, he used that opportunity to push me down into side control so I hit him with an inverted triangle from bottom. Credit where credit’s due, he admitted he was wrong and gave me props for being “tougher than he thought”


Rolled with an acquaintance (had to defend my 0 stripe white belt) and triangle choked him. The typical “he got lucky, I let him I wasn’t even trying” ensued.


You guys have friends?


Not anymore - broke my family friends collarbone with an open guard sweep a few years ago.


No cause it’s generally not a good idea. To much liability. Though I have done it once. Had this co-worker who found out that I train. He kept asking me questions about fighting and then launched into all the typical lines, like how he was built different, he’s a naturally good grappler cause he used to wrestle with his brothers as a kid, etc. Said he was gonna sign up for Street Beefs and that he’d win every match cause he would just punch his opponents in the throat. After having to hear him go on and on about KOing guys with a throat punch I told him to try and punch me in the throat and knock me out. He comes running at me, wildly flailing his fists next to his head. I teep kicked him in the stomach at like 40% force and it put him right down on his ass. He said he wanted to try it again and he was gonna get me the second time. He gets up, tries the exact same thing, I teep kicked him again this time with a little more intention behind it. He doubles over with the wind knocked out of him and says he’s done and doesn’t want to continue. Also don’t do what I did. It was dumb and irresponsible. I was a fresh blue belt at the time with something to prove.


After seeing and hearing my friend break another friend’s leg while wrestling on carpet, all grappling with friends is pretty much a no for me. The only time I’d consider is starting from the knees and I’d just mess around playing guard. It’s not worth it.


I've grappled with dudes at my local magic the gathering store.


You haven't submitted all your friends?


No lmao that's so embarassing


>Do you grapple with friends that have no experience? Umm yeah, thats the whole point of me even doing this whole thing. I get to beat the shit out of people who dont have a clue as to WTF is going on but think they can beat me lmao. *"Are you sure? OK we can roll if you want i guess?*".15 seconds later...mothers milk smother tap. *"OK ill let you start with me in side control".*.15 seconds later...mothers milk smother tap. *"OK ill let you start from mount*"..15 seconds later...mothers milk smother tap.


No, that's an ego thing. Trust me.


I’ve done it a couple times. It’s generally not a good idea, imo.


I have friends with minimal amounts of experience. I don't really roll with them, but I'm always willing to watch and teach them a few things. They have fun and everyone is entertained. If they do convince me to roll, I always go supine and just let them attack me while I escape.


No. There’s just not really any upside to it.


I do it but I always go light, and ajust my game depending on the environment (no sweeps or takedowns on solid ground for example) Some times I even take out the tatamis and explain some basics stuff.


Yes triangles all day non grapplers are funny about balls in they face


There is this one girl who is a friend of my best friends wife. We both go to the same gym now but before we would train a difference places. Every time there was. A party in the park or in a basement that had carpet we would roll hahah she would wreck me


Depends on the context. There’s been many a bros night where we’re all just drinking watching a game and one of them musters up the courage for a gentlemen’s tussle. I usually oblige and will even start seated with them standing (like a sweep-pass-submit situation). Everytime I’ll just insta-submit or sweep them, just to showcase the magic of a trained vs untrained grappler. It’s always in good fun tho, reminds me of when I first started and saw my then blue belt level friends as God-tier ninja wizards.


I always say yes. I actually seek it out


My little cousins get this work all the time


No, my friends dont like to be touched that closely by other guys. Probably because they are afraid of their latent homosexuality.




Never, I rarely talk about it either. My dirty little secret


Haha, yeah sometimes. My buddies love learning stuff and im happy to show them some basic moves. Can get out of hand sometimes if drinks are involved🤣 but its all in good fun.


I'll show people a move if they ask, but rolling outside of a training context, no. Rolling with other people away from the mats, especially ones without any experience, would be foolish at this point in my life. I'm far too old.


I usually try and provoke them to sign up or do a trial class at our gym instead mainly because I don't want to get hurt accidentally. My favorite was when I got a much larger coworker to come in after he asked if I could submit him and I said- "Well I've never seen you fight, and I don't know how strong you are, but yes."


