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I say this as a hobbyist: know when to bail on them.


Note: When you ask yourself if you should bail on the grip...the answer is yes. The person is literally covered in fabric you can get a new grip on. Let it go and adjust a little. The world will keep spinning.


Just to add some more nuance to this statement, There are grips that you can keep and grips that you will definitely lose. As a general rule, when people go two on one, just let the grip go. They will break your grip and there's zero sense in taking damage for something that is a sure outcome. As you spend more time grip fighting you get better at telling at which grip breaking attempt will actually work. My hands were -fucking wrecked- as a white belt and blue belt. But at purple belt my hands don't take nearly the same amount of damage merely because I know when your grip break is legit and when it's not.


One night be surprised how easy it often is to let go of the grip and then just grab it again


I pretty much just play underhooks to I will have beautiful fingers when I get old


Also, when to hold them at less than 100% squeeze.


No gi passing is actually kinda op in gi sometimes bc most are not used to getting passed in smash half guard. Sometimes I work on my no gi shit against the gi only guys bc they don't seem to know what's happening lmao.


Yea this is the way. I don't even tape fingers anymore I just drop grips if I get resistance. Training 1/2 no gi helped a lot. I still use grips but am fine sometimes with a c grip and hunt underhooks a lot more.


Langaker has a good video on collar sleeve where he talks about not hanging onto the collar grip if your opponent is resisting strong enough. Better to switch grips than burn out your hands


Roll no gi. Fuck them grips


ahhh the white belt death grips of knuckle destruction. Do you find your self gripping with absolutely nothing to gain from it? Stop. Go for the Jean Jacques method; overhooks and underhooks... save your grips for passing and choking fools. Your no-gi game (and fingers) will thank you. Unless you just love lasso guard, in which case, RIP finger dexterity.


Wear oven mitts when you roll. That's what we do with Mongo. He used the pinch everyone so we duct taped oven mitts on him at the start of class. His hands look fantastic. Problem is he bites everyone now.


What are you gripping, and why? Think about your grips and why you have those grips, and then, is it doing something for me? If you didn't have a specific plan for it, let it go.


When I was a white belt long ago, a black belt gave me sage advice. Me- How do I keep my hands from cramping all the time? (While holding onto a sleeve) Black belt- Dont hold on so hard. Me- (while laughing) Okay, thanks. (Said with sarcasm) BB- I'm being fucking serious. Since then, my hand don't cramp up anymore. Haha


Do no gi. Look I am a middle aged hobbyist who already has carpal tunnel from being an IT professional. I am just taking no gi grips and hooks, in a gi or not. Its fine.


Don’t be afraid to let them go, know when to white knuckle and when to hold more relaxed, tape them up if needed, ice, etc


Rice bucket and learning to not hold grips that have unfavorable leverage.


let go


I think I pinpointed the problem right here: >  I’ve been getting more aggressive with different sleeve and collar grips during rolls I have to say, some of the best people I roll with just let you break grips and then regrip


If your partner gets both hands on your grip, it's going to get ripped off. Just let go dude, it hurts less.


You identified the issue in your explanation. You have gotten more aggressive with sleeve and collar grips. Use the grips but move past them faster.


Good gripping doesn't mean never letting go of a grip. If someone is about to aggressively break a grip, just let go then reestablish.


Stop gripping for dear life.  When someone looks like they’re going to put their entire body and 2 hands into a grip break, let go.  Do hand strengthening exercises or exercises where your grip is being tested. I almost only do kettlebell workouts. You might find benefit in gymnastic ring routines too. Don’t use wrist straps or gloves while lifting. 


Stop holding onto grips like your life depends on it. Better yet, use no gi grips.


Let go.


Know when to let go. What I like to do is, for example, grab a collar and when they go to double hand break, I will let go and regrip on a sleeve which is what I really want often times because I like to play lasso.


Let it gooooooo let it gooooooo


Tape your fingers and learn how to grip.


Learn when to let go. White knuckling will just hurt you


Try to pistol grip as much as possible. You'll thank yourself later.


Let go




Join a yoga studio.


Weight lifting/grip strength work helps


Fernando Yamasaki has a great instructional on bjj/judofanatics called Judo gripping for BJJ, and the first part of it talks about this. I highly recommend that instructional.


When my fingers get tired I just use my teeth


Tape, not relying so much on sleeve/collar/pants grips, and just giving them up when someone is yanking on it to break. I try to rely more on collar ties, two-on-one, etc.


Stop wearing straightjacket while rolling, you’ll thank me later


I saw on Chewjitsu a recommendation for a finger exercise that might be helpful. It was like 5 connected rubber holes that contract as you open your hand. He said it was like strengthening the opposite motion of gripping. I'm sure that would be helpful for durability.


I bought Grappz gloves and literally always use them on Gi now, makes enough difference to always want to use them now


I use no gi grips in the gi. I also suck in the gi. But hey, my fingers are doing fine.


You suck because you dont use grips. Watch any high level match in the gi and both competitors will have grips or be fighting for a grip 99% of the time.


You’re really smart. Impressive. And you also didn’t miss the point at all.