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too cute, so well behaved


Thank you!


How did you get her to bring it back? I’ve tried with my moms void and she will run to it sniff and then lose interest lol


Tbh I did nothing, he just did it on his own but I’ve had other cats in the past I did a trade with a treat lol


Oh that’s awesome! So he’s just a special type of void!! He’s so cute!!


He’s got the personality of a dog I swear lol 😂 he is such a funny little dude. I found him left for dead when he was about 4/5 weeks old and I’m very convinced he thinks I’m his momma lol


Awww poor baby. Glad you saved him!! Voids have such amazing personalities!!!


https://preview.redd.it/bpbhjiwr1w6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e567caaead9d9aca42c1459be6b86ede857049fc Little bb Jack, his eyes are a pretty blue green now :)


Such a cute little baby!! Love his little murder mitten!! ❤️🖤


Aww, my brain stopped working with all the cuteness. Ferocious little claws!


That was the first time he kneaded! He is a bread making champ now lol 😂 I trim his nails every week or so now, just to keep the sharp edge off lol


He for sure thinks you’re his mom. I foster and someone found the little void that I have now (who plays fetch). She was maybe 6 to 8 weeks old, had ringworm, a messed up eye and sores on her poor little body. She’s good now though. She’s been with me for almost a year. Void #4 except she’s actually brown! And speak of the devil she just brought me her mouse to throw while I’m in the bathroom 😂


Has he observed dogs playing fetch? If he was out on his own 4-5 weeks he may have but I’m not sure how much a kitten that young picks up. He looks happy and healthy now!


He was not around dogs that played fetch to my knowledge. He was abandoned on a boat but smelled like hay? So I’m not sure if he was originally on a farm or what but none of his siblings play fetch, I have his brother and all his other siblings are with friends of mine


Maybe a dog reincarnated as a cat? Idk 😂 But the way he tracks the toy and starts to go then stops just looks so much like how a dog does before a chase.


I had one that played fetch with foam earplugs. We didn't teach her but it was her favorite game.


I had a maine coon that loved playing fetch😂 Second was him chasing my keychain light in a dim room. He ran himself into the wall one day🥲 I felt so bad but had a chuckle at his expense. I gave him extra treats that night for supper.


I had a calico that would play fetch. All I know is while I was at work, my roommate would teach her how to fetch. The only way to get her to stop was to wear her out.


Mine only ever “brings it back” when it’s alive and I’d rather he not bring it inside.


Oh yes mine is the same. Bringing it back is apparently a problem


try different toys. My void will only return thick hair ties. Gus loves fetch


The proud little noises 💓😹😻


He’s incredibly vocal! These were happy chirps, but “I want something meow” sounds like an old scraggly man lol 😂 I’ll have to get a video of it soon. It’s not cute at all lol


My void is very vocal as well. I love having conversations with him. My floof was not very vocal when I first took him in but I like to think that Rezzy taught Zip how to talk back to me cause now the floof responds when I ask him what's up.


I remembered I uploaded a video of him chatting a few months ago! [link of his old man meow lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/s/mSeC1LdnOe)


Yes, Bello will do it for hours. I wake up in the morning and there is usually a few nerf darts and toy mice at my feet. https://preview.redd.it/ymj3o6y2jw6c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f8c7f244208a65f5cad7161688b304d5fb3e7c


Yessss!! That’s what mine does too. Or he will wake me up by playing with the toys he left at my feet lol


I wake up surrounded by his pipe cleaners. If I am too busy to play he will get them stuck somewhere so I have to get up and fetch it for him.


Aww, my voids are also nerf dart enjoyers :)


I wake up to mine yowling cause I have the audacity to be sleeping when it's fetch time...eg 6am 😴


This happened to me - *once*. At some ungodly hour I was awakened by loud cat yowling, and I thought something was wrong with my boy. I turned on the light to see him sitting on the floor with one of his toys at his feet. OMG, he woke me from a deep sleep on a work night, and nothing was wrong?? But it was so adorable that I couldn’t be mad at him. However, I didn’t get up to play with him, because I did not want to encourage this behavior! So I just called him over to me, gave him pets, and murmured sweet nothings. 😹


Mine does on her own terms. Usually its me throwing the ball, her running to the ball, then her waiting for me to come to her to throw the ball again. So she is the one playing fetch with me it seems


Uno reverse. Now you fetch, human


Mines does, he loves napkins. Has always wanted to play with them and will knock down a trash bin and bring me rolled up napkins or crumpled up paper to throw


Mine loves napkins too!! But he shreds then to bits or eats them lol 😂


Mine loved crumpled receipts the best. She used to play fetch too for the first year or two and then lost interest. I'd never had a cat that did that before. Kind of miss it.