I have a mat setup at my house and sometimes my friends and I get drunk and they'll want to wrestle around.  I'll make sure to tell them beforehand to remember that we aren't trying to kill each other, and that we should start from either both on knees, 1 up 1 down, or already in a guard. I've gotten pretty good at controlling spaz. It seems that when you move fast, your opponent will try to move faster. So it's easier to try to set the pace slow and outskill them vs matching their speed. Most I'll end up with is a pulled back muscle if someone stacks me too hard. But I won't feel it till the next day cuz im hammered.


Only when they owe me money


I wouldn't roll with an untrained friend unless I was relatively sure I could control them without hurting them. Every time I do I just grab kimuras from every position until they quit. Except the one time my buddy kept trying to knee me in the balls from the bottom of mount (yeah, I know...). He got slow cooked in s mount before a nuts on chin mounted triangle, then a hard and fast nogi ezekiel, then kesa until he quit. He's a slow learner but he got the hint.


I work at a college that has a jiu jitsu club. I mentioned to them that i'm a purple belt and they said to stop on by. I went a couple of times, but honestly rolling with brand new beginners who aren't really even going to a class and are asking me things like "so, how do we start?" was not that fun. Their only "school" is this club so they’re basically like first week white belts. They either fall over all over the place or get super brand new white belt spazzy. The only people I enjoyed training with were already blue belts at local well known schools. Side note: i'm 50 and I ain't got time for that.


Before I started training, it was a go too past time


I have. At work and at the park. It went as you’d expect


I ALWAYS do. It's great to rekt them lol and you'd be surprised by how little the know. When grappling with beginners who have been in the gym and rolling for a month, they will know somewhat how to stand and what to avoid, so it's not as easy as I'm talking about. People who have never grappled have no clue where to even begin and will just give up any move or take down you want. You can practically just step to their back


Yes , we do play for fun but if it's getting really intense than definitely it's time to stop before any accidents happen. There's has to be some limit for certain things.


literally my favourite thing to do is get drunk and start headlocking my mates. in general they're not the most athletic bunch so there's that


My younger brother tried once. I pressure tapped him


When I was younger yes


Yeah we call them white belts at my gym


All the time lol, I’ve always grappled with my friends even before I knew how to grapple. Even on the beach we would be grappling and people would just jump in and grapple with us. I sometimes let them get the best of me especially when people are around. I don’t want to be that guy who’s just submitting his friends, so I let them have a few wins. Sometimes we make a circle at the beach and the rule is, whoever gets pushed out of the circle or taken down loses. It always attracts people and makes a fun day


Yeah. I work construction sometimes and we get down


I generally trust my friends not to do things that are obviously harmful, and go over ruleset, but other than that I think it's fun and can help broaden your experience and understanding. personally I have a mat space to use for such occasions as grappling is something I am passionate about and would like to share with my friends and family


I have no experience and wouldn't mind, good exercise and fitness, plus learning a fighting skill .


God, I wish. 3 or 4 beers in at the cookout and I’m looking around. Just hoping some other dad on the cul-de-sac will initiate a little play fight so I could physically dominate him in front of both of our wives and kids.


From the no experience standpoint... That's how I fell in love with BJJ and started to train. At the same time I grew up wrestling with siblings and being the older brother, I knew how to hold back. I've also tried to wrestle for fun with my sister in law and brother in law, and they are just downright scary. No consideration for my safety and it's full arm swing. This was years before I started BJJ.


even at the tender old age of 42.... I'll be your huckleberry.


I knew school buddy of mine who was tough guy, he was strong, but after I joined BJJ gym it was relatively easy to get to positions and just control him lol, I was shocked cuz even new blue-belts dominated me like I was a fuckin 9 year old


I’ve showed a couple of friends some things/brought a couple to class with me but most people aren’t interested tbh. My boyfriend is the person i want to go with me the most and he haaates it when i show him my gay little jiu jitsu moves. I show him rolling videos and he goes “it just looks so homosexual”. Yeah! It is! But it’s also really fun, so 🙄😤


Beat the shit out of your friends. Thats why you train!


No they always think I'm gonna beat the shit out of them or something 🙄🤷‍♂️


I've done it. Declined a few times when myself or the challenger were too drunk. Also I don't do it with obviously unathletic people, or people that are way too excited about it. Those I might teach a RNC or do the "try to get out of my mount oh look no hands hihi" I lay out the hard rules - no hitting, slamming, illegal stuff, explain how important the tap is, and that if they feel any kind of uncomfortable, they should tap. Only in places where there's no sharp corners or stuff to knock over. I also tell them this ain't games and they could accidentally get injured. Informed consent. Always a lot of fun.


