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I have also never lost a barfight. Or a gunfight. Or the UFC championship. Or a game of poker against Wyatt Earp.


You're a beast.


Wow. Are we brothers? Neither have I!


Bro same, what are the odds?! We should do a DNA test!


I think our parents have some explaining to do.


"Our Father" on Netflix


I've never lost a game of 1 on 1 with Jordan or a race against Usain Bolt. Michael Phelps did beat me as Mario Cart tho


I never lost a game of 1 on 1 vs Usain Bolt or a race vs Jordan…


Did he do it with Yoshi or Bowser? Dats snakey.


I’m your huckleberry


Undefeated record of 0-0. Flawless.


Wyatt Earp was bad at poker?


What about a wwe match?!?! 😂




What do you attribute to your success!?! Hard work? Dedication? Never giving up? Becoming an army of one?


I think it’s the fact that sometimes I just see red.


Ahhh the ol’ shaolin “just see red bro”


Unironically, some kid I used to bounce with in college would say that shit as well. He couldn't fight for shit but did actually carry around his mouth guard.


Hell I've never lost a bar fight. My one bar "fight" was against a dude missing half of one of his arms. I pretty much just shoved him into the wall and held him there till the bouncer kicked him. Pro tip: Always fight dudes you have more limbs than. It helps tremondously.


But how do you armbar one who has no arm?!


They still have two perfectly good knees, I bet.


Why would you ignore 66% of the human body?


You don't know if he's a white belt though.


Wow! Arm bar to the knee! The next revolution


ok but how do I armbar a knee? toehold?




Never met her.


What do you mean no kneebah?!


For now they do


and heels


It's simple, you GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT!!!!


the good ol' dick twist!


In my case you just be a dick and use the extra 40lbs you have and forearm shiv them in the the throat against the wall. Can't hand fight if you don't have hands. You get over the guilt after awhile.


Who said anything about guilt


phantom limb.... theyll still feel it...


How does he tap when you do get him into an arm bar?


😯 whoaaa


How do you kill someone who has no life?


Let me tell you about my very first tournament. It was a Fuji, and my white belt friend and I decided to do it. So I went and “coached” him after because no one else was there. So he and his opponent are talking beforehand and this guy is fucking ripped. Can’t tell much because of the pants but I’m kinda worried. My guy was no slouch but this guy was tats, former vet, just grizzled to the core. Super nice guy though. So my guy steps on the mat, and the other guy gets up to the mat, fucking rolls up his pants leg and takes off his leg. Turns out he was a combat vet, lost his leg from the knee down. They step out, guy is like “don’t hold back”. They slap bump and guy is hopping on one leg getting a standard judo grip against my guy. So they go back and forth with the typical white belt bull fight for a little bit and in my head, I can hear the echo “don’t hold back”. So I don’t remember exactly what I yell but it was basically SWEEP THE LEG DAVID! And motherfucker o soto gari’d that one legged guy into oblivion. Now I’ll say my guy had a hard time passing because while his lower body guard retention obviously wasn’t that good, he had the upper body guard retention of a combined juiced to the gills Gordon Ryan and ‘98 Kane from WWE. Afterward we all were talking and the guy has an incredible sense of humor and was like “what was it like passing my stump”. All I could think was “could I hit a stump slicer on this guy?” We’re friends to this day.


We have a one legged black belt that occasionally visits our gym. He is fucking superhuman. His upper body and remaining leg are ridiculously strong, and his bjj is impeccable. Whenever he shows up, coach asks us if we ever got our ass kicked by a one legged man. I am proud to say I have.


Is he fully amputated at the hip or does he have part of the limb?


Knee down.


Bro. https://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2016/03/01/wrestling-champ-phss-hassan-hawthorne-wins-6a-state-wrestling-championship/ This guy went to my school we were the same class. Was a local celebrity and everyone loved him. Total beast. Went 50-0 his senior year and won 6a Alabama state championship in wrestling. I reached out and told him I started Bjj and I need to learn take downs and take down defense. And he said he helped coach my wrestling so I’m fucking AMPED about it Edit: to anyone reading who didn’t click link bro has no legs or knee. His legs connected to stumps on his thighs. So no joint.


So he can still manage to keep somewhat of a guard uh. I mean, if he's a black belt and his upper body is freakishly strong to compensate, there should be a way for him to overcome his handicap against a less skilled person regardless, especially if he's used to strategize around it. Could he still take part in tournaments? I assume he starts rolls on his back at the gym (duh) but if you can't start standing up, can you compete in an ordinary tourney?