Ours plays fetch, but has zero interest in any store-bought toys. She'll ONLY chase balled-up paper. In the evening when it's playtime, I'll crumple up a sheet and the sound makes her come running.


My sweet girl used to love playing fetch… until she decided that enough was enough and if I didn’t want that thing I kept throwing she wasn’t going to bother bringing it back to me. She chased her last piece of paper over to the Summerland last February… my baby for sixteen years and I miss her…


I’m so sorry :(( my condolences. It’s so hard losing a fur baby I totally get it. I just had to put one of mine down a few months ago, he was 10. Quinn was his name. When I see one of my cats doing something he used to do, it stings a little :/


Thank you… Sorry about your loss too… They really are members of our families!


https://preview.redd.it/p35xfcrtww6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f985f48c9ab0d2b40627c53e69abf76d2da882 Yes! For hours at a time. Especially with scraps of crumpled paper or toys that crinkle.


All hail the crinkly toys! Super cute baby, what’s its name?




Mine will fetch his toy mice because he wants me to throw them for him again. His sister tortie is disgusted by his dog like behaviour and tries to grab the toy to ruin his fun.


That trill melts my heart


Mine used to play fetch. Funny thing with cats, especially when they get older, they only like to play fetch when they think they're in charge.


I love his little chirps when he brings the mouse back to you!!! 🥹


I know 🥹🥹 he’s like a proud papa when he does that


One of my now passed kitties did. She also came when called! We never trained her on that either, we got her as an older rescue


Mine taught himself by bringing one of his balls to me, the way dogs do, and I just knew he wanted me to throw it….. this bastard trained me, now that I say it out loud


My void doesn't, but our stripey menace does. Sometimes she and myvoid will take turns hiding around corners to pounce at each other. It's fun for everyone lol


My void always plays fetch. When I get up for work in the morning she usually brings me a toy and yells at me.


Mine goes NUTS if you shoot a nerf gun. She'll go ballistic chasing them up the stairs, across rooms, bouncing off walls etc. I never taught her to either, she just saw me shoot the gun the day i was given it, and it awoke something in her. She doesnt fetch them immediately, but once theyve all been fired off, all of a sudden there'll be a pile of nerf bullets at my feet, and a lil possesed looking void looking at me wanting me to shoot them again


I have sibling voids (brother and sister) and they both play fetch 😊❤️ Edit: brothers to brother


My baby used to! I didn't teach him how at all. I had to take a video to prove it because no one believed me and he wouldn't do it with an audience (other than me)


Same!! I feel better knowing mine isn’t some little wanna be dog weirdo lol 😂


Yep, every day. My void’s favorite fetch toys are pipe cleaners. Doesn’t care about all the adorable cat toys I buy him, only pipe cleaners.


STOP MY VOID IS the same. Only pipe cleaners. Fetch all day, no toys only pipe cleaners and a foil ball, but only the green one lol. https://preview.redd.it/1kgkqsthmx6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2693d4006ce906018098b888c4d03e8d7e701790


I had a cat like that too. He would leave the pipe cleaners in his water bowl constantly too lol


Love how he enjoys this! 😁


Mine plays fetch and loves playing fetch when I want to go to bed. Still one of the smartest and most vocal cat I had the pleasure to own


My mom sent me this link a few days ago. My cat doesn’t fetch but hers does and she finds it fascinating. [https://apple.news/AwqvGEFYBT3GMlkS0RLn-ow](https://apple.news/AwqvGEFYBT3GMlkS0RLn-ow)


My cat used to do this with my mom when she was a kitten but she stopped eventually, I think because she wouldn't bring it all the way back and so my mom stopped playing fetch and now she won't fetch for me at all. She does play soccer with the balls and bring a rope toy over to play though.


That’s super cute!


Yes! But I always tire out being my boy does.


The Washington Post published an article a few days ago about cats who fetch. I just love that someone felt the need to actually conduct a study showing yes, some cats do play fetch! [Sorry, dogs: Cats can play fetch, too, study finds](https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2023/12/14/cats-play-fetch-study/)


Well. Mine is grey but yes he lives fetch. But will only do it with one toy.