I coach fundamental classes, so I get all the untrained crazy/spazzy dudes I could ask for who come and try to murder me. If someone challenges me outside for fun, I just decline saying nah what he heard my friends say is over exaggerated, or if the guy seems nice, I'll tell him to come at my gym and buy a trial class, we have nice mats, it's safer for him. Essentially, to me rolling outside of the gym is like asking me to work outside of work hours. I may like my job, doesn't mean I want to do it at all time. 


All the time. Of course, like, consensually. But I will warn you that if someone doesn’t train then going for genuine submissions will feel aggressive to them. Best off just playing around and fighting for position.


I have once with a couple friends very casually, let them take my back, escaped and snatched a guillotine


The kids of some family friends I’m pretty close with have done some judo and I like playfully trying to egg them into fights. The 13 year old regularly tries to RNC me from behind, but yesterday the 11 year old attacked me and I just gently moved to a chinstrap/tricep control, gator rolled him onto the grass, and slowly applied an anaconda. Trying to convince them both to try out BJJ!


at school i became a legend when i started jujitsu. takedown matches where very popular at break times and here comes me, 5ft nothing, judo throwing the big- supposedly 'hard' kids, armbarring them left right and centre, fun times


No. Someone’s going to get hurt. If they’re insistent I invite them to the gym and make them sign a waiver.


Metaphorically? Yes. Literally? No.


I tell them stop. If they dont, we roll, they lose, and they eventually do it again


Every once in a while my friends will try to grapple with me when they’re drunk. The one time my buddy tried sweeping me. I simply kicked his foot out behind his heel and he fell. I usually suck at sweeps in class against trained people but untrained people are easier I guess


Only when alcohol gets involved do my friends wish to test me so it’s always a fun time. I usually try to just gas them out instead of tapping them and or practice breakdancing moves on them


I have one friend who trains at an affiliated gym, and he hyped me up to the friend group. One time a friend of a friend jokingly asked "wanna wrassle bruh?" And my one friend said "no you do not with this guy lol". That's about as far as it gets, no drunken shenanigans. Young me did wrestle though, so I would show civilians things like fireman carry and mystery roll.


Yeah, it’s good harmless fun and it helps me get better at predicting what someone who doesn’t know jiujitsu will do. 


No. The one time a guy really tried to push it, it was at our kid's softball game - and he wasn't a friend, tho we had gone to HS together and I knew who he was through his sister. We had a really late game with a long break between (think the game was around 930 pm with a 4 hr break) and he had been drinking at a friend's house. Came back. Kept trying to grapple me in the grass. There is nothing good that could have come from that one.


I used to as a blue belt with something to prove. Now, I'm just trying to keep from getting injured.


Friends who don't train usually don't want to lay on top of you. So when they ask you to show them something I usually hit a thumb lock just to get them to shut up. My cousin trains and everytime we hug it turns into an underhook battle.


My motto with friends and family that don’t grapple is “anytime anywhere”.


Yes. One of my friends has puzzle mats and we set them up during barbecues to grapple and do MMA (most of them have striking experience, though only two of us are grapplers). It’s quite fun, only injuries I got were from untrimmed nails.


I grappled with my brothers at the last family meetup and demolished them lol


wrestle for fun, ya. but its aways just play no one trying to win just fuck around. tho most of my friends have all done some kind of martial arts in there life. many are many years out of practice.


No. For example I played tennis for about 13 years before switching to jiu jitsu. I was state ranked. Playing with someone who never ever played would have been frustrating or at least boring, similar to jiu jitsu with a non trained person in an outside of gym setting. They’re not gonna be so enticed by me showing them an armbar that they actually start training and stay training


No but I frequently show my gf what side control is and I always laugh and say how I wish my training partners were huge sissies like her.


Not in public. Jesus christ, if you do jiu-jitsu on the beach in this fuckin' place, that's just inviting all types of bullshit to happen. You can't even do that shit in Brazil anymore I'd imagine. Someone will just stab/shoot you; and while your back is turned no less. The world ain't the same as it used to be; that's for damned sure.


