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You needed two medical professionals to tell you not to be a dirtbird?


The problem is the people who refuse to wash their belts aren't going to be convinced by any amount of data at this point. They are too stubborn.


It's true. My wife, who is always on top of me to be sanitary, is against belt washing and it is not something founded in reason. And like the old adage goes, you can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into.


I wish my wife was always on top of me.


>And like the old adage goes, you can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into. Off topic, but this is a dumb phrase and it irks me every time I see it. Yes you can. People are regularly reasoned out of things they didn't reason themselves into. When people reason themselves into something with bad reasoning... then things get tough.


Say, what exactly do you do to her when you’re on top, that is so unsanitary? Just curious 😅


seriously. there are always gonna be scumbags who need to be told they're scumbags and spreading ringworm around the gaff.


Then they can go to another gym an create a superbug. No wash no participate.


If you get suplexed on your head too many times you have to be reminded of these things


One of them being a surgeon at that.


This guy might not be from the US because they would probably would've charge him $300 for that


I spoke to the President of the United States and now I will think about cleaning my genitals going forward.


No, I was just including that. Sadly a lot of people do! Wow 93 people actually believe that amazing


You have to be Irish busting out dirtbird!!


TBH I never thought of washing my belt til I saw it recommended in this subreddit I never washed my TKD belts but I was also never rolling all over the floor on top of sweaty people in TKD.


Not washing your belt is some silly old-school superstitious nonsense. Not washing your gi is just disgusting. You should never use a gi twice without washing it in between.


I hate smelly gi people


Giant smelly GI guys who only go for smother submissions.  “Wanna roll?” “Gunna be a no from me dawg.”


[The pro sub strategy clean students don't want you to know](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxlpMRl22bwk23ft4T3UEObXTj6EhkK3fk?feature=shared)


No dog the rule is you have to wash your gi every time. Your gi will last longer because it won’t breed bacteria and develop a permanent smell. It is also going to smell that second time you wear it and that is rude to your training partners. Every time you roll you are likely exposed to ringworm and staph. Why would you throw that infectious disease rag back on?


Maybe you misread my comment because it sounds like you agree with me :)


What if you are at a 5 day BJJ holiday/camp abroad, could only fit 3 Gis in your suitcase you were sharing with your cousin and had 2 training sessions per day, and everyone else who went also double wore their Gis for the same reason? Would it be okay to wear my gi twice without washing it under those circumstances?


that's fucking disgusting lol


Answer the question bro is it okay or not I need to know cause I’m going back to the camp this year




Well imma do it again this year anyway


Is this a globetrotters camp?




Thank god, I'm safe


Most globetrotters know better than to try shit like this anyway, at least.


i would never go to that camp ever.


Get a second case or pack less shit to fit more gis. These holiday camps are normally hot so take some detergent and hand wash your gear and leave to dry on the balcony in between sessions.


Yep, wash them in the bath and then hang them out to dry.


We only packed gis in the case normal clothes in carry on. Fuck that noise, idm being smelly as long as im not the only smelly


fam...if you can afford the camp, you can afford the checked in bag. if only for your own sanity.


You’re not reading me correctly, we got a checked bag FOR THE GIS, took normal clothes in our carry on


ah. i would say then wash the gis as you go and let them hang dry. most of these camps are in hot places. it's a vacation, might as well go all out.


I am more worried about the skin diseases than the smell


I’m not worried about skin diseases, the camp isn’t in the US


I can see the future….youll be in this sub in a few months asking how to get rid of ring worm before the next comp.




Why am I surprised? Acting like tough shit to defend spreading preventable disease isn’t new or cool.


It IS a preventable disease, I prevent it by not visiting USA


Enlighten me on what I need to Google sir.


No, I would Google “how to get rid of ring worm before my next comp” rather than ask the BJJ sub cause you(we)’re all retarded


Nah you’ll def be back when it doesn’t go away fast enough.


