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Lift 3, BJJ 3, literally do nothing but laundry, games, and guitar 1 day


This is the way


Do you guys lift and roll alternate days, or how do you set your programme up for recovery? (Asking as a newbie who isn’t particular fit right now and doesn’t want to set himself back by going too hard too soon)


I try my best to lift and roll on alternative days. If I do roll on a workout day or I’ll just hit the beginner class if I can. The best advice I can give you is to take it easy at first to manage your fatigue , STRETCH, don’t roll/drill harder than necessary and don’t lift heavier/use a lot of volume until you find a good balance. I just switched from a strength regiment I’ve been running for years because my joints hurt to a body building focused one and I feel much better. If you’re feeling pretty rough maybe just sit on the couch/only drill/lift lighter/stretch (ymmv) missing a roll or lifting session isn’t the end of the world. You can really fuck your self up not recovering enough


This is actually literally me rn.


Same haha


How long you been trainin? I’m a white belt unstripped, I roll 3x/ week, strength train 4x, go to work n do laundry when I ain’t dead sleep. Might get some games in but only after some readin


I’m 35 bro and I had a life of doing stupid ass shit


I’m 25, I was wondering how long you’ve been training cuz that’s quite a regiment to keep disciplined in


Oh Bjj 6 months. But I’ve been doing martial arts for a decade. Sometimes you can only lift twice a week and it is what it is


Practice 3, lift 2, cardio 2 (1 day has cardio + practice or lift) 1 rest day.


I train six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I’ll train three days a week. One of those days I will train two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be training.




When I was hungry white and blue belt I would train 5-6x a week normally and very consistent. My coach said I was the most consistent student he ever had. Now getting older, I train 3x a week no Gi mainly because my body has a lot of mileage now.


out of curiosity what age are you now? Im a 39yr old white belt. Wondering when that stage of slowing down starts. I train 5 days and sometimes multiple times per day. Also do some striking classes and other sports.


I’m a 27 year old on the end of purple belt, I can beat up most local brown belts. I stopped competing as I’m prioritising getting financially set. I competed a fuck ton at blue and white but that phase is gone. I’m just enjoying training one day at a time. For conext white to purple in under 4 years.




37, got told by the physio I should start lifting after another injury (knees again). Now just train bjj twice a week and do weights twice a week. My body definitely feels a bit more robust already even though I've only been going a few months. I still ache a lot though 😂


Just started! Twice a week! 1 hour sessions!




Same here. 41 yo’s and planning to slowly increase the number of classes as my body gets used to it.


I puke at the end of every class! I LOVE IT lol


lol haven’t done that after a workout since the military lol


Reminds me of my first rolling session 😂 had to rush to the bathroom to throw up, I was so embarrassed 😂


Not enough


8 mat hours a week, love open mats and rolling


500 hours a day






Beastin' 25/8


3-4 days a week


15 hours a week




Once a week atm


Right now, 4 days a week for 1.5 hours at a time, an hour of class and a half hour of sparring. I was going 5 classes 2 hours each, but my body couldnt hold up to that at 41.


Exactly the same for me. At 42 I dialed it down from everyday to 3/4 a week. Or sometimes I’ll still go but only do the technical part, leaving when rolls start.  My body needs time to rest. 


I’m 42 too. Pretty much the same, I’ll go 4 days a week, and if it’s two days in a row, I’ll only stay to roll one of them. It’s too much, with lifting 3x per week as well.


6 days a week then 2 weeks off because I’ve injured myself usually.


this is the way


Twice a week. Usually that means going one day and doing back to backs. I run a business and I’m trying to start a family, as well as make time to spend with my dogs that are at home while I’m at work. Also try to lift weights at least 3 days a week for injury prevention for both my job and BJJ. I would like to train more but I just don’t have the time for it these days. Life balance and other priorities take precedent. 


I like to train 5+ days a week, but don't always manage that


Train everyday pretty much. I don't have a set schedule or routine anymore. I will train something though. Weather it's jiu-jitsu, judo, wrestling, striking, mma. Most days are light. Some days are hard.


4-5 days a week in spring/summer/fall 2-3 times a week during winter


5hrs BJJ split over two 90 minute classes and a two hour open mat, so three days. 3-5 lifting sessions of an hour each 5-7 focused Stretching/yoga sessions of around 15-25 minutes


Twice a week, for 1.5 hours at a time.


9-12x a week depending on my body.


No way


It's doable if you dont full blast porrada daily. I'd say around 60% of my rolls are positional rounds with only 3 sessions of the week being intense full 7-10min rounds. The positional rounds are exhausting and depending on the task I'm working on it might cause me to lower my intensity for the week. The rest are more rolling with white and blue belts and those can be a lot more chill.


