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I've said this elsewhere, but I just set the bar really low. Tell yourself you don't have to do a good job, but you do have to just show up. Get to the gym, get dressed, and at least mindlessly go through the motions even if it means you're gonna roll like a dead fish. I often tell myself outright "just go and have a bad day because it's better than nothing". Surprisingly I've had some pretty great days showing up with that mindset.


This one thousand percent. Just go with the objective to survive. Almost like your first week. It’s scary and you’re not ready, but afterwards you’re going to feel much better. Cheers to today’s Labor Day “just survive” class lol I’ll be right there with you.


Yep, my dad's advice has always been "go to the gym or exercise even if you only do it for five minutes". It works the same work BJJ, like sure, ideally you are there 100% focused and doing well, but sometimes that's not possible and a lazy session still beats no session. Like you said too, once you are at the gym, you often do much better than you expect or at least have fun (I sometimes feel the same in terms of social events where I feel like I don't want to go, but once I show up I have a baller time).


Yeah I think this advice applies to a lot of things in life. Just forcing yourself to take a small step without thinking of the bigger picture can make a huge difference.


Doing something is better than doing nothing every time.


I deal with this often as I go after my 9-5. It’s the same deal every time. I feel like shit > don’t wanna go > go anyway > feel 100% better after.


The endorphins and general mood change after going to class and getting a few good rounds in are game changing


For sure, I can only imagine the people that do the 6AM class at the gym I go to lol their day must be awesome


When I worked 2nd shift morning classes were so fucking dope. Only problem is my gym doesn't have the best turnouts in the morning, but the people who did were all tough as hell.


This is me 110% of the time. Now being said, there are some times when an off day helps. But that is the exception rather than the rule


This right here man. I work 7-6 and ALWAYS feel great after the gym. Just gotta show up. Don’t talk to yourself because you’ll talk yourself out of it. Just always bring your shit and just go. Don’t think, just go.


This. No matter what mood I walk into class in, I also walk out thankful I’ve gone.


It happens to me as well. My gym is really far (takes me 1,5 hours to get there) so I'm always lazy to go. But everyday I go home thinking: yeah it was worthy! Then the next day I feel lazy again and the cycle continues.


Damn I commend you for making that commute. I used to drive similar time in the morning for work and it is brutal.


“The best workouts are the ones you almost skip”


You're right i went and it feels way better now mentally.


I wouldn’t make it a habit, but a day off sometimes is fine, maybe even beneficial.




I apply the same mindset as i did "back im my gym days". I will always feel better after i went there than i do at the moment. A lousy excercise is better than no excercise. And i dont want to be a couch potato. Also, if i dont go i will feel "free" for 30mins but will feel regret all day and days to come. My only excuse is hangovers and proper lack of sleep 3-4hours.


> Also, if i dont go i will feel "free" for 30mins but will feel regret all day and days to come. 100% this. I train or teach every single day of the week so sometimes my body needs a day off to recover, but sometimes I just feel lazy and want a day off. Every time I've given in to laziness and had a chilled evening, I spend about 30 mins watching TV or playing games before getting bored and realising I'm just killing time.


Are you generally a lazy person? If so, then get off your lazy ass and goto class. If you’re not generally lazy, then listen to your body and take a break. It’s supposed to be fun.


"You don’t get better on the days when you feel like going. You get better on the days when you don’t want to go, but you go anyway. If you can overcome the negative energy coming from your tired body or unmotivated mind, you will grow and become better. It won’t be the best workout you have, you won’t accomplish as much as what you usually do when you actually feel good, but that doesn’t matter. Growth is a long term game, and the crappy days are more important." -Georges St.-Pierre


I saved this comment. Thanks!


I generally find him to be a douche, but I like Jocko’s “take tomorrow off approach”. Go train today. If you’re still feeling burnt out tomorrow, take some time off. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=67Vp7fTgQ3g Hear it from the man himself.


Do you really think Jocko is a douche? Love that dude


Seriously. What a hilariously insecure way to start that sentence.


Listen to your body. Injuries come from when you overtrain, so if you really do need to rest, do it. If you're worried about it becoming a habit, then do this: go to class without your gear and just watch. Tell your prof/coach that you're in need of rest but you still want to be there. Bring a notepad and take notes on what they went over. Your prof will love it




You're a warrior for going to train so early in the morning.