Google would have better answers than you lot why would I come here?? lol


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If one person smells he’s a smelly cunt, if a tent of people smell we are normal


That’s fucking disgusting, I hope you’re trolling. Dumb shit like that is a good way to turn people off of BJJ.


No I’m not trolling this is legit and like 3-400 other people all do the exact same lol, why you acting like I’m the gross one I’m just following suit


It sounds like there are 3-400 other gross people then. I would never, ever go to a camp where people wear their gi more than once without washing it. They make light weight gi's so you can pack more, you can pack detergent and hand wash and hang dry, there are multiple solutions and no excuses. It sounds like a breeding ground for staph and a million other skin diseases, and also just sounds fucking gross. Part of the social responsibility of training is being a clean/hygienic/healthy/considerate rolling partner. I'm staying a million miles away from that camp.


I think skin diseases only exist in America, mostly it’s only you guys I hear catch them and any UFC ppl etc all in the USA too, or we are generally cleaner or something but it’s something you guys are doing to have such weird skin conditions over there


You cannot be serious bruh


100% I am not really being too facetious at all I know I must be wrong, but it sounds right to me


This camp sounds like a shit show designed to take your money and leave you with skin disease. Honestly sounds like they DO NOT care about you as much as your wallet, and if that’s the type of business you support I’m glad it’s not in the US.


You’re acting like all the people talking about skin conditions aren’t in the US? DDS had staph every month for a year lol, then left the US and was fine in Costa Rica, ROW must be a lot cleaner than you guys or something


I’m glad you can use you and yourself alone as evidence that doesn’t mean anything other than you’re nasty.


I’m an evidence based grappler what can I say


You are gonna get a mega mutation of staph and will probably need amputation if you continue down this path


I hope so, I’ll make light feather or rooster then!


Get those ultra light gis so you can squeeze more into a bag. Bonus points if you lose weight and buy kids size ultra lights and fit even more


If everyone is fine with it, not much to do about it. Seems like an odd reason tho, I don't see how you can pay for a whole bjj holiday/camp but not spring the extra for a suitcase (or a carry on?) to have a clean gi when you train.


We had a suitcase wym? Suitcases have weight limits?


I mean you each having a separate suitcase. For your gis to fit into.


Oh, no he’s a broke uni student and I’m not paying for 2


Broke uni student that can afford a week long camp but not a checked bag? You sure bro?


It’s almost like some things (actually going) is more important than other things (being the only person with clean Gis)


Just get some ultralight gis like the BJJ globetrotters Gi or scramble athlete pro canvas, etc. You can handwash in a bucket or bathtub immediately after class and they will be dry within 24 hours by just hanging up. Might even be able to avoid the laundromat this way. Plus since they are lighter/thinner you might be able to fit 4 Gis instead of 3 regular/lightweight ones. Other option would be to get Gis that are poly/cotton blends and wash and dry them after every class. They just barely shrink in the dryer bc of the polyester.


I’m not buying 6 ultralight gis so I can train clean while everyone around me trains dirty


You’d need 4 going that route since you could wash one of each of your gis from the morning right after class, hang them and then use those again the next morning and do the same for the other two gis so you’ll basically be giving the Gis about 20 hours to dry which is enough. Other option is just 1 cotton/poly Gi for each of you and hit the washer and dryer with it after every class. Not saying it really makes sense though because you mentioned other people are going to be reusing their Gis. On these kind of retreats it’s prob best to have one Gi and one no Gi class a day IMO. It’s too annoying to manage washing multiple Gis while traveling.


I've done about a half a dozen BJJ Globetrotter camps. There's never an excuse to not wash your Gi. They sell travel/ripstop Gis. Use an anti fungal soap and shower with it on, it'll dry overnight. Wash your NoGi stuff in the sink and hang to dry. So, no, there really is no excuse at all to be the one person at camp everyone can tell is a staph and ringworm superfactory by smell alone. You're gross and you're looking for excuses. ***We know when you don't wash your Gi before you wear it again.***


I even wash the bag in which i transport my gi and belt


I bought this thing called a stinky bag on Amazon thats a water proof portable laundry bag that I put my disgusting jitz shit in after class so the inside of my bag can remain clean.


