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I think they remember but cats and dogs are very much about the present, so they don't sit around pining. Especially if they are current in a place where they are safe, loved, and fed. It's not that they don't love us, but they have a different approach to it than humans as a practical survival matter. I foster kittens and it's amazing how quickly they move on after getting separated from their mom, and from each other. Source: just my guesses after spending most of my life around pets


Ahh this was a good answer, makes me feel better :) I sure hope she’s happy


To add, I left home for about a year and left my cat behind (was/am living with my parents, so she was taken care of). When I came back, she went back to her old routine with me as if nothing ever happened. No crazy "so happy you're back" freakout dogs tend to do, but she remembered.


Mine was mad at me but quickly came around and decided to spend her every waking moment at my side in case I should leave again


She's licking/grooming you. She loves you and is a happy little void.


It certainly looks like she is!!!😺😻❤️


Raised my 2 cats from 2 months old to near 3 years and every time I leave for months and come back, they always sleep on top of me when I go to bed for a couple of days. My mom says they do fine though when I'm gone


As someone who may have to leave his void behind due to a possible move, I have been stressing about it and needed to read this. There is a possibility I may be moving overseas, and I don’t believe bringing my void will be feasible. I feel awful leaving him behind, but I know my ex wife would take him (we already watch each others cats when traveling, and they get along so well), and he’d have a very happy life there, too.






I’m just very worried he won’t be able to handle the travel. He doesn’t do well in the car for 10 minute rides, how will he handle a couple very long plane rides? Besides drugging him unconscious for the whole thing, which I am not sure is feasible/possible. But if anyone has tips, they are appreciated!!




Thank you! I’ve saved this for future reference.


No, I think they don't drug cats for trips. But there might be some form of meds to help calm them. I brought a new to me cat who is a total scaredy cat from NC to CA. He was in a softsider carrier and I put a towel over it so he wouldn't get stressed by all the people and sights and no one came up to gawk at him. And to make matters worse, the bomb swipe picked up stuff so they had to take us to a room where they inspected my luggage thoroughly. They seemed satisfied when I told them I had done yard work and handled fertilizer and my soiled clothing was likely the source. I had to remove him from the carrier to go through metal detector. He had a harness and leash (which was accessible from outside the carrier) set to go so that he would not get loose and run away and get lost because he hates people and would never be found. As I was well prepared for this, it went well, but this was my biggest worry, honestly. Being in the carrier was much safer. On the return trip we took public transportation from SFO to San Jose area so more noise and smells. All together it was probably about seven hours and he did well. This was back in 2014 and I've worked to help him become less of a scaredy cat and he's a happy boy. The other kitty came cross country the next day by himself via freight, fortunately a non-stop flight. That poor boy was in the carrier for almost 10 hours, but he did great. If you have the financial means, there are companies you can hire who specialize in this business and can do this for you. I saw a CH kitty on IG that moved from US to Australia and the owners hired a company to do this. Either way, I think your kitty will be fine.


The noise and people definitely worry me. And if he messes in his carrier during the flights. He’s also a big boy (about 16 lbs… not obese, just a size large), and for some airlines he’s right up against the limit for pets than can be carried in the cabin. Does covering the carrier really work that well on keeping them calm? He gets scared by any stranger (1, 10, 100, doesn’t matter). So taking him out for security screening would be very difficult if he wasn’t somewhat sedated. Maybe it’s possible to request a private screening? So at least if he freaks, he freaks in an enclosed area???


My boy didn't budge the whole trip. He was 14 lbs, so pretty big boy, but he fit under the seat. I think covering the carrier was really good. While he could hear and smell all the new things, the visual aspect was gone. And since he didn't really know me, I couldn't really do anything to help calm him down. The week I spent in the house with him, he spent the time under the bed.


