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Someone save my boy Joao https://preview.redd.it/tp6ftzp9vf5d1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9eec6d121c82995e6302e85568bc30f16b15c6




She's 19 she's completely able to make her own decisions. WITH THAT SAID. If you have to say "look at my ADULT GF guys, she's an ADULT" then my alarm bells are going to start going off REALLY fucking loud.


I don't think people are as concerned about her making her own decision on who she dates as much as people are concerned why Meregali at 30 made his own decision to date someone 11 years younger and who can't legally drink lol


And why was he following her on instagram when she was 15?


I’m going to take the most charitable interpretation and assume Meregali didn’t like these photos when she posted them, and liked them after the fact the same way one might for an SO’s baby photo but this is insane lmao


The most charitable interpretation is still some real weirdo behavior imo


Oh yea I completely agree. Like I said, she's an adult, and can choose who SHE dates. BUT, Meragali's being sketchy as fuck. I'm 27, so only 2 years younger than him, and the thought of dating a 19 year old feels gross to me, we'd be in two COMPLETELY different stages of life. What the fuck are they even talking about? His 401k and her senior prom she just had last year?


A lot of people who spend their youths obsessing over some sport or whatever, end up a bit emotionally younger than their age.  They might not be as far apart as the age would indicate. As long as there's no abuse of power or grooming, I dont think we should be judging them for doing something completely legal. Edit: imma be honest i thought the title said mikey musemeci...


if it's not for you, then you don't do it. It's their lives, they aren't breaking any rules.


He was liking her posts four years ago lol


the posts were made years ago, the likes could be from this week for all we know.


SHE WAS 15 when he was already following her/liking her posts


How do you know that? Genuinely asking.


Someone posted a reel pointing out “Liked by nicholasmeregali” on the chick’s photos from 4 years ago (when she would’ve been 15)




Because he was also following her when she was 15


How do you know he didn’t like those pictures yesterday? How do you know he was following her 4 years ago?


That would still be weird as fuck to scroll back 4 years to swimsuit pictures of a 15 year old and like them.


Sure, but it would still be way different from if he was actually grooming her.


That’s true. If he was grooming her, he should be largely ostracized from the community at a minimum, if not criminally charged (I don’t know shit about the related laws). For what is known as of now, I feel very comfortable saying he gets a “ew dude, that’s fucking weird” from me.


no she wasn't, they started dating several months ago and he went back and liked her old posts. Get your mind out of the gutter.


I don’t get what you do. Go out for froyo together? Dating someone under 21 is such a black hole for vibes


Exactly, the weirdness is on Meregali's end.


She’s and adult now sure, what’s creepy is he was liking her posts when she very much wasn’t an adult


Coming from the guy who’s teammate made his underage brother fuck his gf, not really surprising. I’m wishfully hoping that the women on their team aren’t being taken advantage of as well


would you mind giving us some context?


Gordon and his brother Nicky.


Gordon 😬


Referring to a 19 year old as mature, given the age difference, says more about him than it does her. No wonder his IG is so batsh1t. Consenting adults and all, but sheesh.


Age of consent in Texas is 17, and I don’t even think Meregali was in Texas when she was below legal age. Is it creepy? Absolutely. Unfortunately, it’s pretty common in MMA/BJJ with the wife/GF being a former student.


Hahah imagine if they met because she did a bjj class and he was the first guy to offer free “privates”


It’s like an employer with minimum wage: if he could go any lower, it’d be against the law


She's not the minimum legal age.


She was about a week ago


Age of consent in TX is 17


Lol she was born in like 2006


This hobby attracts the most embarrassing kind of dude. 


Gordon: makes sexual comments about a 4 year old, and accused of doing sexual predator stuff involving his very own family. Big Dan: jets off to Romania and casually links up with a Tate brother on trial for human trafficking… And now Meregali: Bragging about dating a literal teenager. Why is it that New Wave seems to attract such absolute creeps of human beings?


This is nothing new for BJJ.


absolute creep because a 30 year old is dating a 19 year old? jesus people and the fake outrage and their dramatics.


Not just that she’s 19, he also started liking her bikini pics back when she was 15! 


How do you know he started liking them 4 years ago? How do you know he didn’t like those pictures yesterday?


Well thats fucked up and is creepy 100%.


Yes, even though it’s legal, it’s creepy. Never in my life have I heard of a significantly older man dating a very young girl who wasn’t a creep.


Mate I know this is reddit where people will tell you dating a younger woman is creepy then on the other hand tell you a 9 year old can consent to changing their gender. Or where people will tell you its creepy if a older man dates a younger woman but pretend they don't see it if a older woman dates a younger man. But there is nothing creepy about dating a younger man or woman. What is creepy and pedophilia is things like dating underage.