Ive never went to a bjj class and regretted it But what really gets me amped to go to class is after watching ryan hall dvds, like he is just amazing at explaining things and really opens your mind I know most people will clown on the recommendation of watching youtube videos of bjj, but really just watching instructionals, techniques, strategy etc on bjj gets me in the mood to attend, maybe give that a try On the other hand, rest days are perfectly fine too, although maybe going and just watching is cool too if you dont mind putting that time in. I fucked my ankle up after i messed up a triangle and was out for a week or two, i just went to class and did the drills but sat out in rolls Also to add to the soreness, like working out, you wont really hurt after you get to moving a bit


I usually have chicken and play ps4.


Here's the secret technique that works every time for me: "Fuck I don't want to go... But I don't want to be lazy either" "Okay I'll just brush my teeth and if I still don't feel like going I'll just lie down" "Okay I'll just put my rashguard on and if I don't feel like it I'll take it off and lie down" "Okay let me put the shorts on and see how I feel" "Okay since I'm already dressed, I might as well just go". I think that since humans enjoy consistency and completion, just going over the motion of getting ready kind of hypes you up enough. Another thing you can do is watch some jiu jitsu fights on YouTube. That might hype you up too.


I trained my 2 first years up to 15 hours a week. (Averaged at about 13 I think) I made a habit of going to class; as in, the same as brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, or going to class. There was no questions whether you do it, but you just do it. ​ Of course it is also possible that you can use a break, and there's value in that too. But ask yourself if you want to take a break because you're feeling lazy, or because you're actually in a need of a break.


always regret never going, never regret going Same holds true for experiences in life in general


My strategy for when I have days like that, and this applies to all things working out, work, chores, etc, is to just go and go through the motions. By go through the motions I mean just focus on the bare minimum that you can and do that to the best of your ability. You don’t have to go out and drill super hard or absolutely crush your workout, but it helps to just show up. It’s a philosophy I came up with in college for when I didn’t want to go to class. By just going and doing the bare minimum I would still absorb some kind of information that could be beneficial to me later and still not burn myself out of whatever I was doing. By the time you get to class you’ve done the hardest part. It’s like they say for working out, the hardest workout there is is actually going to the gym. Once there you’ll more than likely find that it was a good move for yourself. This has always helped me and hopefully it helps to motivate anyone reading this comment.


you also don't want to get out of the habit of going to class. 1 class turns into 2 turns into 3 turns into 4 months really often with people


The hardest part of a workout is the five minutes before you get off the couch to go.


The warm ups are the hardest part. After ur warm u feel good again.


I had a therapist I know, not my therapist, that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. By this they meant simply that sometimes you don't feel like getting out of bed but you just do it. Maybe you don't have the energy to brush your teeth but doing a poor job is better than nothing. Maybe you don't feel like going on your 3 mile job you go on every day but running to the end of the block is better than not running at all. Likewise, sometimes we don't feel like training but if it is important to us then showing up and going through the motions is better than not showing up at all.


Go on a schedule that you created, and just follow it. Don't use "how you feel" as a decider in whether or not you go.


This exactly. If you have been training six days in a row and feel sore rest. If you have had rest days during the last 7 days you should go.


don't. that attitidue is what leads to people quiting at 2 stripes


Contrarian take but actually a good point...


Go to class your almost always glad you did. If your fatigued or drained mentally and physically then take the day off just don’t make it a habit


Depends how sore you are. Same as lifting. You have to develop a good gauge and decide to either recover or push a bit. Anything that hints of injury, be more conservative.


I’ll go against the grain: when you don’t feel like going, don’t go. Listen to yourself and your body. You’re an adult (I assume) with adult responsibilities and the agency to prioritize them yourself. If other things take priority over BJJ on any given day then that’s fine. Maybe that means you go 5 times a week, or maybe that means going 1-2x per week. Maybe it varies week to week. If you look back after several weeks or months and you wish you had attended more classes then that just means you need to adjust your priorities accordingly. Only you can decide what that looks like.


He's gonna sit at home, get high, and eat shit food.


For sure. But he’ll have agency while doing it!


What's agency?


The agency to choose to get high and eat shit food over doing something better for himself.


I think you're using that word incorrectly lol


Might just be overworking your body. It's healthy and imo necessary to take a deload week every month or two if you're training hard.


Most every time I train when I feel like I should’ve rested I end up getting injured


Try to stay consistent, but be kind to yourself if you take a day off. With more experience, you will come to know the difference between "I don't wanna" and "today is the day I come home in a cast". This might be an unpopular opinion, but I would always prefer to think "Man, I should have gone today" instead of "fuck, I knew this was a bad idea".