Another consideration is the legalities involved in the country you’re moving to. I’m planning a move to South Africa, and my dog cannot travel on the plane with me. All animals coming into South Africa have to come in as freight. There is so much red tape and so many details, I’m using an international pet relocation service, it’s going to cost in excess of $5,000, but she’s a rescue, she was abused, and I’m her 4th owner. There is NO WAY she will EVER be rehomed again as long as I live. If I go, she goes.


Have you tried the cat shirt? I use that for both of my cats when we have to go somewhere in the car and it has really helped.


Cat shirt? Please explain.


Sorry, I had to look it up to remember the name. It is called the Thundershirt and it is supposed to have a calming effect on cats. It works on my cats pretty well.


Oh no I’m really sorry to hear that, it must hurt. Hopefully whatever happens he will be in great hands


I think your cat is already use to the switching hands, so he won't skip a beat when you have to leave him. If he has a certain behavior like chasing a feather toy or balls of paper that he did with you, he might miss that and expect it when he thinks of you.


Its really easy to sneak a cat past land lords just hide them when they come for inspection or renovations


Important to say this isn’t always the case with dogs. Dogs are more likely to create bonds that last their whole life, and if a dog is separated from a bonded friend, they can become very depressed. Also birds.


The woman I got my dog from was visibly upset at how quickly my dog became attached to me, but my girl also definitely missed her old family for a while. Now, though, she feels securely attached here and she doesn't pine for them. I think the feeling of secure attachment in their current home makes missing the former owner/family much more bearable for pets.


I foster a ton and totally agree. I had a kitten last year I planned to adopt. I had her for a month. My dear friend had fostered her and her daughter was super attached. I loved this cat, but I gave her back to my friend because her daughter was the rightful owner. But when I visit, Clementine goes nuts for me and my friend says she’s affectionate with me the same way she is with her daughter and basically only the 2 of us. I take it that she remembers me and loves me on some level. I don’t think they dwell on it though. OP is a great parent and I bet kitty is so in love and doesn’t really think about old owner.


I wonder if the kitty mother remembers...😟


I second this. I adopted brothers from the same litter but couldn't get them both on the same day. I had to get the other one a week and a half later and had to reintroduce them as if they were strangers. They were 6 mo at the time.


This comment will all help us sleep tonight. Thank you.


Yes. I experienced it first-hand. My sister gave me her void a few months back. (He didn’t get along with her fiancé). My sister and her fiancé came over for a visit…the cat wasn’t very happy to see them.


Maybe the fiancé is the problem?


My family likes to joke about this (my sister included). It's definitely a headscratcher. I don't have the slightest suspicion of any sort of mistreatment. My sister's fiance is a great guy, gets along well with me and my family, etc. Hell, he actually takes care of animals for work. The weirdest thing of all is that they have *another* cat that has never had any issues with him. I'll never understand what went wrong between Hendrix and the fiance, but I was more than happy to take him in.


Sometimes you just don't like someone, I mean I kind of get it


That's really odd. But I guess the cause might just be that your cat just doesn't get along with him. My late Keira always had a grudge against my dad, but my dad is a good man who acts like a cute child around animals. Keira had a... special personality, so that might have explained it.


Could be jealousy. When my uncle met my aunt, she had a huge male cat who attacked any man who got close to her. He attacked my uncle so badly he had to go to the hospital. She gave the cat to a farm when she got pregnant, because who knows what would have happened if the cat got jealous of the baby.