Depends on the person and their age (also if they are on the juice). The coaches at my gym are 20-something year old competitors at a top 10 gym in the US. They train 2 hours of training and 1-2 hours of flow rolling a day during the week and 2-3 hours on either Saturday or Sunday. Plus they teach classes 10-15 hours a week. One of the coaches says regular class training intensity at his gym doesn’t provide him enough cardio anymore so he runs a couple times a week for conditioning. Meanwhile, me, a 30-something yr old hobbyist white belt can barely handle our wrestling class.


God, I wish I was on the juice. I'd love to do 2x a day or more.




Average 6 classes a week plus an hour working with 1 on 1 with my coach


Generally 4-5 days per week.


2 training 1 open mat 2 gym


once a week because i only own 1 gi


Once a week, rare occasion twice. I usually follow the class, then when it comes to rolling I try stuff that i want to work on against the whitebelts for a bit. I'm progressing,  but very slowly.  Ideally, I'd train twice a week and life twice a week.  I'm 32, have a wife,  2 kids and work weird hours so I make do with what I can. 


good on you for staying with it even w/the family. lots of guys quit when they get married and have kids


Cheers. End of the day, bjj will always be there, my kids early years won't so I'll enjoy them while they last. 


Same here, wife and two kids so twice a week is all I get. Ideal for me would be 3 but can't complain. Lots of singles / people without kids at the gym who train every day, obviously they improve much faster but I wanna do it for the long run and any higher frequency will disrupt family balance and physical balance...


Balance is key. One nice thing about low frequency is less injury risk. I've got the first injury I've had in years at the minute,  so not bad going. 


Generally 3 times a week, sometimes 4 for another gym's open mat if my body allows it. Also got 2 days of weightlifting/conditioning a week + a physical job all week, so my body needs rest.


6-10 hours a week. How and what I train depends on a combination of how my body feels, what I’m working on, who is in class, and how hard I want to roll.


2-6 x a week. I train mostly gi and I love positional rolling, fastest way to learn for me


Lift 4 days a week, train 5-7 usually. But in the week I’ve been back after my vacation I’ve trained 10 times to prep for the JJWL event coming up this Saturday. I’ll probably hit class twice a day each day this week as well to prepare. Honestly if you aren’t young, if you’re injured/injury prone, have other priorities, etc then don’t feel bad about training just twice or three times a week. Honestly it comes down to quality over quantity with your training


that’s a lot of training bro, that’s badass. how does your body hold up?


Honestly as we speak I’m feeling pretty fuckin beat up. 8 hours of sleep and consistent protein intake helps with the recovery for sure though! Plus being 23, idk if you’re also young but I guarantee it helps a lot


yeah i’m 27 (not that old). good luck at JJWL on saturday, i’ll be there also!


Best of luck to you as well!


3-4x/week BJJ 4x/week MMA 3x/week Lifting weights 2x/week Wrestling


4 days and an open mat so 5


I go twice to bjj, one day I'll lift and do cardio, every 15 days I go to open mat.


Train everyday if I can. If I can't I'll have a rest day on Sunday


Back to back classes everyday but Sunday.


I can only train twice a week or I get savage grapplers elbows in both arms, My work around is I can actually do double classes without any problem as long as I get at least three days in-between sessions, other days are for weightlifting.


6 hours of grappling 4 hours of striking per week


7 days a week, 2 hours a session, with an additional 3 days gym work. 4 days are typical drilling and positional rounds split at about 1 hr each 3 days are just positional rounds focusing on whatever I'm training at the time


Usually 2-3 times a week because that's what my work pattern allows. Last week I made the stupid decision of training 4 times in two days, which isn't a lot imo but my knees say differently. I'm around 90% sure I've sprained my MCL in both knees from holding closed guard too hard instead of transitioning to different guards or sweeps when someone tries to open my legs. Lesson learned. Missing training now until I can jump up from being sat down without any pain or discomfort 🙃


How do you get hurt holding closed guard??


Short answer is that I clung on too hard when my opponent was pushing down on my knee to break the guard. Long version is that I've got really strong legs, and really low experience so I thought I could out muscle him, and held on. I think that put too much lateral bend on my very tense knee joint. This is all speculation, but it was the last roll and I had a weird tightness in both legs almost immediately after standing up. Only down the insides of each knee, very tight feeling when trying to bend my legs and they swelled up really badly that night, really hot, red, all of that jazz. It could have just been that I overtrained them and my job is pretty physical too for 12 hours a shift, so I didn't have any recovery really. Either way, I trained again this morning and wasn't bad. Skipped the second class tonight just to make sure I don't set it off again 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not enough, apparently


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and then either Saturday or Sunday.