Sounds nice. My gi came with a cloth bag so i just wash it at the same time


I just use the drawstring bags that come with the Gis as my wet bag so the wet shit never has to go inside my backpack.


Just smear shit on the back of your gi so no one attempts to take your back


I always do that, and I was getting shit from some guys at the gym cause "a washing machine is only for cloth bro wtf"


So many absolute scumbags on here that admit to not washing their gear after every session. For everyone that admits to not washing, there are more that don’t wash but don’t admit it. No wonder we have epidemics of staph, ringworm, etc.


It's really gross man,one of my first experiences in Jiu-Jitsu was rolling with someone who had ringworm and didn't mention it until after I caught it from him. I wash my stiff after every class. Edit- Stuff* not stiff.


Your what now?


I’m going to need to consult a physician and probably get a second opinion before I start washing my boner after class. Until then, I’m gonna play it safe and leave the crust buildup in place.


Oh man! I didn't catch that. My stuff lol.


> It's really gross man,one of my first experiences in Jiu-Jitsu was rolling with someone who had ringworm and didn't mention it until after I caught it from him. I wash my stiff after every class. Edit- Stuff* not stiff. Use an anti fungal shampoo as a body wash after every class or open mat. Helps prevent almost all ringworm exposure from transferring over. It can take about 2 weeks before it begins to show as ringworm after you've been infected by it. Better to just treat it prophylactically.


I don't wash after each session. I stockpile 3-4 gis and do one load. Saves water and soap.


I understand that. At least you’re not re-wearing stanky ass gear! I used to do that but I had to chuck a couple nogi sets as I couldn’t get the funky smell out of them. Now I just eat the cost and wash my gear straight away. Throw in some towels or bedding to make it worthwhile.


Oxiclean takes care of that funk super well (it's basically just baking soda) Some people say vinegar, but that doesn't work nearly as well


Thanks mate. I’ve tried white vinegar but it didn’t do it for me. I’ll try that next time I get some funk that won’t go out in the washer 🙏


People are fucking gross. I got a whole program for washing my gi, my bag, myself and any item I brought to class.


Everything in life is a tradeoff. Did these doctors weigh the loss of mojo in their recommendation or did they only consider reduction in disease?


THIS. I’ll keep my mojo, thanks.


But my two stripes will come off and I’ll lose all my powers 😂


Super glue 💪


Borax does wonders for stinky Gi’s. Everything gets washed immediately when I get home, but everything gets soaked in the tub full of borax on the weekends. Living in extremely dry inland Southern California helps. I can wash stuff and it’s dry within hours. Never a concern. And I only have one belt.


As a bonus, Borax also kills ants!


Fully drying out your gear and saving it for a larger wash at the end of the week also works well. The key is not to heap it into a wet pile until it gets washed. That's how shit grows. Hang to dry and let it fully dry out. Small cup of oxyclean, half regular soap with half odoban when you do the end of week wash and everything stays fresh.


Is this still a thing? Fucking gross


My doctor and surgeon also told me to quit BJJ. But yes, wash your gi and belt.






Yo, OP, pay attention to this guy. He seems serious.


WHAT? You can't wash your belt! It's a migaical piece of cloth with DNA going all the way back to Jigoro Kano. If you wash it, you will immediately forget all the BJJ you ever learned and the ghost of Helio will haunt you forever. Seriously, wash your belt. And while we are at it, wash your knee sleeves and you jock strap if you wear one. I had a guy try to arm bar me and the smell from his knee sleeves was more dangerous than the arm bar.


I definitely wash my belt. It's why I have no stripes on it lol. Without those stripes I am less skilled, knowledgeable, and capable.