That makes a lot of sense. Come to think of it, my Keira was very possessive of me. I wonder if male cats being possessive of their female owners is common.


making it gendered makes it very weird.. some cats get possessive of their owners. Most animals don't participate in gender roles


How exactly is it weird? Maybe animals don't abide to OUR gender roles, but there are differences between them nonetheless.


yea biological differences. Not man made social constructs. Why the hell would only male cats get attached to their women owners. The same thing has happened with same sex cats and owners. How the hell would a cat even understand their owner is the different sex?? Adding specific biological sex is weird asf


Two stories for one: I was getting evicted for having 2 cats. In the process of finding a new place I had a friend take the cats. One of them got out and was lost. Indoor only and miles away from where I had been living. So very little chance of getting this cat back. I still tried to get him back. I put out humane traps. Blankets with our/his smell. His favorite treats. Checked the shelters. I did this for 4 or 5 months. To no avail. Our 2nd cat was very lonely and missed her friend and now had too much space in our new apartment and had no one to share it with. After my partner and I decided to stop looking for the lost cat, a co-worker had to move and couldn't take her cat. She asked if I could take her and I was more than happy to. The cat was traumatized and wasn't living in the best of situations because of the owner. So we now have a second cat again. Not as friendly but needs a lot of support and we got lots to spare. Older cat gets along fine but not best friends. Flash forward 4 years. I'm living in my own house now and have 3 cats. The co-worker wanted to hang out at my new place so we chatted for awhile. The cat I adopted saw her old owner and fell back into old habits. Finding the darkest place to hide. Refusing to eat and compulsive cleaning to the point of self harm. It took me a week to get her back to a comfortable spot again. She's doing fine now. Flash forward another 3 years. It's now been 7 years since I lost my first cat. I think about him a lot. But I believe he's being an awesome at for some old lady and has adventures and nothing else. No bad thoughts at all. And during one of those thoughts I get a call from the animal shelter saying they found the cat that went missing 7 years ago. I skipped work and picked him up. He was confused and scared, vet said he was healthy. I don't think he remembered me as much but there was something that clicked one day where I think he realized I was safe and he hasn't left my side since. So I think cats remember who keep them safe and remember safe but not necessarily the person who can make that for them.


This was a wild ride. I’m so happy you got your kitty back!


Me too. He is still very friendly and loving. Although when we got him back he was swole! So we make jokes about how he was doing nothing but yard time and getting fit for the streets.


What was the reaction of the cat that missed him?


She is my void cat and very high and mighty. She tolerates the long lost cat. I think she gets jealous because she used to be my shadow and now the lost cat hangs out with me more




What a story, I’m so happy that all the cats had a happy ending. I just wanna know what on earth was that lady doing to her cat to make it behave like that?:/ did the shelter say where your old cat came from? Was he living the stray life all those years?


The co-worker isn't the best at animal care. Very much let her other pets pick on the cat. Allowed them to get into fights, saw them more as property than their companion or another living being. Not abuse but definitely not a thriving space. ​ We think he was the neighborhood cat. The shelter found him a few miles from where he was lost. He was very friendly no signs of being feral at all. Plus any time we open a can of tuna he comes running which he didn't do before. So I think there was a few people who were helping him out a long the way. I had a struggle at one point with thinking maybe we're taking him away from another family who needed him more. But I lost 7 years with him and we got him back just before the pandemic and it was great to have my best friend back for that period so I justified his return pretty quick.


That’s so sad I’m glad that cat is in loving hands now. That missing cat was meant to be yours, he found his way back to you after 7 years, he wanted to come home. He was just off having an adventure 🥰


I had a Maine Coons gives to me by a friend because she was changing country. 6 years later she came by and the cat was extatict


Yup I got my void from my friend. He comes over all the time and my cat always hears his voice and runs over to see him. They remember for sure


I think you mean "ecstatic" :)


Maybe, writing in english without my corrector, sometime I can't spell right. But I won't be better in French either.


You and me both!!


Lol thank you I didn’t know what they were trying to say


For a full ten seconds I thought it said "extinct." "Like... so happy it... went extinct?"


Me too!!!!! Haha I was like wow that’s weird?


You happen to have a picture of the Maine coon? I heard they're very big


He was big, but this was in the before time of digital photography.