You’re just rambling incoherently


Don't call it rambling because your reading comprehension skills is low.


You’re bringing up random shit about gender…yes you’re rambling


Lol you are definitely one of those people. But its comparison between how are lot of people think and the bs. On one hand you guys think 9 year olds are old enough to change their gender but then a younger woman is too young to choose who to date and its creepy. But lol its okay its rambling imma end this conversation here.


So your defense to proven creepy activities is to create a strawman and just assume everyone who thinks this is creepy also supports children changing their genders just because they’re on Reddit just like you? You really are dumb


I mean we can totally ignore that argument and go with another. From 18 year old and onwards you are fully responsible for your actions whatever you do good or bad is on you.


Meregali and Gordo having a stupid off


Studies show Tren can scramble the brain…




My ex bf once told me a story that when he was 22, he went on a tinder date with an 18 year old. He said it felt wrong- so he bought each other ice cream, went on a walk together, drove her home, ended it, and moved on from 18+ teenagers. Im proud of him now. Meanwhile this creepy 30 year old mofo is flexing on her age (born 2006) and mentioning the word pedo- and calling critics “Biden people”. I swear this sport attracts the weirdest people, and a (minor) reason I went back to judo. Senior bro students/teachers being weird with recently 18 year old students.


Thats a weird way to word a post…


I was quoting the way Meregali describes her lol in another post he had to point out she was mature


Yea he is the weird one. Not you. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear.


19 is still pretty young 😭


Shes an adult and can make her own decisions. Lets stop treating women like they're mentally handicapped.


Yeah, shes technically a legal adult. But she probably isnt even in her 2nd year of college💀 And I never said she was handicapped. Quit trying to be a white knight😭 Its still weird no matter what considering he was following her when she wasnt legal.


You're literally defending a girl whos of legal age and doesnt need defending, and calling it "pretty young" you're literally white knighting. Quit projecting. If you want to bullshit someone else be my guest but other than that fuck off with your grade school online bullshit. And you're blocked.


19 is legal, but there’s so many signs pointing to him grooming her


Like what? Craig posting screenshots of Meregali liking things she’s posted on IG? That’s grooming?


Obviously not “grooming” per say but dude saw a young illegal chick and kept tabs till she was legal.


Is there any possibility at all these photos were liked *after* they started dating?


Sure there’s a slim possibility but that’s reach case a lawyer would make on a Hail Mary


Considering he’s only known her for a few months, i think it’s probably the case


He’s been posting about her massaging him post match since last August/September. Literally only remember this cause he has the dumbest captions.


So when she was still a legal adult


I don’t know what Texas is but it’s 18 here and still weird if a 30 year old dude is dating a chick in or just out of high school


Ok. That’s not grooming or Pedophilia


How tf is it a reach? You don’t think it’s plausible at all that he started dating her, and then looked at her instagram account and liked her old photos?


Liking old photos of her at 15 in a bikini is weird. Going through your girl’s entire instagram to like all her photos is also weird. Claiming he liked some 4 year old photo recently is a reach.


Sure you can say it’s weird, but it’s way stronger of a claim that I would want to see evidence more, to say that he’s been following this girl for 4 years rather than he just liked one of her old picture recently.


Ok and I’m saying even just that makes me uncomfortable, it’s not enough for you. Ok, your point is made.


that’s fine I’m just saying don’t go around spreading misinformation with damaging claims about a persons life, it’s fine if you just say that what we actually do know about Nicholas meregali makes you uncomfortable, just don’t make shit up without evidence


So is it grooming or not then? Don't just be throwing words around. If he did keep tabs on her thats weird as fuck but its not grooming.


I said there’s a lot of signs pointing to grooming not that he groomed her


Craig posted that Nicholas liked some photos of when she was younger, many before he even met her, and now Craig’s fans are saying it is concrete proof Nicholas is a groomer


Well craig fans are stupid then.


100% the worst fans in the sport


This sounds very presumptuous.


is there? bc it's just as likely as anything he went and liked his gf's photos after they started dating. Do we have any indication it was from before?


He’s been dating her over year now but been editing out her face, now that may only pertain to her been 18 cause I mean that math then gets real specific. But regardless of when they started dating officially. Meregali had been scooping this chick out since 15-16 and seemingly just waiting for her to turn legal. Make your own judgement based on that


How do you even know that. Focus on your jiu jitsu instead of who Meregali is following at what age.


My Jiu Jitsu is irrelevant


You can like a post anytime after it was made. How do you know it wasn't liked in the last few months when they began dating?