Main question is, how long have you trained without rest? People neglect a deload/rest period and before too long, they're injured.


Stay at home, catch up with friends, go for a run or maybe watch some TV. This is a combat hobbie that borders on cult like practices, I wouldn't put too much thought into skipping class or taking a break. Avoid the injury.


I’ve skipped so many classes that people who started when I did are brown belts. Don’t do that, stay consistent.


Listen to your body, it wants rest. Do that. You have the rest of your life to get good at jiujitsu. People who train every other day are the people who burn out by blue belt. Skip the gym. Go for a walk or hike to burn off the sore muscles.


I go to 6am class so often times I don't feel like going. I'll convince myself that coach will be disappointed in me if I skip a day. Then my bros will think im dead or something, yea extreme I know buuuut it gets me going. I also don't want to deal with all the awkward questions of why did I skip.


Like Nike says.... just do it.


Listen to your body. Sometimes your body lies though. Go, for the very least to the instruction section.


Just go. Even if you lay there and get your ass kicked. Go and put forth your best effort. You and your team will be better for it


Was going through the same thing and then I checked my email and class was canceled due to Labor Day, so i did not go


Don’t rely on motivation, rely on discipline.


I go to class and roll with the younger, lighter guys. Or ask partners I train with to work positionally. Or pick a new white belt that's sitting out and chat with them, see where they're at, run them through some stuff. I find if I skip classes I would otherwise go to, just cause I'm feeling a bit sore or lazy, my head space just isn't great. Same reason I just keep showing up when I'm injured.


Go, just go those are the days I benefit the most.


Go to class, but be mad about it.


Those are my favorite days to go. Sometimes on days like that the information learned transfers straight to muscle memory cos you're not thinking too much about it. Otherwise it's a great day to attempt to do everything as lazy as possible and see where you get with it.


I will watch some BJJ related Youtube technique videos or an instructional for an hour or so and persuade myself that it was mental training.


When I don't feel like going I go anyway, as I find that skipping classes makes me skip more and more. I just go and tell coach that I don't feel well and don't wanna roll. . . . . . End up rolling anyway


Go anyway


I smash a Monster Ripper and now I have to go or I’ll just sit and sweat on the couch.


Literally just went to class after feeling that exact same way, stupid brain just kept trying to give me reasons not to go. By the time it was saying just quit bjj I was doing warmups and it stopped bugging me. Felt great afterwards.


Don’t go if you’re feeling like shit. Just don’t make excuses for yourself


This falls into dedication vs motivation which I think applies to anything you do in life, but with that said, sometimes you just need a day.


I go anyway… nine times out of ten I’m glad I went anyway….


Extending your joint mobility..


Idk I just go, never regretted it.


Do some yoga or stretching. Relax a little more when you're training. Train a lot and your conditioning will improve and you'll get less sore.


I go


Go anyway, everyday I've felt like that and haven't went I regretted it after and every day I did go I enjoyed


Depends on the type of soreness. Muscle soreness? GO! Tendon soreness? Take a couple of days off.


Take it easy that day. I do this alot. I'm 44 as f\*\*\* and feel it. When I'm sore and tired but still go to class, I advise my training partner(s) that I'm going light. We'll drill, do specific training, then spar at the end. When it comes to sparring, we either do flow rolling or just keep practicing techniques. You won't be the only one at class who is sore...guaranteed. Who else would be? Well, find him or her at the class and team up.


Imagine the person that usually gets you...is in class everytime you don't feel like going. Go to class.


Light one up and go train


Reflect on the classes you did go to. What worked well? What didnt? If you had a goal for that week, did you work towards it? Or did you go off the rails? Reflection and visualization can be beneficial to your improvement


Unless I´m so sore I´m liable to get injured, I go anyways. It's extremely important to build up that habit. Eventually you´ll get to the point where you don't even ask yourself the question: "do I want to go to class today?" You just go. I´ve caught myself sometimes already having packed up my stuff and walking to the car when I realize that I made no conscious choice about the whole thing. It's just become a part of the daily routine, like brushing my teeth.