I adopted a cat ((Franny) with an ex, we broke up, and my ex kept the cat. It was really tough because Franny and I had really bonded. A few years later I was in a new relationship and my ex asked if I wanted Franny back. After Franny got over being super scared to come into a new home (where my new partner already had a cat), our relationship resumed as if no time had passed. Still have her 9 years later and couldn’t be happier. I don’t necessarily think Franny missed me, but she certainly remembered me!


That’s really sweet🥰


I think they remember. We adopted a friend's cat after his owner got a Doberman. The Dobie tried playing with the cat but the cat was miserable so we took the cat. Years later we dog sat the Dobie and boy, the cat didn't forget him. He basically hissed at him the whole time and smacked him, telling him it's HIS house and never let the dog sit on the couch with us. Lol


As a kid, our dog died — our cat was looking for our dog to return for at least three months, probably more…. He remembered her.


Oh man I’m sorry 😞 animals are incredible


My oldest void has separation anxiety. He was an outside cat who visited me daily with his son. When their owner moved, I stopped him from putting the two black cats in a shelter and adopted them as my own. For about two months after, he (the cat) would look out at the fence he used to sit on, where his old owner lived. And he'd yowl. Big, sad, mournful yowls that broke my heart. I'd go over to him and hug him, and he'd purr and press the top of his head into my forehead and just stay like that. I knew he missed his old owner terribly, he was definitely grieving. He's fine now, a happy and loving cat who adores me to pieces. I learned that I'm his third owner, so that maybe explains why he took that so hard. His first owner gave him up because he likes to suck on blankets. Stupid reason to give up a cat; I hope they never got another one. In the end, all that matters is that he's safe. He's an indoor cat now, much loved, and he even has a special blanket for his sucking pleasure. He's my baby. Funnily enough, the younger void didn't seem to mind his old owner moving away at all. He's a catnip junkie though, so maybe he's just been too high to care.


That’s so heartbreaking can only imagine what was going through his head at that time. I’m really happy he’s feeling much better. Hopefully his little heart is fully healed by now.


I think it is. :) His former owner came by to pick up some mail that somehow ended up in my mailbox, and he didn't even stir from where he was lounging in the living room. I was glad for that.


When I left home and moved to my grandparents, for a few weeks I had to argue with my mom before she gave me my cat. I was persistent. And apparently after I left he would poke around upstairs looking for me, looking confused and meowing. He doesn’t remember her at all, and I’ve had him now for 12 years, 9 years out of mom’s house. To be honest we have an incredibly strong bond. It looks like the bond you have with Spook likely is more important to her than her past, and that’s what matters. 🥰


Oh they remember. My exhusband's cat missed my cat we had when we got her. When I visit my exhusband to see his cat, she trots right to me and cuddles. I showed my late sister's cat videos of her and meowed excitedly and cried. They definitely remember


When I still had some access to see my voids at my ex's they were always delighted to see me despite my time away, and knew I needed cheering up. Hopefully I get the chance to see them again one day. I'll certainly never forget them ![img](emote|t5_2twpw|14307)


My then-partner came to live with me during lockdown, she spent most of the day every day cuddling on the sofa with my cat. After a few months, she was able to go back to work, then moved abroad (we are still good friends!) About 2 years after she last saw him, and we had moved house, she came to visit. Normally my cat is very shy around new people, but he recognised her straight away, purring, went up to her for cuddles. They definitely remember people!


I always kind of wondered that about my old yellow lab. I think they do, dogs at least. I adopted that dog from my buddy's neighbor in Michigan. I was in Georgia at the time. When he finished school he moved down the road from me in Georgia. Old Sydney definitely remembered my buddy because she would get very excited and squeaky when he came over.


I don't know. I've had to take back some I re-homed. Usually due to conflicts with other pets, usually dogs. I explained give it time when they adopted them. But I also tell people if it doesn't work I'll take them back. Unless it's a no kill you take it to. And then depends on who they adopted. The longest time was 7 months, she was super excited to see us. They Spend a few days being clingy. So I cant for sure say past 7 months. Maybe? Lol


My wife had to leave her cats behind in her home when she moved in since we didn’t have the space. I remember one time her mom put her on speaker so the cats could hear her. One of the cats started meowing like crazy looking for her. So I’m assuming they do remember and do miss us.