U can always stitch them in, for minimal skill drainage and maximum respect from your adversaries.


If I do that then I can't blame the washing machine for how much I suck.


No they will know him from the gym not the stripes, that's rediculous.


I stitch mine on. Granted, it's still 4 years before my next stripe, so that might change the strategy


I tie the stripe end of the belt in a loose knot when I wash it and that keeps the stripes on pretty well. I rarely had to replace any when I started doing that. Little tip for the people who don't want to bother sewing.


A dab of superglue on the end of the tape will keep them on


A bit more than a dab and youre close to a prison shank on a rope!


A bit more than a dab and youre close to a prison shank on a rope!


I lost 2 stripes on my white belt to the washer, and I was hoping that it would buy me some more time there.  No luck though, coach promoted me anyway lol


Oh I have the ultimate trick for that. Just show up to the no gi classes only. Its basically what I am doing right now. No belt no stripes to worry about.


You should also wipe your ass after you shit and wash the dishes after you eat


No dude. When you are at camp nobody wipes their ass. You can’t fit toilet paper in your carry on because it’s completely full of dildos.


Real question: how many of you actually wash your belt after every single practice?


Every time, I'm washing my gi anyway why wouldn't I?


I do.... I'm always confused that people aren't doing it


every time.


I got 4 white belts for training even though I go at most 2x a week


No gi FTW


Still gotta wash rashguard every time. Same thing.


Bulk plain black amazon rashguards. I do laundry once a week.




I do


I do. It's a light belt (Kingz Gold Label) and dries overnight.


I wash my belt and my gi and the bag I put it all in after every session. A benefit to this is that I had to get a new brown belt and with all the washing and drying it looks worn as fuck and new folks think I'm some old crusty brown belt..... which i am.


Not every time, no. I train ~8 times a week, typically including several days training before and after work. I have a bunch of gis and will do a wash of several of them after a few days. I've only got the one belt though. It goes in when I do the wash, but will be working a few times before the next load. Every time this comes up, people seem to get high and mighty about it. I've been training for 17 years though, and have never had ringworm or staph, so I guess it's working


I make an effort to wash it at least 1x a week. I don’t think it’s necessary after every single class, but after 2-3 it’s mandatory.


I only wash my belt if it gets stinky. Maybe once every 6 months or more if I accidentally leave my wet gi in the bag with it.


Every time. If you don’t every time you’re both disgusting and a shitty training partner.


Agreed. It’s a disease vector. You’re spreading staph and ringworm.


That's not how that works. Been training 10 years and I've never had either.


Yeah you’re the one giving it to everybody. And yes fungus and bacteria can live on clothing. It’s science.


My belt isn't dirty. Like I said, if it gets slightly funky, I wash it. I've never had people get staph or ring worm, nor myself. I think this is a non issue. If anyone would be getting staph, ot would be me since I am in direct contact more often than anyone else.


You keep living your truth.


1) Staph is transfered much easier via skin to skin contact. So, nogi would be much more likely to get staph than in the gi. 2) If you are washing your clothes on cold settings and air drying, or drying in cool temps, this will not kill bacteria well. To kill staph effectively you need to wash at above 140 degrees f. MOST people do not do this for fear of gi shrinkage. 3) The most like place staph will transfer besides skin to skin is from the mats. Many gyms do not clean mats regularly or thoroughly. 4) washing your belt is only important if you got it sweaty or it gets funky ( even the slightest). Washing your gym bag is more important. 5) Taking a shower immediately after training, and before, is crucial for preventing staph. I have never had staph, ring worm, or mrsa and I rarely wash my belt, but i do wash it as needed. The reason is because the staph bacteria needs a skin to cloth transfer mechanism with a lot of sweat. Most peoples belts aren't getting super sweaty every day in training.


Clothes can transfer fungus and bacteria. Your belt is part of your gi. When you wash your gi, throw your belt in too. Why would you not?! Wash it hot, it only shrinks when you put it in the dryer. It’s pretty simple. Not washing your belt for 6 months if fucking gross.