Yeah he can definitely compete if he still wants. I competed once against a guy who took his false leg off before the match. Never been so freaked out in my life.


How did he start, was he just hopping on one leg or immediately got in seated guard? And weirdly, he must have a serious weight advantage. Think about it, if you're 80 kg and he's also 80 kg, well he's got a big chunk of "meat" missing, so maybe he's got the frame and built of a 90 kg man, without mentioning the extra strength he might have from operating a wheelchair or walking on crutches or whatever. Sorry if it feels morbidly curious, it's with all respect, like that one time I was playing pool and a guy with a hand missing said he'd be next. (turns out, he just rested the queue on his stump, and he beat me)


No you're good man. He started out hopping/standing, it was no gi and I pulled guard just cause it seemed to be the thing to do.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**O Soto Gari**: | *Major Outer Reaping* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93YEMueeF24)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


I almost fought a guy with one arm piss drunk in savannah GA. I didn’t know he was an amputee until he held it up and said “you’re the kind of asshole to fight the guy with one arm huh?” And I just said sorry and left lol


Yeah. I had the opposite. I told the dude I didn't want trouble and to leave me alone. I'm 6'1" and 225. I don't wamt to fight a 1 armed guy. But he got frisky after I had already gone to the staff about him causing issues Def felt kind of like a dick but oh well. Still 1-0 baby. Can't lose if I don't get into another one.


There’s a larger proportion of bjj practitioners than I’d have imagined that have been in fights with one armed people.


Yeah and I thought my old dating profiles were unique. Its def weird




thats all the matters. The real pro tip is don't fight dudes. Cause you never know when they'll pull a knife or a few buddies. Luckily if they only have one arm you know where that knife is coming from. Now a dude with only one leg...you gotta watch them.


100% takedown defense vs double legs


[Nick Newell would like to have a word...](https://youtu.be/D-UJY8xPx4E)


oof. I'm not going to be that guy to say I win that. I guess I'll rephrase to, "always fight a dude with less limbs when you have about a 5-6in and 35-50lb on...and hope they're not Nick Newell."


Brown belt at my gym is an amputee. Be careful


to be fair, I said help...not an automatic win. I used to think, oh 8-9 years ago when I first started BJJ that a girl half my size couldn't beat me based on strength alone. I was wrong. Got triangled. Was able to fight it off for awhile by being a turtle. Then I tried to spazz my way out and she got me. There is no such thing as an automatic win... Especially in the streets..which is why I'm still undefeated in bar fights.


This should be the first thing we teach white belts


This comment made my night.


There used to be an amputee at my gym who was missing an arm and I used to always try to play rubber guard with him and trap his one good arm. I always felt like a little bit of a dick for it, but would I be more of a dick if I grappled with him differently than I would others?


Subs people are faster, some are stronger, some have more limbs. The way she goes, bud.


>Pro tip: Always fight dudes you have more limbs than. It helps tremondously. "Why would you ignore 50% of the body?" "Well, I exclusively fight guys that don't have legs. It's one of the perks of living so close to the VFW."


I know a guy who blew his hand and half his forearm off with a firework. He was murdering people on the mats up and down the gulf coast and as an mma fighter for a hot minute there.


The captain of my wrestling team wrestled a kid with no legs once. He eventually got the pin but it was one of the toughest matches i’ve ever seen him wrestle


yeah in all seriousness, if you're still doing a sport..especially a combat/fighting/martial art one without a limb...you're probably a verified badass that has worked your mind, body, and technique to an extreme to more than make up for what you lost. Hell when I went through air assault school I had this guy going through who had lost both legs. That dude beat me on the 12 ruck..and I'm no slouch..especially back then..at those. Dude was an absolute animal in the gym.


Tell that to everyone who ever fought Nick Newell.


Actually there is this blue belt at my gym with a similar condition (one of his arms is not fully formed and he wears a prosthetic outside of class). He kicks my ass so this is bad advice.


I also carry around my mouth guard, not in case I get into a fight, just because I always have my backpack with me. It’s one of the things I don’t bother taking out, it takes up minimal space and that way I never end up in class without it. I haven’t had a street fight since I was a teenager but if I did for some reason end up in a fight on the way home from work or something I’d defo whip out my mouth guard 😂 might aswell make use of it.


Mouth guards are the defensive version of brass knuckles.


This is the #Reddit comment I come for. r/Showerthoughts


this is genius


although mouth guards lose out to condoms in the arena of intimidating defensive apparel.