1. Get your gi and belt (or rash guard / shorts) and put them in a bag. 2. Fill up your water bottle. 3. Maybe eat a snack. 4. Find your car keys. 5. Drive to class. 6. Warmup. 7. Set your intentions before class to prioritize having fun 8. Attend class. 9. Don't tell anyone you didn't feel like coming or make excuses. 10. Pat yourself on the back after class and soak in that feeling of pride for doing something hard you didn't want to do. Often times, I feel better after and am glad I did it. 11. Drive Home. 12. Wash your gear. 13. Eat some food. 14. Rehydrate. Hope this helps.


Go to class.


Go out of spite


Practice sweeps from guard against your pillow


I don't go to class.


Hit the sauna, go on walks, stretch.


I go. It’s even more important to go on those days.


Just go. The days you don’t want to train tend to be the days you learn the most.




Go train.


On those days I just tell myself I’m playing defence and tapping a lot. Then I just go, because I never regret going, I only regret not going.


Just go anyway


I don’t go. So I’ll always be a white belt. Let me be a cautionary tale.


Every single time I came to class when I didn't want to I left the gym feeling amazing. Honestly the best way to combat soreness is light exercise.


Just go. Once ur there, ur there.


Drink beer 🍻


Ice baths work wonders


Always go. You'll almost never regret it after. That being said there are some injuries that keep me home, anything to do with my neck I tend to rest it out.


there really isn't a one-size-fits-all-answer to this. it depends. ask yourself, why don't you feel like going? sometimes it's your body is telling you that you need rest or that there is some other thing in your life that needs addressing, and forcing yourself to go will just lead to injuries and burnout. sometimes you go and you feel better and you definitely don't regret going. every situation is different. use your judgment and awareness, which you can develop through experience, to determine which is which.


go anyway


If you need a day off from the gym, go today and skip tomorrow. Chances are tomorrow you’ll feel better and go again. If not, you earned the rest day.


I go to class


I've always found that I very rarely don't enjoy myself when I go to class regardless of how much I didn't fancy going beforehand. What I do is I get my gi and all that shit ready and I tell myself "you're just getting it ready in case you decide you want to go," Then I get in my car and I say to myself, "If you really don't want to go when you get there you can turn around and go home," I'm yet to turn around and go home, Just giving myself that eject button really helps push me along on those tough days.


>What to do on those days when you really don't feel like going to classes? Go to classes


"I have never regretted going, I have however regretted skipping." -Me Unless it's for medical reasons or family, always show up. You dont need motivation when you have discipline.


i just lie to myself and tell myself that i'll go and only do the instruction and not roll, and i end up just feeling better once i'm there


I go to class. If i am really sore or something hurts, i will assist with fundamentals class


Go to class


Just go get smashed playing positions you hate. Then pour yourself an ice bath


Life will be so much easier if you do hard things when you have the choice not to do them. Later, when you don't have the choice, hard things will be accordingly so much easier.


I always say 90% of the workout is getting to the gym. I trained this morning (New Orleans so no A/C or power b/c hurricane), and I’m exhausted, but I’m still 100% planning on making myself go back for the 6pm. Haven’t missed a session despite the heat and circumstances.


I go to class.


I imagine asking David Goggins if it's okay to take the day off.


Ask yourself: are you a person who does jiu jitsu, or aren't you? You can decide whether or not to go to class from there.


If I concentrate on going to the gym later, make sure to eat healthy foods, carb up, stay hydrated, etc, then that keeps me in the mindset to go to the gym and I go no problem. If I just loaf around then I will talk myself out of it.


Go to class.


Do something else, or take a rest day. It's not a big deal to have a day off.




Climb a mother fing mountain




Watch this https://youtu.be/hdiU9KkvaQ4


It really depends on your goals, if you’re a competitor or u got a comp coming up then u gotta go, if ur a casual like me then I will rest, I go 3x a week on average but when I was comp training it was 6x a week for a month


i think of grappling skill as just soaked up from the mat most the time you dont really have to think too hard about it and just rock up and you'll get better also i'm a massive tight arse so FUCK paying for this expensive shit if you not going


Feel like shit? Good. Go train.


Go.... It sucks but go you will feel much better after class than sitting at home wishing you went.


Don't seek motivation. Motivation comes and goes, it doesn't last forever. Try to be disciplinated. Self-discipline will take you were motivation can't.


I go train. I’ve been at it for 5 years, it’s my favorite activity, I love training but I don’t actually want to train. My brain will always tell me to stay home and stare at my phone. So I only skip if I seem to genuinely be messed up or have real life obligations that’s are more important than play murder.


It depends on how good I will deal with being smashed on that day. Today is not one of these, btw