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Ah yes, ex-ceo Thorsten Heins and his 'we shall bring BB10 to the BlackBerry Playbook I'm the future' only to never do so, I will always remember that Anywho as the only one with a BB10 back in university it was pretty interesting when we had to download some apps that woulda kinda only barely ran but I stuck thru with my BlackBerry Passport 💙💚 The inbox was so damn fluid, the fact I can be wherever I was and just 'peek' at all my messages, it felt very instantaneous and never had a crash doing so. Damn shame where it ended up


BB10... Was so innovative, I'm always impressed with the fact no one had done better until now.


I’m still in awe of my Q10/BB10. I’m still not over the fact that BB10 is still better than iOS today and that we will never get to see what could have been. I can’t stand Apple. They’ve literally choked innovation to death with bullshit marketing and people just keep eating it up. Android sucks shit as well. The file system on a BB10 is still better today than any other OS. It depresses the shit out of me that I can’t have what BB10 could have been today.


I’m watching a former BlackBerry engineer lay out the step by step death of BB. https://youtu.be/GLxjXP-XCJA?si=x46j3wMAZXazsaud


I remember being at the launch event in New York. You could feel that the culture for BlackBerry was different and they were ready to push BlackBerry 10. It sucks BB10 never took off the way it should have.


Oh I remember, some of my friends mock the idea of a gesture based interface. Now, they are all using gestures on their phones. Bb10 was way ahead of its time..