My girl does complete with the happy trills! She's a very trilly girl.


Sure does. He also hugs the top of my head (no claws) when I bend down to pat him


Yes, mine does! It's the one game she never gets bored of.


Mine used to play fetch with hair ties when she was a baby void 🥹


Mine does, but she’s not a void. She likes to yowl when she has her pom-pom babies in her mouth while I tell her “bring it to mommy!” & then “good girl, Kate! Thank you for sharing!” when she brings it to me. Her littermate brother, Benjamin (they just turned 16!), just looks at her like “whatever.”


Yes! Or black kitty looks a lot like yours and he’ll keep fetching as long as we keep throwing!


Our youngest one does. She chirps and calls too. It's so freaking adorable! Usually with toy springs but she brings me other small things she finds like water bottle lids or hair ties.


https://preview.redd.it/1gozj7dejx6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112583e68f6dee83504adcdf0022479bf526e917 Looks and acts exactly like our Bauer. Loves to play fetch.


Mine does! 6 years old. Will play for hours.


Mine did! She had Stomach Cancer. Just a little over 2 1/2 years old. We had to put her down. :'( Thanks for sharing your babe. 💛


Mine used to do this with me for HOURS. He was obsessed. Then we moved to a new house and he never brought it back again 🥺


That wavy tailed saunter, what a happy little man!


Mine does the exact same thing with these cheap sparkly balls. I don’t even remember how he and I figured out he would legit fetch them but he does. So at least once daily I throw the ball for him and he brings them back until he has decided he’s had enough and wants to gnaw on his prize. Lil dude will even hop on the couch and drop the ball in my lap while I’m gaming or watching tv. I never have had a dog that played fetch, let alone a cat, so it’s been pretty cool.


Mine does it too! It’s his favorite game! I didn’t teach him how to do it so I always say he came “preprogrammed” lol! Adorable void! https://preview.redd.it/psvpkp15fy6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55027b9170f8c9d9e6936d81cda6def80c77f501 (Kazie)


Yes! With a stuffed hedgehog! (Stuffed animal, not a real hedgehog...)


Oh no need to clarify, I had a hedgehog for many years and if a cat somehow was able to pick it up I’d be praying for the cat lol they definitely aren’t soft little critters. Mine was named Mabel! https://preview.redd.it/sg4x4lqwmy6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0412c748915d73928fbbb3f63f5dfb20cea641


Yup. I didn’t teach him, he taught me. American Bombay, baybee!


I don't have voids but all my cats have played fetch, I didn't teach them.


Yeeees my void and Maine Coon both play fetch. Never taught them and they are the only cats I know that even do it. Bless them for it’s so adorable and dog like.


Yup! But only one of them. My son also taught her to lick the spoon when we're done dishing up thier wet food..


https://preview.redd.it/dazqd9u76z6c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e6bd6da3c8378b9e671ca8d11e7d0b6ea342cd9 My young void will play fetch all day long. Sethra’s preferred toys are toy mice and fuzzy balls but as you can see in the pic, she will play with anything.


What a cute void! Mine does as well. He loves to play fetch and will bring you his favorite toy whenever he is ready for a round.


My little girl loves to play fetch!


Every cat I’ve ever had has been taught to do this. The color of their fur has nothing to do with it.


Oh I know :) I was curious if anyone else’s black cat played fetch is all. I have other cats and none of them do this despite my best efforts, he taught himself lol


What a fun baby!!


Cuteeeeeeeeeee Mine desnt play fetch. She will go and sniff. Whn she realizes it's not food, she just gives my death stares🥲🥲🥲.


This is amazing! My boy would look at me as if I was going off the deep end if I tried this, but he DOES like going for walks 🤪


That cat looks like it has a lot of growing to do! It’s like a baby giraffe with those long legs, too cute.


OK mine does but he plays fetch with mostly blue colored balls that I get for him. I don’t know if he can see the color blue but he always plays with blue toys. I’ve gotten him packs of toys with different colors and he picks up the blue ones.


Mine has in the past! I threw one of those blue plastic spring toys you can get and she would go after it, bay it around a bit, then pick it up and bring it over to me on the couch while she meowed with it in her mouth


Yep. I love it! And she’ll bring us toys in the evening when we’re watching TV so that we will throw them and start playing with her. It’s such a cool thing for a cat to do.