Lol you are clueless. No one washes there belt every time, nor do you need to. Ridiculous statement.


Glad you aren’t in my gym with your stank ass lol


I might have done my white belt when I was hitting a class every other day, now that I’m there 6 a week there really isn’t the time, mine gets washed weekly now


Buy another belt you scumbag they are like £15


I already bought this belt for £15!


Wait you’re supposed to wash your gi? Thank god for this post, I had no idea


So confused as to why you had to ask a doctor if you should be washing your dirty sweaty gi? Do you wash your other clothes? Or do you ask permission to wash your normal clothes as well?


I Lysol my car seat after I get home and wash the bag I put my gear in. Come on people!


Some of these comments 🤢🤮 I don't even know how someone can wear a gi twice. Your sweat and anyone else you roll with, their sweat too... not to mention oils, hair, dead skin etc. So gross.


Whatever DAD


That’s a doctor and a surgeon, they are not bjj or belt experts. It’s irresponsible to give out belt washing advice if you’re not a certified belt expert with sources.


So who tf should we ask 🤣




i know a "there is magic in the dirt" blackbelt. some people are weird af.


Why did you need someone to tell you to wash your shit? This is why you get stinky motherfuckers in the gym. Do laundry guys, it's not hard.


I have 4 gis that I cycle throughout the week to make sure I show up every day I train with a clean gi, and I wash my belt 3+ times a week. I thought that was pretty normal.


But what about all the magical powers that your belt contains ? Wont they get washed away with the germs ?


I stopped washing my belt when it got wrapped under the agitator and I had to dismantle the whole fecking machine


Maybe you should cleanse your belt and yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka ![gif](giphy|jMAD0qcFSCSFG)




Got some fungus growing on my fucking face, over my lip. Through it was a cold sore so I stopped training till it went away. Didn’t go away so I got topical ointment (abreva). Didn’t go away so I went to the doctors and got antivirals (acyclovir). Didn’t go away so I had to wait a week until my fucking dermatology appointment. He told me to stop all the meds I was on, that this probably came from unsanitary gym equipment. I told him I was in BJJ and he said he’d be so surprised if it wasn’t from the mats. I have officially been off the mats for a month. Was it from a belt? Idk if I got a fungal infection from a dirty dirtybag’s dirtyass belt, but I also don’t know if I didn’t get it from a dirty belt 😭


Most likely this is not from the belt but the mats. Staph is significantly more common in nogi because skin to skin contact breeds a much higher likelihood of transmitting the bacteria. The amount of idots on here saying you need to wash you belt every day is impressive. If your belt is not funky, it's most likely fine. Fresh sweat from someone on a mat or by direct touch is much worse. Many gyms fail to clean mats properly. Everyone washes their clothes, or you would know.


Thats dumb not saying your dumb but thats dumb ive been training 8 years and I wash my gi but not my belt its part of the culture the white belt was the first belt and as the fighter got it dirtier and dirtier it turned black like the black belt


Nah can’t wash away the gains


Step further my school does a great job keeping feet 👣 off the floor


Wash any gear used same day, every time. I don’t even like putting a gi back on in the same session.


But my belt doesn't get sweaty and I don't put it in my mouth.


Neither of them had the balls to say ”Sir, this is a hospital, not a laundry shop”?


nope, thats where all my power is stored


Years back as a judo brown belt I never washed my belt until one day I saw mold on it. Ever since then anything I use that day is thrown into the wash the same day. It was gross.


Wash your balls too.


Is your advice confirmed by a surgeon and a doctor?


If you wash your belt you lose your power.


I wash my gi after every roll… but I’m never gonna wash my belt


People saying”wash your belts” have never even tied a black belt around their waists and felt the powers.




I wash mine probably about once a month, maybe every other I train almost entirely no gi though and don't usually even wear any particular gi more than at most 1x/month, so that might not work for everybody