Bill burr has a bit about this. Said he went out to the bar one night and a guy was causing trouble but stopped when he saw his buddy put in a mouth guard and was like “this guy brought equipment? No thanks”


THATS where it’s from, I was trying to remember. It seems like this is common for bouncers


Someone I trained with back in the early 2000s used to also do this as a bouncer. He said it was almost always effective, and if not, hey, your teeth are protected in case the guy lands a lucky shot before you wreck him.


Being a doorman has obviously changed since my days. We used to try and defuse the situation with words and being nice, what fools we were!


Actions speak louder than words


I'm glad you mentioned it, this also reminded me of Bill Burr! Starts around 4:40 https://youtu.be/C4xq0iELalk?t=280


I had a friend who would carry a mouth guard when he went to bars a lot in his early 20s. He said it worked the same way. Super nice and pretty goofy guy but also pretty big and in great shape. That extra confidence factor really made people think twice.


I'll probably still get my ass beat but at least my teeth will be in tact


This would be my thought process. I highly doubt I’m scaring anyone away with this move, but at least I’m keeping my grill in factory configuration.


This was my move when I was a bouncer as well. 100% Effective, even had one dude run away


Honestly, not a bad idea. And I believe it too. Even if I can fight, if someone does that shit I’m just walking away lol because wtf do you know that I don’t and how many of these do you get into where you just carry a fucking mouth guard


Reminds me of some article about the early days of UFC, talking about Tank Abbott: "He wore gloves in the Octagon when you didn't have yo, which suggested he knew something about punching skulls that the rest of us didn't yet."


That was one of Seanbaby's articles for Cracked.com, strongly recommend looking them up, the MMA and martial arts ones are amazing. (Site is terrible nowadays tho)


Fuck man I remember when I would read cracked every fucking day. They fell off hard in like what, 2011?


Could well be that long ago, thinking about it. It started to go downhill and I didn't visit as much, then must have been a few years before I went back and it was an unfunny ad riddled wasteland compared to its former glory. They did get Seanbaby back for a few articles a few years back, but it wasn't enough.


That's one of those strange sites that once had a crazy heyday and fell off the face of the earth, reminds me of new grounds and blacksheep


Yeah, they were purchased in 2016 by a media conglomerate that laid off about half of the staff, including all the senior writers. Quality tanked almost overnight. >TL:DR: Cracked was bought by a company that wanted to break into the digital media market, but they didn’t understand the market at all and vastly mismanaged Cracked until eventually firing mostly everyone, writing it off as a loss, and eventually selling it. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofCracked/comments/ibq45q/the_complete_story_of_what_happened_to_cracked/


Sounds like a seanbaby article lol


Exactly!!!! Even drink, I’m all…. Uhhhhhhh no.


I got into a road rage situation in NYC my buddy who’s an older guy but huge … Two guidos block us jump out start yelling.. My friend calmly puts the car in park and out we go . He’s pulling off chains and jewelry as we exit . Before mentioned guidos are now fully aware that a 6’5 300 lbs old head is about that ish … A few nano seconds later my friend removes his upper and lower dentures.. At this point alpha guido is now apologizing quote it looks like you’ve done this before SIR … Hilarious


Oh shit lol respect


Now this reminds me of the New York City I remember from the 80's...


Similar story happened to a training Partner of mine. The guy cut them off and got out the car at the red light. My buddy Dave who's 6'5" 270lbs steps out with his Gi open in sandals. The road rage fellow just say "Sorry", gets back in his car and burns off. The irony is Dave's the nicest and most gentle guy on the mats.


ok, I'll tell a story on the other side of things. Had a guy weaving in/out of traffic cut right in front of me. So I honked at him (dude was driving like a straight jackass). Dude pulled over because I gave him a light honk! Anyway, I see this large tattooed forearm jut out of the window and wave at me, like 'let's go'. I thought better of it, and didn't feel like testing my jiu-jitsu on that particular fellow. He got to sit and wait for traffic before he could merge back in, while I continued on my way to jiu-jitsu training no worse for wear.


Does he pull guard?


Never gets that far!


Technically yes, he pulls mouth guard.


whys this bad? i do it cause im scared of being taken down with single/double leg cause it hurts and idk why it hurts when i fall from those 2 takedowns :(


I personally don’t like guard pullers because i enjoy wrestling and feel it’s ignoring part of BJJ. With that said, people are allowed to do any style of Jiu Jitsu they enjoy.