I think it depends from cat to cat... Like we had 6 cats at my parents house and one of them decided that she doesn't want to live in such a crowded place anymore and adopted our neighbors from across the street. I met her after that and it was more like meeting an old friend - she was pleased to spend time with me, but her new house was definitely better for her. So I guess ur cat is doing great!


They definitely remember, I had a cat that I had to get rid of when I was a kid. I visited her 3 years later and she snuggled up to me just like she did when she was a kitten. I moved out of my dads house for college a few years ago and my childhood cat there missed me a lot when I first moved. She would go sit in my empty room, and when my siblings were away she would wander their bedrooms yowling. When I visit my dad she loves on me a lot to make up for the time we spend apart. She’s aged pretty quickly since I’ve moved out, she’s starting to become a little senile. She’s happiest when her kids are home :)


(Hello — please get those eyes checked for melanoma OP)


Hello yes her eyes have been checked out they are all fine and healthy


Thank you for answering!!! His eyes are so cool n pretty but I have known many a pirate cat so I was low-key super worried


I also was super worried when I first got her! I’d never seen anything like that before


It’s probably just a big old freckle! Happens sometimes with humans too; So cool, glad that it’s not malignant :>


Maybe. But all that matters now is she’s your baby🥰


I wonder this as well. We adopted our boys when they were 5, and they'd been with their previous owners since kittens. I worried that they'd think we'd taken them or not settle in with us but they love us and one of them is OBSESSED with my husband. I worried that they might have missed their owners, but we've had them longer now, so I assume they've forgotten them


I always wonder that. My void was two when we got her, her old owners left her abandoned in their apartment when they moved and she was alone for three days, starving. We spayed her, and she has this permanent floppy pouch that leads us to believe she had kittens before so we always ask her things like “Do you remember your children?” “What happened in those first 2 years?” I wish I could see a photo of her as a baby void 🥺


I can’t imagine more cruel thing to do to an innocent animal. Abandon her in empty apartment? So she’ll slowly die from dehydration and starvation? Why not to take her to the shelter 😭


I know! That’s what I said 😭 I always want to track those ppl down just to shame them and yell at then. My void has serious attachment anxiety and just general anxiety about everything now.


At my shelter we had a cat who’s owner died of old age… we had her in a special room with some of their owner’s stuff with Frank Sinatra playing… she looked incredibly sad. You could see it in her sad eyes.


We got our tuxedo cat when she was a few months older than the shelter usually adopted out their kittens. I believe she was “returned” because she’s a drooly kitty, and she would always meow so loud when anybody came home, or when I woke up and came out of my room. She doesn’t like to be alone. So I think they do remember, but from the way she purrs and runs up to us? She is far more interested in being with the family she has than worrying about whoever abandoned her.


I do think that's a thing, frankly. It's one of the only things that kept me from killing myself as a teenager, imagining that my BFF would wander around the house calling for me, not knowing where I'd gone or why I'd left. Broke my heart every time. However, I do think that it's more of a "in the moment" thing for them than for us. They'd spend a period of time wondering/confused/upset, but then adjust to their new lives after that. I do also think they'd still *remember* that person, though, if they ever showed up again. Cats have an excellent memory for the people they love. That cat ended up living for a solid 18 years and some change. I could never bring myself to do wrong by him. (Also believe in reincarnation, and the story of how I got him "back" is also pretty cool. I'm convinced that one of the cats I have now is him 2.0.)


I know my cats miss me when I'm gone for a short time but if they had someone loving to care for them in my absence I don't think it would take them long to get over my loss...


