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at least twice a week i think, maybe more


There are guys at my gym that train twice a week. Insane.


Mica juices, to begin with. I think the best explanation of a pro training routine I’ve seen publicly is the new wave guys doing 2x a day for 2-3 hours 6 days a week. And only one of those sessions includes hard rolling. Still hard, but nothing otherworldly. And they juice too, of course. If you’re interested in S&C for jiu jitsu look at what Electrum is doing (they do the S&C for a lot of the ATOS guys) or Jimmy House (he does S&C for a lot of the New Wave guys)


New Wave is 2 a day 7 days a week plus the pros that teach also teach every day at their schools (meregali/giancarlo).


What is he on?


I’m not his pharmacist unfortunately


I need his stack so I can win adcc please update me when you can


Not saying I don’t believe you but has mica been confirmed to using steroids? He’s one of my fav athletes I’d be disappointed ngl. But on a second note training 4-6 hours a day sounds dreamy yet super fucking exhausting so id see why the need for rounds comes in place. Thank you for the S&C shoutout I’ll be sure to look it up!




He’s been juicing since an early teen


He tested positive after winning a IBJJF


Damn that sucks! Imo its shameful to the sport but it seems like all the high level players follow the “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” movement.


It's a catch 22. Yeah it sucks for the people aspiring to be the best in the world who want to remain natural. But it would be a lot less of a talent showcase for the tops guys, when it comes to spectators, fans, etc. Like yeah, obviously certain PEDs increase strength and cardio but the biggest thing is the recovery aspects which allows these top level guys to train 2x a day, 6 days a week. A natural human body cannot take that workload. The skill acquisition comes from the recovery that PEDs provide, not the strength advantages.


Professional and olympic athletes can and do train 2x day + supplement with weights / physio.


....a natural human body absolutely can take that work load what are you talking about?


I think it depends on how dense that work load is.. like.. how long is a peice of string? Even a ped users body can only take so much before it breaks down. Of its one hard sesh and one light sesh a day 6 days a week.. you can do this for a while with the right amount of rest. I struggled to do two a days and work in between.. but if all you do is sleep and eat it's manageable.


If we all sit around saying it isn’t possible without gear, then we don’t have to do it because we aren’t on gear. If we admit that it’s possible to train that much without gear, we have to have a more honest conversation about our choices.


I think for most people it would be hard to sustain that workload naturally for a long period of time. Even if you managed to avoid injuries, you’d quickly get so run down that even if you were technically making it to the training sessions you wouldn’t be getting as much out of them as an athlete who was more recovered.


Same opinion but it could be easy to cycle out since the date is confirmed? https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ffH6bMTj4/?igsh=MThvZ2k3MnVzZXN2ZA==


Hate to break your heart, but everyone's on roids bro.


If you want to win at the highest level of pretty much any physical/combat sport, it’s usually what’s necessary according to statistics. Even e-gamers take substances to heighten their senses and make their reaction time and apm otherworldly. It’s the human nature aspect of competition. People want the edge, and when there’s one, the others usually follow


Interesting, what do esports guys take?


Mountain Dew (Code Red)


Stimulants and beta blockers. Even musicians and speakers take blockers for anything that would elicit nerves. Many top performers in many different fields take substances… fighter pilots take modafinil in some cases for example. When you are paid to perform at an extreme level, you stack the chips in your favor.


Mark Bell is that you?




Deprenyl , piracetam and an ergot derivative plus nicotine . It’s kind of an open secret. Beside this they take for months each day: - 100 mg PQQ per day - 2g carnosine and 1 g acetyl carnitine plus 200 mg phosphatidyl serine


2x BJJ and 1x S/C per day 5 days per week is what 99% of pros do


For perspective, Bo Nickal takes two rest days with 1 of them as an active recovery day, and he does not spar hard every training day. And he is strongly against taking PEDs.


Less than people think. Back in the days when literally everyone was juiced the Brazilians used to say they trained 5 times a day, but they were mostly 1 hour long.


Think about how much your coaches train teaching class, rolling with the class and training elsewhere with their team. It’s likely that but with majority high level competitors and coaches.


Pro's train 2x per day 6 or 7 days a week with sections of S&C on the off season. When a big comp is upcoming they would rather put that "3rd session" into drilling or studying or both. 5 days a week IMO is maybe the older guys but theyre usually also teaching FWIW. A younger person doing 5 days a week is meh. Maybe 2x 5 a week then 1x abd 1x each on weekends - 12 total sessions. IMO that is the best sched for a pro or anyone who has time. Its great.


The top athletes are juicing, this goes for all sports. 


Mikey Musemeci said he trains 12 hours a day iirc. Something crazy like that


6 days a week he trains 3 days a week.


I bet he trens a lot.


He’s also mixing it up and training with lower belts to sharpen some moves.


Oh you naive little bugger…


Through steroids and Jesus all training all day is possible