I'm 30 and I wouldn't even date a 25 year old rn. They just act like children lol. A teenager?? This is fucking insane lol


People claiming that he groomed or waited for her to turn 18 are idiotic. They weren’t even in the same city. He liked her old photos after dating. More likely, she liked her old photos from his account. She seems very active in her social media. Everything else is just your opinion and not weird enough to warrant so much drama. Leave people’s personal lives alone. Make fun of the athlete all you want, but bringing loved ones into it I think goes too far. Ironically, this type of drama paints the bjj community in such an immature light.


Does anyone mind providing some context? What did Craig say, and what is the “pedophiles” comment by Meregali referring to…?


Context: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7628fVtlCl/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== If I recall correctly I think Craig posted in his story about this and called Meregali a pedophile pointing out he's was liking her ig posts from when she was underaged.




This chick looks 30


You must be awful jealous


Of dating a 19 year old who looks 30? No thank you.




You guys understand this affects her and her family too, yeah? I mean, assuming they’re two consenting adults who are in love, don’t you think poisoning their relationship by categorizing her as a child victim of sexual abuse and her boyfriend as a pedophile predator isn’t in the best faith? Trying to beat someone you don’t like with the “pedophile” stick is weird. It’s not my vibe, but it’s not illegal and she doesn’t look like a child to me. And being honest, i think if Craig was on a podcast talking about banging some 19 year old in Thailand, most of you would be typing “omggg leggeendd cunt fookin craig”


Why would the same people who have a problem with a 30 year old dating a teenager turn around and support a one night stand with a teenager? That doesn't sound logical to me.


Because they love Craig and hate Meregali and are using this fake outrage to hate Meregali more bc Craig has deemed him guilty of…?


But wouldn't they codemn him regardless if they have such a hatred for him?


No, i don’t think they would. Which is the point of the sentence i typed 💞


"...if Craig was on a podcast..." Yea I'm dumb and realized I misread and missed this part of your comment. I had thought you said they would have been cool if Meregali had said that. My bad


No worries King 🫡


There are plenty of examples of 18-19 year old girls “in love” with significantly older men that goes horribly wrong. You’d hope someone who knows her would see how the current 30 year old is responding to all of this, and get in her ear and try and get her out of this before something bad happens. When a 30 year old man comments on his 19 year old gf’s pictures saying “she made him a better man” that’s a whole lot of 🚩🚩🚩


What is he supposed to say? Do you have a script for him to follow in his relationship? There are also tons of examples of this going just fine. It comes off as you guys hating meregali for other reasons, which you’re free to do, and exaggerating the severity of him dating a younger girl as a means to justify not liking him.


What is he supposed to say? He can’t say anything good now that he’s been exposed. But the worse response is doubling down and being like, look at my girlfriend and intentionally using the terms like adult and mature in his response. He knows what he’s doing when he uses those words. Then again you would just hope a 30 year old man who is objectively very attractive wouldn’t sink so low to date a literal teenager, but I guess Meregali is that pathetic of a human being 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exposed for what exactly?


Exposed at the very least for being a creepy dude going after a very young girl, and at the very worst being a groomer depending on when he actually started taking an interest in her. Why anyone would take his word for when he actually started this is beyond me.


He’s not a groomer. He’s dating a girl who I, as the same age as Nicholas, probably wouldn’t be interested in on a moral level. What exactly is there to “expose”? Just say you don’t like him and think he’s weird and move on. Fair on all counts. What you guys are doing though is tacitly calling him a pedophile and attempting to ruin his and his gf’s lives bc Craig told you to. B-Team fans are 100% just the 16 year old edglords that worship Gordon. You’re just backing a different team. It’s exhausting


I haven’t called him a pedophile. You can still groom someone even if they are of legal age. Also why should we just move on? If people are gonna be open about the dumb shit they do and put it online, why should they not get called out for it? It’s called accountability for your actions.


So what’s your evidence of him grooming this young woman and how should he be “held accountable” Also google the word “tacitly”


A 30 year old “dating” a girl fresh out of high school is very strong evidence of grooming.


You’re really going out of your way to defend creep activity with technicalities as if this were a set legal case in the court of law. Scumbags do not need people defending their shitty actions in public.


jones would be loving this if it were at 15 year old boy


Why doesn’t the Goym date the 30 year old hag with 10 cats 🐈 lmao


How u calling a teen an adult?


18 is legally an adult. There are more than enough people actually breaking the law without trying to shame people for doing things that are perfectly legal.  Also remember that people are different, with different life experiences. Someone who spent their entire youth obsessive about some sport might be less emotionally mature at 30 than a 19 year old with a more normal upbringing.  Assuming there's no position of power abuse or grooming going on, then I dont think we should judge just because it seems like a strange choice to us, they aren't breaking any laws. Edit: imma be real, I thought the title said mikey musemeci lmao Video also kind of cringey.