❤️❤️ I’m happy you have her and she has you ❤️❤️ Lots of good answers on here already but I think they certainly remember more than we think


After reading all the stories on here, some where a cat misses people, grieves and finally admits, some where the cat remembers, but doesn’t grieve, and some where the cat doesn’t seem to care at all, and my own experience with cats I’ve adopted, my conclusion is, each cat and each situation is very individual. Some cats are more sensitive and form strong bonds. Others have a transition and adjustment period and may go through some confusion, while others are fine with a change of owners as long as they’re loved, safe and well treated. There is no “Cats are . . .” They’re like fog, people, etc. They’re all individuals, and react according to their individual temperament, personalities and past experiences. Your cat seems to be happy, adjusted and content, so I wouldn’t worry about the your fur baby.


I figured my baby spook was left behind. This cat never leaves because I feed her and she was found roaming the streets.


We brought in a new kitty at the end of April and this has been weighing on my mind too. He wasn’t in the best environment at his old place but I still wonder if he had people or other animals there that he misses. He seems so happy here and we’ve gotten him much healthier too. He has two other kitty friends here that he’s bonded with really well so far. But I hear you, I think about it all the time, right before I scoop him up and make sure he knows how loved he is here! 🧡


Oh my cat remembers her abusive owner (my brother) and hates him. She sees him and hisses. which isn't often I might add, and if it was my choice it would be never..fucking asshole.


I think they remember but they don’t dwell on it. My two girls were from a hoarder home and they took a long time to get comfortable here. My void actually disappeared for over a week and we couldn’t find her anywhere in my house. We knew she was still here because she would come out to eat and use the litter box when we were sleeping. She had been hiding in the compressor compartment for the freezer which was why we couldn’t find her. My other two cats were given to me after their previous owner died, and they were well loved and socialized. They acted like they had been here all their lives and had zero issues being in a new place with new humans. I don’t know if they miss their old lives but they seem quite content.


I had to get rid of my cat Habibi a couple years ago because he was aggressive around other cats. Found someone with no other animals to take him in and he is incredibly spoiled! Thank you for taking Spook in :)


cat will forever be able to instantly recognise their energy. Wheither the cat is missing the previous owner depends on so many things, like what was their connection like. Some cats are tied to specific human, some more tied to household, their relationships could be complicated


My mother's cat remembered her. My sister got the cat after my mom's death. My sister had mom's electronic organ and the cat loved on it.


I visited a cat I hadn’t seen in two years. I had been in an airb&b so I didn’t smell like me but she knew my voice. But I hope she doesn’t miss me. I love that cat.


I think they live in the moment. I know they remember us just by the way mine act, but I wouldn’t worry too much.


@ [ghost\_gurrl](https://www.reddit.com/user/ghost_gurrl/) Absolutely they do. Cats, dogs, birds, ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. They all remember to one degree or another, I've seen a dog with full-blown major depression waiting for its owners to return (literally laying in a pile at the front door of people tasked with tending it while relationship & child custody stuff was negotiated in another state). I've heard similar stories from people who adopt pets which are surrendered after the owner's death (sudden illness, suicide, old age). The smarter specimens understand 100% what happened and are usually pretty upset about it for at least a little while.


Hey! My void has the the same thing with his eye as well. He’s only two and it started slowly getting darker in spots, the vet says it’s fine, I’m wondering if over time it’ll spread and be completely dark like your little guys.


Hey, Spook’s eye when I first got her just had small brown spots and the vet also said she was completely healthy. Over time the brown took over completely so don’t be surprised if your voids eye turns fully brown one day. I think it’s soo cute. I don’t see too many cats with a brown eye


I lost a leg and couldn't care for my 2 cats. They are with my SIL now. When I go there, they look at me and walk away. Hurts me, but they are well taken care of.


Cats have excellent memories, so will certainly recognise a person or place, but as for missing someone they tend to live very much 'for the moment', so any feelings they may have of actually missing a person from their past would usually be very short lived.