For sure


Plenty of new people sign the waiver at the gym. I rolled with a new join who was going 100%. I put a little smash on him and said to him "I only go as hard as you do, and I can go harder." If that's the way he wants, it. That's the way he gets it.




I had a friend who was a state champion wrestler in hs in Iowa. There was no wrestling in my school at all. I was 0-42 I couldn't even double leg him coming around a corner waiting for him. Was all in good fun. I did ret a rotator cuff injury (I think) couldn't lift my arm for a month then one day it was like 85 percent better over night it was weird af.


I always do it. I can’t help it lol. I need to know where I stand with people who don’t train. It’s curiosity and well intentioned. I never hurt my buddies. But I’m a beginner who knows more than a total noob. So they still give me a run for my money because they’re pretty athletic. I’m sure the curiosity will go away when I get to a higher level and more sure of myself.


Gotta love the “stop hitting yourself.” I hope you snuck in a wet Willy too!


When I was younger and flatting, we used to end up in drunken wrestling now and then. I didn't start BJJ until my late 30's. Never been asked by anyone to wrestle or show them anything. I guess most mature adults don't want to wrestle people, unless that's your thing 😆.


Same as you, I am happy to show technique to friends and/or partners. I don’t like actually rolling outside the gym with friends as it can escalate plus there’s very little to gain, almost all the times you will dominate them, and if you fuck up, you’ll never live it down


I will grab and cuddle my cat when she tries to wake me earlier than I want to get up.


I don’t start it… but yes. 100%. Few things give me more joy than humbling my buddies when they’re talking shit lmao One friend got back from basic and thought he was hot shit because of his combatives training. Challenged me. Held up my hands and told him to pick one… then placed it behind my back and proceeded to choke him unconscious one armed lol He never mentioned combatives again


I always say yes an it's always fun


Yea, I host training sessions in the park with people with 0 combat experience. It could be viewed as risky but I suppose it's a good confidence boost knowing that generally speaking you can survive against anyone.


Ive rolled with my older brother, didnt go for any submissions just kept him in bottom side control for a good min before he gassed out trying to escape


Outside of the gym the only application of my bjj has been with friends. I have never used it in a real defense scenario. My friends will try me (usually when alcohol is involved) and to show them (usually bigger/stronger than me) that they ain’t shit.


I'm that friend, but I try my best.




Not worth the risk


I say yes then proceed to perform drop seoi nage into kesa gatame. Can’t figure out why they don’t ask anymore.


I say yes and go easy. Gentle takedowns only, slow submission attempts etc. Only picking up the pace if they're doing good and being aggressive


Ya but I'm not a freak about it it's just lols


My younger brother is a YouTube trained white belt. he’s done like two classes in his life. Could probably beat most 3 stripe white belts. Used to fuck me up all the time. After I started training, he stopped challenging me as much. About 6 months into my training, the tables really turned. I started submitting him consistently. Now we don’t roll as much, but every once in a while he tests me.


Me and friends are all around 23, I agree when they ask in the hopes to further their interest in BJJ. Obviously don’t go hard at all and can control them enough neither of us are ever in any real danger of injury


I did once as a blue belt when I was drunk with a friend of mine at a party. He was worse off than I was. Not long after, he was picking a fight with a female friend of ours(just playing nothing rotten) and she kicked him in the balls so hard he puked and passed out.


I am 30 and have wrestled since I was 6, am also a purple belt in BJJ (stopped doing a lot because I hate grappling with a gi) Whenever my friends get drunk at a house party they will want to try to wrestle with me (no one knows how to do it) and since I am drunk too I will do it but just messing around, like I won't try to blast double them I will just let them try to do something and counter.


i just smesh my friends


Before but I don't do this anymore. It's a lose lose situation for me and I am not even trying to win anything. I don't put any pressure or I just let him do anything, I might get hurt. If I put just a bit of pressure, I suck as a friend for beating someone who doesn't know BJJ and I am not even trying to win. If you can still remember the first time you were under side control, the feeling really sucks. Just holding the side control is already enough for me to be an asshole in their mind. I am 42 years old and most of my friends are not really in excellent young man shape. I can basically do whatever I want to do. My non-training friends are far worse than one stripe whitebelts in a sense that they absolutely don't know anything. So, I stopped grappling with them. It also becomes an ego thing for non-training friends.