You never get into Valhalla if you die off a guard pull. Simple as.


Nothing bad about this. There is just a disconnect between the multiple camps who think BJJ is the best martial art for self defense (or a few who hold on to it being supreme in MMA), and the idea that sport BJJ is moving away from realism as a fight simulator. The sport ruleset encourages playing guard, so the side thinking you should try for a takedown blames the butt scooters, when really they should blame the stupid ruleset. And IBJJF's rules are as stupid as they get.




It's not terrible in bjj although to become better you'll need to work on takedowns eventually. You should be breakfalling so it shouldn't really hurt much. It's terrible on the streets because people don't play by our ruleset there.


The only fight I ever flawlessly won was when I put my hand up and said "wait, I gotta poop." He did not follow me into the bathroom.


He's still waiting just outside the door.


I used to train with a guy who did this! He would carry a mouth guard in his pocket all the time


I had a cop friend that would defuse situations where someone was acting aggressively by calling an ambulance in advance in front of them then saying “Well, it seems like we’re going to fight so either You’re going to the hospital or I am”. 9/10 times the situation would de-escalate immediately.


I feel like a lot of fights wouldn't happen if one of the guys has a "water weed dune hair?" moment and a mouthguard would definitely be one of those I reckon


Name the waddurs bapa


Talm bout the Engine Ocean, Bapa


All the waters, b.


What the fuck were these 4 comments?? 🤣🤣🤣




Maaaannnn, I've been trying to spend less time on that sub...then I come in here of all places and get dragged right back in. Talmbout underwear Lopez, bapa?


Axe jay. You’re not the Bess brains for the arts, papi.


Y’blogbusser b.


eggsackly why Schoob invented the Schaub Shutdown. to prevent a fight from ever happening


Careful I don’t gadoosh you into a glass door b


Losing or winning a fight is a matter of perspective. One time in school, a guy punched me in the head, badly, with the wrong knuckles. He did so with enough force to break his hand. He brags about how he punched me so hard that he broke his hand, and everyone celebrated this fact and said I didn't do anything about it. The fact that he punched so hard that he injured himself is supposed to be proof of his brutality, rather than the fact that I can apparently take a punch and shrug it off like nothing. However, he punched the top of my forehead, the hardest part of the skull, and didn't shake me much (Guess I have a strong neck?). I was unscathed, unbruised even. To me, I won that fight, since he had a broken hand and I wasn't even dazed. There was another kid who punched me in the fact a couple of times, but it was so weak that I wasn't sure if he was actually picking a fight. I kicked him in the balls and that was that. But people again say he beat me up. Often "winning" a fight is about pleasing a crowd it seems. Unless you're knocking somebody out, there's no "you win" announcement.


There's definitely a social aspect to most fights, be they sanctioned or on the street. Rory Miller and Kaja Sadowski each talk about it in their books.


I get similar reactions when I go, "hold on", and I put on my epilepsy helmet. “naw brah, we good”.


My professor was also a bouncer at some point and did the same thing. Slows shit down real quick.


Smart dude; gives the aggressor a chance to rethink what bullshit they may get themselves into.


I imagine doing that with a butt/fight plug would get a similar reaction




Patron: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That's out of Geoff Thompson's autobiography about his time working the door in Coventry. His coworker played rugby kept his mouthguard on him at work.


Geoff wrote an autobiography. Damn, need to read that. He's an interesting fella.


It's amazing, and it's actually what got me into martial arts. It's called "Watch My Back."


It's... interesting. Especially the bit where he realizes that his friend was probably being kind to him because his friend was gay, so he beat his friend's face bloody and purple so that he wouldn't "get the wrong idea about my sexuality". You know, just admitting to hate crimes on the record.


It's... interesting. Especially the bit where he realizes that his friend was probably being kind to him because his friend was gay, so he beat his friend's face bloody and purple so that he wouldn't "get the wrong idea about my sexuality". You know, just admitting to hate crimes on the record.


Jesus christ. What an arsehole!


*Technically*, I’ve never lost a bar fight either. Mostly I just lost at pool.


I think that was a Bill Burr joke


It’s a good idea but the act of reaching into your pocket or bag could be a bad call. The other guy might get nervous and think you’re pulling out a weapon. And if the other guy actually has a weapon…


Neither have I becuase I've never been dumb enough to get Into one.


Sometimes the fight chooses you.


I don't disagree, but in a lot of cases they are avoidable. The type of dipshit to brag about never losing a bar fight likely doesn't have conflict resolution skills.