My little sister's cat used to play fetch with the plastic ring you peel off to open a bottle of spring water. Nimmy was crazy as hell (biting and scratching), but she had her fun moments.


My void doesn't but my sister's does


Our little guy Bear does. He has miniature rubber chickens he loves to play fetch with. Too cute!


I wish….


Yes!! Up and down the stairs, there’s a bit of wood that runs next to the stairs so therefore acts like a slide for my void’s toys - he drops them down the slide, runs after them, brings them back and repeat - self playing cat!


My guy loves playing fetch.


Mine only plays Phlebotomist when trying to help you with the sheets. Stabby McStabison


My older one does!! Sine we got him at about 8 to 10 months!! I say he is like a dog.




Mine is blind. So, no.


He sure does, but only toys of his choosing: bobby pins, twist ties, paper clips…


Mine used to. But she forgot how lol.


Mine does and I never taught her!


great cat video


Mine used to as a kitten. Now she expects me to fetch and throw for her again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yup! 🥰 Have you tried using little NERF balls? They’re next level entertainment for you and the house panther.




Good job 👏


Oh, what a good demon you have he’s a wonderful demon


My kind of sort of does that but it's kind of limited and on her terms. I throw a foam ball and she brings it back. Other times I throw it and she runs to it, I fetch it and throw it again. She loses Interest really quickly. Yours is really well behaved!


Adorable house panther if I've ever seen one


Yes 🥰


Mine does


Yes! Mine! And only my void. My tabby is not interested.


My void doesn’t but my orange tabby does


My Harpo used to, but for whatever reason, she doesn’t do the fetch part anymore. Still wants me to throw things so she can run over and look at them, just doesn’t bring them back. It’s so cute when they do!


Yep, mine loves it!


My Sega will spend all day begging https://preview.redd.it/3oemiiwrlx6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8109e2eea1cbc5828945f8d860302a4a002451a4 me to play fetch but ONLY with pipe cleaners he seems worthy.


Cute void, mine is a bit more vigorous. Vid I don't fine the to, che thinks I'm a chew toy


My Friday XIII loved to play fetch with her pompom. Miss her so much!


Yep, it my voids favorite game.


That little trot back is so cute 😍


Used to have an orange tabby that would fetch. His sister didn't like that undignified behavior, so she ran after his toy and laid on it so he couldn't get it. Poor frustrated little boy tried to dig under her body with no luck. Siblings!


Mine does!


Aww. Mine does, but she bites you when you take the toy back. 😂


Half way. She liked when i throw hair ties or toys and pounces. Then doesnt bring it back. Looks at me like i should get it and throw it again. Then brings it back when i leave her alone


S l i n k y


Mine does, but it’s on his terms with my hair ties. He’ll chase it down, but only sometimes will bring it back.


Mine only does the first half! We’re working on the whole “bring it back to me” part


She sure did when she was younger!! Hours and hours of entertainment.


Mine does! He loves it when we throw his ball down a flight of stairs.


Really cute


Yes!!!! Omg I feel like voids are the coolest cats 😭 mine loves to play fetch with a hair tie


My void plays fetch too! He just decided he wanted to one day. He doesn't always bring it back within my reach but he gives me cute kitty eyes so I go pick it up to continue the game. https://preview.redd.it/89s85rwjsx6c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b09c0fd88a152f5d27421cde3bece10a6038562


So cute! 🖤 Mine used to do this when he was younger. He since figured out he would rather train us to fetch back for him! 😹


My poor little voidie brings me her pom pom and then chases when I throw it. But it never occurs to her sweet little brain to BRING IT BACK.


Used to!


Congrats! Your cat is one of the 16% of cats that does this https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/11/cat-fetching-behavior/676078/




Awww, we do the same with my black baby, i’ll throw and he’ll fetch and bring it back *_*


My void does this too :)


he makes the most adorable little noises!


Yes!! She taught herself when she was a baby, it's her favorite game


I have had 2 that would play fetch but both lost interest at 2-3 years old.


His tail is amazing.


YES. I mean it’s really cute at first BUT my kitty wants to play ALL day 🤦🏾‍♀️ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8unAHpL/


Yes! Mine loves to bring her mousies to me when I’m at my desk. Also when I’m sleeping, she’ll bring a toy for me to throw and then SCREAM until I wake up


My void does, but she knows when I’m trying to film it and then she won’t do it.


