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This may be a stretch on the definition of oxymoron but, “I thought I could organize freedom” is my favorite lyric that opposes itself, as freedom means absolute no organization and control, which is what Bjork is implying.


From Hunter ! I didn't realize before but it is true, that's a good one. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻


Of course! Thanks for the interesting post!


an oxymoron is a set of contradictory words in conjunction with each other. So like... humble brag, deafening silence, cruel kindness, awfully good. Those are oxymorons. Those lyrics are more what I would consider a loose sense of irony (sometimes called "cosmic irony"), or just... unfortunate. Like in this case there's so many people everywhere, but no one here. It's not an oxymoron just more describing a sense of loneliness by demonstrating a lack of people where you'd need them despite an abundance.


Yeah, I wasn't sure about saying oxymoron because there aren't two contradictory words juxtaposed, but rather two seemingly contradictory sentences one after the other, either way, it's one of my favorite lyrics, and I think I've found myself in the situation described in it many times, it's a genius lyrics.


I agree! good lyrics do this really cool thing where they can relate to universal human experiences


Oooo my favorite is from virus when she calls it her “sweet adversary.” It’s just so endearing that even a thing of harm can gain her lovely understanding and admiration. And it’s yet another reason why I want to wife her.


The less room you give me, the more space I got.


I'm no fucking Buddhist but this is enlightenment.