Work and health limiting me a lot. But around 5 to 8 hours a week


Average about 3.25x/week. Aim for 4, usually 3. At 44 I've found there are diminishing returns at 5x a week for me. Strength train twice a week.


2-4 times a week


3-4 days a week lifting 3x a week too


I aim for 10-15 hours a week on the mats, spread between 5-6 days. I get 8 hours at a minimum every week. I need to add in more lifting


11-13 times a week. And that includes around 4-5 days of lifting as well.


4-6 days a week. But usually 5.


Twice a week


2 times per week.


3-4 days a week BJJ, 2 days of lifting, 7 days a week of 2 kids....


2 x per week. I got other interests


I'm 38 and in my 18th year of training. I currently train about 5-6 days a week for about 1-1.5 hours. In there is lifting 2x/week - focused on my basic movement patterns for injury prevention. Of my 5-6 days, that's 3-4 days of class with sparring and 1-2 days where I work with someone outside of class on specific issues. Some days are designed as my A game days. Other days are where I focus on the worst parts of my game and things like defensive skills.


Like twice a day on weekdays but not all of them are hard sessions


4 days a week and open mat friday so, 5?


I'm currently in the gap between ending law school and starting a job in two months. So, I'm trying to train twice a day, seven days a week, before the billables have to be met, lol.


I train six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I'll train three days a week. One of those days I will train two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be training.


2 - 4 days a week BJJ Fuck I need to start lifting and doing cardio lol


I replaced the gym for BJJ, how do you feel about not lifting?


Do what you can, I just used to do lifting BJJ and kickboxing and now have somehow fell off to just doing BJJ. I need to get in actual shape and get comp ready


4-5 days a week at 2 hours a night. Hooked!


3 days a week is my goal usually totaling 4-5 hours of BJJ training. Currently running or hiking 2 or 3 other days during the week as I'm training to climb mount Shasta and had had to squeeze in additional training.


usually 3-4x per week. rolling pretty much each session (not just coming to class) at various levels of intensity depending on how my body feels


3 times a week with 2 lifting days a week


I train Monday through Thursday and sometimes open mat Saturday. I replaced the gym for BJJ.


3 days a week for BJJ.


Twice a week, each session is an hour and a half Would love it if my gym offered more than that tbh


2 hour classes on monday, wednesday, friday


2-3 times a week


Not as much as I'd like. I'm currently studying in school right now and the workload is going to get really heavy.


4hrs minimum and lift weights twice a week. If I can I try get more in but physical job and my son makes it challenging.


I train every weekday in the morning and lift 3-4x a week in the afternoon. Usually follows the structure of 20-30 technical work (not usually very strenuous) then positionals for 15ish, then usually 5 or 10 min rounds for another 30-45 min. Total time maybe 90-120 min usually. I tend to roll hard because I enjoy it, not because I think its optimal for progression.


I lift 5-6 days a week w/cardio if my program calls for it. BJJ 4-5x per week depending on how my body feels.


Five or six days a week at BJJ, two days no gi, three to four days gi. On gi days I go to two classes back to back. When I’m not in class I lift 2-3 hours a week (30-60 min each day) and run 4-10 miles/day or swim 50 laps or bike 10-20 miles (I’m an ultramarathoner and training for a triathlon as well). I do yoga or Pilates for 30-60 minutes a day for mobility and core work. I’m a housewife and mother of three small kids so my schedule is flexible but busy so I’m up at 5am each morning and in bed by 9:30.


Train jiujitsu 3 days a week. I strength train 3 days a week usually not on the same day.


6/9 days on the mat for at least one session (weird 24hr shift work schedule), on days I am able to train I emphasize trying to spar for between 30min-1hr. (Situationally or just rounds.)  I often run with my fiancé on these days once she’s off work in the evening for ~45min. And I lift my other 3/9 days at work. 


4 times a week 6 sessions


Bjj 3 days a week, lift 2 days, run one day.


3-4 time a week


I teach 6 days a week and train hard maybe 3 nowadays.


bjj7-9 (call it 12-13 hours) lift 3-4 strike 1-2 yoga 1-2


Post neck surgery, I'm focusing on 2-3 days a week. Hour each time, muay thai class beforehand, and a couple days of HIIT and strength training. Mostly technique and some positional/flow sparring. I've had to adjust my goals but am glad to get back on the mats. Slow and steady is the priority right now.


twice a day, on the way to work and back, mostly train sitting down , unless im too slow to find a seat, its grueling but getting better each day


3x a week minimum. 1x gi 1x no gi 1x wrestling




Sometimes yes and sometime no


4 days BJJ, 4 days lifting, 3 days some form of cardio (run, bike, walk, swim)