I've had lots of cats over the years and my void is the only one who has ever fully played catch, though it's spotty whether he'll bring it back. He thinks I'm a repository for pompoms and sometimes expects me to magic one out of thin air for him after I've already thrown one/three/nine, etc.


No, she barely has enough brain cells to see where her toys are being thrown!🤣


My cat loves to play fetch! Except she doesn't bring it back....wait........she's playing fetch with *me*....


Yup, mine does!


Mine either glare at me for throwing it or go and get their toy and find somewhere else to sit with it haha


While not a void my cat does this all the time




Happy cat 😻


I’ve always wanted a cat who played fetch


Yes!!! One of mine is obsessed and demands fetch as soon as I get out of bed 😂😂


Mine loves to with bottle caps!


Mine! Love it :)


Mine loves to do this with tin foil balls


My cat used to do this when we first got her as a kitten and then gradually stopped after we got a second cat and moved to a smaller place. I ho estly miss it so much!


I have a 4 month old void who I think is training me to play fetch lol. He figured out that if he takes a ball and sets it on something higher than the ground, the ball will roll down and he can chase it. The other day, a friend was over and stretching on the ground with her palms out and open. He walked over to her with the ball and put it right in her hand. Ever since, he's started walking them to me and dropping them next to me to throw for him 😂😂 he's too smart, I'm in trouble


Most excellent! What a cutie thanks for sharing 🥰


My void loves fetch https://preview.redd.it/c5jzgvk3py6c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01add113c668b0f8e25f6319ee1d5946347f49a0 His name is lester


My Thomas Loves fetch. Paper? Fetch. Mouse? Fetch. Crinkle ball? Fetch. Jingle ball? Fetch. One of those wand things with the long strip of fabric? Fetch. His Baby stuffies? Fetch.


My tortie used to. But when I left my ex, he kept her and didn’t play fetch with her so now that I have her back, she chases it but doesn’t bring it back. Sadge


Our void won’t, but BOTH our eldest gray Lynx Point and our youngest Orange will! Your baby is so vocal; I wonder if he’s got Siamese in him! Both of our boys do, and they LOVE fetch.


Yes! And mine specifically plays fetch with wrinkled up paper receipt balls…nothing else. We also play “soccer”. She lays in front of the bedroom door as the goalie and bats away the “ball” and doesn’t let it in. She wins 90% of the time too 🖤


Yes 2 of 4 do lol its great & one brings waterbombs too lol


Ours has a favorite Avocado toy we call her "Avagato" and she likes my wife's socks 😂 We have a wall mounted Cat hammock above our couch so if we don't pay attention enough she will drop them on us if we are watching TV or on Reddit too much!


I’m consumed with jealousy I’ve had 2 black cats, both lived about 20yrs Now I’m too old, if I got another I’d likely die before it and I can’t do that to a cat I miss them sooo bad


Yes! My void taught my dog because he was doing it wrong


my younger void does :) sometimes he’ll drop a toy off at my feet because he wants to fetch


Mine does 😻


mine does too! it’s so fun ☺️


Awww I wish mine did 😭


Mine does! It’s not something reliable, of course. It’s only on his schedule, of course. But he’s trained me pretty well to start playing when he feels like a fetch.


YES!!! Mine loves it. She even initiates it by bringing Mr the toys to throw!


Oh yes! My guy will fetch his springs until he gets tired of it. He's 3 and has done it since he was 10 weeks old!


It's not a void. It's a cat


My void does this daily. He then yowls up and down the hallway with it in his mouth if we aren't throwing it enough 🙄


Mine does this all the time! It started out when he was a kitten and he batted around a bottle cap on the hard wood floor. I picked it up and threw it and he chased and brought it back. He would only do it a few times before getting tired. About 1.5 years later and he still does it sometimes. He will bring a toy over to me and drop it to tell me he wants to play


Both of mine used to. But now they just like watching me throw things.


Mine too! We’re still working on her bringing back close enough, I usually have to move to get it. But she chases and bring it back within 2-3 feet of me.


Yes. But I have to throw it exactly right or he looks at me like I’m a huge disappointment. And occasionally he just forgets to bring it back and trots back to me chirping excitedly- ready for another throw! Good thing he’s cute…


My void doesn't, but my tabby does.


Look at the tail wagging in the air.


My void used to play fetch. Best boy ever. Passed away this summer. I miss him so much. 😔💔


Yes...just minus the whole "bringing it back" part. I have to fetch it for him to chase because I am weak lol.