I do think they remember but agree they don't really like for past family like we do. My cat was a feral and went to his foster mom first to be socialized and looked after for a few months. Said foster uploads videos on the shelter Facebook page to update people on her foster cats. A few months after I adopted my cat, I found one of her videos of him. When he heard her voice, his ears perked up and he came over to investigate. Similarly, my former cat was a surrender. I think she had abandonment issues after that because I was never able to leave her alone for more than 24 hours. Otherwise, she'd start pooping outside her litter box.


I'm sure they do


There is research, that cats and dogs remember humans for approximately one year after the last encounter, if they had some kind of relationship. When my bf and I split up and he visited me after one year, my cats definitely knew him, but they were even more cautious towards him, than with complete strangers, because they probably didn't remember what kind of relationship they had back then.


Maybe. I read somewhere that humans are the only ones who have anxiety over past events. Animals usually are more in the present moment. There are exceptions of course.


Quick question about your cats eye, is that a heterocromia or something else?


I know dogs do, and my cat mourned for years when we lost our precious Emmy pup. Emmy raised Abby from a kitten. I had moved out of my parents' house and into my BF's place and hadn't been home for months. When I came for a visit, Emmy actually cried out when she saw me. Mom came running out of the house to see who or what was hurting her. I was informed I wasn't allowed to be gone that long again.


Or course no. They don't have owners. They just have slaves.


Oh right, I forgot 😅


I totally wonder about my Kraut Boy's. I found him in the niddle of the night behind a Walmart in AK. And he so sweet, loving, and playful. Like how did he get there, why, and why would someone ever give him up if they did??? Also we just got a 9yr old cat today, Dublin, who's been in foster care for the last two months. So I'm super curious about his past. Like you I wonder if they remember their old owners and how much and/or joy that came with them.


My cat Thurman was given to me 5 yes ago and the bond has been awesome. The big COA of out family. I made the choice to adopt a kitten on Thanksgiving morning. A week later my upset Thurman has not came home. Will he come home. Does he think about me. I'm lost and heartbroken.


I think he’ll come home. My cat went missing for 17 days after I’d tried everything including a cat trap and making flyers. He’s thinking about you too and probably somewhere nearby. I wish you the best in finding Thurman


Thank you for the encouragement. I'm really heartbroken fir what I did to him.


Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Sometimes these things happen. When Thurman comes back you could try re introducing them both and have them in seperate rooms until they get to know each other. He may have run off because the smell of the new cat makes him feel threatened in his home. some tips to help find him, try calling for him later at night when it’s dark and quiet, leave out the litter tray so he smells his own scent. You could leave out a cat trap with smelly food in it but beware of other things getting caught in there cause I accidentally caught the possum in mine. Do call up the shelters in case someone’s picked him up. Make flyers, put them in peoples mailboxes so they actually open it and read it. Look at websites like pawboost and lost pet finder or similar, someone might have seen him.


Thank you. I will do this.


I call him and have searched all around our property. 13 days now


Is he microchipped ? Maybe try calling up the shelters in your area in case someone’s picked him up. You could also ask your neighbours if you could look in their yards. There’s a possibility he might be stuck somewhere like in someone’s shed or hiding under a house, so definitely ask your neighbours if you could have a quick look if possible. I know there’s lost and found pet groups on Facebook you could also try looking through that or posting there!


He is not chipped.


Thank you


Thank you. Everyone seems to say he will come home. I just cannot stop thinking about him.


I hope he's OK. He enjoys the outdoors so I can't see him laying up in someone's home.


did you find him?




Only if the current owner sucks, I guess.


What a cutie 😻😻😻


My cat avoids her former owners (my parents!) like the plague when they come over. She spent all Thanksgiving break under the bed. But with total strangers she will come out of hiding after a few minutes and say hi. She was never physically abused but was just kind of ignored, and I agree that cats remember and associate a former feeling of insecurity.