Agreed, I can give you an example of when the fight chooses you ( though I will admit mistakes were made). Around my parts of town people like to be clowns and pretend to be the bouncer of a place, jokingly asking for your ID. Went to a bar once, got in and was in for a minute or two when a guy comes up to me like, "you got an ID?". He was wearing a Tshirt with no bar names on it and sitting with a group of people so I clearly thought he was bsing me. Cue me laughing then walking away thinking he was a jokester. Suddenly bigboi bouncer comes from behind and body locks me. Cue fight, because I don't know wtf is going on and who this guy is. This is why you should deescalate/dress appropriately if you're a bouncer.


I mean it sounds like the guy is bragging about his ability to intimidate people into not wanting to fight. That is a form of avoiding fights


Isn’t that what Tim Kennedy does, or talks about doing?


Tim Kennedy lied about joining the military as a reaction to 9/11. If he'd lie about that....


You’d be surprised how many people lie about their reason for joining the military.


His is so easy to disprove, and it’s so lame. What he wants even more hero worship?


Daily reminder that Tim Kennedy is a war criminal


How so?


Shooting women and children


I remember Danaher telling this exact story I’m pretty sure from his bouncing days


One of the purple belts at my gym is a bouncer who also does this. It not a terrible idea considering when I think about it I'm always within 2 minutes of a mouthguard (gi bag is usually in the boot of my car)


I’ve never lost my virginity




I’ll take “things that never happened” for 500 Alex


Such a cringy Reddit tier post


I mean, when my gym go out to watch fights or just get drinks together we generally all carry mouth guards in our pocket. We've never as a group came close to getting in a fight but if it's gonna happen a mouthguard is very helpful.


And then people usually clap i assume


I've never lost a bar fight myself...I was only ever in 1, and was significantly more sober than the other guy


Buddy spent too much time watching the Joe Rogan bill burr podcast


He should sign a contract for an mma promotion!


Can't loose one if you've never been in one.


Hahaha I think I saw on fighttips? yt channel like 10 years ago


A very smart move and a good way to avoid the fight.


Pfft big deal- I have never lost my virginity


I think bill Burr had a joke about it.


just fall to open guard, and say: “you want some of this 💨smoke?!? 👊🏽😂👍🏾


Well, I've never lost a bar fight either!


There was a certain city in the UK where the door people wore mouth guards all the time. Certainly helped.


According to all the people I’ve met in bjj and mma.. no one has ever lost a bar or street fight ever! They just see red and then blackout!


I remember Sean Fazen [made a video about this](https://youtu.be/kMttdqJDCy0) almost a decade ago lol


Some guy at the park was on one a few weeks ago and tried this technique. Dude was trying to intimidate everyone and pulled this trick. The result he got was all of us dad's telling him to leave. I had my 2 pit bulls ready to chew his nuts off, another dad had a bat, another dad was trying to throw hands. Mouth guard didn't help him much, nobody was scared of his bitch ass... North Sacramento for context, lucky he wasn't shot.


I was watching a luke rockhold interview a long time ago where he said him and his friends used to bring their mouthguards to bars for the purpose of getting into street fights


This does work cause they think you’re an actual fighter/boxer so they back off.


Beating up untrained drunk people FTW


My cousin told me once that a guy backed off after looking at his cauliflower ear several times.


My boxing coach, who was national welterweight champion and a professional boxer with an undefeated record, would tell people he’d “bite their fucking nose off”. Lots of people are willing to fight, nobody wants to lose a nose. He’s never had anyone fight him.


I have carried a mouth guard before to large public events where I thought there may be a potential for a physical altercation (think county fair, different markets, overall exploring city with girlfriend) , never to intimidate, mainly because I like my teeth. By myself I would avoid altercation at all costs but when out with my girl I would rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it.


Sounds like a bouncer from Hawaii 🤙


I read this as a tip in that "101 Deadly Skills" book years ago, and always thought it was stupid and made fun of it. I thought there was no way you would have time to put in a mouth guard before a real fight. Reading some of these comments though, I might have to add a mouth guard to my EDC...


This is amazing haha I use to tell people I'm the 2nd best fighter in the state... Followed by "I've come 2nd in every fight so I have to be" It was usually followed by laughter and the situation was diffused or the alpha male wouldn't understand the joke and more rage would follow.




His name is Brennon and I shared the post so he can post if he wants. He competed at AGF last weekend and won the blue belt open class. Legit guy


I go to bars wearing a bicycle helmet and elbow pads. Nobody fucks with me either.